

Aug 21st, 2016
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  1. LNet]-GSIV:Jimbrov: "speaking of which, Football coming up...the Browns could use a LOT of healing" (21:49:53)
  2. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "lol karos" (21:50:04)
  3. [LNet]-You: "?" (21:50:08)
  4. [LNet]-You: "what" (21:50:17)
  5. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "wannabe assasin." (21:50:38)
  6. [LNet]-You: "what are you talking about?" (21:50:44)
  7. [Merchant]-GSIV:Flame: "BLURS and GUARDS at Kings Court" (21:50:49)
  8. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "your moms face" (21:50:53)
  9. [LNet]-You: "im so confused" (21:50:58)
  10. [LNet]-You: "does dying in OTF mean something now?" (21:51:11)
  11. [LNet]-GSIV:Aranthius: "capped illistim bandits anyone?" (21:51:21)
  12. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "you should be, since her face was mangled by your mangled cock" (21:51:30)
  13. [LNet]-GSIV:Jimbrov: "depends on how you die, i'd wager" (21:51:30)
  14. [LNet]-GSIV:Polveiss: "i've always wanted to be an insane assassin, they're hired to kill other assassins." (21:51:44)
  15. [LNet]-You: "cant stop those 7 round lightning flares. even with electric resist" (21:51:53)
  16. [LNet]-GSIV:Dergoatean: "something new to OTF, Kalros?" (21:52:09)
  17. [LNet]-You: "I dont think so" (21:52:16)
  18. [LNet]-You: "Sek just went a little weird when i died" (21:52:23)
  19. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "i cant help but laugh at your fail." (21:52:26)
  20. [TownCrier]-GSIV:Newsby: "[TIP] Use ;alias to make brief abbreviations for even multi-word lich or game commands. ;alias help and ;alias setup will get you started. Don't balk over the <trigger> or <target> syntax thing. Think of them as <abbreviation> = <definition> via Areigha" (21:52:33)
  21. [LNet]-You: "I die all the time, enjoy your laughter?" (21:52:39)
  22. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "when i can report it... even better.." (21:52:57)
  23. [LNet]-GSIV:Ealanas: "Kalros dying is not funny, Kalros speaking... hilarious" (21:53:05)
  24. [DRPrime]-DR:Kekahuna: "E you around?" (21:53:05)
  25. [DRPrime]-DR:Etreu: "hmm?" (21:53:14)
  26. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "he's afkn tool... so his is friend that got assasinated." (21:53:36)
  27. [LNet]-You: "are you drunk?" (21:53:47)
  28. [LNet]-GSIV:Ealanas: "he's like one in the same with Zaoloo which is hilarious" (21:53:49)
  29. [DRPrime]-DR:Kekahuna: "is there a way to make the buying lockpick portion of the pick put the picks in the barrel if they dont match the ring?" (21:54:02)
  30. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "drunk or sober, your a fkn douche." (21:54:08)
  31. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "C'mon yall it's too damn early in the morning for this. Cut it out." (21:54:24)
  32. [LNet]-You: "seems like you care too much about me" (21:54:25)
  33. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "and your death is warrented." (21:54:30)
  34. [LNet]-GSIV:Gickna: "feel the lurve" (21:54:30)
  35. [LNet]-You: "i dont even know who you are" (21:54:31)
  36. [LNet]-GSIV:Ealanas: "lol Yla" (21:54:34)
  37. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "i love you kalros" (21:54:38)
  38. [DRPrime]-DR:Etreu: "why would it buy picks that don't match?" (21:54:46)
  39. [LNet]-You: "god, alts popping up out of no where" (21:54:49)
  40. [LNet]-You: "at least talk shit with your main" (21:54:53)
  41. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "enough that id kill anyone who tried to preserve your corpse if i was near" (21:54:58)
  42. [DRPrime]-DR:Kekahuna: "or a way to not try to refill the ring?" (21:54:58)
  43. [LNet]-GSIV:Ealanas: "did you just wake up?" (21:55:04)
  44. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "Yeah, slept in until 930am" (21:55:13)
  45. [LNet]-You: "Oh please do Seko, I'd love for you to take this in character." (21:55:16)
  46. [LNet]-GSIV:Jimbrov: "Sekoridin is a pretty regular character, if he has alts I wouldn't even try to guess who they would be" (21:55:23)
  47. [Private]-GSIV:Gickna: "Can I come preserve you" (21:55:29)
