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Jan 29th, 2020
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  1. The real reason for the coronavirus (in addition to an impeachment distraction:)
  2. The Chinese Communist Party has no solution for HK protestors that have occurred daily for the past eight months. The usual Marxist means of dealing with dissidents - squashing them with tanks, wasn't an option with the eyes of the world on HK and China with a newfound reputation to maintain to the naive West.
  3. Hence, this fake virus psy op is being used as a pretense to build "quarantine" centers in HK, manned by the PLA, to deal with this "virus" (aka dissent, which is spreading to the mainland as well).
  5. This is why:
  7. The planes into our countries from China never stopped (they know it's bullshit but are too scared to call the Communist bullshit artists out on it because that would be bad for business and their Jewish Marxist Banker overlords have warned them not to).
  9. The chinese are "confident" that the virus will peak ten days from now (just enough time to establish their detention centres in HK and force the slaves back to work.)
  11. It hasn't spread to white people. For a virus that has been around now for two months? People should be face planting in the streets of San Fran.
  13. My comment: That's as good an explanation as I have seen anywhere, with fewer than 200 dead, air ports flying as usual, the hospitals not actually getting built (replaced by hoax photos from Alibaba) and when compared to a flu season in the U.S. which frequently hits 50, 000 dead and recently hit 80, 000 dead, even that many dead in China should not trip alarm bells. Why the hype?
  17. Mexican coronavirus update
  18. 6000 cases in China, 132 deaths, 2.2% mortality rate, hospital not mentioned (which means it is not getting built)
  19. They played a lengthy video where a guy coughed in a cab, got kicked out for it, and the driver called the police. People are staying in their homes much more than usual also.
  21. Flight Aware still shows business as usual, and up to this point, Coronavirus has killed 0.00165 percent of what the 2017-18 flu season did in the United States alone. WAG THE PLAGUE. If you want to scare people who can't think or do math, just say something is a disaster and it will automatically be so, while much much greater threats go totally unnoticed. How about the impeachment? All I have heard is that anything good that happened in favor of Trump was ignored by the MSM.
  23. Oh, as far as Mexico goes, all suspected cases of coronavirus except two have been dismissed, and the remaining two are not confirmed. Air traffic in Wuhan has remained normal according to flightaware.
  25. MY TAKE: IF there was ever anything significant at all to coronavirus, people in China clamped down on it so fast it does not have a chance. After all, if everyone is wearing at least cough masks, those that have it will be far, FAR less likely to spread it. This outbreak is going to stall and vanish.
  27. More interesting
  28. There has been a bad corn harvest in Mexico. The corn is less than normal and of bad quality. Add that to a poor harvest in the United States. Blamed: Temperatures too cold, and too dry. Tell that to Al Gore.
  29. Many many many corn receiving areas are completely empty. I am not certain about exactly how short the harvest is but it appeared that in at least one area, up to 65 percent of the graineries that normally receive corn received NONE and remained closed, while it was taken to other locations to get enough in one spot to meaningfully store. I'll have to keep an eye on the price of corn flour. That will be the tell all.
  31. Two more quick items:
  32. The aircraft shot down in Afghanistan was DEFINITELY carrying CIA, regardless of what the Pentagon states. The type of aircraft, made by Bombardier, was for clandestine ops and used by the CIA for spying and communications. There's no way out of it just because of the aircraft type.
  33. Kobe's chopper once again, regardless of what is said, did not crash. Drudge showed a picture of him heading towards his chopper at a recent time and it had the Nike wrap on it. The one that crashed had an Illinois paint scheme which, even if Kobe did buy an Illinois state chopper before selling it to the chartering company (to remain his) got re-painted to a black and white color scheme so if the wrap did somehow magically come off during the crash, the paint scheme would not have been for the state of Illinois. It simply was not his normal helicopter that went down. I do not know why they would have killed him but the deception surrounding the actual helicopter is quite odd, odd enough to point directly towards foul play.
  35. There was even a hoax audio track of air traffic control yelling "Kobe, PULL UP, PULL UP" But Kobe was NOT THE PILOT. An obvious hoax. Why?
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