
Warcraft Smut: Goblin Girls are Great

Aug 13th, 2013
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  1. *Wham*
  3. The corpse of the centaur hit the ground, dead before it could even register it’d been slain, and the raven haired elf let out a sigh of relief as he leaned against his ranseur.
  5. “To think those things would be so cowardly as to attack us at night,” he murmured, turning from the crumpled form and walking back to the campfire.
  7. It was only their third day from Orgrimmar, and the once seven strong band of adventurers was already reduced to just two. The Barrens were quite more dangerous than the party had estimated, and they’d paid the price, but at least tonight they were relatively safe. Casting an eye to the tent nearby, the Blood Knight Uilas was glad to note the inhabitant was still peacefully sleeping, undisturbed by the death rattle of the centaur scout. Sighing he slid down onto the dry log by the small fire, positioning the crimson-tipped weapon for maintenance as he tried to ignore the nagging memories of the previous 72 hours.
  9. It wasn’t as if he blamed himself, quite the opposite honestly, he doted on it more due to just how they’d all crumpled so fast. The centaurs had set upon them in hit and run attacks, using their racial mobility to such an advantage that the neophyte fighters could barely defend, much less counter-attack them. It was a wonder he’d managed to keep himself alive, much less his companion.
  11. Ah yes, his “companion”…
  13. She was a priestess, though he questioned her piety, and how she even got into the order to begin with was a riddle he’d never solve. He had to admit though, Rifi was quite a sight (Rifinofexea being her full name), and Uilas had quite a struggle keeping his eyes off her when they’d began traveling together. He chastised himself each time he’d snuck a peek at her, clad in those tight-fitting robes, a vision in green that made him wonder why he’d stuck to the Silvermoon girls instead of broadening his horizons. Of course the green of her skin contrasted with the deep auburn of her pigtails, creating this slightly youthful appearance to match her upbeat personality, and her eyes seemed to reflect the ocean itself they were so blue.
  15. To think such natural beauty could be packed into such a small form, he pondered, the priestess barely reaching waist high on him.
  17. “So’s it dead?”
  19. The sudden appearance of Rifi next to him caused him to physically recoil away from her, the slender goblin sitting down next to him with a contented “Ahhh”. She looked up at him expectantly, hands on her knees, bright eyes blinking as she waited for him to recover from his shock. She wasn’t wearing her robes having taken them off earlier to clean them in a creek, instead she wore a simple linen shirt that failed at mimicking a dress, hanging just a bit too low from her neck to be called modest. Collecting himself, Uilas set his spear down beside him as he cleared out his throat, attempting (and failing) to ignore the slip of cleavage the priestess’s nightclothes gave him.
  20. “I take it you heard the fighting?” he asked, eyes fixated on the slowly dying fire.
  22. The chuckle she let out warmed Uilas more than any fire could, as did the sight of her happy face in his peripheral vision. Covering her mouth with one hand she coughed before apologizing for laughing.
  24. “Sorry, couldn’t help but hear ya killin’ that thing. They don’t die quiet y’know?”
  26. He noted her strange way of talking, more appropriate for a commoner than an educated member of the clergy, but it made his smirk to hear her soft voice, even if she was butchering the language.
  28. “Hmm, yes, seems the only time they shut up is in death, but beyond that, why are you awake milady? You should rest before we head out in the morn,”
  30. There was genuine care in his voice, he was still a knight (of sorts), and he was expected to care for his comrades. His response was met with a playful slap from Rifi, the goblin girl letting out a small yawn.
  32. “Yeah well, it’s just hard to sleep y’know?”
