
[NSFW] Khi/Zen Gym Bros #1

Jul 7th, 2019
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  1. Zendak was hanging from a bar, legs holding his frame up as he worked. Slow crunches working his belly, hair tied into a solid braid that now hung loose. He watched Khi walk into the room, his red shorts bouncing tantalizingly. He looked up at his own shorts, the orange cloth taught from his workout.
  3. “Hey Khi! I'm just hanging out.” His grin at his pun made the bigger man shake his head.
  5. “Just looks like hanging to me, no out in sight!” He laughed, “hop down here and spot me, please?”
  7. “Sure!”
  9. Khi watched Zendak, spin on the bar and land, an unnecessary flourish as he threw his hands into the air above him.
  11. “Impressive!” The sarcasma almost dripped from the word. “Here, help me get the weights on please.”
  13. “Usual amount?”
  15. “Yeah, 200 per side.”
  17. “Get it!”
  19. “Shut up Zen.”
  21. “Make me!” They laughed as they set the weights, pushing the pins in place to hold them tight. “All set Khi.”
  23. Zendak watched Khi lay back on the bench, sliding up till the bar was near his eyes, hands gripping the textured metal. Zendak moved into position to spot him. Hands resting gently on the bar, ready to grab it should the need arise.
  25. Khi looked up, pacing his breathing as he adjusted his grip. The warm feeling as Zendak’s hands grazed his before taking a waiting position over the bar. The pink haired face with its sharp toothed grin came into view. Then his bulge pressed into Khi’s forehead, soft orange cloth pulled taught, and he could smell the Drow.
  27. He focused on the bar, lifting it up and lowering it to his chest, Zendak’s hands following it carefully. He began lifting the bar up, his focus singular as he worked. Zendak counted his lifts, 30 till the first rest.
  29. The bar clanged heavily in the hooks as he set it, his chest rising high as he inhaled. He became acutely aware of the bulge against his head, his hands moving from the bar to it.
  31. He grabbed it, stroking the cloth with his hands, gently tugging on what hid inside. Zendak yip at the force and lowered into him, the thin shorts pulling the sweat from his head.
  33. Zendak pat Khi’s head, “rest’s over, 30 reps, lets go!”
  34. “Fuck yea!” Khi immediately moved his hands back to the bar, waiting till Zendak’s where in position before starting on the next set.
  36. The bar clanged hard as Khi dropped it into the rest. He let his arms fall back, knuckles resting on the cold floor. Again Zendak’s bulge rested on his head. The boy slowly moving it and wiping away the sweat on his head.
  38. “Is that sanitary zen?”
  39. “Probably… i mean, it’s just sweat, can't be that bad.”
  40. “Fair, but you know, my whole face is pretty sweaty!”
  41. “Oh fuck, I wouldn’t want to be a bad spotter and let you get that in your eyes know would I!”
  43. Zendak straightened his legs, his bulge lifting slightly from Khi’s head as he slid forward. The orange cloth rubbed across his face, as Zendak slowly pivoted his hips around. He stopped as he felt Khi’s tongue move over him. He panted with the feeling, reluctantly pulling back, with a sad groan from Khi.
  45. “Come on big guy, one more set, 30 Reps, then you spot me, deal?”
  46. “Deal!” Khi grinned, gripping the bar, barely noticing that Zendak’s hands where over his own this time.
  48. He hurried, a powerful desire to finish his reps. The force of his actions was making Zendak’s bulge bounce, slapping against his face, the moisture of the shorts now failing to soak up his beading sweat.
  50. He felt the warmth, could see the shift as the boy drew enjoyment out of the bouncing. He counted ever rep with the bounce of Zendaks bulge. A loud grunt as he set the bar away. Pulling himself forward and taking as much of the boys bulge in his mouth as he could.
  52. Zendak yipped again as Khi got his balls in his mouth, the large tusks pressing into him. He bent over, gripping the bar as Khi moved he head, giving him a rough tug. He patted at Khi’s chest, thumping the sweaty chest till he felt Khi pull back, the wet shorts chilling in the air.
  54. “Khi what the fuck,” Zendak rubbed at his balls, pulling them out of the shorts as he worked. “that was gross, all the sweat… felt good though.”
