

Feb 19th, 2018
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  1. options:
  2. BypassPermission: antiswear.bypass
  3. NotifyPermission: antiswear.notify
  4. AlertMessage: true
  5. Censored: true
  7. on chat:
  8. if message contains "shit" or "fuck" or "gay" or "idiot" or "butt" or "jerk" or "damn" or "shit" or "fack" or "bastard" or "mother fucker" or "fucker" or "dick" or "cock" or "bitch" or "cunt" or "fuck off" or "nigga" or "nigger" or "stfu" or "shut the fuck up" or "fck" or "wtf" or "what the fuck" or "fuck you" or "fok" or "homo" or "asf" or "pennis" or "rape" or "porn" or "prn" or "peni" or "sex" or "piss" or "ass" or "sht" or "feg" or "tits" or "fyc" or "anal" or "fap" or "ffs" or "sx" or "aids" or "mofo" or "niggah" or "lesbian" or "ngga" or "dumbass" or "dumb" or "fucking" or "pussy" or "pussies" or "cancer":
  9. if player has permission "{@BypassPermission}":
  10. stop
  11. if {@Censored} is true:
  12. cancel the event
  13. if {@AlertMessage} is true:
  14. send "&8[&c&lLionPvP&8] &ePlease do not swear."
  15. play sound "BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND" to player at volume 2 and pitch 2
  16. else:
  17. loop all players:
  18. if loop-player has permission "{@NotifyPermission}":
  19. send "&e&o%player% is swearing!" to loop-player
  20. stop
  22. command /antiswear [<text>]:
  23. description: reloads antiswear skript
  24. permission: antiswear.admin
  25. permission message: &cHey&8, &7You dont have permission for this command&8.
  26. trigger:
  27. if arg-1 is not set:
  28. send "&8&m--------------------------"
  29. send " "
  30. send "&f/antiswear information"
  31. send "&f/antiswear reload"
  32. send " "
  33. send "&8&m--------------------------"
  34. play sound "BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN" to player at volume 2 and pitch 2
  35. else:
  36. if arg-1 is "reload":
  37. send "&c&oReloading..." to player
  38. wait 1 tick
  39. execute console command "/sk reload antiswear"
  40. wait 1 tick
  41. send "&c&oAntiswear skript reloaded"
  42. stop
  43. if arg-1 is "information":
  44. send "&8&m--------------------------"
  45. send " "
  46. send "&f/antiswear information"
  47. send "&f/antiswear reload"
  48. send " "
  49. send "&8&m--------------------------"
  50. play sound "BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN" to player at volume 2 and pitch 2
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