  34. He figured she had to be troubled by the deaths of their party like him, and immediately went to console her…
  36. Except he didn’t know what to do exactly… and thankfully he wouldn’t have to spend much time obsessing over it.
  38. Letting out a small yawn, Rifi stretched her arms, arching her back in the process which caused her chest to jut out. Immediately Uilas’ gaze was drawn to her chest, and to the twin hanging orbs of smooth green flesh. Despite being a little over four feet tall, Rifi possessed quite a large chest, though perhaps to him it was simply magnified by her stature nevertheless it still pulled the illusion of structural imbalance when he pondered on how she carried the sheer weight of those plump, luscious, tender…
  40. “You okay? You’re lookin’ paler than usual, and that’s sayin’ sumthin’ for you,”
  42. Uilas let out a cough as he came to the sudden realization he’d been staring at his companion’s breasts for the past several seconds, a sense of guilt flooding him. It wasn’t as if he was ashamed at his own lust, he was a damned Blood Knight, not some pansy paladin signing his cock away when he picked up a war hammer! No, he was more ashamed that he was thinking that way about a priestess, a line of work where one generally signed off their libidos for that of piousness or something of that sort, and pretty much every member of the clergy he’d met adhered to that rule (except some that happily let men use their mouths or anus in the abuse of a clear loophole).
  44. “I bet you’re still thinking about yesterday aren’t ya?”
  46. Rifi had turned a bit, legs pulled up onto the log, and her hand lay on his thigh as she studied his expression. He felt the shame start to crawl up him again as his groin started to twitch. The lumbering beast currently dormant in his leggings threatening to rear it’s head.
  48. And that would be a problem.
  50. A BIG problem.
  52. You see, Uilas had several rumors circling around him when he’d been in training in Silvermoon, all of them referring to his “half-Tauren” heritage. This of course, was a reference to his penis, the ten-inch long slab of thick flesh that hung down from his crotch like a limp short-sword, gently pressed up against two large egg-shaped testicles that filled one’s hand like a fresh sweet-roll. He wasn’t ashamed of his tool, more proud really, as every woman he’d slept with struggled to fit him inside.
  54. But of course he’d rather not have the flesh-colored wand making its appearance known at this moment.
  56. “Uilas? Are you alright? You look like you’re in pain, did you get hurt in the fight?”
  58. Rifi’s voice was insistent, eyes rapidly searching his face as her hand slid up his thigh more, causing a lance of pleasure through his crotch. His eyes squeezed shut as he silently prayed to the Gods that she’d stop touching him, that his lust would (at least) simmer down until she went to sleep and he could relieve himself, but that wouldn’t happen as there was a sudden tugging at his crotch.
  60. “W-Wha-!?!”
  62. The words fell jumbled out of his mouth as he forced his eyes open, reeling in shock as he saw Rifi standing in front of him, slender hands tugging at his belt. Reflexively his hands went to stop her, only to be slapped away as she finally ripped his belt off, and she let out a small chuckle upon releasing his half-flaccid package from its leather prison.
  64. “Oh hells, this was the problem?”
  66. Her tone was a mixture of relief and amusement as she placed her hands on her waist, dropping her hip to the side in mock-indignation.
  68. “I-I’m sorry priestess, it’s just been so long, and I haven’t quite had the alone time to deal with this,”
  70. He felt embarrassment flooding his entire body as he admitted his pent up frustrations, this only lasted for a second however as he saw Rifi shrug before starting to drop to her knees.
  72. “W-What are you doing!?!” he cried out in astonishment.
  74. “Whaddaya think I’m doing stupid? Handling the problem~” she replied, reaching out to grasp him.
  76. He reached out, clasping his hands in hers, stopping them from getting ahold of his spear.
  78. “Don’t you have vows of chastity priestess? I can handle this on my own, you shouldn’t have to break them for me!”
  80. The resounding peal of laughter caught Uilas completely off guard as she threw her head back and cackled. He sat there mired in embarrassment for several seconds as she wore herself out, finally bringing her head forward, and tears brimming in her eyes.
  82. “Oh Light, is that what’s stopping me from gagging myself on this thing?”