  56. Khi sat up, grabbing his hips and pulling Zen into his lap. “Yeah, well, you teased me so much, had to have a taste!” He stood, setting Zendak down in his place.
  58. “Your turn, how much?”
  59. “Uhhh… hmm. Fuck… put 120 per side.”
  60. “Storing little BRO!”
  61. “I will, Literally, stab you!”
  62. “Aww, lay back and get ready Zen.”
  65. Zendak slid under the bar, gripping the metal, his leather gloves creaking as his grip tightened. He closed his eyes as he lifted the bar down, holding it near his chest. He felt Khi’s hands beside his, and opened his eyes just as Khi dropped his bulge down onto his face.
  67. The cloth was cool on his brow, dry and heavy. He felt Khi slide forward till his thighs sat against his head, the massive bulge eclipsing his view. He breathed in, feeling air filtered through the thin shorts.
  69. “Come on Zen, get to pumping those arm!”
  71. Zendak gave Khi a quick bite, chuckling as he felt the bigger man pull up for a second. Khi hopped, making his bulge thump against Zendaks face, a heavy thumping sound ringing out as it bounced off the drows face.
  73. Zendak began lifting, his grunts muffled by Khi over him, his breath warming the cool fabric. By the time he dropped the bar onto the rest, his face was soaked, sweat, dripping down his hair. Khi pushed his bulge down hard into his face, mimicking the actions he had himself done but a few minutes before.
  75. He reached his tongue out, feeling the damp, salty cloth drag across his tongue. He went for another lick and suddenly he felt his tongue forced against the bottom of his mouth.
  77. Khi held Zendak’s mouth open, pinning his exploring tongue down with a thumb while his fingers brushed gently the underside of his chin. He felt the teeth against his hand, a moan at the scratching as he moved his hand.
  79. He pulled his bulge aside so he could see the boys face.
  80. “Now now Zendak, Salty things are only good after the workout.” He looked over to the Drow’s own shorts, watching the tight point, pushing the waistband far from the pink haired belly.
  81. “Though. I did skip breakfast and…” he reached out and rubbed Zendak’s chest, “you look pretty tasty today.” He kissed Zendak’s chest, standing up and pulling his hand from Zendak’s mouth, a trail of saliva dripping from his thumbs.
  83. He picked his bulge up. Feeling the moisture on the bottom, warmer than the cool fabric above. He crouched down, kissing Zendak, a bite on his lip as he stood. He grabbed his bulge underneath, picking it up. He swapped between hands a few times, watching Zendak’s body as the boy moved his arms to the bar. He dropped himself onto Zendak again, giggling at the sound Zendak made.
  85. “Nother Rep Zen, get pumping!”
  87. Zendak let out a muffled reply as his arms began going, the bar moving smoothly, Khi felt Zendak’s tongue going over him, pulling him down. He let out a moan as Zendak pulled his balls into his mouth.
  89. The sharp canine teeth dug into him, the tongue pressed hard as the jaw worked his balls around. He gripped the bar, struggling to keep from pushing down on it till Zendak dropped it into the resting position.
  91. Khi leaned hard onto the barc groaning as Zendaks mouth worked, the warmth spreading across his groan made him realize how cold the gym was.
  93. He stood, the rest period over but Zendak kept moving his mouth. His shorts were soaked against the boys face, the muffled sound of his breathing was off putting. He tried to move away, finding himself held fast in the sharp jaw.
  95. “Zendak, did you seriously get my balls stuck in your mouth?”
  97. He felt the tug on him shorts as the drow nodded. His hands moving up and giving Khi a thumbs up in affirmation.
  99. “You… loveable dumbass. Hold on.”
  101. He gently placed his hands on the side of Zendak’s jaw, massaging the tense muscles. He heard Zendak moan as the soreness dulled. Khi slowly worked his fingers into Zendaks mouth, a grunt of discomfort from him as his jaw was pushed further.
  103. “Shhh.” Khi let a light prayer for healing was other Zendak to ease the discomfort. He moved his fingers in further, pushing his gently up on his balls. Slowly working them out, until one then they other came free. He held them, noting that they had swollen slightly from the excitement of the acts.
