
D&D plans

Nov 13th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli had snatched Bliss up after he'd gotten off at the shop, so they could drive over to the cafe. He pulled up to a space and climbed out of the rover so he could open up her door for her, "Here you are My Love, soon we will have those buttery delicious and fluffy cakes right at our fingertips."
  2. Tsaaq: She smiled over to Eli and sighed as she glanced down at her phone. "It sounds amazing." She said. She got out of the vehicle and went to lace her fingers with Eli's. // Hayley sat in a booth in the back of Depot Cafe with her laptop out, staring at the screen as she click clacked and shit. Typing noises.
  3. Covet: Eli took her hand and smiled walking along with her. "I love that outfit on you. It's classy, with the slightest hint of risque to it. It hugs you nicely." He said as he opened up the door to the cafe for her, "Everything alright? You sighed and seem preoccupied with your phone."
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Having ditched his study session in the library because he needed food and a break, he made his way out to the cafe in hopes of scoring some delicious pancakes and a cup of coffee because that's obviously ideal study food. Stepping inside, he stepped up to the front counter, smiling at the waitress waiting to take his order. "A shortstack of pancakes and a coffee, please?" He requested, passing her his debit card he was glad to finally have back.-
  5. Tsaaq: "It's just Sephy, complaining about Drew." She answered with a frown. "Oh thank you honey. I love this outfit but feared it was revealing. Of course you love it." She shook her head at him as they went inside of the cafe. "Thank you." She said to Eli before stepping inside. "Oh, hello Adam." She greeted. // Hayley was super caught up in laptop things but she'd look up soon don't worry.
  6. Covet: "Ah, so nothing out of the norm then?" Eli asked then turned to see Adam at the counter with his debit card, "Hey man, find your wallet and everything after all?" He asked then spoke to the waitress ordering more pancakes for him and Bliss, "Anything else you'd like besides pancakes, My Love?"
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Hi. How are y'all tonight?" He asked, putting his card back in his wallet and tucking it into his back pocket, pushing the wallet chain in with it. "I did, yeah. Turns out it was in the house. Funny right?" He said with a bit of a laugh.-
  8. Tsaaq: She sighed once more. "Well apparently it's dire." She said before looking to Adam. "I'm glad you found it. Did you look in the couch or something?" She asked. // Hayley got up from her booth and went over to the group. "Hey guys." She said with a pleasantly surprised expression. "Looks like the whole gang is here."
  9. Covet: "Dire? Persephone dire? or actually Dire?" Eli asked Bliss, then looked at Adam, "I'm going to guess it was in the last place you looked for it, Right?" He laughed then gave Hayley a wave, "Hi Hayley, we are, needed to fufill the need for pancakes."
  10. Alexithymiaa: "I had thought I'd looked in the couch, but I guess not well enough. Jade actually found it for me." He said as he twisted to look at Hayley joining them. "Hey Halo. How's the studying coming?"-
  11. Tsaaq: Bliss shrugged her shoulders. "It's hard to tell." She replied. "She might just be acting dramatic. You know her." Her face going blank at the mention of Jade. // Hayley pouted and went to move her situation to counter with them. "It's okay. How's yours?" She asked before closing her laptop but keeping her notebooks open.
  12. Covet: Eli raised his eyebrows and nodded, "Yeah. Do I want to know what it's about specifically. Because between the two of them, it really could be anything." He said then looked at Adam. "Huh. I have a hard time believing she did something nice for someone, but people change. I guess." He said moving to sit down at the counter to wait for their pancakes to show up.
  13. Covet: *Specifically?
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Well everything was still in it just the way I left it, so I guess stranger things happen?" He asked unsurely, moving to take a seat at the counter when the waitress brought out his pancakes and coffee so she could set it down in front of him. "Studying has been a little intense, but successful nonetheless."-
  15. Tsaaq: She shook her head slowly. "I really doubt that she found it. Or if she did find it she definitely didn't give it to him instantly. She hasn't changed." She murmured. "This is ruining my pancakes." Bliss went to sit down. // "Yeah she found the wallet but then she was a huge dick to me and cozy-cozy with Abs." Hayley blurted out. Still kind of pissed about that. "I just want to go home and lay in bed. Tae and I had a girl's night slash sleepover. I'm kind of exhuasted from gossip and girl shit." She yawned. "Are we all getting pancakes?"
  16. Covet: Eli shook his head, "Up to her same games. I'm sorry you had to deal with her like that. Both of you. But we can change the subject. How about we talk about character building for our D and D campaign?" He asked, "We kind of talked about it on Monday, but we need to figure out a day we can play that works good for the four of us." He said with a smile as pancakes were brought to them.
  17. Alexithymiaa: -He picked up his cup of coffee and took a small sip before setting it back down. "Pancakes are great. There's no reason not to have pancakes." He said with a smile, picking up his fork to begin digging into the deliciousness. "Oh, are we going to have a briefing before we actually play?"-
  18. Tsaaq: She inhaled deeply. "I'm an elf. Wasn't that my decision?" She asked. "What else should we talk over?" // Hayley smiled and went to order a stack of pancakes. "I think that's a good idea probably. Can I be a dark elf with like blue hair and like... Cool skin. And magic?"
