
Thirsty bitch

Jan 9th, 2019
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Noah had positioned himself with a pocket full of quarters in front of the mortal kombat machine in the arcade, his hand essentially white knuckling on the joystick of the game as he went hard. Losing was not an option.-
  2. Covet: Tae was leaning against the machine, just watching Noah play because she didn't feel like getting her ass kicked by Noah repeatedly, because she sucked. "Do you want me to hold your quarters for you, that way you don't waste time having to get them out of your pocket?"
  3. Alexithymiaa: -He kept his eyes focused down on the screen as he played. "You can go into my pocket and get them in you want. They're all the way at the bottom so you might have to dig around and fish in there for a while." He couldn't help, but grin at his suggestive comment.-
  4. Covet: "You know if you want me in your pants you could just say as much." Tae told him slightly unamused and pinched his thigh as she reached into his pocket to get a handful of the quarters.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "I want you in my pants." He spoke bluntly, quick to answer. He gave a little jump when she pinched his leg, trying to stay focused on his on screen ass kicking. "HEY!"-
  6. Covet: "Sorry accident." She said with a laugh. "You're fine look you didn't even die." Tae said pointing at the screen.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "But you cost me a few hits which would make or break me." He said quickly, leaning into the controls like it was his fucking job. When he won the match, he threw his hands up in victory. "Yesssss. Undefeated."-
  8. Covet: "See I told you you're fine." Tae said rolling her eyes. "Next match is coming up, you're not done yet." She said to him.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "I'm going to the top of the ladder undefeated and then everyone will know my initials." He paused, considering his options. "Or I could write ASS."-
  10. Covet: "I mean, Ass would probably be more fitting for you." She said with a grin. "But you've got to get there first."
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Hey shut the fuck up. I'm not an ass. I'm plenty nice to you." His words basically fell out of his mouth quickly, his next match starting up and he assumed his stance and game face. // A surfer looking male that was about medium build (think logan shroyer) turned and walked into the arcade with a couple of friends, his eyes dropping over Tae before turning to the change machine to get quarters.-
  12. Covet: "You can be nice and still be an ass. People do it all the time." Tae said laughed. Turning her head she caught the glance of the guy and bit her lip, giving him a smile as she watched him, with his friends. She made eye contact for a moment, then cleared her throat, "Do you want anything to drink, I'm kind of thirsty." Yeah you really are Tae.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "I don't think so." He bit down on the inside of his cheek, turning his body to the side as he got into it and tense. "Another soda?" // His name is now Colin. Colin finished getting his quarters from the machine, walking over to the set of basketball shooting games with his two other friends and waiting on them as they got their shit situated. "I'm getting fries." He told them, abandoning the little room and heading across to the snack bar to put his order in.-
  14. Covet: Tae left the pile of quarters on the game top for Noah, and walked off to the snack bar to get the two of them something to drink. She saw the guy walk up shortly after to get his fries ordered. Looking over at him she smiled, "Hi, sorry let me step out of the way." She said to him even though she really wasn't in his way at all.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Oh no, you're fine." He said, flashing her a grin. He twisted to lean his arm on the counter while facing her. "My friends and I were just checking out the arcade. I've never been here before. Have you?"-
  16. Covet: "Yeah, a couple of times. My uh.. friend over there is really into video games." She said to him, grinning at the fine comment. "I suck so I'm just a validated quarter keeper." She said giving herself the made up title, proudly.
  17. Alexithymiaa: -He looked over at Noah at the game machine, pausing for a second and then looking back at her. "Aw don't sell yourself short. You should play if you enjoy playing. I'm sure you're not bad, you just haven't found your game yet. You're more than welcome to come join us if you want the opportunity to actually play."-
  18. Covet: "Well that's nice of you, but I definitely know Mortal Kombat is not my game." She said with a laugh. " I probably shouldn't play with strangers, My name's Tae." She said with a smirk, offering her hand.
  19. Alexithymiaa: -He put his hand out to shake hers. "Colin, it's nice to meet you Tae." His eyes dropped over her again, checking her out a bit more thoroughly since she was flirting with him. "Now that we're better acquainted, are you going to join me?"-
  20. Covet: "Maybe, I need to drop my friends drink off, then maybe I'll play next to you guys." Tae said, taking her drinks and rejoining Noah. "Are you at the top of the ladder yet?"
  21. Alexithymiaa: "I'm one dude away from being the Mortal Kombat champion." He rattled off, turning to take his drink from her and sucking down soda like he was doing the physical fighting. // Colin watched her walk back over to Noah staring at that ass before taking his fries and heading back over to his friends to begin his basketball game. Probably filling them in on 'the hot chick'.-
  22. Covet: "Good, so you can spare a dollor or two of quarters? I want to go shoot some hoops since it's the only thing I can do that doesn't require someone else or losing." Tae said taking some of his quarters and leaving his drink. "I'll be over there when you're done."
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Done being the champion?' He asked with a grin, starting in on his next match. // Colin had started shooting hoops with his two friends which we're going to say they're part of the newer crop of basketball team dudes after Thad ruined the team. They were all sinking basket after basket.-
  24. Covet: Tae laughed, "Yeah, something like that." She said walking off, putting the quarters into the machine to get it started. She looked over at the guys, then went to try to look cool, but was making one like every five she threw that direction. She frowned, and gave a pout becase she was hoping not to be a loser at this.
  25. Alexithymiaa: -Colinfinished his game with enough time to watch Tae playing hers, shaking his head. "Here, let me help you. If you really want to control your accuracy better, set your shots up like this." He moved behind her, putting his arms around her body to set her arms in position to shoot the ball, giving it a little push through her hands.-
  26. Guest_TiaW981 has joined the chat
  27. Guest_TiaW981 has left the chat
  28. Covet: Tae smiled and did the little wiggle thing, "Thank you Colin." She said as she felt him get close to her and show her how to shoot. She pushed back a little as she grabbed the ball and went about taking another shot and making it.
  29. Alexithymiaa: -Noah ended up losing on the last boss which is pretty fucking awful, slamming his hands down on the game console and turning around to look at Tae with the intent to complain to her. Seeing the tall blonde dude all up in her shit, he just stared, watching. Waiting. // "See? You're good. You just needed a little lesson. Grab another one." He said, moving his hands to rest gently on her shoulders, keeping in contact with her even when he wasn't helping her shoot.-
  30. Covet: "Eh, I'm alright. I've got a decent teacher." she said with a laugh, getting another ball to shoot, making sure to get her ass all up in his business again, but the timer ran out before it counted, " Awwh, but I still had fun, and it's not like I lost against anyone right?" She said turning around, catching the look of Noah who was just standing their watching, "Oh I think My friend is ready to go, But I'll see you around Colin. Thank you for the help."
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Always happy to help." Colin said with a smile. "If you're not busy later this week, we could hangout here and practice some more. There's a few other shots I can teach you that would make you a basketball pro." // Noah set his jaw, turning away from them and starting out of the arcade area, his blood completely boiling as he stormed out.-
  32. Covet: "That's nice, but I don't really need to be a pro, but we could possibly hang out sometime. " Tae said, then offered up her number for him, then noticed Noah storming off. "I need to go, before he leaves me behind. But it was nice to meet you. See you around." She said walking past him to meet up with Noah.
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