

Apr 26th, 2023
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  1. {
  2.   "instanceType": "compute",
  3.   "launchDetails": {
  4.     "agentConfig": {
  5.       "isManagementDisabled": false,
  6.       "isMonitoringDisabled": false,
  7.       "pluginsConfig": [
  8.         {
  9.           "desired-state": "DISABLED",
  10.           "name": "Vulnerability Scanning"
  11.         },
  12.         {
  13.           "desired-state": "DISABLED",
  14.           "name": "Oracle Java Management Service"
  15.         },
  16.         {
  17.           "desired-state": "ENABLED",
  18.           "name": "OS Management Service Agent"
  19.         },
  20.         {
  21.           "desired-state": "ENABLED",
  22.           "name": "Management Agent"
  23.         },
  24.         {
  25.           "desired-state": "ENABLED",
  26.           "name": "Custom Logs Monitoring"
  27.         },
  28.         {
  29.           "desired-state": "ENABLED",
  30.           "name": "Compute Instance Run Command"
  31.         },
  32.         {
  33.           "desired-state": "ENABLED",
  34.           "name": "Compute Instance Monitoring"
  35.         },
  36.         {
  37.           "desired-state": "DISABLED",
  38.           "name": "Block Volume Management"
  39.         },
  40.         {
  41.           "desired-state": "ENABLED",
  42.           "name": "Bastion"
  43.         }
  44.       ]
  45.     },
  46.     "availabilityDomain": "sbnF:UK-LONDON-1-AD-1",
  47.     "compartmentId": "<compartmentId>",
  48.     "createVnicDetails": {
  49.       "nsgIds": [
  50.         "<nsgId>"
  51.       ],
  52.       "subnetId": "<subnetId>"
  53.     },
  54.     "displayName": "apex-instance-config4=ML3DOZ8P2WLCQEKW2",
  55.     "faultDomain": "FAULT-DOMAIN-1",
  56.     "metadata": {
  57.       "ssh_authorized_keys": "<mySshPublicKey>",
  58.       "user_data": "<myCloudInitScriptBase64Encoded>"
  59.     },
  60.     "shape": "VM.Standard.E4.Flex",
  61.     "shapeConfig": {
  62.       "memoryInGBs": 16.0,
  63.       "ocpus": 1.0
  64.     },
  65.     "sourceDetails": {
  66.       "imageId": "<imageId>",
  67.       "sourceType": "image"
  68.     }
  69.   }
  70. }
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