

Jun 24th, 2015
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  1. 09:25:28 <ZombieMesh> Vincent is waiting at the motor pool/ garage with a car he rented.
  2. 09:26:14 <Hankolijo> Leonard stops outside the motor pool. He sighs, takes out his flask and takes a large swig, before pocketing it once more and heading in. He heads over to Vincent.
  3. 09:28:54 <ZombieMesh> Vincent reaches over and opens the passenger side door, having been leaning on the car. "So, you'll have to give me directions to the place we're going." He's wearing his black leather jacket, white shirt, black Jean pants, and of course his black gloves.
  4. 09:30:01 <Hankolijo> Leonard did not dress up for this, and is still just dressed the same as always. "Right." He gets in the seat.
  5. 09:31:36 <ZombieMesh> Vincent closes the door once Leonard gets in and then circles around to the driver seat, starting the car and driving away from the concrete bunker. "So, where we heading?"
  6. 09:33:18 <Hankolijo> "A small diner. Used to know the guy who owned the place, then he transferred ownership. Now I don't know anyone in that neighborhood." He gives directions.
  7. 09:35:48 <ZombieMesh> Vincent drives them to said small diner, parking the car and getting out from it. He circles back around to open the door for Leonard, if he lets him.
  8. 09:36:10 <Hankolijo> Leonard opens the door and gets out himself. :|
  9. 09:37:42 <ZombieMesh> Vincent closes the door behind him, smiling sweetly to him. "Anything you'd recommend at this place?" He starts walking towards the Diner.
  10. 09:38:35 <Hankolijo> The place is your average 50's diner. Serves various pies and smoothies, and has attractive women in skirts and jackets running around taking orders. "Well, back in the day the apple pie and smoothie were great." Leonard also heads to the diner.
  11. 09:40:10 <ZombieMesh> "Might have to eat a light dinner so we can have some dessert then, huh?" Eventually, they're seated and given menus to look over by one of the waitresses.
  12. 09:41:25 <Hankolijo> Leonard orders baked potatoes and a pork chop along with the aforementioned pie and smoothie.
  13. 09:42:43 <ZombieMesh> Vincent orders a burger along with the smoothie and slice of pie. "If this were an actual date, we'd be sharing the smoothie." He laughs, crossing his hands on the table. "So, I don't really know a lot about you, huh?"
  14. 09:43:13 <Hankolijo> Leo sinks back in his seat. "What do you want to know?"
  15. 09:45:43 <ZombieMesh> "How about how you came to work here?"
  16. 09:47:20 <Hankolijo> "Not much of a story there. Fought in the war, went back home, worked in the NYPD. Did a good enough job in both to get a position here. And how did you end up here? I doubt you managed to fuck your way into the Foundation."
  17. 09:48:59 <ZombieMesh> Vincent laughs, rubbing his nose. " I mean, sort of? Apparently a place nearby the joint I was working at had some strange shit going on. An agent came to interview me since I worked nearby, I filtered with her. Apparently I might have screwed up that mission a bit."
  18. 09:49:04 ProcyonLotor → @ProcyonGone
  19. 09:50:38 <Hankolijo> Blink. "Wow. Seriously? Man, that's... That's impressive. Not a lot of folks could get a job in a top secret organization by fucking up a mission by being a flirtatious bastard." He quiets down as their food is brought over by the waitress.
  20. 09:53:06 <ZombieMesh> Vincent laughs, smiling a bit. He looks over to the waiter for a second, but then returns his full attention to Leonard. "Humans will be humans."
  21. 09:53:30 <Hankolijo> "Except the ones that aren't." He digs into his food.
  22. 09:56:00 <ZombieMesh> Vincent nods, putting a straw into his smoothie and getting his fruity drink on. "So, how does a guy like you keep getting put to the curb? I mean, you're attractive, so that's not it."
  23. 10:00:43 <Hankolijo> He shrugs. "Well, previously I've just never acted on my feelings quick enough, and now I've managed to fall for the one woman on site who doesn't even understand the concept of relationships, so, I guess I just have shitty luck."
  24. 10:03:09 <ZombieMesh> "Yeah, Luna might not be your best bet. Atleast, not for a long time. Kid was born, like, a few weeks ago." He takes a bite from his burger, finishes said bite, and speaks again. "You might not agree with my view on love, but one thing that it does prove is that people can fall in and out of love very easily. You'll find someone who you'll feel similar
  25. 10:03:09 <ZombieMesh> feelings towards. The odds are in your favor."
  26. 10:07:43 <Hankolijo> Leo finishes the bite of his pork chop. "Yeah, doesn't always seem like that. I /have/ felt similarly before. Very recently, in fact. Didn't work out the way one would want, though I'm friends with them still."
  27. 10:10:21 <ZombieMesh> "You'll find someone eventually. Just gotta keep persevering." He picks up a fork and jabs it at a piece of Leonard pork chop, stealing it for himself and eating it with a sly smile on his face.
