

Apr 29th, 2017
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  1. # Messages supports color codes!
  3. prefix: '&6&l>> &b'
  4. scoreboard-prefix: '&b&lMCMG SURVIVAL GAMES'
  5. scoreboard-stats: '&6&lINFO:'
  6. scoreboard-kills: '&f&lKills: &e%kills%'
  7. scoreboard-coins: '&f&lPoints: &e%coins%'
  8. scoreboard-wins: '&f&lWins: &e%wins%'
  9. scoreboard-arena: '&6&lPLAYERS:'
  10. scoreboard-players: '&a&lTributes: &a%players%'
  11. scoreboard-viewers: '&c&lSpectators: &c%viewers%'
  12. Messages:
  13. No-Permission: Such command, no permission, no enthusiasm. Wow
  14. No-Console: '&cSilly console! Commands are for players!'
  15. UnKnown-Command: '&cUnrecognized SG command! Try /sg for a list!'
  16. Already-In-Game: '&cYou are already in the game! Are you a wizard?'
  17. No-Arena-Found-With-That-Name: Could not find an arena with that name!
  18. Arena-Has-Less-Than-2-Minimum-Players: The arena has less than 2 minimum players!
  19. Game-Already-Started: That arena has already started!
  20. Arena-Is-Disabled: This arena is disabled!
  21. No-Spawn-Points: Could not find any spawnpoints!
  22. No-DeathMatch-Location: There is no deathmatch spawn location for this arena!
  23. Not-Enough-Spawnpoints: The arena is unplayable because it does not have enough spawnpoints! (must be equal to max players)
