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Dec 13th, 2023
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  1. A serious talk about white nationalism
  3. by Alex McNabb
  5. Aside from telling people to Read Venner and dropping some clarifying comments here and there on current struggle sessions, I actually haven't engaged in my former practice of putting some actual effort into an effort-post. So here goes, this is what you should know about the prospects of white nationalism. We're gonna start by defining our terms so that every internet sperg doesn't just insert his own aspirational platitudinous bullshit in here.
  7. White nationalism is concerned with achieving some level of representation for whites as a distinct and potentially autonomous ethnic group. That means changing public policy to serve the collective interests of whites in some fashion.
  9. Now let's move on to the obstacles.
  11. External challenges
  13. -Nationalism of any kind is implicitly verboten under the current world order. Racial nationalism even less so. Southern secessionism is a more realistic possibility than white nationalism so hopefully that puts things in perspective for you.
  15. -Total domination of the American media system by a top-down management system that precludes any discussion whatsoever of white interests. Worse than you slandering you, the current tactic is to ignore you. Social media will blacklist your name and autoban anyone that mentions you.
  17. -The ability to debank and financially neuter anything attached to white nationalism. Believe me I know this one all too well. You could literally run out of banks willing to do business with you while playing in this minefield. Forget credit card processing.
  19. -Secret police scrutinizing your every move. America is a police state and policing white nationalism is a priority. They can and will gay-op your group.
  21. -Lawfare. Jewish groups in particular will literally throw money at SLAPP suits to dismantle your organizations.
  23. -Atomized American population of generational nomadic individualists who don't care about nobody or nothin'. America is big, it's spread out, and everyone marinates in a soup of anti-racist meritocratic kumbaya bullshit. You don't need to read Bowling Alone to know this place has experienced a total social collapse and everyone exists as a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk survivor huddled down in their grindset while the purple lightning of LGBTQ+ flashes against the underside of dismal corporate gray thunderclouds. Forget white nationalism, just getting a disc golf group together is hard enough in this dystopia.
  25. Internal challenges
  27. -The biggest challenge is the white nationalists themselves through a cruel paradox related to their development. Simply put, if you grew up in modern America and found yourself becoming pro-white and racist towards everyone else, you are probably a disagreeable, anti-social asshole on some level. This does not mean your conclusions are wrong, but to reach those conclusions requires you to be oppositional and defiant towards every authority and most people in this country, which is coincidentally a type of mental disorder under the DSM 5.
  29. -Believing that the accumulation of other white nationalists to your group is a barometer for success. It is not, what it represents is a volatile and dangerously unstable powderkeg for reasons I just established. The real metric of success is not cobbling together a temporary coalition of stochastic Nazis that are as likely to fight each other as an external enemy, real success would be transcending the internet racist ghetto and bringing over "average" white people in significant enough numbers to build a stable organization.
  31. -A domain dependency problem. Put simply, being a moderately successful internet racist/podcaster does not in any way whatsoever translate into leadership or organizational ability. Americans in particular fall victim to confusing entertainment with ability. Reality stars, actors and podcasters are rarely good leaders and the reverse is also true. The same applies to intelligence; extremely high IQ people are generally not good leaders either for a whole bunch of reasons Edward Dutton could explain better than me.
  33. -Allowing the white nationalist echo-chamber to set the norms and expectations for an organization. White nationalists are predictable NPCs if you ask them for ideas on what an organization *should* be doing. It always comes down to rallies, protests, stickers, flyers and other 1960's era cargo-culted activism. If it's risky, low reward, and high visibility, they wanna do it. Anything else is boring, time consuming, and might "black-pill" the morale of others should deficiencies in current strategies be uncovered. Listening to the white nationalist peanut gallery means getting stuck on a merry-go-round of failed ideas repeated forever.
  35. -Pretending that "movement discipline" and blind loyalty are an asset. White people and most people in general for that matter don't work like this. Support is conditional, and that's fine. Folks expect forward movement or some kind of tangible reward/progress and failing to deliver will result in defections. That's to be expected and if you just shun everyone not on board with Sparkle Motion you'll have a tiny group of sycophants in the end.
  37. -Telegram/forums/social media are an online Chinese finger-trap that breed nothing but discord and suck energy into negative directions. On balance these sites cause more damage than good but everyone is addicted to them.
  39. Conclusions
  41. Do not take any of things I've put forward as ruling out any possibility of political advocacy for white collective interests. You need to know what the facts on the ground are before you can do anything. If you want to improve something, you gotta be able to measure it. You gotta have a plan, and that plan should include figuring out a pathway around some of these big hurdles I've rattled off BEFORE you create a group. The idea that getting together a bunch of disgruntled white males and tapping into their creativity for Big Gains has been put deeper into the dirt than a crashed airliner. Ideally the notion there is about 20 % of the white American population that is amenable to defending their interests on racial grounds should be investigated thoroughly. If it exists and there's a way to tap into it, this would be the future, not simply getting more of what we already got clustered together to make more trouble for each other. It's very likely that someone with expertise in leadership and team-building is a much more important resource than finding the most redpilled dude with the highest enthusiasm for Nazi history.
  43. Personally from my experience in volunteer organizations, building anything is gonna be a huge challenge regardless of the stated intention of the enterprise. Conflict entrepreneurship has a lot of unpaid interns even out in the normie world. (Just look up the history of Shawsville Rescue Squad and their war with the Elliston Fire Department) Given those challenges I don't think naïve optimism or delusions of grandeur are remotely appropriate. As I've already said, I firmly believe you would need to research the Hell out of where prospective inroads could be made and plan mission statements accordingly. That's not fun or glamorous.
  45. At the end of the day I think it's about how bad you want it and that's pretty much the existential question for whites in general.
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