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Jun 12th, 2016
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  1. <-- Dethmasque ( has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
  2. <soooull> hey
  3. <soooull> guys im looking at the pi mobi site and its becoming more and more cicada like ish
  4. <Lurker69> sure
  5. <Lurker69> maybe they will learn to use outguess until 2017
  6. <soooull> the june first thing was actually very in depth
  7. <soooull> outguess is outdated though, why would they keep using the same encryption system
  8. <Lurker69> yeah and it was PGP signed, but it was taken down from 4vhan befpre anyone could screenshot it
  9. <brotherBox> because its only partially encryption soooull
  10. <brotherBox> its steganography, google the difference
  11. <soooull> Think about what complex said, what if cicada was actually compromised
  12. <soooull> Im just saying its a big possibility because they had the seek and you will be found a day before
  13. <brotherBox> thats debated actually
  14. <soooull> and the 2016 post was random, seems like someone else was given the liber primus and told to do something
  15. <Lurker69> they could still use PGP signature, evgen if all their account would be compromised, and if PGP private key would be stolen , cicad can still use its twitter and reddit and gmail
  16. <brotherBox> and imo its actually plausible that a determined troll was intentionally taking advantage of a situation
  17. <brotherBox> Lurker69: or reveal first-hand information
  18. <brotherBox> about the LP
  19. <brotherBox> in the absolute absolut worst case
  20. <Lurker69> and there is no proof that "seek and..." was in 314 video day before
  21. <sadimatsu> I love that 314 music though
  22. <sadimatsu> i was listening to it all the way to work in my car
  23. <sadimatsu> felt like hanibal lecter
  24. <brotherBox> sadimatsu: its haydn's requiem in c-minor
  25. <soooull> but its just the newest 314 music
  26. <brotherBox> mozarts version is far superior imo haha
  27. <sadimatsu> thank you .. shazam wasn't finding anything
  28. <soooull> its so complex and timed with primes its like who would even bother as a troll
  29. <brotherBox> soooull: but is it
  30. <soooull> hey im keeping my mind open because theres no leads but whatever
  31. <brotherBox> >flute descending chromatically at prime_timestamp
  32. <brotherBox> okay, now what
  33. <brotherBox> chromatic flows arent very common but they happen
  34. <brotherBox> and its unfair at best to assign any meaning to that, bullshit at worst
  35. <soooull> I just realized ive been playing overwatch a long time
  36. <soooull> its 4 in the morning
  37. <brotherBox> i could take any motive at any prime timestamp, and believe me i would find one. would it have meaning as well, even though it might not have been intended?
  38. <brotherBox> if you accept just anything you are bound to eventually run into contradictory claims that you cannot transparently resolve
  39. <brotherBox> i really like to avoid that ;)
  40. <soooull> !wa 601
  41. <TaiiwoBot> 601
  42. <TaiiwoBot> six hundred one
  43. <TaiiwoBot> DCI
  44. <TaiiwoBot> 1001011001_2
  45. <TaiiwoBot> 601 is a prime number.
  46. <TaiiwoBot> More:
  47. <Lurker69> is just using cicadas name for advertizing their puzzle, I dont think that this is bad, and I like their music, but i dont like that they insist that they are real deal
  48. <Lurker69> they could at least claim that they are brood OH and openly admit they dont have access to original PGP key
  49. <brotherBox> Lurker69: they dont. in fact they never actually stated they are cicada i believe
  50. <Lurker69> they sign their messages with 3301
  51. <brotherBox> oh, do they
  52. <soooull> true ^
  53. <brotherBox> then i take that back
  54. <soooull> they've said 3301
  55. <brotherBox> then fuck them hard
  56. <soooull> guys want to make our own arg
  57. <brotherBox> as they are openly disingenuous and piggybacking
  58. <sadimatsu> i dont' see mozart's version
  59. <Lurker69> i think this was first plack message
  60. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Image of: night sky(45%) sport(26%) ^
  61. <Lurker69> black*
  62. <soooull> yeah
  63. <brotherBox>
  64. <TaiiwoBot> ^ W. A. Mozart - Requiem (fantastic performance) [Arsys Bourgogne] [HD] - YouTube ^
  65. <brotherBox> not my favourite version (i might upload my favourite one sometime) but its okay
  66. <brotherBox> still a bit too fast, especially introitus needs to be played slowly
  67. <Lurker69> this might be oldest thread on /x/
  68. <sadimatsu> The in C minor for mixed chorus was written by in 1815 and premiered 21 January 1816 at a commemoration service for on the twenty-third anniversary of his beheading during the
  69. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Requiem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ^
  70. <sadimatsu> holy shit.. i didn't know that
  71. <-- Hexed_ (8e724a98@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  72. <ether8unny_> im pretty sure there was a jan 2 set of threads
  73. <sadimatsu> man i don't know..i like haydn version better so far
  74. <sadimatsu> they are different songs. why are they called the same thing
  75. <brotherBox> blasphemy
  76. <sadimatsu> lol
  77. <brotherBox> sadimatsu: its the same basis, the catholic death mass
  78. <sadimatsu> it's for teh dead?
  79. <brotherBox> >requiem aeternam dona eis domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis
  80. <brotherBox> yes it is
  81. <sadimatsu> rest eternal, grant them, Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them
  82. <sadimatsu> interesting
  83. <brotherBox> grant them eternal rest, lord, and may eternal light be shone upon them
  84. <brotherBox> its how i would translate it
  85. <brotherBox> luceat is conjunctive
  86. <sadimatsu> thanks
  87. <sadimatsu> premiered 21 January 1816 at a commemoration service for on the twenty-third anniversary of his beheading during the why would you want a guy who you just beheaded to rest ?
  88. <sadimatsu> lol
  89. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Louis XVI of France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ^
  90. <brotherBox> so that he doesnt come back
  91. <sadimatsu> lol
  92. <sadimatsu> i guess
  93. <sadimatsu> dark tone for 314
  94. <sadimatsu> and
  95. <brotherBox> cicada has never been one that rips off music
  96. <Lurker69> bach
  97. <brotherBox> hm
  98. <brotherBox> good point
  99. <brotherBox> in any case, i believe they just took the audio from this video:
  100. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Michael Haydn Requiem C minor Finnish RSO, A Mustonen - YouTube ^
  101. <brotherBox> note how both videos are haydn's requiem in c-minor and both are *exactly* 42:44 long
  102. <sadimatsu> jep
  103. <ether8unny_> and lack pgp
  104. <ether8unny_> or creative effort
  105. <sadimatsu> i think it's fake too.. but it's a nice attempt
  106. <sadimatsu> and who knoows.. maybe 3302 is just as good :D
  107. <brotherBox> even the most pedantic conductors probably wont ever conduct the same piece exact to a second
  108. <ether8unny_> its a total shite attempt
  109. <sadimatsu> lol
  110. <Lurker69> > The mp3 file is a segment of Bach's Trio Sonata in G Major (BWV 1039). from wikia
  111. <Lurker69> i read somewhere that this is incorrect that it was sonata 1033
  112. <brotherBox> >not toccata and fugue
  113. <brotherBox> what bach plebs
  114. <Lurker69> and that there is some accusation that sonata 1033 was not written by bach but that he copied it from somewhere
  115. <ether8unny_> yeah ive read that aws well
  116. <brotherBox> damn i love requiem so much ;_;
  117. <Lurker69> it was on clevcode:
  118. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Cicada 3301 – ClevCode ^
  119. <ether8unny_> thats right
  120. <Lurker69> >Menuet 1 – Menuet 2 Jeanne Swack notes that the first menuet "is related to the first in a set of variations in a concerto for oboe, obligato cembalo and doubling cello by the Merseburg composer Christoph Förster"; this suggests that the movements of BWV 1033 "may have had a disparate origin, as does the sudden appearance of an obbligato cembalo part solely for that movement."[1]
  121. <Lurker69>,_BWV_1033
  122. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Flute Sonata in C major, BWV 1033 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ^
  123. <Lurker69> i dont understand that actually
  124. <sadimatsu> wo
  125. <Lurker69> sound like part of VX module text to me
  126. <brotherBox> whats not to understand
  127. <brotherBox> some shit sounds or looks like some other shit
  128. <Lurker69> >as does the sudden appearance of an obbligato cembalo part solely for that movement.
  129. <Lurker69> i dont really know what is movement in musical sense
  130. <brotherBox> >A unit of a larger work that may stand by itself as a complete composition. Such divisions are usually self-contained. Most often the sequence of movements is arranged fast-slow-fast or in some other order that provides contrast.
  131. <brotherBox> tl;dr self-contained section
  132. <Lurker69> ok thx
  133. <Lurker69> i am back to reading VXJunkies now
  134. <Lurker69> >Listen, if you want to retain any of the down quarks in your fingers, and trust me you do, DO NOT touch the oscillation eigenscanner while it is in upspin. Drop the petawatt switch to "slack" to reenervate the parametric bushings next to the T5x card slot that your magmatic decoupler SHOULD HAVE been in. Once your rig has reached a (relatively) safe metastable ion reuptake state, run a Dbc-25 jumper cable from pins 2, 4, and 113 to ground. This will minimize spectral leakage and should prevent sidefumbling. Next time, read the Orange Notebook and make sure you have the right gear before subjecting your whole block to ULF Theta waves.