  105. “Guess that was kinda on me, sorry, damn Zen, thank you for keeping my balls warm!”
  106. Zendak tried to talk, but his jaw was sore and nothing but a muffled groan.
  107. “Shh, here!”
  109. Khi massaged the underside of the jaw, feeling the muscles drawn tight, a pang of guilt until he felt the soft hands rubbing at him.
  111. “Seriously?” He pushed his bulge back over Zendak’s face. “Grab the damn bar you perv. And just keep them outside your mouth, I really don't want to explain to the others that you broke your jaw on my balls.”
  113. They moved through the last set slowly, Khi’s eyes focused on the gentle leaking from Zendak’s shorts, the ministrations against his own shorts not without a show of his own.
  115. Zendak sat up, pulling the small crop top away. Tossing the damp shirt into the corner. He stood, stretching in an arc that threatened to topple him. Khi watched the lithe body move, noting the muscles now glistening.
  117. “Okay Zendak! What's next?” A hard slap on the ass nearly bowled the rogue over. “Oh shit, sorry!”
  119. “Its okay Khi! I like it rough!”
  121. “Yeah? Some stretches then, keep you limber?”
  123. “Sure, before we get to into this.”
  127. Zendak moved closer to Khi, rolling his shoulders and arms. He move his left leg up to Khi’s shoulder in a quick fluid motion.
  129. “Pretty limber today I guess?” His breath smelled of sour citrus, the sharp scent drew Khi in as he leaned down.
  131. “Then how about i tie you into a knot?” He pulled a sly grin as his hand pushed into Zendak’s thigh, slowly moving down towards the bulge that pressed into his own stomach.
  133. Zendak slid his leg to the side, bringing it back to a normal position, trapping Khi’s hand between his thighs.
  134. “Handsy today! Lay down. Leg stretches!” He backed away, a small pivot forcing Khi’s hand free from his legs. “I stretched before you got here.”
  136. “Mmhmm.”
  138. He got down on his ass, laying back and watching as Zendak grabbed his leg, lifting it and gently bending the knee, pressing it to Khi’s own chest.
  140. Zendak stopped as Khi’s knee rested against his chest. The Drow looked down at the bigger man laying there, undaunted and almost bored with the stretches.
  142. “Khi, why so bored, not exciting enough?”
  143. “Not really, stretches are necessary, and boring.”
  144. “Well, yeah. Hey, idea!”
  146. He grabbed Khi’s other leg and pushed it to his chest, spreading them far as they could. He beard Khi grunt or groan, he was uncertain as he gazed upon the face, their eyes locking together.
  148. “What are you…”
  149. “Hush Khi.”
  151. He moved down to his knees, his mouth once more going over the large bulge. He focused on the top this time, the still damp cloth grown cold in the cool air.
  153. Khi shuddered as the warmth touched him, the lips and teeth grabbed at his cock, pulling up and grazing it. The brief moment of contact was enough he felt a slight leak of precum dampen the tip of him. And Zendak noticed too, as his mouth slid down, a strong sucking on the tip set him off. He leaned forward, attempting to grab the boys head.
  155. But Zendak was fast and pulled away, hands moving like a blur as he flipped onto Khi’s back, pressing him i to himself, his face pressed between his own thighs as Zendak straddled his back.
  157. “Whos tied in a knot?” His light voice made Khi grin and laugh.
  159. “You got me.”
  161. “you’e stretching and i made it fun…” he felt Zendak press into his back, the feeling of the boys cock, unclothed and warm. The soft hand slid past his head, pushing Khi’s shorts down till his own cock, now hardening before him.
  163. “Can't forget to stretch everything…” he whispered, his hands sliding back Khi’s foreskin and he pressed the light green glans to Khi’s lips.
  165. Khi didn't hesitate to open his mouth, feeling a sense of pride at his own flexibility as his dick slipped partly into his own mouth. He tasted the sweat, salty and none too appealing. Then the gentle flow of precum as Zendak grabbed his balls, rolling them in his hands, still clad in the soft and damp red fabric.
  167. He felt Zendak stop, watching the hands pull away as he excused himself to the restroom.
  169. Khi sat there, gently enjoying himself for a minute before unfolding. Standing and finishing his stretches while he waited, he sat at a bench, hands idly fondling himself.
