
Black Lace

Jan 12th, 2020
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  1. Birth Name: Moon Hayun
  2. Human Age: 18
  4. Slot: Wicked Widow
  5. Backup Slot: ( reserved )
  7. Face Claim: Joy ( Red Velvet )
  8. Backup Face Claim: Soyeon ( G Idle )
  10. Personality:
  11. # Ruthless = she seems to show no pity and compassion towards others and unless she has a seriously strong bond with you, it is best not to go to her for comfort.
  12. # Mean = anyone who knows her would agree that she is not the nicest person and she doesn't really care. She is nice to the people she wants to be nice to and she couldn't really care less about he rest.
  13. # Intelligent = she has a large capacity for logic, awareness and understanding. She also has an incredible memory. It is almost eidetic.
  14. # Aware = she has a lot of knowledge about what kind of situation she is in at anytime and that is how she is always able to get out of situations.
  15. # Protective = she may not show that she cares about her friends normally but you will see it when she thinks they are being threatened because she will get a lot more protective of them.
  16. # Flirtatious = she lightly brush your arm to show her interest or lean on you or grab on to your bicep. She just likes to have a little fun. However if she wants things to go further she becomes very bold by most likely sitting on their lap but another version of her flirting is by playing hard to get and this always makes guys want more of her.
  17. # Manipulative = she can be extremely manipulative and always has some kind of trick up her sleeve to get what she wants. Whether that is using money, owing favours or even using her body, as long as it gets her what she wants, she will do it.
  18. # Loyal = when she has formed a strong connection to you, she becomes one of the most loyal people you could ever meet. She will always keep you in mind when doing something just to keep herself in check.
  20. Background:
  21. Hayun grew up in a family who struggled to make ends meet. Growing up as an only child meant that she had nobody to deal with her own issues with since her parents were constantly working late night at their low paying jobs. Her parents just didn't seem to have time for her which added to the loneliness that she felt. Her parents were a very dysfunctional couple, her dad was an alcoholic and a chainsmoker and her mum was also an alcoholic. They were constantly arguing and fighting yet they refused to break up.
  23. In school, she was usually seen wearing rags and couldn't afford a new uniform since she had no money to get new ones. She was insulted and ridiculed by the other kids in her year because she looked like a homeless person's kid. She didn't have many friends in school and any friends that she did have, they ignored her whenever the popular kids were around. So really, she didn't have any friends.
  25. At 18 years old, she moved out of her house since she didn't want to be suffocated by her lousy parents any longeer. She wanted to be more independent and have more of a sense of responsibility. She moved into a small house by herself. At this point, she knew she needed a way to make money and she needed a way to make a lot of it. Due to the stress of having no income, she would often go to clubs and let men buy her drinks but one day, an older man, most likely in his late 30's or early 40's approached her. He gave her a proporsition saying that he would pay her loads and loads of money if he agreed to marry him. She agreed because she wanted the payment.
  27. This marriage lasted a couple of months until her husband suddenly disappeared without a trace. It turns out that she had been working with another wealthy man to help get rid of him. Soon they got married and again, after a couple of months he disappeared. It seemed like everytime she got married, a couple of months into the relationship, the man would disappear and this didn't go unnoticed.
  29. She had created a huge living for herself now and she was now one of the wealthiest women in the country. She would seduce rich men, marry them and then get rid of them and take their money.
  31. Love Interest: Seonghwa ( Ateez )
  32. Backup Love Interest: Jaemin ( NCT Dream )
  34. Their Age: 19
  35. Their Birthday: 17th April 2000
  37. Their Personality:
  38. # He has a really good sense of humour and can easily make people laugh by his weird antics. He loves to make people laugh and he is the sort of guy to tell a really bad joke but people will still laugh because of the way he reacted to his own joke and just how dumb it was.
  39. # He is a very candid person and doesn’t like beating around the bush about things, especially if it is important and if so, he will make sure to sort everything out as soon as possible.
  40. # He is very proactive and a quick thinker and so he is able to get out of situations or solve them instead of just letting them happen.
  41. # He can be very immature when he wants to because he loves making innapropriate or dirty jokes however, he knows when it really isn't appropriate to make one.
  42. # He is a funny and pretty chill guy but when it is time to get serious, he will be 100% serious.
  43. # He is very good at thinking on his feet and it is hard to catch him off-guard with something. He is good at getting himself and others out of tricky situations.
  44. # When he is working, he likes to do things for himself and this is because he doesn't want to feel like he is bugging anyone or annoying anyone with things he could probably do himself.
  45. # He is definitely what people would call street smart because he is very aware of his surroundings and knows when something is not right. It is as if he has a sixth sense when it comes to danger.
  46. # He does not like being the same as other people and he prides himself on being true to himself and his values. He likes being unique and being himself.
  47. # Once he has formed a good relationship with someone, he gets protective because he couldn't stand to see someone he cares about getting hurt. If he does see this happening, he will make it his personal mission to "teach them a lesson". He doesn't like seeing the important people in his life upset or angry.
  49. How you and your Love Interest interact with each other:
  50. # They are very affectionate and they are constantly all over each other.
  51. # They do basically everything together and they talk to each other about everything.
  52. # They respect each other.
  53. # They are the most sarcastic couple you could ever meet.
  55. Any Important notes:
  56. Nope :D
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