
Technically masturbation

Oct 5th, 2016
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  1. >the sound of bubbling fluids and electricity humming could be heard throughout the house
  2. >Lisa had been cooped up in her room for weeks on end, working on some kind of experiment
  3. >When she wasn't in her room working she could be heard mumbling something about "not waiting till she's older" and "the best source of DNA"
  4. >"It's got to be around here somewhere" Grumbled Lisa as she dug around Lincoln's room
  5. >"not under the bed....maybe in the trashcan."
  6. >after going through all possible hiding spots, she finally found what she was looking for
  7. >"EURIKA!" She shouted as she held up a sock
  8. >"Full of DNA!" commented Lisa, giving the sock a sniff "Seems fresh too"
  9. >With her prize in hand Lisa ran back to her room, giggling like Lana when she first discovered burping
  10. >"Alright, Time to finish this" shouted Lisa as she threw the sock into the centrifuge
  11. >as the centrifuge went to work, Lisa could see the extracted fluids flowing into the large tank and mix with the other chemicals
  12. >The mixture began changing color, eventually coalescing into a small humanoid form
  13. >"Hmm, looks like it will take some time for the more detailed parts to take form" Said Lisa, looking over the still forming clone
  14. >"Hopefully it won't take too long"
  16. >after weeks of forming and shaping, the clone was ready
  17. >Lisa stood in front of the machine, her eyes wide and fixed on her brother's clone
  18. >"C'mon, c'mon" She repeated as the fluids drained and the tube began to open
  19. >"*cough, cough* W-wha? Where am I?" Asked the Clone, trying to stand up
  20. >The clone staggered its way towards Lisa, still having trouble keeping itself upright
  21. >"Lisa, What's going on?" he asked, finally able to stop his legs from shaking
  22. >"Why am I all wet, and where are my clothes?"
  23. >"Lincoln, Lincoln, Calm down" Said Lisa, giving the clone a hug "Everything is okay."
  24. >"Let me explain" She started "You are a clone of my brother Lincoln, I made you to be my perfect lover."
  25. >"I gave you his memories, his personality, and even a few...improvements"
  26. >"Improvements?" Asked The clone, still trying to make sense of the whole situation "What kind of Improvements?"
  27. >"you have a heightened Libido, increased seminal fluid production, greater stamina, and a larger uh...you know...."
  28. >"So....you made me to be your Lover?" Asked the clone "Do you know how weird this sounds?"
  29. >"I know it sounds Crazy" replied Lisa, she started to pull her shirt off "But it's true"
  30. >"So.... you wanna give it a shot?"
  31. >"Lisa I.... we can't do this" replied the clone as he made his way to the door "You're my little sister"
  32. >"What?!" Exclaimed Lisa "What do you mean? Of course we can!"
  33. >"Lincoln! COME BACK!"
  34. >As the clone made his way towards "His" room he kept trying to make sense of the whole situation
  35. >"This is insane" He thought to himself "What am I supposed to do now?"
  36. >Without thinking he opened the door to his room, coming face to face with the original Lincoln
  38. >Lincoln stared at the man that looked just like him, trying to figure out what was going on
  39. >He wanted to speak, but was too confused to form a coherent sentence
  40. >After what seemed Like an eternity, the original Lincoln broke the silence
  41. >"Lisa?" Asked Lincoln, trying not to cause any panic
  42. >"Lisa." Replied the clone with a nod
  43. >feeling decently sure that he would be safe, Lincoln invited the clone in and gave him some underwear
  44. >"So....what are you supposed to be?" Asked Lincoln as he handed the clone some clothes
  45. >"Well..." Started the clone, still trying to make complete sense of the situation "I think I'm a clone of you"
  46. >Lincoln's eyes shot open wide at hearing this
  47. >"And I think Lisa made me to have sex with her"
  48. >"Seriously?" Asked Lincoln "She made you for sex? did she even give you a name?"
  49. >"A name?" Asked the clone as he put on a shirt "no, I don't think so... I ran out right away, so I didn't even give her a chance to"
  50. >The clone sat down on the bed next to Lincoln
  51. >"Well, we need to give you some kind of name. I can't just call you 'clone', can I?"
