

Oct 11th, 2016
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  1. >You spend over ten minutes picking out the chunks of chicken from a can of chicken noodle soup
  2. >It's 3 in the morning
  3. >Starlight woke you up from her vomiting over the side of the bed and into her waste bucket
  4. >Early morning sickness
  5. >Finally you throw the bowl of noodle soup in the microwave and wait
  6. >You're tired as hell
  7. >Soup comes out nice and hot
  8. >You walk into your bedroom with the bowl, you see Starlight leaning over the bed, she's not vomiting, but is still feeling sick
  9. "Here's your soup."
  10. >Starlight rolls on her back with a tired smile, her large baby bump pokes from under the covers
  11. >"Thank you, Anon."
  12. >She takes the bowl from your hands into her horn's magic, she levitates the spoon to her face and blows before slurping up the contents. The end of a noodle slaps her on the nose, which gets a chuckle out of her
  13. >First time you've heard her laugh in awhile.
  14. >Hope back into bed and watch her devour the bowl of broth and noodles, she licks her lips clean and sets the bowl to the side of the bed
  15. >"Ah, that was so refreshing."
  16. >Starlight rubs over her smooth belly and frowns
  17. >You don't notice her frown on the bases that you're tired as hell and are just glad she enjoyed the canned soup
  18. "Glad you're feeling better. Now please get some sleep."
  19. >"Right. Yeah, I should get more rest... for the foal."
  20. >You reach out to turn the lamp off and then scoot up to Starlight and spoon her. Your skin rubs against her soft warm coat and you wrap your arm around her chest just above her belly bump
  21. >You get a few good moments of peace and silents before you hear Starlight's breathing pick up
  22. >You try to comfort her by reaching down to rub her round belly, but she flinched from your touch
  23. >You keep your hand on her belly and start rubbing it to calm her, she places her hooves over your hand but still breathes rapidly
  24. "Don't stress yourself, Starlight. It's not good for the foal."
  25. >She gives a shiver and gulps
  26. >"I'm sorry, anon. I-I'm just thinking... just thinking."
  27. “Thinking about what?” You say, half awake.
  28. >”The baby.” She shutters. “I was thinking about how much I might mess up as a parent, as a mother. I-I don’t know the first thing about being a mother.”
  29. “Starlight, no one really knows until they become parents.”
  30. >You feel Starlight squirm and twist her body until she rolls to face you nose to nose
  31. >“But what if I'm a bad influence! What if in trying to raise the foal I-I go back to using my old ways? If I’m too strict they’ll be completely docile like in how I did with the old town, but if I’m too care free then I’m irresponsible, worse, it may endanger the foal! They may get into trouble because I never taught them properly how to act, but then by doing that I’m resorting back to my—“
  32. “Starlight!”
  33. >You pet her face, which is hot and a little sweaty
  34. >Starlight breathes in long breaths, she squeezes your hand with her shaking hooves
  35. >“Oh, anon. I’m not ready for this. I will only disappoint the foal. It’s not like a friendship lesson, this is a whole new life that’s dependent on me. ME!”
  36. “You won’t be a bad mother. I know you won’t. You know what the right thing is in the end of the day, and with this child you’ll know what is best for them.”
  37. >”But I’m not— I’m, I’m not strong enough. Not emotionally strong enough to handle it.”
  38. >You brush her mane in strokes to try and calm her down
  39. >She gives a tiny gasp and looks down, she holds her belly as if looking for something
  40. >“I felt them kicking!” Starlight shutters.
  41. >You hear her breaths slowing down and sounding more calm and easy.
  42. “I think they want you to shut up and go to sleep,” you say jokingly.
  43. >Starlight gives an embarrassed laugh, then she leans into you and rests her head under your chin, her round belly pressing into your flat stomach
  44. >"Please tell me you'll be there to help me and the foal," Starlight said softly.
  45. >You hold her gently in your arms and inhale
  46. "Always."
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