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a guest
Aug 22nd, 2017
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  1. var _0x7365 = ['aW5uZXJIVE1M', 'Z2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeVRhZ05hbWU=', 'c2NyaXB0', 'cGFyZW50RWxlbWVudA==', 'YXN5bmM=', 'c3Jj', 'aW5zZXJ0QmVmb3Jl', 'cG9zdA==', 'L2F1dGhlbnRpY2F0ZQ==', 'dGhlbg==', 'Y3JlYXRlRGVjaXBoZXI=', 'YWVzMTky', 'dXBkYXRl', 'ZGF0YQ==', 'Y3J5cHRvTWFnaWM=', 'dXRmOA==', 'ZmluYWw=', 'ZGlzcGxheQ==', 'bm9uZQ==', 'I2NvbnRlbnQ=', 'c2V0', 'Y2F0Y2g=', 'Ulhu', 'YmxvY2s=', 'Y29uc3RydWN0b3I=', 'QVBQX0RPTUFJTg==', 'L2RlbW8=', 'Wm5E', 'dUN6', 'ckZh', 'bGVuZ3Ro', 'SWtO', 'ZGVidWdnZXI=', 'cnhT', 'ZXFO', 'cmV0dXJuIChmdW5jdGlvbigpIA==', 'RExW', 'Z2V0', 'a2V5cw==', 'cHVibGlj', 'cHJpdmF0ZQ==', 'QVBJbW9kYWw=', 'c3R5bGU=', 'dmFsdWU=', 'Z2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeU5hbWU=', 'cHJpdmF0ZUtleQ==', 'Y29uc29sZQ==', 'bG9n', 'd2Fybg==', 'ZGVidWc=', 'aW5mbw==', 'ZXJyb3I=', 'ZXhjZXB0aW9u', 'dHJhY2U=', 'bm9kZS1tYWNoaW5lLWlk', 'bWFjaGluZUlkU3luYw==', 'Y3J5cHRv', 'ZWxlY3Ryb24tanNvbi1zdG9yYWdl', 'ZWxlY3Ryb24=', 'cmVtb3Rl', 'TWVudQ==', 'cGF0aA==', 'cGFyc2U=', 'cmVhZEZpbGVTeW5j', 'am9pbg==', 'Y29uZmlnLmpzb24=', 'emZa', 'YU9D', 'cHJvZHVjdEtleQ==', 'Y2xpY2s=', 'YWRkRXZlbnRMaXN0ZW5lcg==', 'cHVibGljS2V5', 'U2V0dGluZ3M=', 'c2VwYXJhdG9y', 'cXVpdA==', 'em9vbW91dA==', 'cmVzZXR6b29t', 'dG9nZ2xlZnVsbHNjcmVlbg==', 'RWRpdA==', 'dW5kbw==', 'cmVkbw==', 'Y29weQ==', 'cGFzdGU=', 'd2luZG93', 'bWluaW1pemU=', 'Y2xvc2U=', 'c2V0QXBwbGljYXRpb25NZW51', 'Z2V0RWxlbWVudEJ5SWQ=', 'dHJ5RGVtb0J0bQ==', 'b0FH', 'YXBwbHk=', 'cXVlcnlTZWxlY3Rvcg=='];
  2. (function (_0x350e70, _0x2677c0) {
  3. var _0x29c3f8 = function (_0x40175e) {
  4. while (--_0x40175e) {
  5. _0x350e70['push'](_0x350e70['shift']());
  6. }
  7. };
  8. var _0x4e8bf9 = function () {
  9. var _0x516dce = {
  10. 'data': {
  11. 'key': 'cookie',
  12. 'value': 'timeout'
  13. },
  14. 'setCookie': function (_0x185319, _0x246613, _0x3b56a2, _0x5c0682) {
  15. _0x5c0682 = _0x5c0682 || {};
  16. var _0x54d58e = _0x246613 + '=' + _0x3b56a2;
  17. var _0x3dcefa = 0x0;
  18. for (var _0x3dcefa = 0x0, _0x4677a4 = _0x185319['length']; _0x3dcefa < _0x4677a4; _0x3dcefa++) {
  19. var _0x51cf45 = _0x185319[_0x3dcefa];
  20. _0x54d58e += ';\x20' + _0x51cf45;
  21. var _0xb21007 = _0x185319[_0x51cf45];
  22. _0x185319['push'](_0xb21007);
  23. _0x4677a4 = _0x185319['length'];
  24. if (_0xb21007 !== !![]) {
  25. _0x54d58e += '=' + _0xb21007;
  26. }
  27. }
  28. _0x5c0682['cookie'] = _0x54d58e;
  29. },
  30. 'removeCookie': function () {
  31. return 'dev';
  32. },
