
StupidStudiosN finally meets Sans Undertale!™

Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. November 21th, 2015. N had attended ComicCon with Andy, and was currently waiting in line to buy tickets to see "Seinfeld: on Ice." As N eagerly waited to get to the front of the line, Andy was looking down to his phone, grimacing and shaking his head every ten or twenty seconds.
  2. "Oh, how unfortunate..." Andy muttered to himself. Hearing Glandy's tone of voice, N immediately turned around to address him.
  3. "Huh, what happened? Did Kam or Char die?" N was kind of concerned He knew that he left Kam and Char home alone, and there were probably matches somewhere around the house too, only god knew if they got into the matches and, if so, if Char and Kam are still alive
  4. "No, something worse..." J showed his phone to N. It was a screenshot of the official StupidStudios Discord Server, and Char was posting art of some weird pink gay robot, while Kam was ranting about how much he wanted to call some weird goat woman "mom."
  5. "I don't get it, Josh. I don't see anything wrong with that screenshot."
  6. "Don't you see, N? Char and Kam are currently infected by a terminal disease by the name of "Undertale Fever™." Ever since Undertale was released to the united states, it has been infecting millions of people, and now it has claimed Kam _and_ Char! Just you watch, N, Undertale's gonna be the next Five Nights at Freddy's!"
  7. N gasped! In 2015, Five Nights at Fredberinos was still relevant, so calling something 'the next five nights at fredder' was a really big deal! "Oh no, that's horrible! Is there any way to cure this Undertale Fever™?"
  8. "No, there's no cure, N. Char and Kam ar goners, but there's a way that you can stay safe. Stay away from anyone named 'Sans Undert-" Andy was cut off by a loud, dull voice which sounded kind of like a depressed Patrick Star. But unfortunately for Andy, it was Sans Undertale! Usually, someone like Sans would've been shooed away from the premises immediately, but since he was at ComicCon, everyone thought that he was simply a person _cosplaying_ as Sans Undertale.
  9. "lmao I am Snas Undertale" said the literal satan. If this was 2017, everyone would've kicked Sans out of ComicCon, but instead everyone else waiting in line ran up to Sans, all wanting autographs and such.
  10. "AAaaAAaaaAAaAa it's Sans Undertale!" Said some girl who looked like a hot topic gremlin.
  11. "Huh? Sans Undertale is here?!?" Another girl said, lactating from the sound of the name of "Sans Undertale"
  12. "Sans AaaAAaAAAaa!!"
  13. "You fools- that's Ness!"
  14. "I love skeletons reEEEEEEEE!"
  15. "Sans make an undertale reference!"
  16. "Ok," said Sans. He took a deep breath, and the room fell silent. So silent you could've probably heard a pin drop. Then, at the top of his hypothetical lungs, Sans Undertale bellowed out "You are gonna have a bad time."
  17. "Oh wow, he's so cool!" N had never laid his eyes upon such a fantastic being before. "I want to get his autograph, Andy!"
  18. "No, N, don't do it! You have so much to live for, noooooooo!"
  19. But alas, it was too late. By the time Andy called out, N had already gotten a signature from Sans Undertale, and had dumped all of his college savings into buying a blue hoodie, just so he can be like his idol.
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