

Nov 19th, 2015
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  1. WWF Title: [b][url=""]Austin[/url][/b] (c) vs [b][url=""]Bret[/url][/b] started out with Austin holding his hand out for a handshake, and Bret refusing. Austin wouldn't budge, though, he insisted on the handshake, requesting a mic.
  3. "Now hold on, son, you don't get to do that! I'm the gatdamn WWF champion, and you're Mr. Respect, so get the fuck over here and respect my ass!"
  5. Bret begrudgingly acquiesced, and as they shook hands, Austin flipped Bret off with his other hand, never dropping his shit-eating grin. This irritated Bret. After Austin had handed over the title and the bell had rung, they locked up, and Bret got the first hold, transitioning into a hammerlock. He then tried to go for a leg sweep, but Austin was too smart for that, and reversed into a hammerlock of his own before pushing Bret to his knees, paintbrushing the back of his head, and ramming his head into the mat. As Austin had Bret down on the mat, he stuck one finger in his own mouth, got it wet with saliva, and teased a Wet Willie before Bret was able to struggle out. Bret hadn't exactly been in the best spirits, but here he got mad. He slapped Austin, followed that up with an enzuigiri that sent Austin to one knee, and drove his head to the mat with a DDT before trying to lock in a seated armbar. He kept it on for a good minute before Austin was able to reverse into a roll-up!
  7. 1...2, Bret reversed
  8. 1...2, Austin reversed
  9. 1...2, Bret kicked out and immediately rolled to the outside. He really lost his cool, shaking the barricades and yelling at himself, and Austin just kept needling him. The ref got to 7 before Bret was able to calm himself down and re-enter the ring. Once in, he went for a collar-and-elbow tie-up, but a kick to the knee that The Power Trip injured at Summerslam 1997 got Bret off his game just enough for Austin to get him back to the mat, paintbrushing him before floating over and pulling him up for a suplex. He lifted, but Bret was able to block and reverse into a Northern Lights.
  11. 1...2...2.9, Austin kicked out, and hit the ropes for the Thesz Press. Bret ducked, popped up behind him, and hit a twisting German Suplex, planting Austin right on the arm Bret had targeted with the armbar. It was starting to get to Austin now. He wasn't quite so cocky, he kept his distance. He went for a few strikes, but Bret kept going for the arm. Eventually, Bret was able to get a good shot at the arm after a failed attempt at a spinning elbow, and after a few elbows to Austin's shoulder he had the champ back on the mat in the armbar.
  13. Austin was in agony as Bret cranked his arm back, and Bret was basking in it. He even did a little digit work that had Austin almost crying. Finally, he really locked in. He leaned as far back as he could and even rolled his eyes back in his head before screaming, "TRY HOLDING THAT TITLE NOW, AUSTIN!" Austin just barely made it to the ropes, and stayed there as long as he could, slapping and prodding his arm, as he didn't seem to have any feeling in it. Bret was on a roll, and kept on the offensive, running the ropes and laying in hard kicks before dragging Austin out of the ropes. Bret clutched Austin's good wrist, setting him up for an exploder that would drop him right on his bad arm, but Austin was able to evade it with a sick headbutt that left Bret staggered. Austin took the opportunity to pump his bad arm, get his fighting spirit up, hit the ropes, and LARIAT THE FUCK OUT OF BRET! Bret went down, and Austin went down too, clutching his arm and screaming in fury. Bret got back up first, and tried to get the armbar back on, but a sharp kick to Bret's bad knee sent him to the mat again, screaming. Austin attempted to put on a Sharpshooter, but he couldn't hold on with one arm, and Bret reversed into a roll-up.
  15. 1...2...2.9, Austin reversed into another rollup.
  16. 1...2...2.9, Bret reversed into the armbar, but Austin was able to kick Bret's bad knee before he could totally lock the hold in in. This gave Austin just enough time to hook Bret's knee into this sort of pinning clutch.
  17. 1...2...3. [b]Austin won.[/b]
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