  135. <brotherBox> ol
  136. <sadimatsu> lol
  137. <sadimatsu> well.. time go to bed
  138. <sadimatsu> nice meeting you guys.
  139. <sadimatsu> learned a bunch
  140. <brotherBox> good night
  141. <-- sadimatsu ( has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
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  153. * Topic for #cicadasolvers is "2016: | PLEASE READ: | FORUM: | RUNE ANALYSER: | WIKI: | | Liber Primus: | sometimes you cross the wrong Fräulein"
  154. * Topic set by iIIustrious!~iIIustrio@unaffiliated/iiiustrious on 2016-06-09 01:28:09 UTC
  155. [ChanServ] Please read the topic and wiki before asking any questions.
  156. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +nt by
  157. * Channel #cicadasolvers created on 2013-12-30 21:37:57 UTC
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  159. --> Killjoy (~Kj@unaffiliated/personalkilljoy) has joined #cicadasolvers
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  163. <-> You are now known as Lurker69
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  198. <Lurker69>
  199. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Image of: google(64%) ^
  200. <-- absof25 (~abs25@unaffiliated/abs25) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.5)
  201. <ether8unny_> nice find Lurker69, im sure the pi mobi guys would it that shite up
  202. <ether8unny_> like its rainbow sorbet
  203. <ether8unny_> with lil candied sprinkles on top
  204. <ether8unny_> and a cherry
  205. <ether8unny_> maybe whipped cream.
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  209. <-> op is now known as onon
  210. --> Killjoy (~Kj@unaffiliated/personalkilljoy) has joined #cicadasolvers
  211. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +o Killjoy by ChanServ
  212. <onon> cicada confirmed for aliens
  213. <Chronium> :O
  214. --> xXx_ndiddy_xXx ( has joined #cicadasolvers
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  222. <onon>
  223. <TaiiwoBot> ^ The Cicada 3301 Mystery - Spy Recruitment or Aliens?, page 1 ^
  224. <Lurker69> >I suspect this is from our friends in the sceret space program. These people are recruiting these smart people to at a later date"beam them up" to the orbiting ships.
  225. <brotherBox> No.
  226. <Lurker69>
  227. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Image of: person(99%) ^
  228. <Lurker69> in #cicadian we have crop circle enthusiast
  229. --> sadimatsu ( has joined #cicadasolvers
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  239. <binarez_>
  240. <TaiiwoBot> ^ ^
  241. <brotherBox> binarez_: your post was caught by auto-moderator, i manually approved it
  242. <brotherBox> sorry for that
  243. <binarez_> Thanks!
  244. <sadimatsu> great post
  245. --> Dethmasque ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  246. <-- Dethmasque ( has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  247. <brotherBox> binarez_: i responded
  248. --> NoOneShEre (dabf85e7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
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  257. --> binarez_ (183249b3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  258. <binarez_> thanks
  259. --> Killjoy_ (~Kj@unaffiliated/personalkilljoy) has joined #cicadasolvers
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  271. <sadimatsu> so how do you pull the GPS data from the mobi music file?
  272. <brotherBox> try an EXIF reader
  273. <sadimatsu> thanks
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  287. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +o cluosh by ChanServ
  288. <binarez_> I don't have time to do it now but if someone wants to work on this thing... I think we need to try this approach ( on this reordered hash (
  289. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Sorry guys, there is no tor site that hashes to 36367763ab73783c7af284446c59466b4cd653239a311cb7116d4618dee09a8425893dc7500b464fdaf1672d7bef5e891c6e22 ^
  290. <binarez_> It's a long shot but worth a try (maybe!)
  291. <brotherBox> >every valid tor address
  292. <brotherBox> that list would be 340282366920938463463374607431768211456 byte long
  293. <brotherBox> *16
  294. <sadimatsu> how can you find every onion address?
  295. <binarez_> I don't know!
  296. <binarez_> brotherBox: yeah I don't think we can hash the whole domain space. we need a list.
  297. <binarez_> OR we need to find a pattern in the onion URL so far
  298. <binarez_> OR we can deduce it from the Liber Primus text itself and the hash is just a confirmation.
  299. <binarez_> gotta go, sorry. bbl.
  300. <binarez_> OR we need to find a pattern in the onion URL so far => I meant the onion URLs used by Cicada up to now.
  301. <cluosh> it's not like you can choose how you want your onion url to look like
  302. <cluosh> i mean yes, to a certain degree
  303. <cluosh> but not to a degree where you'd be able to hide a pattern within the address
  304. <sadimatsu> WITHIN THE DEEP WEB TH ERE EXISTS A PAGE THAT HA SHES TO: 36367763ab73783c7af284446c 59466b4cd653239a311cb7116 d4618dee09a8425893dc7500b 464fdaf1672d7bef5e891c6e227 4568926a49fb4f45132c2a8b4
  305. <sadimatsu> so im guessing you have to hash the whole site and not just the address
  306. <-- IntriguedSoul (~Intrigued@ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
  307. <brotherBox> cluosh: hi
  308. --> IntriguedSoul (~Intrigued@ has joined #cicadasolvers
  309. <brotherBox> do you mind giving me another rundown on how to actually decrypt the page you decrypted
  310. <cluosh> yo bbox
  311. <cluosh> sure
  312. <cluosh> i should've made a writeup back then lol
  313. <brotherBox> where though :(
  314. <cluosh> no i mean
  315. <cluosh> i should've
  316. <cluosh> i didn't lol
  317. <brotherBox> oh
  318. <brotherBox> lol
  319. <cluosh> so what i remember without looking at the pages is
  320. <cluosh> using the positions of the runes (0-29)
  321. <cluosh> and shift the position by the primes - 1
  322. <cluosh> not sure whether it started with 0 or 1
  323. <cluosh> and not sure, whether you'd have to add the shift or subtract it
  324. <cluosh> but hold on, I'll look at the page
  325. <brotherBox> im doing dishes right now anyway so take your time
  326. --> Dethmasque ( has joined #cicadasolvers
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  329. <pawlactb> sadimastu: we could brute force every tor address
  330. <pawlactb> that would take a while thoguh
  331. <pawlactb> **though
  332. <brotherBox> i calculated 1.5 months at 100 quintillion tries/s i believe
  333. <cluosh> brotherBox: what if we only check those which have actually been online at some point?
  334. <cluosh> (if there's a list of that)
  335. <brotherBox> you cant prove that after the fact though
  336. <-- abs25 (~abs25@unaffiliated/abs25) has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
  337. <cluosh> brotherBox:
  338. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet ^
  339. <cluosh> I'll take a walk, after that i'll see what i remember about the Fs
  340. <cluosh> okay, it's raining lol
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  347. --> LordxQuas (ac3a1975@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  348. <Chronium> brotherBox: Is machine code excluded from Liber Primus? xD
  349. <Chronium> What if some pages are some machine code for like the z80 that decodes other pages?
  350. --> binarez_ ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  351. <-- LordxQuas (ac3a1975@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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  353. <dude12312414> need a primegen
  354. <-- cluosh ( has left #cicadasolvers
  355. --> Chronos (~Chronium@ has joined #cicadasolvers
  356. <-- Chronium (~Chronium@unaffiliated/chronium) has quit (Disconnected by services)
  357. <-> Chronos is now known as Chronium
  358. <-- Chronium (~Chronium@ has quit (Changing host)
  359. --> Chronium (~Chronium@unaffiliated/chronium) has joined #cicadasolvers
  360. <-- IntriguedSoul (~Intrigued@ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
  361. <-- sadimatsu ( has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  362. <-> indigochild is now known as foaas
  363. <-- epitron (~epitron@unaffiliated/epitron) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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  366. <-- Dethmasque ( has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  367. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +o Lurker69 by foaas
  368. *** Mode #cicadasolvers -b *!*~343373@unaffiliated/343373/x-3874142 by Lurker69
  369. *** Mode #cicadasolvers -b Fu-Xi!*@* by Lurker69
  370. --> epitron (~epitron@unaffiliated/epitron) has joined #cicadasolvers
  371. <dude12312414> got a primegen
  372. <brotherBox> ok
  373. <dude12312414> Yamman, Youh Bethe Believet
  374. <brotherBox> what are you, jamaican
  375. <dude12312414> wagwan
  376. <brotherBox> wot
  377. --> cluosh ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  378. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +o cluosh by ChanServ
  379. --> Dethmasque ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  380. <dude12312414>
  381. <dude12312414>
  382. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Urban Dictionary: wagwan ^
  383. <brotherBox>
  384. <TaiiwoBot> ^ WARNING From GOD: Destruction of USA, Signs of RAPTURE - YouTube ^
  385. <-- Dethmasque ( has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  386. - {Day changed to 12. junij 2016}
  387. --> IntriguedSoul (~Intrigued@ has joined #cicadasolvers
  388. --> glyphxd (82ccca0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  389. <glyphxd> xdddddd
  390. <Chronium> brotherBox: Give me a steak now!