  52. >"I guess not..." replied the clone, looking down at his feet "How about.....Liberty"
  53. >"Nice, but a bit too girly" commented Lincoln "How about Wilkes"
  54. >"Wilkes" Repeated the clone, Considering the idea "Wilkes is good, I like it"
  55. >"Alright then Wilkes" Said Lincoln, patting Wilkes on the back "Let's get you something to eat"
  56. >"How about pizza"
  57. >"That sounds awesome" Replied Wilkes, Getting up and Following Lincoln out of the room "I'm starving"
  59. >as the two ran downstairs and went through the living room, they passed by Leni
  60. >"Hi Lincoln" Said Leni as she saw her brother walk through the Living room
  61. >"Hi Lincoln" She repeated, Seeing Wilkes walking in after Lincoln
  62. >Lori Looked at Leni with a look of confusion
  63. >"Why did you say hi twice?" She asked
  64. >"Oh, I like saw Lincoln walk to the kitchen twice." Replied Leni "So I said hi to him"
  65. >Thinking Leni was imagining things, Lori decided to ignore her
  66. >as they went into the kitchen, they ran into Luna
  67. >"What's this all about?" Asked Luna "You got a groupie?"
  68. >"Nah" Replied Lincoln "Lisa cloned me."
  69. >"Seriously? AWESOME!" Shouted Luna "Maybe she'll clone me too, We could be a 1 woman band!"
  70. >Luna ran out of the kitchen, nearly tripping over herself
  71. >"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Asked Lori, noticing Luna practically Leap up the stairs
  72. >"Gonna ask Lisa to clone me like she did Lincoln!" Replied Luna as she ran off at full speed
  73. >"Like she did Lincoln?" Thought Lori, remembering what Leni said before "She couldn't have..."
  74. >Lori got up and slow walked into the kitchen, bracing herself for the worst
  75. >Upon entering the kitchen, she saw 2 Lincoln's sitting at the table eating leftover pizza
  76. >"Lincoln..." Said Lori, feeling rather confused "Why are there two of you? What's this about cloning?"
  77. >"Lisa cloned me" Replied Lincoln as he took another bite of pizza "Figured I may as well relax and not worry too much about this"
  78. >"buh...Why?" Asked Lori, more confused than she's ever been "Why did she clone you?"
  79. >"She wanted sex" Replied Wilkes
  80. >"Sex?!" Exclaimed Lori "But she's two!"
  81. >"Look, Mom and dad aren't going to be back until tomorrow night. So you and..."
  82. >"Wilkes" Replied Wilkes
  83. >"You and Wilkes are going to have to share a room"
  85. >After finishing their dinner, Lincoln and Wilkes ran upstairs to their room
  86. >They could hear Lori shouting at Lisa, even with the door closed
  87. >"So......wanna read some comics?" Asked Lincoln as he pulled a stack of Ace savvy comics out of his drawer
  88. >"Sounds fun" Replied Wilkes, accepting a pair of Gloves from Lincoln
  89. >The two began to take their pants off when Lincoln noticed something about Wilkes
  90. >"Whoa" Exclaimed Lincoln, looking at the bulge in Wilkes' pants
  91. >"Huh? oh, sorry" apologized Wilkes "Forgot about that"
  92. >"no, it's okay" Said Lincoln, blushing slightly "I just forgot about those...enhancements"
  93. >"Yeah, It's really annoying" Commented Wilkes "Lisa also gave me an enhanced Libido, so it's been bugging me the whole time"
  94. >"man, that sucks" said Lincoln, thinking back on all the times he's gotten unwanted erections
  95. >"Yeah well, Nothing much I can do about it" Said Wilkes as he picked up a comic
  96. >"yeah...nothing to do...."
  97. >the two laid on the bed reading comics for what seemed like hours
  98. >They laughed, they joked, they discussed what might happen in the next issues
  99. >"Lights out everybody!" shouted Lori, turning the hall light off
  100. >"huh, guess it's time for bed" Said Lincoln, looking at the clock "We'd better get some sleep, tomorrow's gonna be rough"
  101. >"yeah" Replied Wilkes as he put his head on a pillow "Goodnight Lincoln"
  102. >"Goodnight Wilkes."
  103. >As the two Laid there sleeping, Wilkes began tossing and turning
  104. >Eventually he ended up hugging Lincoln, his bulge Poking into Lincoln's back
  105. >Lincoln started to wake up from the constant prodding feeling
  106. >"mmng....Wilkes....Wilkes Wake up..."
  107. >"huh....what's up Lincoln?"
  108. >"Man, We've gotta do something about this..."
  110. >"What do you mean?" Asked Wilkes as she rubbed the gunk from his eyes "What am I supposed to do man?"
  111. >"Well can't you like, take care of it?" suggested Lincoln
  112. >"I can't do that!" Replied Wilkes, his face going red "What if someone walks in on me in the bathroom?"
  113. >"And I can't do it in here with You watching"
  114. >"I know, I know" Said Lincoln "It's just.... we can't leave it like this..."
  115. >"Well, what do you suggest?" Asked Wilkes
  116. >"Well, what if I were to....help you?" replied Lincoln
  117. >"Help me?" said Wilkes, surprised by the suggestion "Isn't that kinda......gay?"