  48. [Private]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "i know i couldn't... so i keyboard warrior." (21:55:33)
  49. [LNet]-You: "Well i dont know who he is but he seems to have an unnatural hate for me." (21:55:41)
  50. [Private]-GSIV:Gickna: "nvm he prob isn't near" (21:55:42)
  51. [DRPrime]-DR:Kekahuna: "i hae a grandmaster ring but it keeps trying to buy stouts and then fillin my bag with em lol" (21:55:48)
  52. [LNet]-You: "[Private]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "i know i couldn't... so i keyboard warrior." (21:55:33)" (21:55:51)
  53. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "its natural." (21:56:11)
  54. [DRPrime]-DR:Etreu: "you can file an issue to disable lockpick restocking" (21:56:21)
  55. [TownCrier]-GSIV:Newsby: "[right now] Briefly, near River Ramble on the east side of town, three crusaders appear, their white armor stained sanguine from almost head to toe. They move hurriedly behind some buildings, disappearing out of sight." (21:56:37)
  56. [DRPrime]-DR:Etreu: "I just never found a good argument to use anything besides store lockpicks." (21:56:41)
  57. [LNet]-You: "you are exerting a lot of energy on hating me when i dont even know you exist" (21:56:44)
  58. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "reporting again... 2nd slap? or third?" (21:56:56)
  59. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "Kalros, hon, the most active people on lnet tend to develop that. Usually has to do with your feuds with Zaoloo and Alastir. It isn't that anyone has love for them, we just all get sick of hearing the feuds you start." (21:56:59)
  60. [LNet]-You: "just doesnt seem fair to you" (21:56:59)
  61. [DRPrime]-DR:Artinos: "I use ordinary myself. :D" (21:57:03)
  62. [LNet]-You: "i never feud with Zaoloo! Hes my bff" (21:57:15)
  63. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "fair is my ass tightening around your tongue not escaping." (21:57:18)
  64. [DRPrime]-DR:Kekahuna: "i had this ring from before lich lol" (21:57:19)
  65. [LNet]-GSIV:Ealanas: "Well, for the record Kalros, most people don't like you" (21:57:23)
  66. [LNet]-GSIV:Ealanas: "generally speaking" (21:57:32)
  67. [TownCrier]-GSIV:Newsby: "[VERBINESS] PINCH HEAD <target> might get you some strange looks, but *you* will know what the plan is, right? Thanks Szinj for this verb suggestion." (21:57:33)
  68. [DRPrime]-DR:Artinos: "Buy a new ring. They're 3 gold before haggle." (21:57:36)
  69. [DRPrime]-DR:Kekahuna: "maybe ill jut vault it" (21:57:37)
  70. [LNet]-You: "For the record, you dont speak for most people." (21:57:38)
  71. [LNet]-You: "and if we are speaking generally, most people hate you" (21:57:47)
  72. [LNet]-GSIV:Ealanas: "pretty sure I do..." (21:57:47)
  73. [LNet]-GSIV:Siierra: "You all annoy me equally." (21:57:50)
  74. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "for the record, dont think of yourself as most people.." (21:57:58)
  75. [LNet]-GSIV:Alayis: "lies" (21:57:59)
  76. [LNet]-GSIV:Ealanas: "cheers to that Siierra" (21:58:06)
  77. [TownCrier]-GSIV:Ylandra: "that works on NPC monsters too. Staring at a human thief, you hold up your fingers in front of your face and pinch them together, staring through the narrowing aperture. You will crush them all!" (21:58:11)
  78. [LNet]-GSIV:Hakosuka: "where can you buy blessed arrows?" (21:58:11)
  79. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "ive had over 14 PM laughing at your death." (21:58:12)
  80. [LNet]-You: "can i back to what i was doing before you kids decided to talk shit?" (21:58:24)
  81. [LNet]-You: "or shall we continue this farce?" (21:58:31)
  82. [LNet]-GSIV:Jadedlilly: "could use a cleric to imtc" (21:58:40)
  83. [LNet]-GSIV:Ealanas: "but in reality, most people like me and they think you suck, just sayin" (21:58:45)
  84. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "sure, ive got a child, its Dreavens.. and her faces..." (21:58:52)
  85. [LNet]-You: "In reality, you are full of shit." (21:58:55)
  86. [TownCrier]-GSIV:Dergoatean: "Half-elf corpses found at the end of the trail of blood, in the wine shop cellar - 8908" (21:59:00)
