Guest User


a guest
Aug 8th, 2016
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  1. Notifications = "Notifications"
  2. aboutus = "About us"
  3. abstentionRule = "Abstention Rule"
  4. accountstatement = "Account statement"
  5. action = "Action"
  6. addtochat = "Add to chat"
  7. amount = "Amount"
  8. amountcashdeposit = "Amount of cash to deposit"
  9. applyasceo = "Apply as CEO"
  10. approvalvotespercentage = "Approval Votes Percentage"
  11. askprice = "Ask price"
  12. bankaccount = "Bank Account"
  13. banking = "Banking"
  14. bankinglicense = "Banking License"
  15. bankinglicensedate = "Banking License Date"
  16. bidprice = "Bid price"
  17. bondinterestvolume = "Bond Interest Volume"
  18. bonds = "Bonds"
  19. bonds = "Bonds"
  20. bondsinportfolio = "Bonds in Portfolio"
  21. bondsvolume = "Bonds Volume"
  22. bondsvolume = "Bonds Volume"
  23. bookvalue = "Book Value"
  24. buy = "BUY"
  25. cash = "Cash"
  26. cast = "Cast"
  27. castvote = "Cast a Vote"
  28. castvotespercentages = "Cast Votes Percentage"
  29. centralbankreserves = "Central Bank Reserves"
  30. ceoemploymentdate = "CEO Employment Date"
  31. chat = "Chat"
  32. chatname = "Chatname"
  33. chatparticipants = "Chat participants"
  34. committedcash = "Committed Cash"
  35. committedshares = "Committed Shares"
  36. company = "Company"
  37. companydetails = "Company Details"
  38. content = "Content"
  39. counterparty = "Counterparty"
  40. createorder = "Place Order"
  41. currentask = "Current Ask"
  42. currentbid = "Current Bid"
  43. dailywage = "Daily Wage"
  44. date = "Date"
  45. deletechat = "Delete Chat"
  46. deleteorders = "Cancel Orders"
  47. deposit = "Deposit"
  48. employment = "Employment"
  49. execution = "Execution"
  50. facevalue = "Face Value"
  51. finances = "Finances"
  52. fixedincomesecuritiesinportfolio = "Fixed Income Securities in Portfolio"
  53. foundcompany = "Found a New Company"
  54. foundcompany = "foundcompany"
  55. help = "Help
  56. help = "Help"
  57. ident = "Ident"
  58. impressumlegalnotice = "Impressum / Legal Notice"
  59. increasecentralbankreserves = "Increase Central Bank Reserves"
  60. initiatecashout = "Initiate Cash Out"
  61. initiatedpolls = "Initiated Polls"
  62. initiateliquidation = "Initiate Liquidation"
  63. initiator = "Initiator"
  64. interestrate = "Interest Rate"
  65. issuebonds = "Issue Bonds"
  66. issuedate = "Issue Date"
  67. issuedbonds = "Issued Bonds"
  68. issuenewbonds = "Issue New Bonds"
  69. issuer = "Issuer"
  70. lastprice = "Last Price"
  71. lastvolume = "Last Volume"
  72. leavechat = "Leave Chat"
  73. limitbuyorder = "Limit Buy Order"
  74. limitorder = "Limit Order"
  75. limitprice = "Limit Price"
  76. limitsellorder = "Limit Sell Order"
  77. listingend = "Listing End"
  78. listingstart = "Listing Start"
  79. listingtype = "Listing Type"
  80. livemarketstatistics = "Live Market Statistics"
  81. login = "Login"
  82. logintocontinue = "Login to continue"
  83. logout = "Logout"
  84. market = "Market"
  85. marketcap = "Market Cap"
  86. marketorder = "Market Order"
  87. masterdata = "Master Data"
  88. maturitydate = "Maturity Date"
  89. maxcentralbankloans = "Max. Central Bank Loans"
  90. maximumcmountcentralbankloans = "Maximum Amount of Central Bank Loans"
  91. maxvolume = "Max Volume"
  92. message = "Message"
  93. modify = "Modify"
  94. motion = "Motion"
  95. myvotes = "My Votes"
  96. name = "Name"
  97. netcash = "Net Cash"
  98. no = "NO"
  99. nomessages = "No chat messages available!"
  100. nomessagesyet = "No messages yet"
  101. notenoughmoneyforfounding = "You need at least 50k to found a new company"
  102. numberofnewbonds = "Number of new Bonds"
  103. numberofshares = "Number of Shares"
  104. openorders = "Open Orders"
  105. orderbook = "Orderbook"
  106. otccounterorders = "OTC Counter Orders"
  107. outstandingshares = "Outstanding Shares"
  108. partners = "Partners"
  109. password = "Password"
  110. payment = "Payment"
  111. placeorder = "Place Order"
  112. pollenddate = "Poll End Date"
  113. polls = "Polls"
  114. portfolio = "Portfolio"
  115. positions = "Positions"
  116. price = "Price"
  117. priceinformation = "Price Information"
  118. prices = "Prices"
  119. privatecash = "Private Cash"
  120. readonly = "Read Only?"
  121. registration = "Registration"
  122. repointerestvolume = "Repo Interest Volume"
  123. repos = "Repos"
  124. reposvolume = "Repos Volume"
  125. reposvolume = "Repos Volume"
  126. requestbankinglicense = "Request banking license"
  127. resultexpirydate = "Result Expiry Date"
  128. save = "Save"
  129. searchfor = "Search for..."
  130. securitieslist = "Securities List"
  131. securitiesonly = "Securities only"
  132. securityidentifier = "Security Identifier"
  133. sell = "SELL"
  134. sellatfacevalue = "Sell at Face Value"
  135. sellatinitialprice = "Sell 25% at initial price"
  136. settings = "Settings"
  137. shareholders = "Shareholders"
  138. shares = "Shares"
  139. size = "Size"
  140. spread = "Spread"
  141. startnewchat = "Start new chat"
  142. stocksbonds = "Stocks / Bonds"
  143. stocksvolume = "Stocks Volume"
  144. subject = "Subject"
  145. systemrepointerestvolume = "System Repo Interest Volume"
  146. systemreposvolume = "System Repos Volume"
  147. systemreposvolume = "System Repos Volume"
  148. takencentralbankloans = "Taken Central Bank Loans"
  149. thatsyou = "That's you"
  150. totalcastvoices = "Total # Cast Voices"
  151. totalvoices = "Total # Voices"
  152. trades = "Trades"
  153. type = "Type"
  154. typemessage = "Type your message. Press Shift + Enter for newline"
  155. uncommittedcash = "Uncommitted Cash"
  156. username = "Username"
  157. users = "Users"
  158. viewallchats = "View all chats"
  159. volume = "Volume"
  160. yes = "YES"
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