  171. He heard the door close and looked up to see Zendak amble towards him, and stood to see what was next for the day’s exercise. He noticed the pink hair was tied back, a pony tail high and tight to keep the hair from his face.
  173. “Zen! Whats next?”
  174. “Pushups!” He gestured to the soft padded are in the corner, “lay down there please Khi.”
  175. “Oh, sure.”
  177. “Thank you.” He watched Khi reach to pull his shorts up and pawed at his hands to halt him. “Eyy, hold up. Leave that out please, it’s important Exercise Equipment!” He gently tossed the large balls in his hands. “Feel that weight, no wonder your so strong!”
  179. Khi pushed him away gently by the face. “Hilarious. Lets go.”
  184. “So I just here for you?”
  185. “No Khi, you so sit ups, im gonna do some push ups… while sucking your dick.”
  186. “Ohhh? Okay!”
  188. Khi sat, his legs spread slightly as Zendak slipped his head between. He slipped Khi’s aick in his mouth, the soft shaft sliding down with ease till his nose buried into the soft peach pubes. Khi grabbed the pony tail. Pulling him off roughly.
  190. “How did you think of this?”
  191. “I was sucking myself off on that bar before you came in and I realized… HEY, this would be better on someone else!” He set his hands on Khi’s feet, sliding back into position with a grin as he slipped Khi’s dick back into his mouth.
  192. “Can’t say you're wrong.” He let go of the ponytail and brushed his face before crossing over his chest and laying back into the floor. “Ready when you are Zendak!”
  194. He felt a playful nip at the base of his dick as a sign. Then the feeling if his foreskin sliding up as the elf lifted. He pushed forward, bending into a sitting position in time to watch the moth leave his cock, foreskin held tight in his teeth.
  196. The dark grey arms were tight, holding him up, and he watched them bend even as the mouth lowered over his cock again. The teeth moving his foreskin. He fell back. Lifting as he felt the mouth moving away.
  198. A rhythmic pattern took shape as they moved, 10, 20,30 sit-ups, he felt the pre-cum flowing, heards Zendak’s hurried breaths as the thick shaft slid free, a moment of relief for Khi as the cool air touched the wet skin. He grunted as he saw the strings of cum and saliva linking him and Zendaks lips.
  200. And then the head pushed back down. Khi felt his cock bend slightly as it pushed through the tight throat. His head tapped the floor, rapidly rising back up to beat Zendak, to watch the drows lips slid up his cock.
  202. 35.
  203. 40… he felt his balls tightened slightly, his cock twitching.
  204. 45.
  205. 50. Push-ups.
  207. He felt Zendak fall onto his cock, his hand sliding under Khi and gripping his ass with force as Khi let out a heavy sigh, sitting up and grabbing the boy with both hands. On hand pushed the head down hard, a fist full of pink hair. His left hand grazed the thin throat, caressing the skin as he felt the effort. The muscles tight, pushed wide.
  209. He felt a twitch through his body as another shot of cum shot, he wrapped his legs over the drows back, pulling his head close to the drows.
  211. “I love you so much Zen.” He pulled tighter in the hair, pushing the head down as he felt the throat tense as he swallowed the cum. “You’re mouth is so warm, and soft.”
  213. He felt himself in Zendak‘s throat, the twitching of his cock notable to his hands. His hand moved up Zendaks head, resting over his ear as he took another fist full of hair and leaned back on the floor. His thighs pulled tight to Zendak’s head as he felt the boys hands push into him, one hand pulling and rubbing his balls while the other moved over his taint, rubbing slowly and forcefully.
  215. He felt a trickle of wet and opened his eyes, watching Zendak bobbing his head up and down along his member. A thin trickle of cum and saliva let behind every time his head went up. But on each down stroke he felt the wet sloshing as he displaced the cum held in his lovers throat.
  217. His hands fell back to the floor, the soft carpet cool to the touch, making him aware of the warm body between his legs. He felt Zendaks teeth clamp gently over his glans as his head stopped.
