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Ultimate Factions Befehle

a guest
Feb 13th, 2023
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  1. /faction help [page] - Help Command
  2. /faction create <name> - Creates a faction
  3. /faction join <faction> - Accepts an faction invite
  4. /faction leave - Leaves your faction
  5. /faction ignores - Opens a GUI with all of your ignored factions
  6. /faction ignore <faction> - Ignore the faction invites
  7. /faction unignore <faction> - Removes a faction from your ignores list
  8. /faction map - Shows a map of the surrounding chunks
  9. /faction mapsize <width> <height> - Change the size of the map
  10. /faction info [faction] - Shows your factions informations
  11. /faction playerinfo <player> - Shows information about the player
  12. /faction rename <name> - Sets a new name for your faction
  13. /faction description <description> - Changes your factions description
  14. /faction settings - Change some default values of your faction
  15. /faction invite <player> - Invites a player to your faction
  16. /faction uninvite <player> - Revoke an faction invite
  17. /faction chunksee - Shows the chunk border
  18. /faction claim - Claims a chunk
  19. /faction claimat <x> <z> - Claims a chunk at a specific position
  20. /faction unclaim - Unclaims a faction chunk
  21. /faction autoclaim - Claims a chunk while walking through it
  22. /faction chat - Toggle chatmode
  23. /faction setwarp <name> [password] - Sets a faction warp with optional password
  24. /faction warp <name> [password] - Teleport to the specific warp
  25. /faction warps
  26. /faction sethome [-f] - Sets your faction home
  27. /faction home - Teleports you to your faction home
  28. /faction ranks - Shows your factions ranks
  29. /faction setrank <player> - Sets a players faction rank
  30. /faction promote <player> - Promotes a player to the new faction leader
  31. /faction chest - Opens the faction chest
  32. /faction ally <faction> - Adds an faction to your ally
  33. /faction list - Opens a GUI with all factions
  34. /faction kick <player> - Kicks a player out of your faction
  35. /faction truce <faction> - Adds a faction to your truces
  36. /faction neutral <faction> - Removes any relations with a faction
  37. /faction bank - Shows your factions balance
  38. /faction deposit <amount> - Deposit money into the factions bank
  39. /faction withdraw <amount> - Withdraw money into the faction bank
  40. /faction upgrade - Upgrades your faction level
  41. /faction disband - Disbands your faction
  42. /faction safezone - Edit the safe-zone
  43. /faction warzone - Edit the war-zone
  44. /faction siege <faction> - Starts a siege
  45. /faction fly - Toggles fly mode inside your faction territory
  46. /faction fill - Fill any container with TNT out of your inventory
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