
Reinstatements Information

Jan 16th, 2017
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  1. [center][fimg=250,250][/fimg][/center]
  2. [divbox=#0d326e][center][img][/img][/center][/divbox]
  3. [legend=#0d326e,#FFFFFF,• Information]#0e203e,[color=#FFFFFF]The position you are applying for within the Los Santos Police Department is a field officer. The rank is a full position within the department, with all the privileges of a law enforcement officer. Your reinstatement will be forwarded to the reinstatements commission within the Los Santos Police Department, where it will be decided if you are eligible to regain your position within the department. Take in mind that your rank may differ from your previous rank, and the offer given is final.[/color][/legend]
  4. [legend=#0d326e,#FFFFFF,• Requirements]#0e203e,[color=#FFFFFF]If you were a previously an officer within the Los Santos Police Department and resigned or were dismissed from the force, then you are eligible for a chance to try and reinstate back into the Los Santos Police Department. Please note that if you have been dishonorably discharged from the force then you cannot submit a reinstatement request. However if you are still interested in rejoining the department, please submit a disciplinary hearing request which will be reviewed either by the command or high command team.
  6. [b]Requirements[/b]
  7. [list]• Must have a clean criminal record.
  8. • Must be physically and mentally stable to reinstate.
  9. • Must have held a rank of at least a Police Officer II or been a Police Officer I for over 2 weeks.
  10. • Must wait at least 3 days between a resignation and a reinstatement.
  11. • Must wait at least 7 days between a dismissal and a reinstatement.
  12. • Must wait at least 2 days after your previous reinstatement's denial before resubmitting the reinstatement.
  13. • (( Must reinstate with a previous name, name change requests may be submitted after reinstatement's approval ))
  14. • (( Must be registered with the forum name format of Firstname_Lastname ))[/list][/color][/legend]
  15. [legend=#0d326e,#FFFFFF,• Handling Officers]#0e203e,[color=#FFFFFF]Reinstatement of a previous Field Staff employee will be handled by the Sergeants Team, Command Team & High Command Team.
  16. Reinstatement of a previous Detective employee will be handled by the High Command Team & Chief of Detectives
  17. Reinstatement of a previous Supervisory Team employee will be handled by the Command Team & High Command Team.
  18. Reinstatement of a previous Command Team employee will be handled by the High Command Team.
  19. Reinstatement of a previous High Command Team employee will be handled by the Chief of Police.[/color][/legend]
  20. [legend=#0d326e,#FFFFFF,• How to reinstate]#0e203e,[color=#FFFFFF][b]Los Santos Police Department Reinstatement Instructions[/b]
  21. • When reinstating to the Los Santos Police Department the required title is '[Reinstatement] Full name'
  22. • Inapplicable application fields should be filled with 'N/A'
  23. • In order to tick a field, change it from
  24. [code][cb][/cb][/code]to
  25. [code][cbt][/cbt][/code][/color][/legend]
  26. [legend=#0d326e,#FFFFFF,• Application Format]#0e203e,[color=#FFFFFF]
  27. [code][center][fimg=250,250][/fimg][/center]
  28. [divbox=#0d326e][center][img][/img][/center][/divbox][legend=#0d326e,#FFFFFF,• Section I - Personal Information]#FFFFFF,[color=#000000][hr][/hr][b]01.[/b] Title: Mr/Ms/Mrs
  29. [b]02.[/b] Surname:
  30. [b]03.[/b] Forename:
  31. [b]04.[/b] Date of Birth: DD/MM/YYYY
  32. [b]05.[/b] Gender (tick): [cb][/cb]Male [cb][/cb]Female
  33. [b]06.[/b] Race (tick): [cb][/cb]White [cb][/cb]Black [cb][/cb]Hispanic [cb][/cb]Asian [cb][/cb]Other
  35. [b]07.[/b] Country of Residence:
  36. [b]08.[/b] Country of Citizenship:
  37. [b]09.[/b] Residence Address:
  39. [b]10.[/b] Contact number:
  40. [b]11.[/b] Occupation:
  41. [b]12.[/b] Employer:
  43. [b]13.[/b] Do you possess valid driver license: [cb][/cb]Yes [cb][/cb]No
  44. [hr][/hr][/color][/legend][legend=#0d326e,#FFFFFF,• Section II - Documentation]#FFFFFF,[color=#000000][hr][/hr][b]01.[/b] Provide a scanned document of your identification card ((/stats)): [url=LINK TO SCREENSHOT]ACCESS[/url]
  45. [b]02.[/b] Provide a scanned document of your valid licenses ((/licenses)): [url=LINK TO SCREENSHOT]ACCESS[/url]
  46. [hr][/hr][/color][/legend][legend=#0d326e,#FFFFFF,• Section III - BACKGROUND]#FFFFFF,[color=#000000][hr][/hr][b]0.1[/b] Have you been dismissed or did you resign?:
  47. [b]02.[/b] Previous Rank before Dismissal/Resignation:
  48. [b]03.[/b] Reason for Dismissal/Resignation (link to thread if applicable):
  49. [b]04.[/b] Date of Dismissal/Resignation:
  50. [b]05.[/b] Why do you want to return to the Los Santos Police Department?:
  51. [b]06.[/b] Why should you be granted the opportunity to return to the Los Santos Police Department?:
  52. [hr][/hr][/color][/legend][legend=#0d326e,#FFFFFF,• Section IV - Contract]#FFFFFF,[color=#000000][hr][/hr]I, [i]FIRSTNAME LASTNAME[/i], hereby sign this contract that vouches my agreement to the terms of using this official format and understand that upon writing this document everything that I have stated here is true and that I'm obligated to follow the rules and regulations of the entire Reinstatement Process that have been explained to me previously and that any attempt to cheat my way into the LSPD will result in the immediate denial of my application. I agree that the officer(s) reviewing my application withhold the right to deny it at any time for any reason they deem acceptable or necessary.
  53. [hr][/hr][/color][/legend][legend=#0d326e,#FFFFFF,• Section V - Out of Character]#FFFFFF,[color=#000000][hr][/hr][b]01.[/b] Forename:
  54. [b]02.[/b] Gender:
  55. [b]03.[/b] PR-RP Forum name:
  56. [b]04.[/b] In-game level:
  57. [b]05.[/b] Age:
  58. [b]06.[/b] Geographical location:
  59. [b]07.[/b] Time playing PR-RP:
  60. [b]08.[/b] Time playing SA-MP:
  61. [hr][/hr][/color][/legend][/code]
  62. [/color][/legend]
  64. [size=78][i]Credits to crimson[/i][/size]
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