  219. He once more opened his eyes, accidentally meeting the drows gaze as his hands pushed up Khi’s shaft. The gesture forcing the last dribbling of cum i to his mouth. He watched as Zen cleaned him, sliding up his body to talk to him in a hoarse whisper.
  221. Zendaks mouth brushed against his, the soft lips reasing him with the faint idea if a kiss before moving on. He felt them by his ear, hearing the barely audible words eak out.
  223. “You need post workout stretched!”
  224. “Wha..” he was cut off as Zendak pushed his leg up to his chest. “Woah! Hold on…”
  225. “HMMM, your shorts are in my way.” He tugged up on the red fabric, pulling tight across Khi’s offset legs. “Fuck, idiot.” He pushed Khi’s other let to his chest.
  226. “Hey hold this for me please dear!”
  227. He tugged on the cloth again, pulling the shorts up with a triumphant laugh. He pushed them up pushing Khi’s legs till his ankles tickled his ears. He pushed the shorts down again, locking the big man’s legs around his head.
  228. “Zen, this isn't the most… im not very bendy like you.”
  230. Zendak stepped back, dropping his shorts and exposing himself to Khi. He grabbed his balls and bounced them a few times in front of Khi’s face. Khi took note of them as they moved, his mouth watering gently as they passed tantalizingly before him. He reached out, grabbing the round ass and pulling the boy close, taking the balls in his mouth as the hard cock pressed into his face.
  232. “Khi! Your adorably excitable.” his hands rubbed the shimmering green head, trying not to laugh at the sound as Khi held him in his mouth. “But.. hEY!”
  234. He yipped as khi gently nibbled on him. His tusks pressed sharply into his Taint. He patted at Khi’s head, feeling the mouth release him, lips split in a devious grin as Zendak pouted.
  236. “That hurt!”
  237. “Yeah, and I know you liked it!”
  238. “YES BUT STILL!”
  239. Khi stole a quick bite, pulling down on the tight balls. Zen pushed him off, cheeks puffed out in an attempt not to laugh. “My turn!”
  240. He pushed Khi fully onto his back, setting his hand on the tense thighs as he looked at Khi. he raised a hand, a flourish as he produced a small red metal ring. He slipped it over his cock, the metal glowing as it left a trail of lubrication over the dark skin.
  241. “Ready?”
  242. “No!”
  244. “Okay…” he waited, the head of his cock pressed gently against Khi’s hole.
  245. “Gonna wait till i say yes?”
  246. “Yup.”
  247. “I love you, Go for it!”
  249. Khi waited, feeling the slow pressure as Zendak slipped inside. Slowly.
  251. Khi panted, watching the sweat beading on the drows brow as he moved with such practiced slowness, his breaths silent. As soon as he felt his balls press into the pink hair he sighed. Then quicker than he expected Zendak pulled out and pushed himself back in, the thrust sliding Khi back.
  253. “Ahha, woahh there Zen. I thought we were stretching?”
  254. “That was for the Bite.” he slid in slowly again. He leaned in close to Khi, pulling the shorts over his head and letting his legs relax.
  255. “Yeah… i can’t feel my legs Zen, they are asleep.”
  256. “But your ass looked nice.” a kiss the edge of his teeth brushing Khi’s lower lip. “Easier access.”
  257. “So what now?”
  258. “Im just gonna sit here and stretch your legs one as a time, back and forth!”
  259. “No fucking!”
  260. “Nothing major. If you wanna stretch that muscle… get Ratih…. Group session?”
  261. “Hands off!” Khi rested a hand against Zendaks stomach, the impossible smooth skin wet with sweat. “I get first dibs if hes up for it.”
  262. “Well no shit, hes your Husband.” he gave a small thrust to please Khi’s whimpers... “I call the big bed!”
  263. “BASTARD!”
  264. “Haha!”
  266. They sat there, slowly stretching still Zendak, felt himself cum, the thick fluid held inside the bigger man as they kissed on the floor.
  268. Khi pulled his face From Zendaks, looking at the large blue eyes.
  269. “I changed my mind. Lets both go get Raith!”
  270. “Hell yea… I CALL ASS?”
  272. “Fuck you Darkstone!”
  274. Their playful argument trailed off as they stumbled out of the gym looking for the smaller mage.
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