  87. [LNet]-You: "You were dating Annorond for gods sake" (21:59:08)
  88. [Private]-GSIV:Siierra: "-pinches you-" (21:59:09)
  89. [LNet]-GSIV:Ealanas: "in reality, not full of shit" (21:59:10)
  90. [LNet]-GSIV:Cadaveur: "both of you please stfu" (21:59:14)
  91. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "in reality, your a piece of trash...." (21:59:17)
  92. [LNet]-You: "you are the shit stain on Alastirs tighty whites" (21:59:23)
  93. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "Cadaveur come here?" (21:59:33)
  94. [LNet]-You: "Did I run Annarond off or was it your god awful personality?" (21:59:41)
  95. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "ill make sure the GM see's your BS too" (21:59:50)
  96. [LNet]-GSIV:Ealanas: "I don't know Alastir so..." (21:59:53)
  97. [PrivateTo]-GSIV:Siierra: "*lick*" (21:59:55)
  98. [LNet]-GSIV:Cadaveur: "wheres 'here'?" (22:00:02)
  99. [LNet]-GSIV:Jadedlilly: "still need a cleric to imtc" (22:00:03)
  100. [Private]-GSIV:Siierra: "-bites-" (22:00:03)
  101. [LNet]-You: "My BS? ... they only thing they are going to see if you talking shit for no reason." (22:00:09)
  102. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "already watching Kalros :)" (22:00:09)
  103. [LNet]-GSIV:Ealanas: "Well met Alastir!" (22:00:28)
  104. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "assinate Areigha ONE more time.. you will see..." (22:00:35)
  105. [LNet]-You: "You must be drunk" (22:00:47)
  106. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "ive got logs you dick... twice you tired.. once you succeeded...." (22:01:05)
  107. [LNet]-You: "didnt you just use smiles in TSC to force everyone in that room to do obscene tings to you?" (22:01:13)
  108. [LNet]-You: "pretty sure thats a warning offense" (22:01:21)
  109. [Private]-GSIV:Ylandra: "what was the action?" (22:01:35)
  110. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "ive been at a table for hours.... try me..." (22:01:50)
  111. [LNet]-You: ""Sekoridin smiles as he grabs your arms... and forces them to grab his cheeks and makes him suck your tongue. 21:21:08" (22:01:58)
  112. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "Look, I like both of you under normal circumstances. Right now you're both being dicks. SHUT THE FUCK UP PLEASE." (22:02:08)
  113. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "ylandra... has nothing to do with you." (22:02:23)
  114. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "I have to listen to it." (22:02:30)
  115. [TownCrier]-GSIV:Newsby: "[TIP] Hey, those boots do not belong on your head! SORT AUTO HEADTOTOE to keep your inventory in Top Down order. (Mostly) ~via Ayvain" (22:02:33)
  116. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "Therefore it does." (22:02:35)
  117. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "so untune." (22:02:39)
  118. [LNet]-GSIV:Githros: "yeah, wouldn't it be cool if those fightin would do it privately?" (22:02:52)
  119. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "all of lnet shouldn't have to untune because you two are drunk." (22:02:53)
  120. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "irar? where are you?" (22:03:01)
  121. [Merchant]-GSIV:Flame: "would be cool if we could ban people!" (22:03:12)
  122. [LNet]-GSIV:Alayis: "not all of lnet, i am amused" (22:03:13)
  123. [LNet]-GSIV:Kethore: "cleric made it to imttc" (22:03:17)
  124. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "Irar's probably asleep. And he's not part of this." (22:03:25)
  125. [Merchant]-GSIV:Wadsworth: "set flag ban Flame" (22:03:39)
  126. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "got a log he'd love to see" (22:03:43)
  127. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "Oh, you want to blackmail me for things he already knows about?" (22:04:00)
  128. [Prime]-GSIV:Froggai: "can we just vote them off, send them to a castaway island?" (22:04:05)
  129. [Merchant]-GSIV:Flame: "!" (22:04:06)
  130. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "blackmail?" (22:04:14)
  131. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "okay that is enough" (22:04:16)
  132. [LNet]-You: "im sober. im also moving on" (22:04:18)