  28. 10:11:12 <Hankolijo> Leo pulls back his plate. "Hey! Stop that." He quickly consumes the remaining pork chop. Nobody touches Leo's meat without permission. :|
  29. 10:14:01 <ZombieMesh> Vincent laughs, licking his lips. "That's good meat."
  30. 10:14:30 <Hankolijo> "Uh huh." After finishing the last couple of potatoes, he moves onto the dessert.
  31. 10:15:16 <ZombieMesh> Vincent takes a few bites from the pie. Besides his smoothie, he actually hasn't finished anything fully.
  32. 10:16:52 <Hankolijo> Leo finishes off his pie quickly and moves onto sipping his smoothie. "So, did you find a movie?"
  33. 10:18:11 <ZombieMesh> "Yeah, it's called 'The Man Who Knew Too Much.' It's by Alfred Hitchcock, I think. He did Dial M for Murder too."
  34. 10:18:45 <Hankolijo> "Oh. Probably gonna be good, then." Sip.
  35. 10:20:37 <ZombieMesh> "We can leave whenever you're ready, unless you still want to talk. There's a few showings, so it's not like we'll miss it."
  36. 10:21:37 <Hankolijo> He finishes his smoothie. "Yeah, I think I'd prefer just going now. Aren't you going to finish your food, though?"
  37. 10:22:51 <ZombieMesh> "I'm not really a big eater. I'm full. Did you want it? I don't want to seem like I'm wasting it." He looks down at his plates.
  38. 10:23:47 <Hankolijo> Shrug. "I could take that other slice of pie."
  39. 10:24:45 <ZombieMesh> Vincent smiles and pushes it over. "Have at it. It was really good, by the way. Great recommendation."
  40. 10:25:30 <Hankolijo> "Uh huh." The slice is soon gone. The waitress walks up, expecting payment. Leonard looks to Vincent with a smirk like 'ayy, you asked me out, pay up, dude'.
  41. 10:27:24 ⇐ gumbal1 quit ( Broken pipe
  42. 10:27:55 <ZombieMesh> Vincent smiles to the waitress, reaching into his jacket and taking out his wallet. He thumbs through his money and then hands it to her, there being a twenty dollar tip somewhere in there. "Keep the change." He winks.
  43. 10:28:23 <Hankolijo> She smiles and winks back. She takes away the plates, and Leonard stands.
  44. 10:29:47 GreenWolf → SleepWolf
  45. 10:30:31 <ZombieMesh> Vincent stands up as well, stretching his arms forward. "So, to the movie, then?"
  46. 10:31:10 <Hankolijo> Leonard nods and heads outside.
  47. 10:32:54 <ZombieMesh> Vincent follows along with him, pulling the passenger door open again to let Leo in.
  48. 10:34:24 Hankolijo → Hankonothere
  49. 10:37:13 → Guest20964 (was GraemeCracker) joined ⇐ KadeLeMuse quit • DiePotato → SlepPotato
  50. 10:51:55 <Hankonothere> Leonard allows Vincent to do so and chills in the passenger seat.
  51. 10:53:30 <ZombieMesh> Vincent enters the driver's seat and pulls out from the diner, making their way towards the movie theater. They pull up into a parking spot.
  52. 10:53:52 → GraemeCracker joined ⇐ Guest20964 quit
  53. 10:56:20 <ZombieMesh> He circles around to try and let Leo out again.
  54. 10:59:08 <Hankonothere> Nope. Once again, he gets out himself.
  55. 11:01:30 <ZombieMesh> Vincent offers his arm. "Shall we?"
  56. 11:01:55 <Hankonothere> He does not take his arm. "Uh huh." :|
  57. 11:02:36 <ZombieMesh> Vincent walks towards the movie theater.
  58. 11:18:58 <Hankonothere> Leonard follows along.
  59. 11:19:43 <ZombieMesh> Vincent goes up to the ticket booth and order two ticket to the movie, handing the tiny paper to Leo when he's done.
  60. 11:22:21 Hankonothere → Hankolijo
  61. 11:23:13 <Hankolijo> Leo takes the paper and looks at it briefly. Then back up at Vincent. "You going to get yourself some popcorn?"
  62. 11:23:37 <ZombieMesh> "Did you want to share?" He heads over to the concession stand.
  63. 11:24:19 <Hankolijo> "Not really, no." He follows.
  64. 11:24:42 <ZombieMesh> "Oh, well we just ate, so unless you want your own then I'll probably pass."
  65. 11:24:53 <Hankolijo> "Uh huh."
  66. 11:26:16 <ZombieMesh> "Then let's just head into the movie, huh?"
  67. 11:26:36 <Hankolijo> He nods.
  68. 11:27:15 <ZombieMesh> Vincent heads towards the movie seating area.
  69. 11:28:30 <Hankolijo> Leonard follows suit, maybe possibly actually wanting some popcorn or maybe not. >.>
  70. 11:29:24 <ZombieMesh> Vincent finds them a seat in the threatre. Both next to eachother, because this is a date dammit.
