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Apr 19th, 2020
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  1. ROM: V1.1.4
  2. ROM: CFG 0x00000006
  3. ROM: SFLASH-4
  4. hw fuse format 1
  7. U-Boot 2011.12-lantiq-gpon-1.2.24 (Nov 03 2014 - 22:46:28), Build: falcon_sfp_linux
  9. Board: SFP
  10. DRAM: 64 MiB
  11. Now running in RAM - U-Boot at: 83fc8000
  12. SF: Detected W25Q128 with page size 4 KiB, total 16 MiB
  13. Chip: FALCON-S (A22)
  14. Bootmode: 0x06
  15. Reset cause: Power-On Reset
  16. CPU Clock: 400 MHz
  18. gpio: pin 105 (gpio 105) value is 0
  19. gpio: pin 106 (gpio 106) value is 0
  20. gpio: pin 107 (gpio 107) value is 1
  21. gpio: pin 108 (gpio 108) value is 1
  22. gpio: pin 3 (gpio 3) value is 1
  23. gpio: pin 109 (gpio 109) value is 1
  24. gpio: pin 110 (gpio 110) value is 1
  25. gpio: pin 423 (gpio 423) value is 0
  26. gpio: pin 422 (gpio 422) value is 0
  27. gpio: pin 325 (gpio 325) value is 0
  28. gpio: pin 402 (gpio 402) value is 0
  29. gpio: pin 424 (gpio 424) value is 0
  30. Press SPACE to delay and Ctrl-C to abort autoboot in 5 seconds
  31. FALCON => printenv
  32. act_img_addr=0xBF20003C
  33. addip=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ip=${ipaddr}:${serverip}:${gatewayip}:${netmask}:${hostname}:${netdev}:off
  34. addmisc=setenv bootargs ${bootargs} ethaddr=${ethaddr} machtype=${machtype} ignore_loglevel vpe1_load_addr=0x83f00000 vpe1_mem=1M mem=63M ${mtdparts}
  35. addmtdparts0=setenv mtdparts mtdparts=sflash:256k(uboot)ro,512k(uboot_env),7424k(linux),8192k(image1)
  36. addmtdparts1=setenv mtdparts mtdparts=sflash:256k(uboot)ro,512k(uboot_env),7424k(image0),8192k(linux)
  37. asc=0
  38. asc0=0
  39. baudrate=115200
  40. boot_image=run boot_image${c_img};
  41. boot_image0=run kernel0_from_sf flashargs addip addmtdparts0 addmisc && bootm ${ram_addr}
  42. boot_image1=run kernel1_from_sf flashargs addip addmtdparts1 addmisc && bootm ${ram_addr}
  43. boot_image_err=setenv kernel_offs ${kernel0_offs};httpd && setenv image0_is_valid 1
  44. bootcmd=run flash_flash
  45. bootdelay=5
  46. committed_image=0
  47. env_offs=0x40000
  48. env_offs_redund=0x80000
  49. ethact=SERDES
  50. ethaddr=ac:9a:96:00:00:00
  51. ethprime=SERDES
  52. filesize=800000
  53. flash_flash=run select_image boot_image
  54. flashargs=setenv bootargs rootfstype=squashfs,jffs2
  55. gphy0_phyaddr=0
  56. gphy1_phyaddr=1
  57. image0_addr=0xB00C0000
  58. image0_is_valid=1
  59. image1_addr=0xB0800000
  60. image1_is_valid=0
  61. image_name=openwrt-lantiq-falcon-SFP
  62. kernel0_from_sf=sf probe 0;sf read ${ram_addr} ${kernel0_offs} ${max_kernel_size}
  63. kernel0_offs=0xC0000
  64. kernel1_from_sf=sf probe 0;sf read ${ram_addr} ${kernel1_offs} ${max_kernel_size}
  65. kernel1_offs=0x800000
  66. load_kernel=tftp ${ram_addr} ${tftppath}${image_name}-uImage
  67. load_uboot=tftp ${ram_addr} ${tftppath}u-boot.img
  68. machtype=SFP
  69. magic_addr=0xBF200038
  70. magic_val=0xDEADBEEF
  71. max_kernel_size=180000
  72. net_nfs=run load_kernel nfsargs addip addmtdparts0 addmisc;bootm ${ram_addr}
  73. nfsargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=${serverip}:${rootpath},${nfsoptions}
  74. nfsoptions=rsize=1024,wsize=1024
  75. omci_loid=loid
  76. omci_lpwd=lpasswd
  77. ont_serial=HWTC11223344
  78. preboot=gpio input 105;gpio input 106;gpio input 107;gpio input 108;gpio set 3;gpio set 109;gpio set 110;gpio clear 423;gpio clear 422;gpio clear 325;gpio clear 402;gpio clear 424
  79. ram_addr=80F00000
  80. reset_uboot_env=sf probe 0;sf erase 40000 80000
  81. save_uboot=sf probe 0;sf erase 0 40000;sf write ${ram_addr} 0 ${filesize}
  82. select_image=setenv activate_image -1;if itest *${magic_addr} == ${magic_val} ; then if itest *${act_img_addr} == 0 ; then setenv activate_image 0;fi;if itest *${act_img_addr} == 1 ; then setenv activate_image 1;fi;mw ${magic_addr} 0x0;mw ${act_img_addr} 0x0;fi;if test $activate_image = -1 ; then setenv c_img $committed_image;else setenv c_img $activate_image;setenv activate_image -1;fi;if test $c_img = 0 && test $image0_is_valid = 0 ; then setenv c_img 1;fi;if test $c_img = 1 && test $image1_is_valid = 0 ; then setenv c_img 0;fi;if test $image0_is_valid = 0 && test $image1_is_valid = 0 ; then setenv c_img _err;fi;exit 0
  83. stderr=serial
  84. stdin=serial
  85. stdout=serial
  86. target=oem-generic
  87. update_image0=tftp ${ram_addr} ${tftppath}${image_name}-squashfs.image;sf probe 0;sf erase ${kernel0_offs} +${filesize};sf write ${ram_addr} ${kernel0_offs} ${filesize}
  88. update_image1=tftp ${ram_addr} ${tftppath}${image_name}-squashfs.image;sf probe 0;sf erase ${kernel1_offs} +${filesize};sf write ${ram_addr} ${kernel1_offs} ${filesize}
  89. update_openwrt=run update_image0 && setenv committed_image 0 && setenv image0_is_valid 1 && saveenv
  90. update_uboot=run load_uboot && run save_uboot
  91. ver=U-Boot 2011.12-lantiq-gpon-1.2.24 (Nov 03 2014 - 22:46:28)
  93. Environment size: 3553/65531 bytes
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