  24. Arena-Rollbacking: The arena is currently rollbacking! you cant join yet
  25. Arena-Full: That arena is full!
  26. Player-Join: '&b%player% &ahas joined the game! (&b%arenasize%&6/&b%arenamax%&6)!'
  27. Players-Till-Start: '&b%arenasize% &eplayers left till the game begins!'
  28. Broadcast-Start: The arena &b%arena% &6is about to start in &b%seconds% &6seconds!
  29. Game-Starting: '&eGame is starting in &b%seconds%&es!'
  30. Not-In-Arena: You are not in any arena to do this!
  31. Player-Leave-In-Lobby: '&b%player% &chas left the game! (&b%arenasize%&6/&b%arenamax%&6)!'
  32. Player-Leave-In-Game: '&b%player% &chas been slaughtered for leaving the game'
  33. Players-Remain: '&c%arenasize% TRIBUTES REMAIN'
  34. Game-Cancelled-Not-Enough-Players: Game has been cancelled because it does not have enough players!
  35. Player-Leave-Self-Message: You have left the game!
  36. Kits-Disabled: Kits are disabled!
  37. Cant-Buy-Or-SelectKit: You must be in an arena that hasnt started yet!
  38. No-Available-Kits: Could not find any available kits!
  39. Shop-Disabled: Shop is disabled!
  40. Couldnt-Find-Player-Data: Could not find player data in the files!
  41. Game-Start: '&a&lMAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR!'
  42. Recivied-Kit-Items: You have recivied the kit &b%kit% &6items!
  43. Game-Ending: '&eGame ending in &b%minutes% &eminutes!
  44. Chest-Refill-Warn: Chests will be refilled after: &b%seconds% &6seconds!
  45. Grace-Ending: '&eGrace ending in: &b%seconds%&es!'
  46. Grace-End: '&c&lGRACE PERIOD HAS ENDED!'
  47. Game-Cancelled: '&c&LGAME HAS BEEN CANCELLED!'
  48. DeathMatch-Starting: '&eThe &c&lDEATHMATCH &eis starting in: &b%seconds% &6seconds!'
  49. Game-Ending-In-DeathMatch: Game ending in &b%seconds% &6seconds!
  50. Winner-Grats: '&a&lCONGRATULATIONS FOR WINNING!'
  51. Normal-Player-Win-Earn-Tokens: '&dYou have earned &b%coins% &dpoints for winning!
  52. Player-Win-Arena-Broadcast: The winner of the arena &b%arena% &6is &b%player%
  53. Couldnt-Find-Nearby-Player-In-Radius: Could not find any nearby players in a radius of &b%radius%&6!
  54. Item-Disabled: This item has been disabled!
  55. Kit-Selected: You will get your kit items when the game begins!
  56. Couldnt-Find-Kit: Could not find that kit!
  57. Spectator-Teleport: You have been teleported to &b%player%
  58. Spectator-Teleport-Deny: Could not find that player in your arena
  59. Not-Enough-Coins: Not enough coins!
  60. Purchase-Item: You have purchased a(n) &b%item% &6x&b%amount% &6for &b%price% &6Coins!
  61. Blocked-Command: You cant use non SurvivalGames commands In-Game!
  62. Normal-Kill-Player-Self-Message: You have killed &b%target% &6and earned &b%coins% &6Coins!
  63. Player-Suicide: You have killed your self!
  64. Player-Spectate: You are now spectating the match!
  65. Carepackage-Dropping: Carepackage coming in &b%seconds% &6seconds!
  66. Carepackage-Drop: Carepackage has been dropped!
  67. Carepackage-Cancel: Carepackage has been cancelled due to a new event!
  68. Carepackage-Denied: There must be &b%height% &6free blocks above the location!
  69. Carepackage-Denied-2: The carepackage can not be placed on a half block!
  70. Sponsor-Self-Message: You sponsored the player &b%player% &6with &b%item% &6x&b%amount% &6that costed &b%cost% &6coins!
  71. Sponsor-Target-Message: You are being sponsored by &b%player% &6with a(n) &b%item% &6x&b%amount%&6!
  72. Sponsor-Full-Inventory: The player %player% has a full inventory!
  73. Sponsor-Target-Full-Inventory: Someone tried to sponsor you but you have a full inventory!
  74. Coins-Restore: Your spent coins has been restored! (&b%coins%&6)!
  75. No-Available-Arenas: Could not find any available arenas!
  76. Global-Lobby-Cant-Teleport-While-In-Game: You cant do that while in a game!
  77. Global-Lobby-Not-Set: Global lobby hasnt been set yet!
  78. Global-Lobby-Teleport: You have been teleported to the global lobby!
  79. Arena-Won-The-Vote: The map &b%arena% &6has won the voting! with &b%votes% &6votes.
  80. Vote-Locked: Voting has been locked!;
  81. Player-Vote: You have voted for the map &b%map%
  82. Time-Skip: Time was skipped to &b%seconds%&6 Seconds!
  83. Server-Restart: Server you were on is restarting now!
  84. Not-A-Tier-2-Chest: Could not find this tier 2 chest!
  85. Kit-Already-Unlocked: You already have this kit unlocked
  86. Kit-Purchase: You have purchased the kit &b%kitname% &6and lost &b%cost% &6coins! &aCongrats for your new kit
  87. Join-Deny: You must have nothing in hand to use the join signs!
  88. Match-Reset-Kick-Message: You have been kicked due to a match reset
  89. Cant-Vote-Any-More: You have reached your voting power limit!
  90. Bounty-Set: '&b%player% &6has set a &cbounty &6of &a&n&l%cost% &6on the player &3%target%&6,
  91. &e%target% &6now has a kill worth of &a%bounty%'
  92. Bounty-Get: '&a&l&n%killer% &6has gotten the bounty set on &c%player% &6with a value
  93. of &e%bounty%'
  94. Bounty-Win: '&b%player% &6got the bounty that was set on him with a value of &a%bounty%'
  95. Bounty-Fail: The player u have set a bounty on left or was not killed by someone, due to that your money has been restored! &e(&6+&a%bounty%&e)
  96. Spectator-Bounty_Sponsor-Deny: You cant do this right now!
  97. Player-Modifier-Change: Your modifier has been changed!
  98. Stats-Reset: '&cYour stats have been reset!'
  99. Cooldown: You cant use this yet! &e(&b%seconds%&e)
  100. Warning-Receive: You have received a warning! &b(&c%warnings%&6/&c%maxwarnings%&b)
  101. Warning-Kick: You have been kicked out of the game for exceeding the warnings limit!
  102. Cant-Vote: You cant vote right now
  103. Waiting-State: '&aWAITING'
  104. Starting-State: '&6STARTING'
  105. INGAME-State: '&cINGAME'
  106. Deathmatch-State: '&cDEATH-MATCH'
  107. Disabled-State: '&4DISABLED'
  108. Rollbacking-State: '&cROLLBACKING'
  109. Starting-Deathmatch-State: '&cINGAME'
  110. Finishing-State: '&cFINISHING'
  111. NotJoinable-State: '&cNot-Joinable'
  112. Player-Death-By-Player:
  113. - '&c%player% &7has been killed by &a%killer%&e!'
  114. - '&c%player% &7was brutally murdered by &a%killer%&e!'
  115. - '&c%player% &7weapon could not stand against &a%killer%&e!'
  116. - '&a%killer% &7gave a helping hand in &c%player% &edeath!'
  117. - '&a%killer% &7could not resist killing &c%player%&e!'
  118. Player-Death-By-Falldamage: '&c%player% &7fell to his death!'
  119. Player-Death-By-Lava: '&c%player% &7thought he can swim in lava!'
  120. Player-Death-By-Fire: '&c%player% &7burned to death!'
  121. Player-Death-By-Explosion: '&c%player% &7was exploded into million pieces!'
  122. Player-Death-By-Unknown: '&c%player% &7has been killed by &bUnknown Object!'
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