  71. 11:29:53 <Hankolijo> Leonard sits. :|
  72. 11:30:14 <ZombieMesh> Dr. Ben McKenna (James Stewart) is on vacation with his wife (Doris Day) and son in Morocco when a chance encounter with a stranger sets their trip, and their lives, on a drastically different course. The stranger, killed in front of the family in the marketplace, reveals an assassination plot to the Americans. The couple's son is abducted in order to ensure
  73. 11:30:14 <ZombieMesh> the plot is kept secret, and suddenly the mother and father, with no help from the police, must figure out a way to get their child back.
  74. 11:30:25 <ZombieMesh> ^is the movie basicly^
  75. 11:30:54 <Hankolijo> Leo watches intently.
  76. 11:31:28 <Hankolijo> Unlike most dates he's been on, he cares about the movie more than about the actual date. :|
  77. 11:32:12 <ZombieMesh> During the course of the movie, Vincent would try to move his arm around Leonard's shoulder. Because this is a date, damnit!
  78. 11:32:52 <Hankolijo> His arm lands, and is promptly whacked away. Because Leo is not interested, damnit!
  79. 11:33:27 <ZombieMesh> Vincent doesn't try again during the rest of the movie.
  80. 11:34:33 <Hankolijo> And Lo is thankful for that. :|
  81. 11:34:35 <Hankolijo> Leo*
  82. 11:35:21 <ZombieMesh> The movie eventually ends, the lights returning to the threatre. Vincent stretches out. "Oh man, that was pretty good."
  83. 11:35:48 <Hankolijo> "Yeah, 'twas a good movie." Leo stands and stretches.
  84. 11:36:09 <ZombieMesh> "Well, time to head back, I guess."
  85. 11:36:24 <Hankolijo> "Uh huh."
  86. 11:37:01 <ZombieMesh> Vincent gets up out of the seat, offering a hand to Leo. "To the car."
  87. 11:38:58 <Hankolijo> Leo doesn't take the hand, and rolls his eyes at the fact that Vincent keeps trying. He heads out.
  88. 11:39:28 <ZombieMesh> Vincent walks out with him, moving to open the door to the car for Leo again.
  89. 11:39:44 <Hankolijo> Leonard gets in!
  90. 11:40:14 <ZombieMesh> Vincent also gets in, starting the drive back home. "Hope it went okay."
  91. 11:40:27 <Hankolijo> "Food was good, movie was good." :|
  92. 11:40:59 <ZombieMesh> "That's good. Glad you enjoyed yourself."
  93. 11:41:30 <Hankolijo> "Uh huh." :|
  94. 11:42:07 <ZombieMesh> They eventually make it back to base, and Vincent once again attempts to open the passenger side for Leo to get out.
  95. 11:42:30 <Hankolijo> Leonard sighs and lets Vincent do it for once. He gets out.
  96. 11:42:46 <ZombieMesh> Vincent looks over to Leo, smiling. "I had a good time."
  97. 11:43:00 <Hankolijo> "Uh huh. Good for you." :|
  98. 11:43:29 <ZombieMesh> Vincent frowns, looking a bit hurt. "Did you not enjoy it at all?"
  99. 11:43:49 <Hankolijo> "Like I said, the food was good and the movie was pretty great."
  100. 11:44:48 <ZombieMesh> Vincent sighs, pushing his hair back. His cheery attitude is gone. "Let's just get this over with."
  101. 11:44:58 <Hankolijo> :|
  102. 11:45:37 <ZombieMesh> Vincent takes a step forward towards Leo, looking into his eyes.
  103. 11:46:00 <Hankolijo> Leo leans back slightly. :|
  104. 11:46:34 <ZombieMesh> He attempts to put his gloved hand to Leo's chin.
  105. 11:46:58 <Hankolijo> His chin kind of inches up as the hand closes in.
  106. 11:47:23 <ZombieMesh> "Well?"
  107. 11:47:42 <Hankolijo> :|
  108. 11:47:44 <Hankolijo> "No." :|
  109. 11:48:37 <ZombieMesh> "No what?"
  110. 11:49:15 <Hankolijo> Blink. "No to a kiss. That's the entire point of this. So I could say 'no'."
  111. 11:50:10 <ZombieMesh> "Well I wanted you to specify."
  112. 11:50:25 <Hankolijo> "Well, so I did."
  113. 11:50:29 <Hankolijo> :|
  114. 11:50:47 <ZombieMesh> Vincent sighs, crossing his arms over his chest. He looks disappointed, if not a bit hurt. "Alright, you've finally rejected someone instead of being rejected. How's it feel?"
  115. 11:51:44 <Hankolijo> Shrug. "Doesn't feel that special." He squints. "You look genuinely disappointed."
  116. 11:54:33 <ZombieMesh> Vincent shrugs, not looking at Leo. He starts to head back into the base.
  117. 11:55:21 <Hankolijo> For a moment, Leonard feels genuinely bad. He sighs and heads back as well.
  118. 11:55:32 <ZombieMesh> FIN
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