

Jul 24th, 2019
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  1. Name: Carolyn Leder
  3. Age: 17 and a half
  5. Appearance:
  7. She's a girl with grey-blue eyes and with brown hair that ends in a blonde color. She wears loose jeans and a light brown jacket of some kind. She wears white shoes, the average kind. Nothing of her appearance seems out of the ordinary other than a bag, which she carries various items she has found in other worlds and wanted to keep.
  9. Personality:
  11. She often appears rather dazed and confused. She is almost constantly within a haze, she can think straight but its slow to respond, she is rather calm and slow to walk, not really caring much of who is around her. She's rather casual, as if too casual about things, especially if they are strange. Carolyn is also rather curious, and will often look around, often being consumed by looking around, or being consumed by the haze and the daze within her mind as she looks around, feeling like she isn't there at all, merely doing something, that entire something becoming her entire being; until you snap her out of it. She likes to go to places abandoned, her mind being consumed by her environment, it's vibes, it's aftereffects of what happened there, it's as almost the environment around her reflects onto her, and her personality can change with it.
  13. She greatly enjoys being alone, lost in thought, captivated by her surroundings. She can make friends, though she will always act a little strange, weird. Carolyn doesn't care to fight anyone, nothing is worth fighting or conflicting over, as theres always somewhere else that it will happen, it doesn't matter to her, to which she will simply walk away and let natural events play out. When in group meetings, like a night club, or parties, she will simply slide in and act like she is supposed to be there casually, as if nothing is out of the ordinary. Carolyn also talks about the places she visits, sometimes, muttering under her breathe about them quite frequently.
  15. Backstory:
  17. She was always sort of strange, the vibes she gave off were just different from most people or places. She lived in a rather large mansion with many siblings, her father had grown up in the mansion they lived. Many rooms were unused, or sealed off for various reasons. Carolyn always had an interest in fictional books, most notably The Legend of the Sleepy Hollow, Alice in Wonderland, and other such books, all with weird and strange fictional settings.
  19. Her father had the rooms sealed off in the house years ago, the Mansion being in the US state of Pennsylvania. He had told his sons and daughters to not go into the rooms they sealed off. She obeyed this for a time, and partook in school, and various other activities a young person would normally do. She never really was fully satisfied or into them at heart, though she always played it off as she was doing them. Usually she acted normal, though the vibes about her were different, strange. Often her childhood was consumed by reading, though also getting into trouble with people she considered friends. Often involving sneaking out and exploring around places they shouldn't. But then, sometime it hit her, what about those sealed rooms?
  21. When her parents and most of her siblings weren't home, she broke the locks. Not caring who heard her do so, which her older brother arrived and tried to talk her out of doing it as their parents were going to be pissed. She didn't care, he shrugged it off, letting her 'live her life', as he put it. The things she found behind the doors were of olden days, newspapers, things that were generally saved for memorabilia purposes. Historical events, such things like that. Then her she remembered something her father said, to never go near 'the big mirror' that was hidden in one of those rooms. She eventually found what he was talking about, a large ovular mirror that was hidden under a tarp.
  23. The mirror being an artifact of the lone person who made it, he constantly wondered about other places, things out of sight, out of mind, yet spectacular they were. He was also rather interested in the paranormal, and as he worked around the place, with the mirror always in the room, the mirror began to soak up the feelings, thoughts and emotions in the room. After the man died, all of that remained and the mirror hadn't been touched in years, then being sold, her father buying the mirror after the mirror had went through several owners. Shortly after he got the mirror it began to once more soak up the emotions in the room, however he realized something was off and sought it fit to keep the mirror away from people, and so he sealed it away under a tarp.
  25. When Carolyn took the tarp off it seemed to draw in her emotions, she found herself staring at the mirror. She knew her father hid it away, but why? She took a step forward, tripping over a piece of wood and she fell towards the mirror, her weight shifting the mirror off it's stand to witch it shattered over. In the process, the emotions of the past 200 years or so flowed into her mind, with the mirror broken, they were set free...onto her mind. Afterwards she was never the same. Some say it was because of the mirror shattering over her, being traumatized, but the truth is, she's not really acting on her own. It's the emotions of the past 200 years or so, controlling her actions and thoughts. She is never truly herself because of that, and when she is, its when she is around people she considers friends or family.
  27. After she was found unconscious, she had to go through surgery and various procedures to remove the glass that was embedded in her skin, to which she has several scars. She was scolded however, her father was glad that mirror was gone, he made a mistake, he should have gotten rid of it. He hadn't considered what happened to Carolyn, just assuming the damage caused to her was because of the blunt force impact, rather than the hidden emotions which he didn't factor in to his thoughts. Assuming that was gone.
  29. After what had happened things gradually returned to normal, however she felt that something was off whenever she was around mirrors, and suddenly had the urge to reach into one. When she did so, the mirror felt like it wasn't there. Then she climbed in, finding herself in a reality in which the accident never happened. Then she began to go down the rabbit hole of exploring other realities, always knowing where her home reality had been.
  31. She's seen many things, from the eternal reign of the Berlin Conglomerate after an alternate world war 2 (an alliance between the Dutch Empire, German Empire, and the Austrian Empire), to a world in which the Annunaki (a race of aliens which created humans as a slave race to mine the Earth's gold for selfish uses). Due to seeing these worlds, she doesn't react to differences that much, gradually being de-sensitized to these things. She found that time didn't pass whenever she would return, further providing her the ability to go into other worlds on a dime. All of this is due to the man's craftsmanship of the mirror, he was rumored to be a 'priest with divine powers', however that was just superstition, or was it?
  33. Because of all these things being seen, this fell in place, creating a daze or a haze within her mind. While she thinks it's somehow because of the dust she breathed in, it's actually due to the emotions of the past effecting her mind, and that merely being a side effect of it, it goes on and off from time to time. One she doesn't really realize fully, and an event that destroyed any sense of normalcy she could have had.
  35. Abilities:
  37. Carolyn is able to go into other realms and dimensions simply by walking into a mirror. Within these dimensions she had picked up other abilities such as shard manipulation (the ability to make shapes out of broken glass), refraction (the ability to refract her emotions onto others, to some degree), and finally the ability to refract the environment's inherent emotions onto a shard of glass, to color it, so to speak.
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