  84. Uilas attempted a response, but instead mumbled something equivalent to ogre poetry, completely dumbfounded at both her response and the mental image of the beautiful goblin attempting to fit his length in her throat. Wiping the tears away she continued.
  86. “Listen, I’m sure at some point I signed something about chassis, but honestly I don’t care about that crap. I’ve probably already broken all them vows, and it really only matters if you make an ass out of yourself in public,”
  88. She gently pulled away from his grip, pushing his hands onto the log he was seated on before tenderly wrapping her hands around his shaft, the rousing organ immediately reacting favorably at her touch.
  90. “And last time I checked, we weren’t really in public were we~?” she rhetorically asked, eyes flicking to the empty canyons around them.
  92. At this point his resistance completely caved.
  94. He shifted on the log, hands adjusting the open fly of his legging to better position his rapidly hardening erection, and opening his legs in the process to allow the petite priestess easier access. Noticing his complete submission Rifi let out a small “Hmmm” as she stepped forward before dropping to her knees. Despite their height difference, the positioning of the log allowed her to be at the perfect level with his crotch, and a lewd smile stretched across her full dark green lips as his cock hardened to its fullest.
  96. “My you’re a big one~!” she giggled, hands barely covering his length.
  98. She took a moment to admire his tool, slowly jerking the smooth pale shaft, the almost cherry red head peeking out of its foreskin sheath more with each gentle tug. Despite looking more at home on a horse than a Sin’dorei, the phallus standing before her still retained a small curve, and the smoothness of the shaft translated to the heavy sack her hands bumped against with every stroke. The sheer warmth of it marveled her, rivaling that of the fire behind her and of that growing in between her own legs.
  100. Pink tongue sliding out from her lips Rifi positioned her head above his, mouth pursing as she kissed the tip slightly, enjoying the quiver of pleasure that rippled through him. Every inch of her wanted to shove that fat cock in her mouth, to plug her airway with the thick, pulsating tube that jutted so proudly before her, but she managed to hold her own lusts back. Eyes locking with his, Rifi’s tongue slipped under the foreskin, slowly tracing the sensitive crown.
  102. She deliberately trailed around as slow as she could make herself, teasing a fat bead of pre-come from the engorged slit at the top of his cock, the salty liquid rolling over her palate and coaxing a moan from her. Stopping her tongue under the crown, she began to descend on him, small tongue slipping further under his sheath as she filled her mouth with his throbbing meat. She couldn’t fit the whole thing in this way, she knew that, this was more to force more of his pre out for her to taste, and she succeeded in her task as a small river of the liquid flooded her mouth. Slipping her mouth of slowly, she savored the taste, rolling it around in her mouth with her tongue before tilting her head back to swallow it with an audible gulp.
  104. Flashing Uilas a devious glare, she placed him back in her mouth, quickly pushing as much as she could into her hungry maw, restraint finally caving. Her tongue flattened against the bottom of her mouth as she fed that thick sausage into her mouth, throat forcibly widening at she grasped his hips for leverage to pull as much as she could in. She felt tears brim in her eyes again as she crammed her throat full, vision starting to blur as her air supply rapidly diminished, but she wouldn’t stop until she felt those fat balls press against her chin. Squeezing her eyes shut, she felt his hands on her head, grasping strongly as he pushed her the last few inches, and she felt her pussy quiver as she finally felt his nuts rub against her face.
  106. Happy with her achievement, she recoiled backwards, loud squelching noises escaping her lips as she rapidly emptied her throat. Strings of thick, regurgitated saliva connected her lips with his shaft as she began to suck in as much air as she could, her hands grasping his shaft like it was about to fly away. The lewd noises continued as she jerked him off as she got her second wind, though she didn’t intend to suck him off anymore.