  133. [LNet]-GSIV:Gickna: "Lively bunch today." (22:04:20)
  134. [LNet]-You: "feel free to rant alone" (22:04:22)
  135. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "blackmail is assuming he dont konw.. when ive already asked." (22:04:27)
  136. [LNet]-GSIV:Flame: "do You think they would shit talk so much if they potientally could get kicked out by their peers?" (22:04:28)
  137. [LNet]-GSIV:Jimbrov: "ya'll people got issues" (22:04:35)
  138. [Prime]-GSIV:Froggai: "gemstone's version of australia?" (22:04:40)
  139. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "ive loved our private sactuary sessions ylandra.... but this.. has nothing to do with you." (22:05:09)
  140. [PrivateTo]-GSIV:Ylandra: "who is that guy?" (22:05:22)
  141. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "Hah. Nothing happened in there that wouldn't happen elsewhere." (22:05:28)
  142. [PrivateTo]-GSIV:Ylandra: "this is would make more sense if i knew who he was" (22:05:34)
  143. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "nah.... i agree.... i just copy and paste where needed" (22:05:46)
  144. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "that is such bullshit, Sekoridin." (22:06:14)
  145. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "irar may believe you if he's fkn retarded" (22:06:23)
  146. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "like I said, that is enough" (22:06:23)
  147. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "Damn. You're as bad as Terrant and Anaron." (22:06:27)
  148. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "Also, you act as though Irar and I are an item IRL." (22:06:40)
  149. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "because irar is a friend?" (22:06:54)
  150. [LNet]-GSIV:Siierra: "There were demons, and I died twice and you all are fighting over non-important things. Just saying! :)" (22:06:55)
  151. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "second that, Siierra" (22:07:09)
  152. [LNet]-GSIV:Kittelia: "if it wasnt in vaalor more people would have responded." (22:07:22)
  153. [Merchant]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "Enestrie... im grateful for you.. but now is not the time.. contine.. i dgaf" (22:07:23)
  154. [LNet]-GSIV:Dergoatean: "It's funny watching the population of prime and lnet diverge over time" (22:07:27)
  155. [LNet]-GSIV:Ragz: "I wanna make out with the blackmail guy next please" (22:07:32)
  156. [TownCrier]-GSIV:Newsby: "[NEWS] Heartfire reports that a timid fire mage apprentice, running away from his father at the academy, showed up in Teras on Tuesday night to hide from his brother and father. He said they may come looking for him in a day or two, and to be careful." (22:07:33)
  157. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "diverge or converge?" (22:07:38)
  158. [LNet]-GSIV:Ragz: "maybe he can get some dirt on me next" (22:07:39)
  159. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "lol Ragz!" (22:07:43)
  160. [LNet]-GSIV:Siierra: "Umm.. what?" (22:07:45)
  161. [LNet]-GSIV:Siierra: "lol" (22:07:47)
  162. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "have at it, Ragz" (22:07:50)
  163. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "lol" (22:07:53)
  164. [LNet]-GSIV:Dergoatean: "The raw count, ylandra - lnet is 61 less than prime right now" (22:07:57)
  165. [LNet]-GSIV:Alayis: "omg i just choked on my drink Ragz thanks!" (22:07:57)
  166. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "hi ragz :)" (22:08:11)
  167. [LNet]-GSIV:Myasarie: "well I see Lnet has not changed much." (22:08:24)
  168. [LNet]-GSIV:Meeshach: "lol Myasarie" (22:08:40)
  169. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "so youve got Enestri away from demon?" (22:08:41)
  170. [LNet]-GSIV:Gickna: "Not much was missed, no." (22:08:52)
  171. [LNet]-GSIV:Myasarie: "Hello there Meeshach" (22:09:07)
  172. [LNet]-GSIV:Meeshach: "Same BAT Time...... Same BAT channel" (22:09:11)
  173. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "congrats.... welcome" (22:09:14)
  174. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "and ylandra..... ive got way too much to show Irar.. that i wouldn't dare...." (22:09:41)