  391. <glyphxd> give me a meme now!
  392. <Chronium> glyphxd: Here is a rare Pepe for you:
  393. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Image of: drawing(40%) illustration(33%) cartoon(31%) photoshop(26%) ^
  394. <Chronium> Oh wow, TaiiwoBot nailed it
  395. <glyphxd> thanks
  396. <brotherBox> Chronium: suck my massive cock you faglord
  397. <glyphxd> I can send you a super rare simpsons meme
  398. <Chronium> brotherBox: y u do dat?
  399. <Chronium> :(
  400. <brotherBox> im not your bitch
  401. <Chronium> But why?
  402. <Chronium> I can give you a nice salary
  403. <glyphxd>
  404. <brotherBox> i dont want salary
  405. <glyphxd> here
  406. <glyphxd> enjoy this super rare one of a kind
  407. <glyphxd> meme
  408. <Chronium> Interesting
  409. <brotherBox> dank
  410. <-- glyphxd (82ccca0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  411. <-- Totry_ (~Totry@unaffiliated/totry) has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  412. <-- Chronium (~Chronium@unaffiliated/chronium) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  413. --> bigfuxer (~bugfixer@unaffiliated/hoagie) has joined #cicadasolvers
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  416. <-- Killjoy_ (~Kj@unaffiliated/personalkilljoy) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  417. --> Lurker69 (~Ident@unaffiliated/lurker69) has joined #cicadasolvers
  418. * Topic for #cicadasolvers is "2016: | PLEASE READ: | FORUM: | RUNE ANALYSER: | WIKI: | | Liber Primus: | sometimes you cross the wrong Fräulein"
  419. * Topic set by iIIustrious!~iIIustrio@unaffiliated/iiiustrious on 2016-06-09 01:28:11 UTC
  420. [ChanServ] Please read the topic and wiki before asking any questions.
  421. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +nt by
  422. * Channel #cicadasolvers created on 2013-12-30 21:37:57 UTC
  423. <brotherBox> hi guys
  424. - {Day changed to 11. junij 2016}
  425. --> Lurker69 (~Ident@unaffiliated/lurker69) has joined #cicadasolvers
  426. * Topic for #cicadasolvers is "2016: | PLEASE READ: | FORUM: | RUNE ANALYSER: | WIKI: | | Liber Primus: | sometimes you cross the wrong Fräulein"
  427. * Topic set by iIIustrious!~iIIustrio@unaffiliated/iiiustrious on 2016-06-09 01:28:09 UTC
  428. [ChanServ] Please read the topic and wiki before asking any questions.
  429. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +nt by
  430. * Channel #cicadasolvers created on 2013-12-30 21:37:57 UTC
  431. <IntriguedSoul> Hey bro
  432. <brotherBox> i coded AN THING
  433. <brotherBox> something that attempts decryptions based on a sequence or a key
  434. <brotherBox> 10 million in 15s
  435. --> binarez_ ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  436. <-- Locksley (4df3b75b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  437. <-- IntriguedSoul (~Intrigued@ has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  438. --> juicebox ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  439. <-- VBFH (~VBFH@unaffiliated/vbfh) has quit (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
  440. <-- juicebox ( has quit (Client Quit)
  441. <-- dude12312414 (None@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-afrekzxduxzdatmy) has quit (Quit: Segmentation fault: 11)
  442. --> crashdemons (~is@unaffiliated/crashdemons) has joined #cicadasolvers
  443. --> dude12312414 (None@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-hcoihmwaxusnjhpu) has joined #cicadasolvers
  444. --> siqA (33abaeb1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  445. <siqA> Hello.
  446. <brotherBox> hi
  447. <-- siqA (33abaeb1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
  448. <brotherBox> nigga
  449. <cluosh> hahaha
  450. --> anon6663 (~mail@ has joined #cicadasolvers
  451. <anon6663> ya
  452. <brotherBox> hi
  453. <anon6663> dude, can you do me a thing?
  454. <anon6663> i lost a bet to some chump on the internet
  455. <brotherBox> depends on what it is
  456. <anon6663> said to me that i should go to this channel and advertise this shit, damn
  457. <anon6663> jackass.
  458. <brotherBox> Well
  459. <brotherBox> we dont really advertise anything here
  460. <anon6663> oh well, guy said to advertise his ftp server
  461. <brotherBox> and i believe your bet is made up because that is an oddly peculiar thing to do in case you lose
  462. <anon6663>
  463. <-- anon6663 (~mail@ has quit (Client Quit)
  464. <brotherBox> lmao that was probably a bot anyway
  465. --> hecliunyx ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  466. <-- binarez_ ( has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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  468. --> binarez_ ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  469. <-- sadimatsu ( has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  470. --> The_Doctor1321 (403edb98@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  471. <The_Doctor1321> Stupid Wankers....
  472. <The_Doctor1321> Oh uh, Wrong Channel
  473. <brotherBox> its not a nice thing to say in any channel
  474. <The_Doctor1321> Oi? those guys at #Trolls suck
  475. <The_Doctor1321> Oh well, Whatever
  476. <-- The_Doctor1321 (403edb98@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #cicadasolvers
  477. <brotherBox> what a peculiar chap
  478. --> Dethmasque ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  479. --> Nickel (b3d0718c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  480. <Nickel> Ya, about that bet i told ya
  481. <Nickel> that is true legit
  482. <Nickel> i got a log
  483. <brotherBox> yeah im not interested in hearing
  484. <Nickel> brother, dude
  485. <brotherBox> because we're not advertising any wad ftp
  486. <brotherBox> we're not even remotely doom related
  487. <Nickel> oh well, a'ight
  488. <Nickel> <Oldcpv3>: Man, Advertise My Server, Plzzzzz <Nickel>: Why should i <Oldcpv3>: I'll show u how to do a MC Server <Nickel>: k
  489. <brotherBox> what
  490. <Nickel> Oh uh so
  491. <brotherBox> wait
  492. <Nickel> the guy said me to advertise it
  493. <brotherBox> i dont know if you have ever been here
  494. <Nickel> he said to advertise here
  495. <brotherBox> but please take this as thorough and honest advice
  496. <brotherBox> oldcpv3 is a known troll and he is not worth spending your time on, let alone do anything he says you should do
  497. <Nickel> Oldcpv3 is a Troll? lol
  498. <brotherBox> when he got banned here he spammed me via query
  499. <Nickel> search his name on google, he's fucking everywhere
  500. <-- cluosh ( has left #cicadasolvers
  501. <-- Dethmasque ( has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  502. <brotherBox> let me find it
  503. <Nickel> that's a unique nick, xP
  504. <brotherBox>
  505. <brotherBox> its just an excerpt
  506. <Nickel> uh huh
  507. <Nickel> where did ya get that stuff?
  508. <brotherBox> thats what he sent me
  509. <brotherBox> and my client logs
  510. <Nickel> Yea man, but me would really like to know how to make a hamachi mc server
  511. <Nickel> well whatever, then.
  512. <brotherBox> i fear I can't help you with this, but its probably on google
  513. <brotherBox> seeing how both hamachi and minecraft are pretty well known
  514. <brotherBox> and you're probably not the first person with that goal
  515. <Nickel> even, the wiki isn't straightfoward
  516. <Nickel> btw, you got some other logs on him?
  517. <brotherBox> I log everything from this channel and my query but I'm not going to give out more than what I gave
  518. <Nickel> uh huh
  519. <brotherBox> i shouldnt expose everything he ever said, but for proving my point of him being a retard i feel the portion i shared was sufficient
  520. <brotherBox> or are you not convinced lol
  521. <Nickel> nah, it's ok
  522. <Nickel> talking about him with a friend
  523. <Nickel> whatever then
  524. <Nickel> see ya
  525. <brotherBox> take care
  526. <ether8unny_> hmmm... i wonder if he's ever heard of slo loris.
  527. <-> ether8unny_ is now known as ether8unny
  528. --> jake1702_ (jake1702_@ has joined #cicadasolvers
  529. <ether8unny> bigfuxer
  530. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +o brotherBox by blingbat
  531. <brotherBox> thank fam
  532. <-- ether8unny ( has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
  533. <Nickel> yo jake
  534. --> ether8unny ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  535. <brotherBox> wb
  536. <ether8unny> thanks. you should unban my brother8ox nick now that youre an op again
  537. <brotherBox> no
  538. <brotherBox> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  539. <Nickel> jake?
  540. <ether8unny> you're an ass eater.
  541. <Nickel> uhh, so, about what i told ya
  542. <jake1702_> what?