  108. No, not anymore.
  110. She was going to FUCK him.
  112. Standing up, she reluctantly released his cock, and reached up to slip the shoulders of her “robe” off. The fabric fell away, pooling around her feet as she reveled in Uilas’ amazing stare, her petite body framed perfectly by the fire, revealing every bit of her form. The light flickered across the jiggling underside of her breasts, over the supple curves of her hips and backside, and down her long (for a Goblin) legs.
  114. A vision in green.
  116. Neither spoke as she sultrily walked up to him, climbing up the log to stand over him, dripping pussy level with his face. He could see the black patch of pubic hair she had, shaved into a thin strip that stopped just above her hood, and it wasn’t even a full second before he dove in. His tongue parted her folds, rubbing along her inner lips in a frenzied search to find out what made her react. All of it did, in a way, and Rifi’s hands gripped chunks of Uilas’ hair as his own hands grasped her hips. Her eyes closed and she bit her lip as his tongue frantically swirled inside of her, sending pulses of pleasure across her body so strong that her legs buckled. Finally his tongue found its target, the small stub of her clitoris, and it danced around its prize as she moaned his name in ecstasy.
  118. Unfortunately, her legs gave out soon after, and she almost fell directly onto his cock when he caught her. Draping her arms over his shoulders, she positioned her feet onto the log to regain her balance before catching his lustful glare. Returning said glare with one that was twice as fierce, she pulled his mouth to hers as she slid her wet slit over his shaft, the two passionately kissing for several minutes as they grinded away at each other, too absorbed in the taste of each other’s mouths to care whether they were ACTUALLY fucking or not.
  120. Fortunately though, Rifi had the sense to guide him in with one hand, slipping in the fat tip of his cock before dropping herself down on him, allowing her body weight to feed the thick organ into her core. As the sudden tightness of her near-virginal pussy clamped around him (and likewise the log of a cock split her open), they both let out strangled moans into each other’s mouths. Neither broke away from their kissing as they alternated movements, Rifi bouncing on him as Uilas thrust his hips up to meet hers, forcing more and more of his cock into her with each second. As she began to fit inch after inch of the behemoth cock into her, Rifi’s moans became increasingly labored, her orgasm having been prematurely denied earlier when she’d been forced to stop gagging herself due to the pesky need to breath. Likewise, Uilas’ balls were contracting, and he felt like he was going to pump the priestess full of magic-heavy jizz at anymore.
  122. Selfishly wanting to cum, Rifi dropped down onto him, jamming the full length of his dick into her well-fucked hole at once, breaking the kiss to screech his name in pleasure as her walls clamped rhythmically around his cock. At the same time she smacked into his hips, Uilas’ resolve shattered, hands holding her hips down on him as cum rocketed up his shaft. The thick organ twitched inside her, a small impression of it visible against her stomach in the light of the campfire, and had he been paying more attention he could see her stomach swell with the amount of jizz he pumped into her womb.
  124. The two sat there for almost a full two minutes as they rode out their orgasms, the feeling of being literally filled up with semen driving Rifi into a second, smaller orgasm. So much cream was forced into her, that a few drops were pushed out from her lips, smearing against their genitals as she reflexively ground her hips in his. Once they’d finally both come down from their highs, they shared another kiss before pressing their foreheads against each other’s.
  126. “So what do we do now priestess?” Uilas asked, genuinely unprepared for not only this situation, but the potential aftermath.
  128. “Well… First I get off of you, in the literal sense, then I suppose we can get dressed…~” she trailed off at the end, pussy squeezing his slowly softening member.
  130. “We could… We’ve got a long day tomorrow, and we could use a good rest,” he cocked an eyebrow at her.
  131. “True, and I do love a good morning fuck~”
  133. Slipping herself off him, Rifi turned and sauntered away, purposely adding extra sway to her hips as she stepped into the tent. Uilas looked down at his cock, the thick length re-hardening at the show she’d just put on for him. Rolling his neck he looked up at the sky, realizing there was only about five hours of night left.
  135. “Are you coming, or do I have to come out there again~?”
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