  175. [Merchant]-GSIV:Vadun: "need one aquamarine gem on fwi or the nations if anyone has one" (22:09:52)
  176. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "Oh, go right ahead." (22:09:59)
  177. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "and if you think its the past 3 weeks.. lol on you." (22:10:02)
  178. [LNet]-GSIV:Gickna: "Are they a lot of '....'?" (22:10:03)
  179. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "Go right ahead, Seko. Show your best friend what a man you are." (22:10:25)
  180. [LNet]-GSIV:Gweneivia: " he talking about sending him dick pics?" (22:10:43)
  181. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "LOL" (22:10:48)
  182. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "ill show my best friend what a witch he' thinks he's in love wiht" (22:10:50)
  183. [LNet]-GSIV:Ragz: "haha" (22:10:51)
  184. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "yeah, thats how I wanna spend my evening, threatening to spill the beans the folks who have rejected me" (22:10:56)
  185. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "Siierra?" (22:11:05)
  186. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "lol" (22:11:07)
  187. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "Gwene?" (22:11:15)
  188. [LNet]-GSIV:Siierra: "Enestrie, it's a lost cause. I'm ignoring it. LOL" (22:11:19)
  189. [LNet]-GSIV:Gweneivia: "hmmm? <3" (22:11:33)
  190. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "fine, fine, I will put the logs away. dam empaths" (22:11:36)
  191. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "ragz. thanks for your spells months ago... has nothing to do with you now." (22:11:38)
  192. [LNet]-You: "This is what we call a gemstone meltdown." (22:11:44)
  193. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "Gwene, can I spill the beans?" (22:11:51)
  194. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "show my ass?" (22:11:56)
  195. [LNet]-GSIV:Dergoatean: "The beans are your your ass?" (22:12:10)
  196. [LNet]-GSIV:Gickna: "I'd spill the beans on Kalros but he's never rejected me." (22:12:14)
  197. [LNet]-GSIV:Gickna: "<3" (22:12:15)
  198. [LNet]-GSIV:Ragz: "FUCK don't show people logs of me spelling you up please please please" (22:12:19)
  199. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "hush Dergoat." (22:12:19)
  200. [LNet]-GSIV:Djinn: "wow someone is blackmailing over text logs?" (22:12:32)
  201. [TownCrier]-GSIV:Newsby: "[NEWS] GM Coase updates Symbol of Seeking: In Solhaven, get to Varunar; In Landing, get to the Red Forest, In Ta'Vaalor, the Displaced Red Forest, and in Icemule, the Brambles." (22:12:34)
  202. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "LOL Ragz" (22:12:35)
  203. [LNet]-GSIV:Siierra: "lol" (22:12:35)
  204. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "lol rags" (22:12:36)
  205. [LNet]-GSIV:Myasarie: "Bandits in Illi if any wish to come along" (22:12:38)
  206. [LNet]-GSIV:Gweneivia: "umm if the beans are your ass are you sure you want to spill them? :/" (22:12:40)
  207. [LNet]-GSIV:Githros: "unicorns, rainbows, and lil green men...." (22:12:48)
  208. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "dam empaths" (22:12:50)
  209. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "how about the ones of you trying to fk Chaddeaux?" (22:12:55)
  210. [LNet]-GSIV:Alayis: "just threw up a little in my mouth" (22:13:12)
  211. [LNet]-GSIV:Siierra: "lol Alayis" (22:13:18)
  212. [LNet]-GSIV:Alayis: "*smirk*" (22:13:27)
  213. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "so is Dirvy..." (22:13:28)
  214. [LNet]-GSIV:Githros: "swallow it" (22:13:29)
  215. [LNet]-GSIV:Ragz: "lol" (22:13:34)
  216. [Merchant]-GSIV:Nadene: "so that bad??" (22:13:42)
  217. [LNet]-GSIV:Avadur: "Chaddeaux is a questionable woman. It's a Dwarf" (22:13:48)
  218. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "thanks ragz, for helping me hit 60." (22:13:51)
  219. [LNet]-GSIV:Avadur: "you never know" (22:13:52)
  220. [LNet]-GSIV:Polveiss: "I got rejected for a dance when i was 13 once, i still havent gotten over it. now you got the dirt." (22:13:55)