  118. >"Well, You're me...Right?" Asked Lincoln, trying to rationalize his suggestion "So it should technically be ok."
  119. >Wilkes wanted to argue, but his dick was starting to hurt from being erect for so long
  120. >"Alright" Stuttered Wilkes, his hands moving towards his underwear "L-Lets make this quick so no one catches us"
  121. >As Wilkes pulled down his pants, Lincoln couldn't help but stare at His manhood
  122. >After getting the pants down below his knees, Wilkes' member was finally exposed completely
  123. >"Wow" Said Lincoln, his mouth hanging wide "How did Lisa plan on fitting THAT in?"
  124. >"I-I don't know" Replied Wilkes, feeling slightly embarrassed
  125. >Lincoln gently grabbed it, Eliciting a gasp from Wilkes
  126. >"Sorry!" apologized Lincoln as he quickly let go "Are you okay?"
  127. >"Yeah, I'm okay" Replied Wilkes "It's just kinda sensitive"
  128. >Lincoln tried grabbing it again, causing Wilkes to moan a bit
  129. >"here we go" whispered Lincoln as he started to jerk it slowly
  130. >"oh god" Moaned Wilkes, feeling something he had never felt before "mmmnnnn, that's good"
  131. >Lincoln couldn't help but start blushing, thinking about how he actually enjoyed doing this
  132. >After a few minutes of slowly rubbing, he decided to give it a little Lick
  134. >Wilkes started to tense up as Lincoln began to Lick and taste his member
  135. >He slowly and meticulously licked Wilkes' dick all the way from base to tip, not missing a spot
  136. >With the entire dick sufficiently wet, Lincoln began to suck on it
  137. >Lincoln started Lightly sucking on the tip, Causing Wilkes to groan loudly
  138. >He started to get bolder, taking it in as far as he could, eventually taking it all the way to the base
  139. >"W-Wow" Said Wilkes as Lincoln pulled off of him "How did you manage that?"
  140. >"Leni once showed me this trick of hers where she took a twulky and.....nevermind"
  141. >Lincoln stopped what he was doing and started changing position
  142. >"What are you doing?" Asked Wilkes, feeling close enough to burst
  143. >"Just thought we could try something different" Replied Lincoln
  144. >after a few moments Lincoln had managed to position himself face to face with Wilkes, His ass pressing against Wilkes' dick
  145. >Putting his arms around Wilkes' shoulders, Lincoln slowly began to lower himself down
  146. >"easy does it..." whispered Lincoln as he felt the tip pushing into his ass "easy..."
  147. >With one good push Wilkes was in, causing Lincoln to gasp from the sudden stretching
  148. >"Are you okay?!" Asked Wilkes, worried about Lincoln "You don't have to do this if you do-"
  149. >Lincoln interrupted Wilkes with a deep passionate kiss on the lips
  150. >the two sat there together without moving for what seemed like hours, just kissing eachother
  151. >"I'm going to start moving" whispered Lincoln, finally breaking off the kiss
  152. >"J-Just be careful" Said Wilkes, trying to hold back from Cumming right away
  154. >Taking a deep breath Lincoln started to move his hips, his ass slapping against Wilkes' thighs with each plunge
  155. >"You okay?" Asked Wilkes, his hands firmly pushing into the bed
  156. >"Yeah it's uh, it's really good" Moaned Lincoln, his dick twitching with every thrust
  157. >"Really....Really good!"
  158. >Lincoln began to pick up the pace, he could feel something welling up in his gut, growing with each thrust
  159. >"Wilkes!" Shouted Lincoln, Grabbing Wilkes' hand "Oh god Wilkes, I think I'm..."
  160. >"Me Too Lincoln!" Replied Wilkes, Kissing Lincoln's chest and holding him close "I'm gonna cum soon!"
  161. >Lincoln began to pick up speed once again, His hips practically moving on their own
  162. >With one final massive plunge Wilkes came into Lincoln's ass, causing him to cum all over his stomach
  163. >the two did their best to stifle their cries, but didn't manage to do a very good job
  164. >The two sat there Locked together in an embrace, unwilling to let each other go
  165. >Wilkes' balls kept twitching and spasming with each spurt, filling Lincoln up more than he could imagine
  166. >"God" Groaned Lincoln as he finally got off of Wilkes "All that cum, and you've only been alive a few hours"
  167. >"Yeah" replied Wilkes, catching his breath "I think Lisa overdid it a bit"
  168. >"Well" Started Lincoln, holding Wilkes' hand "I guess we're just going to have to do this again tomorrow"
  169. >Finally spent, the two fell asleep
  170. >Locked in each-other's embrace
  172. END
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