
ORH ch 48

Mar 6th, 2017
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  1. Starts with nurse and she put herself down for sleeping all night yesterday( or that she didn't?), and how she worked harder than usual to hide that, and now she has no more energy in her body, she's haunted by he sounds she heard that day still(slut and mc fucking). Makes her suffer from delusions that make her panties wet and she burst out no matter where she is, she now buys them even before going home(prbly lack of fresh clean one), then a bitch hs girl angrily tells her to hurry up that the panties are on sale now.. She feels embarrassed to buy them here and wants to run away, she feel that everybody is watching her, and why the rush to buy panties at a convenience store at night .. Those two guys joke about her urgency and how she maybe forgot them in a room.. She feels even more horny, gets even more wet, has no power left, thinks the house is right there, cannot move a single step, what is happening .. calls herself a perv, and why does she have to endure this.. she then blames MC for this, then on the work she did in the hospital .. Then she hallucinates MC telling her 'i love you' and blames MC some more. Thinks she saw such a shocking thing that she can't forget about or act like nothing happened, the sex that perverted couple had(mc and slut), and question why is it hard only for her. MC approaches and asks her if shes okay, or if she's sick, he tells her she doesn't look that good but thinks that she's crying so it must be bad. Then MC asks her what is it, to tell him(she closed in on him) and her thoughts are how she had another experience like the ones form before. MC tries to excuse himself that his intentions were pure and that he only wanted to help her, she then faints. MC freaks out and thinks she doesn't seem to be drunk to fall that fast, he thinks he didn't do anything to her, asks her if she's okay and tell her to hang on. He then sees that she had no panties on, goes 'wtf is this situation' and 'no panties on' MC then freaks out more and thinks about what he is going to do, he doesn't know her that well, thinks if he should call 119 and how it might not be that urgent(not sure), he then goes 'hey, please get up!' Drunk salary men talk how one got promoted and how much raise he got, they notice MC and nurse, MC goes ' excuse me' to nurse(prbly lifting her or smth like that), one of the guys question MC about what he is doing there on a harsh tone, and MC goes 'oh no not me' as in ' i didn't do anything', and thinks the same thing. ENd of ch
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