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a guest
Feb 23rd, 2020
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  1. flutter: Initializing storage
  2. flutter: Setup
  3. flutter: AppBooted
  4. flutter: Initializing storage
  5. flutter: Transition { currentState: Initial, event: Setup, nextState: Ready }
  6. flutter: Transition { currentState: AuthenticationLoading, event: AppBooted, nextState: AuthenticationAuthenticated }
  7. flutter: DownloadSetup
  8. flutter: {session_id: 0:k6z5bwkk:287038, event_id: 558bf0e60d101ee021b59eda41d8c04e, is_new_party: true, is_new_session: true, client_timestamp_iso: 2020-02-23T11:47:25.648740, event_type: pageView, parameters: {pagetype: Lançamentos, uip:, uid: 287038, version: 3.0.0, platform: ios}}
  9. <Google> To get test ads on this device, set: GADMobileAds.sharedInstance.requestConfiguration.testDeviceIdentifiers = @[ kGADSimulatorID ];
  10. flutter: Instance of 'Fetch'
  11. flutter: Initialize
  12. flutter: Connectivity status: ConnectivityStatus.CONNECTED
  13. flutter: Connectivity status: ConnectivityStatus.CONNECTED
  14. flutter: Saving item true
  15. flutter: Request
  16. flutter: Fetching /highlight/slides from API
  17. flutter: HTTPMETHOD.GET /highlight/slides
  18. flutter: {}
  19. flutter: Transition { currentState: DownloadUninitialized, event: DownloadSetup, nextState: DownloadReady }
  20. flutter: Firebase Update user property
  21. flutter: Snowplow setUserId 287038
  22. flutter: Firebase PageView Lançamentos logged
  23. flutter: Snowplow PageView Lançamentos logged
  24. flutter: onMessage PushEvent
  25. [] Unhandled Exception: NoSuchMethodError: The method '[]' was called on null.
  26. Receiver: null
  27. Tried calling: []("title")
  28. #0 Object.noSuchMethod (dart:core-patch/object_patch.dart:53:5)
  29. #1 PushNotificationManager._showNotification
  30. package:suamusica/infrastructure/setup_push.dart:100
  31. #2 PushNotificationManager.configRemoteNotifications.<anonymous closure>
  32. package:suamusica/infrastructure/setup_push.dart:56
  33. #3 FirebaseMessaging._handleMethod
  34. package:firebase_messaging/firebase_messaging.dart:196
  35. #4 MethodChannel._handleAsMethodCall
  36. package:flutter/…/services/platform_channel.dart:402
  37. #5 MethodChannel.setMethodCallHandler.<anonymous closure>
  38. package:flutter/…/services/platform_channel.dart:370
  39. #6 _DefaultBinaryMessenger.handlePlatformMessage
  40. package:flutter/…/services/binding.dart:200
  41. #7 _invoke3.<anonymous closure> (dart:ui/hooks.dart:303:15)
  42. #8 _rootRun (dart:async/zone.dart:1126:13)
  43. #9 _<…>
  44. flutter: MigrationContents: []
  45. flutter: Fetching /utils/migration from API
  46. flutter: HTTPMETHOD.POST /utils/migration
  47. flutter: {ids: []}
  48. flutter: Done
  49. flutter: InterstitialAd event is MobileAdEvent.loaded
  50. flutter: Transition { currentState: Uninitialized, event: Initialize, nextState: Loaded }
  51. flutter: !!! No play track events to be sent !!!
  52. flutter: !!! No download track events to be sent !!!
  53. flutter: Failed fetching /utils/migration from API -> Http status error [400]
  54. flutter: Migration response is null;
  55. flutter: Transition { currentState: Uninitialized<List<Slide>>, event: Instance of 'Fetch', nextState: Loaded<List<Slide>> }
  56. flutter: Divolte PageView Lançamentos logged
  57. WHERE status = 5 OR
  58. status = 4 OR
  59. status = 6
  60. flutter: Loaded tasks: []
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