
buy skript pro

Mar 30th, 2020
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  1. command /buytest:
  2. trigger:
  3. open chest with 3 rows named "&4server navn &1buycraft &6&kbuy" to player
  4. format slot 11 of player with shiny diamond block named "&4Ranks" to close then run [execute player command "/buyranks"]
  5. format slot 13 of player with shiny diamond block named "&eandet" to close then run [execute player command "/buyandet"]
  6. format slot 15 of player with shiny diamond block named "&9kits" to close then run [execute player command "/buykits"]
  7. format slot 0 of player with shiny nether star named "&4luk menu" to close
  8. format slot 3 of player with shiny emerald block named "&bterminated &ebuycraft" with lore "&1skript lavet af mrphil123" to be unstealable
  9. format slot 1 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  10. format slot 2 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  11. format slot 3 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  12. format slot 4 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  13. format slot 5 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  14. format slot 6 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  15. format slot 7 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  16. format slot 8 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  17. format slot 9 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  18. format slot 10 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  19. format slot 12 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  20. format slot 14 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  21. format slot 16 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  22. format slot 17 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  23. format slot 18 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  24. format slot 19 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  25. format slot 20 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  26. format slot 21 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  27. format slot 22 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  28. format slot 23 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  29. format slot 24 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  30. format slot 25 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  31. format slot 26 of player with shiny emerald named "&bserver navn buycraft" to be unstealable
  32. command /buyranks:
  33. trigger:
  34. wait 5 tick
  35. open chest with 3 rows named "&eRanks" to player
  36. format slot 10 of player with cookie named "&5rank1" with lore "&a200 EMS" to close then run [execute player command "/buyranks1"]
  37. format slot 12 of player with cookie named "&5rank2" with lore "&a400 EMS" to close then run [execute player command "/buyranks2"]
  38. format slot 14 of player with cookie named "&6rank3" with lore "&a800 EMS" to close then run [execute player command "/buyranks3"]
  40. command /buyranks1:
  41. trigger:
  42. broadcast "&4&lINFO: &b%player% &7vil gerne købe &cRANK1 &7for &a200 EMS"
  44. command /buyranks2:
  45. trigger:
  46. broadcast "&4&lINFO: &b%player% &7vil gerne købe &9RANK2 &7for &a400 EMS"
  49. command /buyranks3:
  50. trigger:
  51. broadcast "&4&lINFO: &b%player% &7vil gerne købe &6RANK3 Rank &7for &a800 EMS"
  53. command /buyandet:
  54. trigger:
  55. wait 5 tick
  56. open chest with 3 rows named "&eandet" to player
  57. format slot 11 of player with cookie named "&5ting1" with lore "&a2400 EMS" to close then run [execute player command "/buyandet1"]
  58. format slot 13 of player with cookie named "&5ting2" with lore "&a2800 EMS" to close then run [execute player command "/buyandet2"]
  59. format slot 15 of player with cookie named "&4ting3" with lore "&a840 EMS" to close then run [execute player command "/buyandet3"]
  61. command /buyandet1:
  62. trigger:
  63. broadcast "&4&lINFO: &b%player% &7vil gerne købe en ting1 &7for &a2400 EMS"
  65. command /buyandet2:
  66. trigger:
  67. broadcast "&4&lINFO: &b%player% &7vil gerne købe en ting2 &7for &a2800 EMS"
  70. command /buyandet3:
  71. trigger:
  72. broadcast "&4&lINFO: &b%player% &7vil gerne købe en ting3 &7for &a840 EMS"
  74. command /buykits:
  75. trigger:
  76. wait 5 tick
  77. open chest with 3 rows named "&eKits" to player
  78. format slot 11 of player with cookie named "&6kit3" with lore "&a400 EMS" to close then run [execute player command "/buykits1"]
  79. format slot 13 of player with cookie named "&ekit2" with lore "&a120 EMS" to close then run [execute player command "/buykits2"]
  80. format slot 15 of player with cookie named "&dkit1" with lore "&a240 EMS" to close then run [execute player command "/buykits3"]
  82. command /buykits1:
  83. trigger:
  84. broadcast "&4&lINFO: &b%player% &7vil gerne købe kit3 &7for &a320 EMS"
  86. command /buykits2:
  87. trigger:
  88. broadcast "&4&lINFO: &b%player% &7vil gerne købe kit2 &7for &a120 EMS"
  90. command /buykits3:
  91. trigger:
  92. broadcast "&4&lINFO: &b%player% &7vil gerne købe kit1 &7for &a240 EMS"
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