  543. <brotherBox> ether8unny: iam
  544. <brotherBox> sue me for eating too much ass
  545. <-> jake1702_ is now known as Jake1702
  546. <-> ether8unny is now known as nickelprease
  547. <-> nickelprease is now known as nickerprease
  548. <brotherBox> das birdhouse
  549. <-> Nickel is now known as Nicke
  550. <nickerprease> total birdhouse, yo
  551. <-> Nicke is now known as Nickel
  552. <Nickel> a
  553. <-> brotherBox is now known as niggabyte
  554. <Jake1702> LOL
  555. <-> nickerprease is now known as brotherbox
  556. <brotherbox> :)
  557. <onon> inb4 kill
  558. <niggabyte> brotherbox: please renick
  559. <-> brotherbox is now known as registerednick
  560. <-> niggabyte is now known as brotherBox
  561. <brotherBox> onon: i thought i try to be a bit more amicable in the future
  562. <brotherBox> and not outright kill your connection
  563. <onon> why
  564. <onon> I like it rough
  565. <brotherBox> i know you do you slut
  566. <registerednick> because he's terminal and wants to go out smoothly
  567. <onon> how dare you
  568. <brotherBox> in a way thats true
  569. <onon> for all of us
  570. <registerednick> some of us are terminal. others are shells.
  571. <brotherBox> i just seem to have a bit more knowledge of the circumstances that await me until that sacred moment
  572. <Jake1702> say what now
  573. <registerednick> what now...
  574. <onon> you heard the man
  575. <onon> brb switching dimensions
  576. <brotherBox> no
  577. <brotherBox> no 420 onon
  578. <registerednick> my dick smells like curry.
  579. <onon> it's my last
  580. <brotherBox> registerednick: because you're gf is indian
  581. <Jake1702> i like curry xD
  582. <registerednick> true.
  583. --> sadimatsu ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  584. <brotherBox> hi
  585. <registerednick> not as hi as i am
  586. <onon> my dicks smells like other dicks
  587. <onon> *dick
  588. <-- Nickel (b3d0718c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  589. <registerednick> onon you have a dick?
  590. <Jake1702> how would you know what dicks smell like
  591. <registerednick> i thought you had tits.
  592. <brotherBox> onon has space tits
  593. <brotherBox> meta mammaries
  594. --> Dime_ (403edba4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  595. <brotherBox> hi
  596. <Dime_> Ya niggerz
  597. <Jake1702> u guys prefer windows 7, 8, or 10?
  598. <Dime_> Win 7 man
  599. <brotherBox> GNU/Linux
  600. <Dime_> Damn dog, linox?
  601. <Dime_> that thing sux
  602. <Dime_> tux go sux my cox
  603. <Jake1702> I prefer linux over Windows too but I use windows 7
  604. <brotherBox> actually it doesnt
  605. <Dime_> gotta have root access 2 everything
  606. <brotherBox> never used win10 but i dont hear that it blows anyone away
  607. <Jake1702> root is like admin on windows
  608. <Dime_> even, it sucks
  609. <Jake1702> No, you need to use a good version
  610. <Dime_> gotta do everything on terminal
  611. <Jake1702> what? no
  612. <Jake1702> use Ubuntu or Zorin
  613. <brotherBox> Dime_: so what
  614. <Jake1702> Zorin looks similar to Windows
  615. <Dime_> i got a friend who uses kurumin
  616. <brotherBox> i have irc on terminal and do almost everything i do on a terminal
  617. <brotherBox> so comfy
  618. <Jake1702> Even though I prefer command line stuff
  619. <Dime_> irssi is good
  620. <Dime_> i tested it
  621. <Dime_> it works
  622. <Jake1702> So I like Arch Linux a lot
  623. <brotherBox> weechat master race
  624. <Dime_> i knew a guy who used CentOS to make Basic things
  625. <Dime_> he was complaining over at forums because his crap didn't work
  626. <Jake1702> CentOS runs Minecraft servers, it's the most common use of it these days
  627. <brotherBox> >not running mc server on gentoo
  628. <Dime_> Not just mc man
  629. <Dime_> it runs apache too
  630. <brotherBox> do you even mind your GNU/Freedoms
  631. <Jake1702> Can't think of anything else I used CentOS for
  632. <Dime_> i prefer windows
  633. <brotherBox> not a big fan of CentOS
  634. <Dime_> i host my crap there
  635. <Jake1702> Many servers run Ubuntu server though
  636. <brotherBox> >hosting on windows
  637. <brotherBox> lmao
  638. <Jake1702> Lol
  639. <Jake1702> Remove the gui and fine
  640. <Jake1702> but Windows uses way to many resources
  641. <brotherBox> windows shell is cancer though
  642. <Dime_> yea, since 9x is that way
  643. <Dime_> with that "integrated shell"
  644. <Dime_> with ie 4
  645. <Jake1702> Well, I like how it looks, but the gui alone takes a whole bunch of resources to run
  646. <Dime_> like aero, that sucks a lot
  647. <Jake1702> Hey, at least it's not as bad as Mac
  648. <brotherBox> install Gentoo
  649. <Dime_> just use classic theme
  650. <Dime_> aero sucks much resources
  651. <Jake1702> Gentoo is good, but not that popular these days
  652. <Jake1702> Most Linux users run Ubuntu
  653. <Dime_> but still, my left mouse don't work on linux
  654. <Dime_> idk why
  655. <Dime_> maybe that happens with other ppl?
  656. <Dime_> let me look
  657. <Jake1702> Because your computer sucks
  658. <Dime_> wait, it does
  659. <brotherBox> check your X logs
  660. <Dime_> check this dude
  661. <Dime_>
  662. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Left Mouse Laptop click Doesn`t work - CentOS ^
  663. <Dime_> some poor guy with this problem
  664. -*- Jake1702 slaps Dime_ around a bit with a large trout
  665. <Jake1702> Well
  666. <Jake1702> Use a different version
  667. <Dime_> i tried
  668. <Dime_> debian won't boot
  669. <Dime_> but gparted does
  670. <Dime_> so me has no idea
  671. <Jake1702> PCs that came with Windows 10 need Linux drivers to be Microsoft signed TO RUN LINUX
  672. <Jake1702> like wtf
  673. <brotherBox> are you serious
  674. <Jake1702> who?
  675. <Dime_> srsly, new pcs come with "secure boot"
  676. <brotherBox> >PCs that came with Windows 10 need Linux drivers to be Microsoft signed TO RUN LINUX
  677. <brotherBox> well you can disable tht
  678. <brotherBox> *that
  679. <Dime_> i know
  680. <brotherBox> which i do
  681. <Dime_> my pc came with win 8
  682. <Jake1702> The last sane version of windows was Windows 7
  683. <Dime_> hated it, then got win 7
  684. <Jake1702> well you need to use powershell to disable it
  685. <brotherBox> win7 is last sane, but already 7 years old :(
  686. <Jake1702> which is a hassle
  687. <Jake1702> Unfortunately
  688. <brotherBox> RIP windows
  689. <Jake1702> Still 4 more years of support at least
  690. <Jake1702> Vista loses support next year
  691. <brotherBox> vista should be purged from every storage in this world
  692. <Jake1702> and after Microsoft said Windows 10 would be the last version of windows
  693. <-- binarez_ ( has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  694. <Jake1702> well idk what will happen
  695. <Dime_> Maybe it will be?
  696. <brotherBox> because they're tired of competing with themselves
  697. <Dime_> Then everyone changes to Linux.
  698. <Jake1702> lol I hate Vista but my school uses it
  699. <Dime_> even my os written in sharp is better
  700. <Jake1702> even Chrome no longer supports Vista
  701. <brotherBox> well if you notice, a lot of control of the system has been removed from the user
  702. <brotherBox> shit like unrequested upgrades to 10 from 8
  703. <Jake1702> Thats why Linux is the best
  704. <brotherBox> linux doesnt force you to do shit
  705. <Jake1702> you can control almost anything
  706. <Dime_> oh well, i got rid of gwx
  707. <brotherBox> if you cant change it you can probably look at the source code and modify it there
  708. <Jake1702> I always have Windows update disabled... at a price
  709. <Jake1702> Don't get me started on Mac
  710. <Dime_> but think, windows doesn't have it's source code
  711. <Jake1702> you can't change ANYTHING on Mac
  712. <Dime_> i never saw any m$ application with source
  713. <brotherBox> Jake1702: macs are usable at least in my experience
  714. <brotherBox> my ex had a macbook and i could work well with it, though a lot of things were strange and stupid
  715. <Jake1702> I still think they are a lot worse than Windows
  716. <Jake1702> Lol
  717. <Jake1702> you cant even add more Ram to the stuff
  718. <Jake1702> but that doesnt matter on OS
  719. <Dime_> btw, windows servers suck in a kinda way
  720. <Jake1702> it's a hardware lock
  721. <brotherBox> like entering a backslash (which is part of a lot of my passwords) requires voodoo that i had to look up quite a lot of times before it stuck
  722. <Jake1702> Shouldn't be giving that info out...
  723. <Jake1702> Why, just today an account of mine was hacked
  724. <Dime_> a server of a parent of mine got hacked
  725. <Dime_> sql injection shit
  726. <brotherBox> i know
  727. <Jake1702> Luckily I got it back, but now I gotta wait 30 days to change the name
  728. <brotherBox> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  729. <Jake1702> know what
  730. <brotherBox> nvm
  731. <Jake1702> k
  732. <brotherBox> fuck my ex thoguh
  733. <Jake1702> LOL
  734. <brotherBox> she claimed me installing weechat via homebrew made her computer slow
  735. <Dime_> btw, can you host a proxy on windoze?
