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Jul 4th, 2015
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  1. 01; regular; 最小自由數: 一個程式推導的入門例子。; scm
  2. 01; regular; 實作 memcached server protocol -- 初以 Haskell 開發應用程式的驚喜與驚嚇。; CindyLinz
  3. 02; regular; Haskell 實作的雷神之鎚遊戲與 FRP 介紹; snowmantw
  4. 03; regular; Arrow 101; hychen
  5. 03; regular; Parallelism in Haskell; fumin
  6. 03; special; ICFP Programming Contest 介紹; scm
  7. 04; regular; Parallelism in Haskell - Part 2; fumin
  8. 04; special; Machine + Language ≠ Machine Language - 關於(函數式)程式語言與機器學習之間的小火花; jaiyalas
  9. 05; regular; Dependent Types (相依型別); scm
  10. 05; regular; Write yourself a toy λ-calculus VM; suhorng
  11. 06; regular; Happy Monad Fix 輕便寫出 multi pass compiler; CindyLinz
  12. 06; regular; TMonad: a Haskell implementation of L7 Gateway Server; MnO2
  13. 07; regular; OO, Variance, Type Safety; godfat
  14. 07; regular; How to make a new functional language and make the world better.; snowmantw
  15. 08; regular; A Story of Warm Fuzzy Monads; suhorng
  16. 08; regular; for Haskell Folks; banacorn
  17. 09; regular; Haskell pure function debug 小技巧; CindyLinz
  18. 09; regular; Logic Programming with Haskell; Geoffr Su
  19. 10; special; Logic, Logic Programming, and the Fifth Generation Computer Systems Project.; scm
  20. 11; regular; A Tale of Two Monads; Lian-Ting Chen
  21. 11; regular; “Poor Man's” Undergraduate Compilers; suhorng
  22. 12; regular; Functional Programming in Python; LittleQ
  23. 12; regular; Lambda Calculus 的表達力與模; scm
  24. 13; regular; Numerical Representations with Dependent Types; Josh Ko
  25. 14; regular; Thor Programming Language; James Tien
  26. 14; regular; 安全多方計算語言編譯器實作; snowmantw
  27. 15; regular; Dynamic typed and Untyped Haskell using GHC; CindyLinz
  28. 16; regular; Embedded DSL Design in Scala; Zack
  29. 16; regular; 從直譯器學習 FLOLAC '14; Suhorng
  30. 17; regular; A bottom-up teaching approach for FP; Geoffr Su
  31. 18; regular; Typeclassopedia - Functor, Applicative and Monad (part 1 of 2); snowmantw
  32. 19; regular; Perl mod: DestructAssign Implementation; CindyLinz
  33. 20; regular; Erlang; Jake Morrison
  34. 21; regular; 簡單易懂的 continuation 、CPS 入門,及 SSA 對比; suhorng
  35. 22; regular; Nearest Shelter in Manhattan; scm
  36. 23; regular; Write you a compiler, with LLVM and Haskell (Part 1); banacorn
  37. 24; regular; Brutally master your favorite combinators - letting the computer generates exercises for you; Geoffr Su
  38. 25; regular; Write you a compiler, with LLVM and Haskell (Part 2); banacorn
  39. 26; regular; Functional Pearl: Permutation Parser; CindyLinz
  40. 27; regular; Tutorial: 如何實作型別檢查/推斷引擎; suhorng
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