
An idea for League of Legends -- Penalties

May 12th, 2024
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  1. Anyone that has played Team Strategy games, Hero Brawlers, MOBAs, Tower Defense games, RTS with one main unit, whatever you want to call them, such games are League of Legends, Dota 2, Pokemon Unite, and Heroes of the Storm. There may be others, but those are the main ones that I've played and enjoy.
  3. Now I had an idea as I was waking up this morning, I don't often wake up with interesting ideas but it happened today. And this idea was a way to discourage toxicity within a particular game. Now I don't know if this idea would work in the other games, but maybe I'll wake up with an idea for another game some day. This idea should work in League of Legends. So what is it?
  5. First let's try and describe a problem, and then I'll throw the idea out there, and you can decide if you think it seems like a reasonable solution. If you like the idea, perhaps you can contribute your own ideas that follow the theme and the idea can expand and improve.
  7. So what happens sometimes in League of Legends, you play with people that do things like tower hug and force you to fight enemies all by yourself...maybe they aren't even bothering to attack minions...perhaps their mana is full(perhaps the code would ignore exceptions like a level 1 Vayne with only Silver Bolts learned just as an example) while your champion goes from 100 to 0 percent HP. A lack of concern for their teammate could be detected, and what could happen is there could be a penalty applied to their entire team for this lack of teamwork, regardless of who is to blame. Perhaps the 'tower hugger' wants to blame the person daring to take on the 2 enemy champs all by himself instead of cowering and waiting for assistance from their jungler or a solo lane. Maybe the tower hugger is right, but probably not. Either way, the lack of teamwork could be detected and a penalty could be set for the entire team. So what happens? My suggestion is a gold deficit could be applied to everyone in the team. Now I know they all gain gold differently, but you could still apply negative whatever amount of gold, say 100 or 500 gold, or whatever number seems appropriate for the error that needs a penalty. This would mean everyone would need to earn additional gold before they can start getting gold that they could use again. Maybe their current gold would freeze so that the penalty could be more visible, instead of simply subtracting from their current gold. In any case, this would be for the purpose of snowballing the incentive to forfeit.
  9. See, I forgot to mention earlier, but forfeiting at least in my opinion does not work well in League of Legends. What tends to happen is teams will only forfeit to save themselves about 10 seconds when they are going to lose anyway, when instead they could save themselves any number of minutes, perhaps 10, perhaps more or less, the number isn't really important here. The point is that sometimes, players just don't feel like winning. Regardless of the reason for them feeling that way, the forfeiting process is rarely expedited. And I think penalties such as a gold deficit for the whole team would be an interesting way to point players in the direction of the forfeit function. People can be so stubborn and they may think, 'I'm so close to a new item power spike' or something similar, and they may have too high of an opinion of themselves, or they may even just think more innocently, 'perhaps my trolling teammate will have a change of heart and start trying again, and maybe we can make a comeback'. Now the latter idea just generally doesn't happen. If someone has a change of heart it's generally going to take too long to happen for it to be in the middle of a League of Legends match. The other idea is a bit more likely to occur, but it's also based on a lie, the idea that by themselves, the power spike would amount to anything worthwhile. By taking away the opportunity for the power spike, by piling up penalties on the team, the person that thinks they have a chance to make a difference with their power spike no longer has this hope, false or not. It just evaporates as whatever players start contributing to the gold deficit penalties. I've even seen the players that refuse to give up being primary contributors to lack of teamwork, and maybe you have too. And this could help raise awareness of bad teamwork.
  11. The point isn't anymore to punish people that are playing badly(since running it down is slow to be punished and even that isn't even close to the most common way someone will lose on purpose), it's to destroy whole teams that are dysfunctional. Matchmaking shouldn't make players feel like they are stuck with impossible teammates for long periods of time. There should be viable mechanics installed to get people out of there faster. Right now there is not enough incentive to forfeit. So if someone thinks their team isn't worth playing for, why do other people feel like they need to report them? Why not just let the toxic person have their way and condemn the entire team so they can lose since the toxic person wants them to lose anyway? Just imagine a match 45 minutes in, and there are so many gold deficit penalties that nobody has two full items yet outside of fully upgraded boots. Would it be a new League of Legends? Yes. Could it still theoretically take too long to lose? Yes. However, I argue that such matches would be mere outliers and the vast majority of matches would either be fair matches(one can hope) or matches where one team just snowballs the other team into a victory faster than ever before thanks to gold deficit penalties.
  13. So I ask you, what other detections for a gold deficit penalty would you add? Are there different ideas for penalties that you think could be brought in and are there detections you think would work with those? Perhaps something linked to leveling up your champions, an experience penalty maybe? I don't know, that's up to you and your minds to come up with. Because I'm just sharing my idea and inviting you to add to it if you can.
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