  736. <brotherBox> bitch this isnt how this works
  737. <brotherBox> Dime_: what kind of proxy
  738. <Jake1702> You can
  739. <Dime_> you know, hide the IP
  740. <brotherBox> windows has interfaces like bind so yes you can write server applications for it (duh)
  741. <brotherBox> but what kind of proxy
  742. <brotherBox> socks, http
  743. <Dime_> i know a guy who has 10+ IPs
  744. <Dime_> he runs windows
  745. <Jake1702> I'm guessing http
  746. <brotherBox> i mean the answer is yes to all of them
  747. <Dime_> he's a lowly troll
  748. <Dime_> trolls on channels around freenode
  749. <brotherBox> i'd recomment squid if you can get it configured
  750. <Dime_> he's kinda known about here
  751. <brotherBox> Dime_: is his nick oldcpv3
  752. <Dime_> yes
  753. <Dime_> how'd know?
  754. <brotherBox> were you sent by him
  755. <Dime_> no?
  756. <Dime_> we got here because this channel has much users
  757. <brotherBox> you're the second person who i speak to today who seems to know him
  758. <Dime_> everybody knows him
  759. <Jake1702> I go on different IRC channels all the time
  760. <brotherBox> and i advise you to not spend time on him
  761. <Dime_> he fucks up channels, i got logs
  762. <Jake1702> Who is this Oldcpv3?
  763. <brotherBox>
  764. <Jake1702> and what kind of shit name is that?
  765. <Dime_> nah, it's just a troll jake
  766. <Jake1702> Wtf
  767. <Jake1702> he acts like he's on drugs
  768. <Dime_> you just go to efnet, that's shit
  769. <Dime_> freenode is better
  770. <Dime_> efnet sucks
  771. <Jake1702> its so easy to create an irc server xD
  772. <brotherBox> not-so-easy to configure it
  773. --> LordxQuasOgang (ac3a1975@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  774. <brotherBox> sup beaner
  775. <LordxQuasOgang> Fuck you hahaha
  776. <brotherBox> y3
  777. <brotherBox> *<3
  778. <-- hecliunyx ( has quit (Max SendQ exceeded)
  779. <LordxQuasOgang> Faggot
  780. <brotherBox> you love me
  781. <brotherBox> (very homo)
  782. <Jake1702> well
  783. <LordxQuasOgang> Hahah
  784. <brotherBox> >not being very homo
  785. <LordxQuasOgang> I got some pussy last night
  786. <LordxQuasOgang> But....
  787. <brotherBox> was it boipucci
  788. <LordxQuasOgang> No
  789. <brotherBox> :(
  790. <LordxQuasOgang> I did coke and my dick was limp
  791. <Dime_> What linux distro is the best?
  792. <brotherBox> sometimes i smash them with a floppy one and they still like it lmao
  793. <LordxQuasOgang> She had to suck my dick til it stood up hahahahaha
  794. <brotherBox> Dime_: depends on what you want to do with it
  795. <Dime_> Do things a Average user do
  796. <brotherBox> Ubuntu or Mint probably
  797. <Dime_> i got this log from a friend
  798. <Dime_> at quakenet
  799. <Dime_>
  800. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Oct 26 2015 19:14:25 <Oldcpv3>:FUCK YOU SPIDER Oct 26 2015 19:14:30 <@Spider>: - ^
  801. <brotherBox> thank you harvester for not harvesting
  802. <brotherBox> piece of junk
  803. <LordxQuasOgang> Lol
  804. <brotherBox> *** Spider sets mode: +b Oldcpv3*!*@*.*
  805. <brotherBox> i agree
  806. <brotherBox> fkn b&
  807. <LordxQuasOgang> Gayy
  808. <brotherBox> pastebin is peculiar though
  809. <brotherBox> i need to look into it deeper when i'm not depressed and can actually be arsed to do things
  810. <Dime_> btw, who likes reagge?
  811. <Jake1702> What about it is peculiar?
  812. <Dime_> that's quite nice
  813. <Jake1702> ew
  814. <Dime_> groove's good too
  815. <Jake1702> reagge and groove sucks
  816. <Dime_> i love it
  817. <brotherBox> Jake1702: when i send a request to the raw url from the bot it returns "please refresh the site"
  818. <brotherBox> reagge is not quite my style after i got drowned in that stuff for 3hrs from my ex's friend
  819. <brotherBox> he was such a god damn faggot
  820. <brotherBox> he fancied her but i was smacking that ass every night
  821. <Dime_> lol.
  822. <brotherBox> sucks to be him
  823. <brotherBox>
  824. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Pixies - Hey lyrics - YouTube ^
  825. <Dime_> brotherbox: have you heard of Jeremias_?
  826. <Dime_> that guy claims to have logs on oldcpv
  827. --> juicebox ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  828. <brotherBox> story is he's a friend of oldcpv3
  829. <brotherBox> i believe its just him under a different nick
  830. <Dime_> uh huh
  831. <brotherBox> jeremias said he was a friend of old and that old was trolling him and shit
  832. <brotherBox> and i dont waste my time on stupid shit like that
  833. <LordxQuasOgang> Posers
  834. <Dime_> that's weird, now i'm curious
  835. <Dime_> how the guy can be in different networks
  836. <Dime_> at the same fucking time
  837. <Dime_> oh well, here it goes
  838. <Dime_>
  839. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Session Start: Fri Jan 08 00:33:44 2016 Session Ident: #cicadasolvers [00 - ^
  840. <brotherBox> by opening two sockets on his machine
  841. <Jake1702> because
  842. <Jake1702> well that
  843. <brotherBox> two connections
  844. <brotherBox> Dime_: i have those logs too
  845. <Dime_> oh lol
  846. <Dime_> well, you were there
  847. <Jake1702> or he can use a browser and use different proxies on each
  848. <Dime_> you sure pwned him
  849. <Dime_> let's go to another subject
  850. <brotherBox> idk if i di
  851. <brotherBox> *di
  852. <brotherBox> *did FUCK
  853. <LordxQuasOgang> Di
  854. <LordxQuasOgang> Haha
  855. <brotherBox> mugsy u piece of shit i dont need ur sass
  856. <LordxQuasOgang> Hahaha
  857. <brotherBox> my typing is shit and my keyboard is pure cancer
  858. <LordxQuasOgang> Im on my phone hoe
  859. <brotherBox> [00:42] <@brotherBox> i am a very grumpy, very mean and very vengeful german
  860. <brotherBox> damn that sounds like me
  861. <LordxQuasOgang> Sounds like a certain German...
  862. <Jake1702> you guys know back to the future was banned in Switzerland?
  863. <LordxQuasOgang> Lmao edgy?
  864. <brotherBox> lol for what
  865. <blingbat> duh because hey're socialist and it's capitalist propaganda
  866. --> Oldcpv3_ (be53e57f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  867. <-* brotherBox has kicked onon from #cicadasolvers (onon)
  868. --> onon (~onon@ has joined #cicadasolvers
  869. <LordxQuasOgang> Bro box u an admin again?
  870. <Jake1702> idk something about it being innap or something
  871. <brotherBox> Jake1702: i see you have the same IP as oldcpv3
  872. <Jake1702> i do?
  873. --> Dethmasque ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  874. <brotherBox> i give you 3 minutes to explain yourself before I kick you
  875. <Jake1702> wtf
  876. <LordxQuasOgang> Haha
  877. <Jake1702> You explain how i have the same ip
  878. <Jake1702> prove it
  879. <LordxQuasOgang> Jake u got caught
  880. <brotherBox> jake1702_@
  881. <Jake1702> yes?
  882. <Dime_> jake, damn man
  883. <LordxQuasOgang> This Chris hanson why don't you take a seat
  884. <Jake1702> tell me
  885. <brotherBox> Oldcpv3_ (be53e57f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  886. <Jake1702> Oh really?
  887. <Jake1702> that is real right?
  888. <LordxQuasOgang> Caught
  889. <Jake1702> it is not like you could just type a different IP
  890. <Dime_> got pwned right there
  891. <brotherBox> also Dime_, your ctcp version looks an awful lot like oldcpv3's
  892. <LordxQuasOgang> Check and mate
  893. <brotherBox> not enough to prove misconduct but if anyone of you plans anything fishy just know that I'm a nazi
  894. <brotherBox> Jake1702: try /whois Jake1702
  895. <brotherBox> and with that
  896. <-* brotherBox has kicked Jake1702 from #cicadasolvers (pls go)
  897. <Dime_> oh god
  898. <LordxQuasOgang> Who was that
  899. <brotherBox> LordxQuasOgang: do /whois Jake1702 and /whois Oldcpv3
  900. <brotherBox> you'll see their IP's match
  901. <Dime_> it says no such nick/channel
  902. <brotherBox> then both of them disconnected
  903. <brotherBox> irc.freenode.#cicadasolvers.weechatlog:Jun 12 2016 03:11:08 --> jake1702_ (jake1702_@ has joined #cicadasolvers
  904. <brotherBox> irc.freenode.#cicadasolvers.weechatlog:Jun 12 2016 03:55:54 --> Oldcpv3_ (be53e57f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  905. <LordxQuasOgang> Who is that tho I'm lazy to do a facts check on my slow ass phone
  906. <-- Dethmasque ( has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
  907. <brotherBox> LordxQuasOgang: oldcpv3 is a lowlife spammer and troll
  908. <LordxQuasOgang> Let Jake join the roast shall begin
  909. <brotherBox> and when i notice a sign of him i ususally request op rights
  910. <-- sadimatsu ( has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  911. <Dime_> did you ever get his real ip?