  221. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "I am sorry Polveiss, I was only 9!" (22:14:11)
  222. [LNet]-GSIV:Polveiss: "lol" (22:14:15)
  223. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "So, let's clear the air, so EVERYONE knows. I am married IRL to someone who doesn't play gemstone. We have a girlfriend who lives with us. Yes, all three of us sleep together. Yes, both of them know that I cyber. Yes, every person that I "date" in Gemstone is aware that I flirt with everyone." (22:14:18)
  224. [LNet]-You: "lets calm down on the personal attacks there Seko. You can target me if you feel the need." (22:14:20)
  225. [Prime]-GSIV:Dreaven: "120 minutes until the next Dreavening. Landing room number 285. Be sure your GROUP is OPEN when you get there. If you don't like this event or the messages advertising this event well...I mean really? You sound like the type of person who watches the news and roots for the hurricane." (22:14:23)
  226. [LNet]-GSIV:Alayis: "...." (22:14:29)
  227. [LNet]-GSIV:Polveiss: "no, didn't make it lol" (22:14:32)
  228. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "Polveis, your daughter is hott.. Kittai... god damn it" (22:14:33)
  229. [LNet]-GSIV:Polveiss: "I assure you, i have no kids lol" (22:14:45)
  230. [LNet]-GSIV:Myasarie: "Where are the rest of the bandit hungry crew?" (22:14:48)
  231. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "i assure you, ive met" (22:14:55)
  232. [Merchant]-GSIV:Cadaveur: "anyone have any blue sapphires?" (22:15:04)
  233. [LNet]-GSIV:Nadene: "still not seeing anything bad" (22:15:04)
  234. [LNet]-You: "seko if you need a target to stalk, Thonds daughters are always available" (22:15:26)
  235. [LNet]-GSIV:Siierra: "Sometimes you all just volunteer too much information :(" (22:15:31)
  236. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "just glad to see Kalros still around..." (22:15:32)
  237. [LNet]-GSIV:Siierra: "lol" (22:15:33)
  238. [LNet]-GSIV:Gickna: "oman" (22:15:35)
  239. [LNet]-GSIV:Jimbrov: "any warrior guild masters around for a promote in disarm and tackle? Maybe a warcry teach real quick?" (22:15:36)
  240. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "slap on the rist wasn't enough...." (22:15:50)
  241. [LNet]-You: "slap on the rist..." (22:15:56)
  242. [LNet]-You: "what u talkin bout willis" (22:16:02)
  243. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: "lets deny and cry" (22:16:05)
  244. [LNet]-GSIV:Jimbrov: "dat rist, do" (22:16:05)
  245. [LNet]-GSIV:Jimbrov: "doe" (22:16:08)
  246. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "So now that you know what's important, the rest of you are just text based random people on the internet. Whether I virtually snuggle you or give you a virtual blow job in a text based game, in the long run, DOESN'T MATTER." (22:16:10)
  247. [LNet]-GSIV:Jimbrov: "doh?" (22:16:12)
  248. [LNet]-GSIV:Gweneivia: "Ylandra I want you to know that I log everything and I have what you just said. Deliver unto me 5m silver or I will tell um...someone, what you just said" (22:16:14)
  249. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "Oh damn, Gwene. LOL" (22:16:28)
  250. [LNet]-You: "Wait, is this some weird attack on me because i log everything? I'm confused again" (22:16:35)
  251. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "yeah, me too, Ylandra" (22:16:36)
  252. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "lol!" (22:16:39)
  253. [LNet]-GSIV:Gickna: "ristes are in DR, not GS" (22:16:43)
  254. [LNet]-GSIV:Siierra: "Kalros, everything isn't always about you. Not this time :)" (22:16:56)
  255. [LNet]-You: "damn!" (22:17:00)
  256. [LNet]-GSIV:Jimbrov: "fer real, Alastir...where's my virtual BJ?" (22:17:02)
  257. [Private]-GSIV:Siierra: "-tickles-" (22:17:03)
  258. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "Wait, Enestrie, you're married IRL with a girlfriend that lives with you too? Cool!" (22:17:04)
  259. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "and Gwene, your fee to hush me, is, 10 million!" (22:17:15)
  260. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "lol Ylandra!" (22:17:25)