  19. Covet: "The first night is probably going to be just that. Getting Characters fleshed out on paper and giving you guys the rundown of certain rules, for your character specific as well as for the game." Eli told them, then nodded at BLiss, "Yes, You were thinking Elf Cleric. I was going to be a human Paladin. There is a race called the Drow. I would be okay with that. A drow mage?" He asked then looked at Adam, "What about you?"
  20. Alexithymiaa: "I'd done a little bit of research, and I like the idea of a Ranger. It seemed like a good character type to have in the party." He took another mouthful of pancakes, glancing over at them. "But I was hoping y'all would help me flesh it out a bit to get the specifics."-
  21. Tsaaq: "Why yes I remember now." She smiled. "Well first of all I think we should all download the app for D&D character sheet on our phones. It'll make it easier to keep track of the specifics." Bliss said. // "Does everybody have names for their characters or?" Hayley asked with a raise of her eyebrow. "I think I want to be a mercenary."
  22. Covet: "Great thinking, I didn't even know there was an app. I was going to just put it all down on paper, but this way we can have it anywhere." He said with a grin, then looked at Adam, "Of course. Ranger is a good idea it will mean we're a balanced party, with Hayley being a mercenary. I haven't thought about a name yet."
  23. Alexithymiaa: "I haven't thought about names yet either. But if you send me the app, I can download it on my phone." He set his fork down on his plate, digging into his pocket for his phone to pull it out.-
  24. Tsaaq: "I'll send it to everyone!" Bliss said. "I don't have any names lined up either... I don't know." She pouted. "What's everyone's moral alignment?" // "Chaotic Good." Hayley answered quickly and went to download the app on her phone. "Gimme I'll do it for you." She held out her hand to Adam.
  25. Covet: "Thank you, My love. By class alone I have to be Lawful Good." Eli told her then furrowed his brow, "I'm not sure that Drow can be chaotic good...Unless... I will give it to you, if you can give me a good backstory as to why she's chaotic good." He said with a smile.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not really sure, I didn't get that far yet." He said as he passed his phone to Hayley so she could do the app things. "This is the kind of stuff I need help sorting out for my character."-
  27. Tsaaq: Bliss tilted her head. "I'd be a Lawful Good too." She grit her teeth and began to laugh. "How predictable is that?" She asked. // "Well my girl is a mercenary but shes chaotic good cause she kills but it's to help people." Hayley explain excitedly, handing Adam his app back. "This app is pretty cool." She said as she looked to her own phone.
  28. Covet: "Nothing wrong with being predictable." Eli smiled, "You're job is important. To help keep the party alive. I've got the muscle. Adam's going to be our damage, along with our own Dexter, Hayley. " Then looked at adam, "For you, you have the option of being any of the nine alignments. Rangers don't have guidelines that keep them from certain paths."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "So then I'm pretty open to picking whatever my imagination can come up with?" He asked as he started to let his brain wander with the idea of it. "Okay, I'll give it some more thought and maybe bounce some ideas off of you tomorrow during work."-
  30. Tsaaq: She smiled and went to take a bit of some of her pancakes "Oh this is going to be so much fun. I'm excited." Bliss cheered. // Hayley squealed and clapped her hands. "I'm the Dexter!" She cheered. "Yeah. I guess I'll ask about stuff I can do with my characters on the internet or something."
  31. Covet: "You can always check out your class in the books we have at the shop too." Eli told Hayley, then put his arm around Bliss, "I hope so, How does Sunday nights look for you guys? We can do dinner or something to eat while we play. Take it downstairs in the shop, since we're not open on Sundays?"
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Sundays works for me. I don't really have anything planned, especially after midterms." He stabbed at his pancakes some more, pushing some into his mouth for noms.-
  33. Tsaaq: "Look at you taking initiative and planning days for things." Bliss went to kiss his cheek. // "Sounds perfect. I'll be looking through books and shit before it's time for us to play. It's going to be so awesome." She whispered with wide eyes. "Plus I still have to think of a cool name."
  34. Covet: "It's nothing." Eli said then looked at the group as he finished his pancakes, "Alright we have a plan. I'll help you out tomorrow Adam and we'll hopefully be mostly ready by next week. We might even be able to dive into a story." He pushed his plate away and looked at Bliss. "Now if you don't mind, It's getting late, and I have my nightly fiance duties to attend to."
  35. Alexithymiaa: -He grabbed for his coffee cup to take one last sip before pushing it away, slipping down off his stool. "Ill try to get as much info together as possible." He said before looking to Hayley. "Do you have your car here, or do you need a ride back to the house?"-
  36. Tsaaq: "Oooo." Bliss cooed at him. "We'll see you two tomorrow, be it class or work." She waved at them. "And you'll come with me." She kissed Eli's cheek. // "I have my car. So I'll meetyou there." She smiled at him. "Night guys!" Hayley called out, getting off her stool and getting ready to leave.
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