  912. <Dime_> this log i got he said he's from brazil
  913. <LordxQuasOgang> Jake reveal yourself
  914. <brotherBox> idk and i dont care
  915. <brotherBox> LordxQuasOgang: i kicked jake
  916. <brotherBox> <-- brotherBox has kicked Jake1702 (pls go)
  917. <LordxQuasOgang> Oh well
  918. <LordxQuasOgang> Im zoo Sr
  919. <LordxQuasOgang> Im so drunk
  920. <brotherBox> hi zoo Sr i'm brotherBox
  921. <blingbat> me to
  922. <brotherBox> also dont do cocaine man
  923. <blingbat> mmmmmmmkay
  924. <LordxQuasOgang> Cocaine is bad mkay
  925. <brotherBox> you too blingbat
  926. <LordxQuasOgang> Haha
  927. <brotherBox> you slut
  928. <blingbat> you know what's not bad though?
  929. <blingbat>
  930. <TaiiwoBot> ^ Solomun Boiler Room Tulum DJ Set - YouTube ^
  931. <brotherBox> race wars
  932. <brotherBox> oh
  933. <LordxQuasOgang> Weeeeed
  934. <brotherBox> LMAO
  935. <brotherBox> DUDE
  936. <brotherBox> WEED
  937. <brotherBox> LMAO
  938. <blingbat> brotherBox: do they have jimmy johns in commieville?
  939. <blingbat> DUDE WEED LMOA?
  940. <brotherBox> blingbat: i'd have to ask the local goods distributor and I'll likely get an answer in 4-6 weeks
  941. <LordxQuasOgang> Wassup with the runes on the 12th page someone mentioned
  942. <brotherBox> i dunno
  943. <LordxQuasOgang> Stupid
  944. --> Jake1702 (jake1702_@ has joined #cicadasolvers
  945. <LordxQuasOgang> Let him in
  946. <brotherBox> i didnt ban him
  947. <Dime_> oldcpv3 man
  948. <Dime_> quit it
  949. <LordxQuasOgang> What's your purpose Jake from state farm
  950. <Dime_> brotherbox, brb
  951. <Dime_> oh and, oldcpv3 also has another
  952. <Dime_> nick
  953. <brotherBox> what would that be
  954. <LordxQuasOgang> Why is he being a troll
  955. <Jake1702> to sell you insurance
  956. <Jake1702> and steal money
  957. <brotherBox> because he doesnt have anything to do
  958. <Jake1702> and ****
  959. <LordxQuasOgang> Stealing my joke ok
  960. <brotherBox> i mean i troll at times too
  961. <LordxQuasOgang> But your not a raging douche
  962. <brotherBox> i dont spam like a 13 year old
  963. <brotherBox> well
  964. <brotherBox> on april 1st i posted half the quran into this channel
  965. <brotherBox> until the infidels stopped me
  966. <LordxQuasOgang> Hey everybody by my. mixtape
  967. <Jake1702> I have stuff to do, and btw I'm 14
  968. <brotherBox> so hot it will melt my laptop
  969. <registerednick> so where is everyone talking with this oldvpv3 guy anyway
  970. <registerednick> Jake1702, 14? really? you'll be right up brotherbox's alley
  971. <registerednick> or hell be right up yours
  972. <registerednick> if you catch my meaning
  973. <brotherBox> registerednick: you said i sound black
  974. <LordxQuasOgang> If your toaster don't work you can hear it up with my fire lyrics
  975. <Oldcpv3_> Hey everybody! What wonderful weather we're having!
  976. <registerednick> not sound black, not your voice, you type black
  977. <-* brotherBox has kicked Oldcpv3_ from #cicadasolvers (Oldcpv3_)
  978. <brotherBox> not going to happen
  979. <LordxQuasOgang> Lol
  980. <brotherBox> what i im a nigger at soul
  981. <brotherBox> and not a kraut
  982. <LordxQuasOgang> Nigga
  983. <brotherBox> fühlt seltsam
  984. --> Oldcpv3_ (be53e57f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  985. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +b *!*@* by brotherBox
  986. <-* brotherBox has kicked Oldcpv3_ from #cicadasolvers (pls go)
  987. <LordxQuasOgang> Haha
  988. <-- Dime_ (403edba4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  989. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +b "Oldcpv3*!*@*" by brotherBox
  990. *** Mode #cicadasolvers -b "Oldcpv3*!*@*" by brotherBox
  991. <brotherBox> hm
  992. <LordxQuasOgang> someone just got shot a block away from my house
  993. --> Stovepipe_ (adea3e46@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  994. <LordxQuasOgang> Just another day in LA
  995. *** Mode #cicadasolvers -b *!*@* by brotherBox
  996. <Stovepipe_> brotherbox: tell me any info you have
  997. <brotherBox> on what
  998. <Stovepipe_> on a guy named dime
  999. <Stovepipe_> i just gotta know
  1000. <Stovepipe_> it doesn't care who i am
  1001. <brotherBox> fuck off
  1002. <registerednick> dime is worth .10$
  1003. <Stovepipe_> damn
  1004. <Stovepipe_> just give it to me
  1005. <Stovepipe_> pleas
  1006. <-* brotherBox has kicked Stovepipe_ from #cicadasolvers (fuck off)
  1007. --> TheOldcpv3_ (403edb96@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  1008. <-* brotherBox has kicked TaiiwoBot from #cicadasolvers (TaiiwoBot)
  1009. <brotherBox> FUCK
  1010. <-* brotherBox has kicked TheOldcpv3_ from #cicadasolvers (TheOldcpv3_)
  1011. <LordxQuasOgang> Tf was that about
  1012. <registerednick> you wont be able to keep him out this way box
  1013. <registerednick> hes bouncing IPs
  1014. <LordxQuasOgang> Let mn
  1015. <brotherBox> i wont let him in, he's an annoying twat
  1016. <registerednick> same reason nemo could never ban me
  1017. <LordxQuasOgang> Kill.him.with roasting
  1018. --> Bradass (a9371b86@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  1019. <brotherBox> i dont even get what his deal is
  1020. <Bradass> Could i get the logs here for the last few hours?
  1021. <brotherBox> No.
  1022. <LordxQuasOgang> I.spent 200 bucks today on golf
  1023. <Jake1702> Good for you!
