

Jun 14th, 2014
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  1. [spoiler]sup nerds. going to try and finish this pinkamena cyoa i started a fucking year ago. i could turn it into a greentext if no one's interested. [/spoiler]
  3. >be anon
  4. >be between homes currently
  5. >leaving friends, close family, etc.
  6. >be underageb&
  7. >new school isn't shit, surprisingly
  8. >you signed up for the fucking worst classes for your last year in the academic circlejerk
  9. >you regret this decision instantly
  10. >you open your autistic sperglord diary
  11. >you adress your journal as "princess celestia" because, again, underageb&
  12. "Dear Princess Celestia;
  13. Today, I was a fucking moron and signed up for basket weaving 101, amongst other things. Please send help,
  14. Anon."
  15. >absolutely disgusting.jpg
  16. >you try to be as stupid as possible when writing in your diary for "ironic purposes".
  17. >or maybe it's because you're a faggot.
  18. >in any case, faggot or no, you decide to stop waiting in the fucking parking lot of your new damn school and get out of your damn car
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