  261. [LNet]-You: "Seko, you can cyber me and then black mail me with the log." (22:17:29)
  262. [TownCrier]-GSIV:Newsby: "[MERCHANT] Mistress Nezlyn will be visiting Ta'Vaalor and sewing exclusively for the city's citizens on Monday, August 22 at 7:45 in the evening." (22:17:34)
  263. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "*snortlaugh*" (22:17:42)
  264. [LNet]-You: "but you'll be on your knees a lot." (22:17:51)
  265. [LNet]-GSIV:Alayis: "i am just going to stop drinking stuff tonight lol" (22:18:01)
  266. [LNet]-GSIV:Alayis: "that is twice i choked" (22:18:09)
  267. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "lol Alayis" (22:18:10)
  268. [LNet]-GSIV:Githros: "heh, I'm gonna start" (22:18:11)
  269. [LNet]-You: "lol" (22:18:13)
  270. [LNet]-GSIV:Jimbrov: "all of this is neat and all, but...I just want a warrior guild master to promote me. I know I could do it at the NPC, but I'm old skool, or something" (22:18:47)
  271. [LNet]-GSIV:Ragz: "you gotta pay the troll toll if you wanna get into the boy's hole" (22:19:14)
  272. [LNet]-GSIV:Gweneivia: "omg" (22:19:51)
  273. [LNet]-GSIV:Gweneivia: "rofl" (22:19:54)
  274. [LNet]-GSIV:Lindurin: ""Guys, guys, I literally just want to advance my character so---" "FUCK ME IN THE BUTTHOLE"-- Jimbrov's life right now." (22:20:20)
  275. [LNet]-GSIV:Maylan: "kay" (22:20:50)
  276. [LNet]-GSIV:Jimbrov: "it's...not actually that serious" (22:20:53)
  277. [LNet]-GSIV:Siierra: "Mya, what the heck.. :(" (22:21:00)
  278. [LNet]-GSIV:Githros: "don't stop now I'm just gettin entertained" (22:21:08)
  279. [LNet]-GSIV:Enestrie: "lol Githros!" (22:21:20)
  280. [LNet]-GSIV:Sekoridin: ":) Kalros... ilove you..." (22:21:31)
  281. [TownCrier]-GSIV:Newsby: "[MERCHANT] Lady Irelain will work for House members in the foyer of Ebonstone Manor around 5pm on Monday August 22. She will choose her customers promptly upon arrival." (22:22:33)
  282. [LNet]-GSIV:Gickna: "Sounds like he's pro to the knees idea" (22:23:17)
  283. [LNet]-You: "You say, "I just came out of the sanctuary with Ylandra."" (22:23:40)
  284. [LNet]-You: "You say, "Dont tell anyone."" (22:23:47)
  285. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "LOL" (22:24:01)
  286. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "and tell them what happened in there, Kalros?" (22:24:13)
  287. [Private]-GSIV:Siierra: "You never go in MY sanctuary. Whatever! :P" (22:24:22)
  288. [LNet]-GSIV:Gickna: "bow chicka" (22:24:28)
  289. [LNet]-GSIV:Antonette: "k" (22:24:29)
  290. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "Not a thing happened. Because we went in there to talk." (22:24:55)
  291. [LNet]-GSIV:Gickna: "Is that what you kids call it these days? Tsk" (22:25:13)
  292. [PrivateTo]-GSIV:Siierra: "You never invite me!" (22:25:15)
  293. [Prime]-GSIV:Tenser: "that's what they all say" (22:25:19)
  294. [LNet]-You: "Ylandra told me to sit." (22:25:24)
  295. [LNet]-You: "and she made me talk" (22:25:27)
  296. [DRPrime]-DR:Reibeneisch: "quiet tonight" (22:25:29)
  297. [LNet]-You: "it was awkward." (22:25:31)
  298. [LNet]-GSIV:Jimbrov: "so, either nothing happened, or talking happened" (22:25:33)
  299. [LNet]-GSIV:Ylandra: "and he gave me a flower." (22:25:35)
  300. [LNet]-GSIV:Gickna: "twu wuv" (22:25:44)
  301. [LNet]-You: "usually girls bring me into their sanctuary for one thing" (22:25:52)
  302. [LNet]-GSIV:Githros: "wanna know what I did in a room all by myself?" (22:26:01)
  303. [LNet]-GSIV:Antonette: "is there an elemental spell that spells you up quick?" (22:26:05)
  304. [LNet]-You: "pooped?" (22:26:06)
  305. [LNet]-GSIV:Siierra: "If I bring you in my sanctuary it probably means your dead." (22:26:24)
  306. [LNet]-GSIV:Githros: "I do that outside" (22:26:27)
  307. [LNet]-You: "if you let someone in your sanctuary siierra... does it matter if you are dead?" (22:26:50)
  308. [TownCrier]-GSIV:Newsby: "[VERBINESS] When Anticipation is KILLING you already: BREATHE BLUE: Ragz holds his breath until he looks like he's going to turn blue! ~brought to you by Ylandra" (22:27:32)
  309. [DRPrime]-DR:Artinos: "*cricket chirp*" (22:27:35)
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