  1024. <Bradass> i'm a log enthusiast
  1025. <Bradass> i lve logs
  1026. <LordxQuasOgang> It was.worth it
  1027. <brotherBox> LordxQuasOgang: you seem to have more money than you need
  1028. <registerednick> Bradass
  1029. <LordxQuasOgang> a retarded.spender
  1030. --> TheOldcpv3_ (403edb96@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  1031. <TheOldcpv3_> jesus
  1032. <-* brotherBox has kicked TheOldcpv3_ from #cicadasolvers (TheOldcpv3_)
  1033. <-* brotherBox has kicked Bradass from #cicadasolvers (Bradass)
  1034. <brotherBox> >implying bradass != old
  1035. <LordxQuasOgang> oldpussy
  1036. --> TheOldcpv3_ (403edb96@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  1037. <TheOldcpv3_> ahahhahaha
  1038. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +b *!*@* by brotherBox
  1039. <LordxQuasOgang> Did I studder homie
  1040. <-* brotherBox has kicked TheOldcpv3_ from #cicadasolvers (TheOldcpv3_)
  1041. <brotherBox> roaches
  1042. <LordxQuasOgang> For real
  1043. <registerednick> holy shit his ports are bleeding
  1044. <LordxQuasOgang> Ahaha
  1045. <brotherBox> switchin IP's so fast he could be hacking the gibson
  1046. <LordxQuasOgang> Hes.not giving up I.can feel it
  1047. <registerednick> Discovered open port 443/tcp on
  1048. <registerednick> Discovered open port 80/tcp on
  1049. <registerednick> Discovered open port 53/tcp on
  1050. <registerednick> Discovered open port 1723/tcp on
  1051. <registerednick> Discovered open port 554/tcp on
  1052. <registerednick> Discovered open port 587/tcp on
  1053. <registerednick> Discovered open port 497/tcp on
  1054. <brotherBox> >1723
  1055. <registerednick> Discovered open port 800/tcp on
  1056. <registerednick> Discovered open port 50006/tcp on
  1057. <registerednick> Discovered open port 32779/tcp on
  1058. <registerednick> Discovered open port 8180/tcp on
  1059. <registerednick> Discovered open port 49176/tcp on
  1060. <brotherBox> pls
  1061. <registerednick> Discovered open port 49158/tcp on
  1062. <registerednick> Discovered open port 32785/tcp on
  1063. <brotherBox> bruh
  1064. <registerednick> Discovered open port 18988/tcp on
  1065. <registerednick> Discovered open port 12345/tcp on
  1066. <brotherBox> STOP
  1067. <registerednick> Discovered open port 617/tcp on
  1068. <registerednick> Discovered open port 10024/tcp on
  1069. <registerednick> Discovered open port 512/tcp on
  1070. <registerednick> Discovered open port 23502/tcp on
  1071. <registerednick> Discovered open port 50300/tcp on
  1072. <LordxQuasOgang> Dan vs
  1073. <registerednick> Discovered open port 16993/tcp on
  1074. <registerednick> Discovered open port 32776/tcp on
  1075. <registerednick> Discovered open port 60443/tcp on
  1076. <LordxQuasOgang> Damn daniel
  1077. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +q registerednick!*@* by brotherBox
  1078. <LordxQuasOgang> Damn daniel
  1079. *** Mode #cicadasolvers -q registerednick!*@* by brotherBox
  1080. <registerednick> Discovered open port 10617/tcp on
  1081. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +q registerednick!*@* by brotherBox
  1082. <brotherBox> son
  1083. --> Dime_ (0591ac1c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  1084. <LordxQuasOgang> Damn.daniel
  1085. <Dime_> hot damn
  1086. <-* brotherBox has kicked Dime_ from #cicadasolvers (Dime_)
  1087. *** Mode #cicadasolvers -q registerednick!*@* by brotherBox
  1088. <-- registerednick ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  1089. <LordxQuasOgang> So many kicks today
  1090. <brotherBox> what is happen
  1091. --> registerednick ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1092. <LordxQuasOgang> Get another admin out
  1093. <registerednick> whoops
  1094. <-> registerednick is now known as ether8unny
  1095. <brotherBox> LordxQuasOgang: they're all afk
  1096. <ether8unny> op me bro
  1097. <ether8unny> :)
  1098. <brotherBox> ether8unny: lol
  1099. <LordxQuasOgang> Op these nuts
  1100. <ether8unny> no dont op me
  1101. <ether8unny> i have cars to go work on
  1102. <brotherBox> something deviant is waiting in the back of ether8unny's mind
  1103. <LordxQuasOgang> Cuz u gay
  1104. <ether8unny> and a botnet to send out
  1105. <ether8unny> i mean
  1106. <ether8unny> i have to go fap
  1107. <brotherBox> ether8unny: if you are behind oldcpv3 i will personally rape you
  1108. <ether8unny> welllllllll
  1109. <ether8unny> that would be funny tho right
  1110. <brotherBox> yeah if you're mentally challenged
  1111. <LordxQuasOgang> Drama on the chat today
  1112. <ether8unny> if i had the time, its totally something i would do, tbh, but its too time intensive and i have real life shit to do
  1113. <brotherBox> pls dont
  1114. <ether8unny> id be better at it tho
  1115. <ether8unny> and not a lameass
  1116. <LordxQuasOgang> Beep boop
  1117. <brotherBox> probably yeah
  1118. <ether8unny> i'd already have 5 or 6 nicks waiting in the chan, nicks with a lil recognition
  1119. <LordxQuasOgang> Like.deez nuts
  1120. <ether8unny> if im gonna do shit liker that, im at least gonna do it correctly
  1121. <brotherBox> talk shit get hit bitch
  1122. <LordxQuasOgang> Hahaha
  1123. <brotherBox> ether8unny: remember i know your name
  1124. <ether8unny> im not even sure which profile of mine you know...
  1125. --> Siwang (7751e686@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  1126. <brotherBox> lol
  1127. <ether8unny> its either the one that starts with an O or the one that starts with P
  1128. <Siwang> 你好?
  1129. <ether8unny> yes
  1130. <ether8unny> but only once
  1131. <ether8unny> and he paid for it
  1132. <brotherBox> sorry we dont speak asian languages here
  1133. <Siwang> 你聽說過 Oldcpv3?
  1134. <ether8unny> ok, im going to go pull my trucks heads now
  1135. <-* brotherBox has kicked Siwang from #cicadasolvers (Siwang)
  1136. <brotherBox> take care
  1137. <-> ether8unny is now known as Oldcdv3
  1138. <LordxQuasOgang> .im about to do cocaine
  1139. <brotherBox> pls dont
  1140. <Oldcdv3> bet my drugs are better than your drugs.
  1141. <brotherBox> almost kicked you
  1142. <LordxQuasOgang> I have pure
  1143. <Oldcdv3> sorry. im registering nicks
  1144. <LordxQuasOgang> Hahaha
  1145. <brotherBox> problem is that your nick is green in my client, much like oldcpv3
  1146. <LordxQuasOgang> Im joking
  1147. <Oldcdv3> im not.
  1148. <Oldcdv3> hahahahaha
  1149. <Oldcdv3> :|
  1150. <LordxQuasOgang> Hmmmm.coincidence
  1151. <brotherBox> >/x/ thread
  1152. <-> Oldcdv3 is now known as ether8unny
  1153. <brotherBox> guys im pretty close to cracking this case but my mom said i'm grounded for a week
  1154. <brotherBox> do any other master hacker witch vampire psychcis know that feel when your mom won't let you save the world from elite world occult groups
  1155. <brotherBox> >response
  1156. <brotherBox> >Nox, is that you?
  1157. <brotherBox> Zero must be in that thread
  1158. <ether8unny> lol
  1159. --> TheRealCarlJohns (~Spirit@ has joined #cicadasolvers
  1160. <TheRealCarlJohns> Never Trust brotherbox, man
  1161. <brotherBox> Oh, what did he do this time
  1162. <TheRealCarlJohns> i know him for years
  1163. <brotherBox> yeah he has every kind of aids there is
  1164. <LordxQuasOgang> Haha
  1165. <TheRealCarlJohns> i remember the day he shot acid man
  1166. <ether8unny> but he cuddles like a champ
  1167. --> Killjoy (689cfa9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  1168. <brotherBox> Killjoy: go to sleep you slut
  1169. <Killjoy> can't get rid of me that easily
  1170. <-> Killjoy is now known as Guest26463
  1171. <TheRealCarlJohns> joy, help me
  1172. <LordxQuasOgang> Fuck off
  1173. <-* brotherBox has kicked TheRealCarlJohns from #cicadasolvers (TheRealCarlJohns)
  1174. <-* brotherBox has kicked Guest26463 from #cicadasolvers (Guest26463)
  1175. <brotherBox> i fail to see his endgame
  1176. --> Guest26463 (689cfa9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  1177. <Guest26463> poop
  1178. <Guest26463> s
  1179. <Guest26463> ad
  1180. <Guest26463> as
  1181. <Guest26463> d
  1182. <Guest26463> e
  1183. <Guest26463> sd
  1184. <Guest26463> s
  1185. <Guest26463> asd
  1186. <LordxQuasOgang> Wassup with the raisin
  1187. <-* brotherBox has kicked Guest26463 from #cicadasolvers (Guest26463)
  1188. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +b *!*@* by brotherBox
  1189. <brotherBox> what raisin
  1190. <LordxQuasOgang> What's with the traffic of trolls today
  1191. <brotherBox> its just one guy
  1192. --> Marine6668 (~Spirit@ has joined #cicadasolvers
  1193. *** Mode #cicadasolvers -b *!*adae6c2a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. by brotherBox
  1194. *** Mode #cicadasolvers -b *!*~androirc@ by brotherBox
  1195. *** Mode #cicadasolvers -b *!*@ by brotherBox
  1196. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +b *!*/@* by brotherBox
  1197. *** Mode #cicadasolvers -b *!*/@* by brotherBox
  1198. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +b *!*@* by brotherBox
  1199. <brotherBox> here wer go
  1200. <brotherBox> *we
  1201. <Jake1702> no you're wrong
  1202. <brotherBox> about what
  1203. <Jake1702> you think it's just me?
  1204. <brotherBox> i know you're oldcpv3
  1205. <Jake1702> oh really?
  1206. <brotherBox> yes
  1207. <Jake1702> whatever you say...
