

Mar 6th, 2017
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  1. Personal
  2. Password: piano man
  3. Name: Choi Bora (Rookie)
  4. Nickname: Rookie
  5. Age: 1996 (21)
  6. Birth: November 13, 1996
  7. Weight: 49 kg
  8. Hieght: 179 cm
  9. Blood type: RH-O
  10. Nationality: Korean-British
  11. Ethnicity: Korean
  13. The Basics
  14. Face Claim: CLC Yeeeun
  15. Backup: WJSN Mei Qi
  16. Likes: Fashion, taking pictures of scenery, making new music content
  17. Dislikes: Unconfindent people, being ordered, food taken away from her
  18. Facts:
  19. Mom of the group
  20. Likes to boost everyone's confindence
  21. Is an Angel with a demon inside of her (low key scary)
  22. Loves to nag
  23. Sometimes it seems like she's the oldest
  24. Is a narcissist
  25. Loves to looks up herself on the internet
  26. Makes the best roasts of all time
  27. Languages: Korean, English (with an accent), some Mandrin
  28. Personality: Narcisstic, goofy and weird, crazy (when she gets hyper), acts really cute (at random times)
  29. Family:
  30. Dad - Choi Jeremey, 45, Manager of Korean restaurant chain, lives in LA, like a best friend to Rookie
  31. Brother - Choi Daehan (Prince), 27, Kpop Makeup artist/fashion coordi, lives in South Korea (with his sister), they are so close that they can mindread each other
  32. Idol relatives/friends: Best friends with BEATWIN Yoonhoo
  33. Background: Grew up in LA since she was a child. Didn't get a really good education, but she worked really hard. She had a pretty poor family income, so she would go out busking for money by singing and dancing. She was scouted through doing just that. Now her family lives an average wealthy and she does too.
  34. Birthplace: Nagoya, Japan
  35. Hometown: Los Angeles
  37. Stage time
  38. Position: Lemon
  39. Backup position: Grape
  40. Stage name: Rookie
  41. Training duration: 6 years
  42. How she became a trainee: Scouted through busking
  43. Predebut activities: MV appearances for DEAN and WINNER, occasional modeling
  44. Fanservice: Aegyo, skinship, selcas
  45. Talent twin:
  46. -Vocal: Jinho from Pentagon
  47. -Rap: Eunkwang from BtoB (she does it for the comedic feel)
  48. -Dance: Hwiyoung from SF9
  49. -Variety: Seungjun from KNK
  51. Nyx
  52. Requested scenes: dorms, vacations, meeting each other's families
  53. Debut songs: Angel (EXO), Jungle Game (SF9), Juicy (AOORA), Touch (A.Cian), Beautiful Night (BEATWIN), Midnight Sonata (BIGSTAR), Charlie Chaplin (BASTARZ), Hobogoblin (CLC), Exodus (EXO), Midnight Sun (HOTSHOT), what U need? (Lay), Eyes on me (Boys Republic)
  54. Album names: Passion, Confidence, Let us begin, How ya doin?, Watch this, Imperfect
  55. Group color: silver and cyan
  56. Fan club name: Myx or Onyx
  57. Variety shows: 2 days and 1 night, I live alone, Wildflower, Star show 360, Hello Counselor
  59. Say Yes
  60. Love Interest: DEAN
  61. Backup: Winner Seungyoun (I wasn't sure if you wanted us to be specific)
  62. How they meet: While Rookie features in their MVs predebut
  63. Current status: Almost besties
  64. How he acts around her: Beginning - low key shy, but build lots of confindence for a great first impression. Middle - Always agrees with her and ends up liking what she likes, follows her around like a lost puppy, enjoys her company. End - always attempts skinship in public and private, likes to practice (vocal and dance) with her
  65. How she acts around him: Beginning - pretty shy to approach him, but accepts him with open arms. Middle - drags him everywhere, always suggests places to go on break with confidence, pretty close and open, so she cats really goofy. End - accepts his skinship, likes to listen to his voice while doing vocal practice, low key lovey dovey and she is different around him than anyone else (all her personalities are opened)
  66. Personality: Dean - (I personally don't know and couldn't find juice on him, so I'll put my best guesses) sweet, kind, sometimes shy, rebellious, hardworking, narcisstic
  67. Seungyoun - Compassionate, oversleeper, reliable, narcisstic, always late
  68. Future status: Dating
  69. Why they'd be good together:
  70. The "Bean" (Bora/Dean) couple would be good together because they both are great vocalists, which is a talent in common and they both are into fashion (true fact) which they would enjoy doing together. Their personalities are also quite contrasting and sometimes opposites attract! Their personalities would balance them and their commons would be helpful in what they would do together
  71. The "Rooyoun/Seungkie" (Rookie/Seungyoun) couple would tie up well because they have alike personalities, so they rant about similar things, and both of them have a great passion for music, so that could also bring up great stirs in their relationship.
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