

Jul 5th, 2015
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  1. Character Sheet:
  3. Name: David
  5. Age: 17
  7. Physical Description: David is at a more average, if possibly short height at 5'9" for his age, but he is rather physically built. He's not overly so, but his years under his father's training and weeks in the woods has not made him a pushover either. He has scars across his chest, back, and legs from falling along cliffs throughout his life, even one across his head just barely being covered by his hair. He used to have a military cut before he was taken by the state, but now has let his blonde hair grow somewhat, but still short, just barely at his onyx eyes.
  9. Personality: David isn't used to being around others. Though he was never like his father and overly cruel. He could barely ever kill a rabbit when he was younger, but learned to overtime, but never stopped keeping a silent sorry in the back of his mind. At times he can seem distant, but can often overhear something someone else needs or wants and can disappear and return with it done or the item in hand.Many in school would forget he existed, but he never was dumb.
  11. Brief background about childhood/life: David was born to a young 20 year old college dropout and an aging vietnam war veteran. After the child his mother left them both, leaving him to the care of his father. Although his father meant well, he couldn't hold back the fact that he himself was both a drunk and at times rather paranoid. Ever since David was young enough, his father would take him to the forest and teach him how to survive. When David turned 13, during summer, he was given a pistol by his father along with a clip of rounds and told to survive in the forest for a month. Without using a round, David did what he could to survive and on the 30th day, fell on a rock and broke his leg. His father returning to get him the next day chastised him for falling, but noted he did well to survive. When David was 16, after another trip into the forest, David woke up to hear a gunshot and rushed out of his tent. His father had shot a man in the leg. The man was with his girlfriend and came out with her to camp in the same camp-ground they were using, but had surprised his father. His father was shaken, and deeply sorry, the man had surprised him and p-ut him in a PTSD flashback. Doing whatever he could to protect himself and his son he shot the man, but luckily missed and only hit his leg. The man however later had to have his leg amputated as the bullet cut off blood supply. Two days later he would be arrested, leaving David to the state. A year later David would be sent to this camp.
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