  1208. <LordxQuasOgang> Abou
  1209. <brotherBox> beyond any reasonable doubt
  1210. <LordxQuasOgang> Admit of
  1211. <LordxQuasOgang> Your trickery
  1212. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +b *!jake1702_@ by brotherBox
  1213. <-* brotherBox has kicked Jake1702 from #cicadasolvers (Jake1702)
  1214. *** Mode #cicadasolvers -b Skyshaper!*@* by brotherBox
  1215. *** Mode #cicadasolvers -b *!*b95db443@gateway/web/freenode/ip. by brotherBox
  1216. *** Mode #cicadasolvers -b *!*@* by brotherBox
  1217. <-- juicebox ( has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  1218. <ether8unny> Skyshaper is brainbox iirc
  1219. *** Mode #cicadasolvers -b *!*@* by brotherBox
  1220. <ether8unny> btw
  1221. <brotherBox> oh
  1222. <brotherBox> yes you said so
  1223. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +b Skyshaper!*@* by brotherBox
  1224. <ether8unny> brotherBox removes ban on brother8ox
  1225. <ether8unny> doo it
  1226. <brotherBox> no
  1227. <ether8unny> then oldcpv3 is forever. :|
  1228. <brotherBox> 04:38 <Marine6668> oh and
  1229. <brotherBox> 04:38 <Marine6668> every log related to me
  1230. <brotherBox> 04:38 <Marine6668> delete it
  1231. <brotherBox> him via query, i lold
  1232. --> [ZDA]MichelTelo (~Spirit@ has joined #cicadasolvers
  1233. <LordxQuasOgang> So whats new gentlemen
  1234. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +b *!*@5.45* by brotherBox
  1235. <-- Marine6668 (~Spirit@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  1236. *** Mode #cicadasolvers -b *!*@5.45* by brotherBox
  1237. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +b *!*Spirit@* by brotherBox
  1238. <-- [ZDA]MichelTelo (~Spirit@ has quit (Client Quit)
  1239. <brotherBox> i might sleep soon
  1240. <brotherBox> it 4:45 :(
  1241. <-- LordxQuasOgang (ac3a1975@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  1242. --> Dethmasque ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1243. <brotherBox> hi
  1244. <-- Dethmasque ( has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  1245. --> |343373| (~343373@unaffiliated/343373/x-3874142) has joined #cicadasolvers
  1246. <ether8unny> dude12312414 : occurance of 'f' or '0' as last letter, pages 0-15
  1247. <ether8unny> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
  1248. <ether8unny> 16 35 25 23 23 32 28 25 22 28 24 33 30 26 35 22 36 30 19 27 30 37 36
  1249. <ether8unny> 23 24 25 26 27 28
  1250. <ether8unny> 30 28 27 40 33 33
  1251. --> juicebox ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1252. <ether8unny> rather occurance of all 29 letters as last letter, 0 being significantly lower than others, though 18 is as well
  1253. <ether8unny> same data for the rest of the primus pages 16-57
  1254. <ether8unny> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
  1255. <ether8unny> 68 63 75 74 79 60 71 76 75 61 77 72 48 80 68 67 78 88 59 76 77 66 84
  1256. <ether8unny> 23 24 25 26 27 28
  1257. <ether8unny> 64 80 75 82 73 72
  1258. <ether8unny> unsure what the significance is, but there seems to be something going on as you suggested
  1259. <-- juicebox ( has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
  1260. --> Log_Me (403edb32@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  1261. <Log_Me> Easy there
  1262. <Log_Me> do not nuke me
  1263. <Log_Me> i just wanna say
  1264. <Log_Me> i'm sorry
  1265. <Log_Me> ok?
  1266. <Log_Me> now just leave me alone
  1267. <Log_Me> we never meet again, a'ight?
  1268. <Log_Me> Alright, see ya
  1269. <-- Log_Me (403edb32@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #cicadasolvers
  1270. --> Dethmasque ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1271. <-- Dethmasque ( has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  1272. --> IntriguedSoul ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1273. <-- Lurker69 (~Ident@unaffiliated/lurker69) has quit
  1274. --> NiceLurk (~Ident@unaffiliated/lurker69) has joined #cicadasolvers
  1275. * Topic for #cicadasolvers is "2016: | PLEASE READ: | FORUM: | RUNE ANALYSER: | WIKI: | | Liber Primus: | sometimes you cross the wrong Fräulein"
  1276. * Topic set by iIIustrious!~iIIustrio@unaffiliated/iiiustrious on 2016-06-09 01:28:09 UTC
  1277. [ChanServ] Please read the topic and wiki before asking any questions.
  1278. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +nt by
  1279. * Channel #cicadasolvers created on 2013-12-30 21:37:57 UTC
  1280. <-- Lurker69 (~Ident@unaffiliated/lurker69) has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  1281. --> sadimatsu ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1282. <dude12312414> ether8unny: what do the numbers you pasted mean?
  1283. <dude12312414> btw yeah, I noticed a weird thing about letter F as the last letter of words
  1284. <dude12312414> but for me it's only happening on p. 0-15
  1285. <-- sadimatsu ( has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
  1286. --> fouriest (4c5a546d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #cicadasolvers
  1287. <-- fouriest (4c5a546d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has quit (Client Quit)
  1288. <dude12312414> glagl
  1289. <brotherBox> are you okay
  1290. <dude12312414> wat
  1291. <-- IntriguedSoul ( has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  1292. <-- OwariDa ( has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  1293. --> OwariDa ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1294. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +o OwariDa by ChanServ
  1295. --> Dethmasque ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1296. <-- Dethmasque ( has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  1297. <-- NiceLurk (~Ident@unaffiliated/lurker69) has quit
  1298. --> Lurker69 (~Ident@unaffiliated/lurker69) has joined #cicadasolvers
  1299. * Topic for #cicadasolvers is "2016: | PLEASE READ: | FORUM: | RUNE ANALYSER: | WIKI: | | Liber Primus: | sometimes you cross the wrong Fräulein"
  1300. * Topic set by iIIustrious!~iIIustrio@unaffiliated/iiiustrious on 2016-06-09 01:28:11 UTC
  1301. [ChanServ] Please read the topic and wiki before asking any questions.
  1302. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +nt by
  1303. * Channel #cicadasolvers created on 2013-12-30 21:37:57 UTC
  1304. <-- NiceLurk (~Ident@unaffiliated/lurker69) has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  1305. --> Chronium (~Chronium@unaffiliated/chronium) has joined #cicadasolvers
  1306. --> Dethmasque ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1307. --> Killjoy_ (~Kj@unaffiliated/personalkilljoy) has joined #cicadasolvers
  1308. *** Mode #cicadasolvers +o Killjoy_ by ChanServ
  1309. <-- Dethmasque ( has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
  1310. <ether8unny> dude12312414
  1311. <ether8unny> hey dude12312414
  1312. <ether8unny> wake up dude12312414
  1313. <-- Ammar__ (~Ammar__@unaffiliated/ammar/x-9582159) has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  1314. --> Ammar__ (~Ammar__@unaffiliated/ammar/x-9582159) has joined #cicadasolvers
  1315. --> pLk ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1316. --> Dethmasque ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1317. --> xXx_ndiddy_xXx ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1318. <-- Dethmasque ( has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  1319. <-- ndiddy ( has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  1320. <iIIustrious> wtf happened in here today
  1321. <iIIustrious> lol
  1322. <ether8unny> it were birdhouse
  1323. --> athena (~athena@ has joined #cicadasolvers
  1324. <-> athena is now known as windcatcher
  1325. <ether8unny> hello nurse
  1326. <windcatcher> hello friend
  1327. <windcatcher> It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining the wind is light and the smell of ocean air
  1328. <ether8unny> i thought you were in canada
  1329. <windcatcher> ^ _^
  1330. <windcatcher> This is the internet after all
  1331. <ether8unny> shit i thought this was SPARTA
  1332. <windcatcher> It can be what ever you make it to be.
  1333. <windcatcher> your thoughts are not your own.
  1334. <ether8unny> program your reality as well as the reality of others.
  1335. <windcatcher> we live in a world of perception not reality
  1336. <ether8unny> reality is a totally subjective term
  1337. <windcatcher> whoah transmission just froze up... i think i hit critical mass
  1338. <windcatcher> lol
  1339. <windcatcher> too many torrents
  1340. <windcatcher> It's the question that drives humanity...
  1341. <windcatcher> Why?
  1342. <ether8unny> why does it drive humanity?
  1343. <ether8unny> or
  1344. <ether8unny> why... does it drive humanity?
  1345. --> Dethmasque ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1346. <windcatcher> Humanity is curious
  1347. <ether8unny> curiosity is human
  1348. <-- Dethmasque ( has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
  1349. --> IntriguedSoul ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1350. <-- IntriguedSoul ( has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  1351. <windcatcher> curiosity defines intellegence
  1352. --> IntriguedSoul ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1353. <-- IntriguedSoul ( has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  1354. <ether8unny> i blacked out there for a minute
  1355. <ether8unny> where are my pants?
  1356. --> VBFH (~VBFH@unaffiliated/vbfh) has joined #cicadasolvers
  1357. --> entropyM ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1358. --> Dethmasque ( has joined #cicadasolvers
  1359. --> IntriguedSoul (~Intrigued@ has joined #cicadasolvers
  1360. <-- Dethmasque ( has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  1361. <ether8unny> brotherbox : remember our conversation last night?
  1362. <windcatcher> sometimes... i think things are too quiet.
  1363. <windcatcher> tonight is one of those nights.
  1364. <ether8unny> it is slow for shizzle
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