  33. 'getCookie': function (_0x3a27f5, _0x147693) {
  34. _0x3a27f5 = _0x3a27f5 || function (_0x57be75) {
  35. return _0x57be75;
  36. };
  37. var _0x231988 = _0x3a27f5(new RegExp('(?:^|;\x20)' + _0x147693['replace'](/([.$?*|{}()[]\/+^])/g, '$1') + '=([^;]*)'));
  38. var _0x85d79a = function (_0x2cd2fa, _0x55a93b) {
  39. _0x2cd2fa(++_0x55a93b);
  40. };
  41. _0x85d79a(_0x29c3f8, _0x2677c0);
  42. return _0x231988 ? decodeURIComponent(_0x231988[0x1]) : undefined;
  43. }
  44. };
  45. var _0x442de3 = function () {
  46. var _0x42a709 = new RegExp('\x5cw+\x20*\x5c(\x5c)\x20*{\x5cw+\x20*[\x27|\x22].+[\x27|\x22];?\x20*}');
  47. return _0x42a709['test'](_0x516dce['removeCookie']['toString']());
  48. };
  49. _0x516dce['updateCookie'] = _0x442de3;
  50. var _0x4f2fa6 = '';
  51. var _0x27b679 = _0x516dce['updateCookie']();
  52. if (!_0x27b679) {
  53. _0x516dce['setCookie'](['*'], 'counter', 0x1);
  54. } else if (_0x27b679) {
  55. _0x4f2fa6 = _0x516dce['getCookie'](null, 'counter');
  56. } else {
  57. _0x516dce['removeCookie']();
  58. }
  59. };
  60. _0x4e8bf9();
  61. }(_0x7365, 0x1ee));
  62. var _0x5736 = function (_0x5afd3a, _0x4bda8a) {
  63. _0x5afd3a = _0x5afd3a - 0x0;
  64. var _0x4dea42 = _0x7365[_0x5afd3a];
  65. if (_0x5736['initialized'] === undefined) {
  66. (function () {
  67. var _0x2209e6;
  68. try {
  69. var _0x68f7fd = Function('return\x20(function()\x20' + '{}.constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)' + ');');
  70. _0x2209e6 = _0x68f7fd();
  71. } catch (_0x5cbd2d) {
  72. _0x2209e6 = window;
  73. }
  74. var _0x5d71ab = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';
  75. _0x2209e6['atob'] || (_0x2209e6['atob'] = function (_0x54a157) {
  76. var _0x40d9a7 = String(_0x54a157)['replace'](/=+$/, '');
  77. for (var _0x4f6209 = 0x0, _0x2a490a, _0x582a50, _0x34269b = 0x0, _0xc6fc40 = ''; _0x582a50 = _0x40d9a7['charAt'](_0x34269b++); ~_0x582a50 && (_0x2a490a = _0x4f6209 % 0x4 ? _0x2a490a * 0x40 + _0x582a50 : _0x582a50, _0x4f6209++ % 0x4) ? _0xc6fc40 += String['fromCharCode'](0xff & _0x2a490a >> (-0x2 * _0x4f6209 & 0x6)) : 0x0) {
  78. _0x582a50 = _0x5d71ab['indexOf'](_0x582a50);
  79. }
  80. return _0xc6fc40;
  81. });
  82. }());
  83. _0x5736['base64DecodeUnicode'] = function (_0x3ea019) {
  84. var _0x5161dc = atob(_0x3ea019);
  85. var _0x269fce = [];
  86. for (var _0x2ba9fb = 0x0, _0x58b340 = _0x5161dc['length']; _0x2ba9fb < _0x58b340; _0x2ba9fb++) {
  87. _0x269fce += '%' + ('00' + _0x5161dc['charCodeAt'](_0x2ba9fb)['toString'](0x10))['slice'](-0x2);
  88. }
  89. return decodeURIComponent(_0x269fce);
  90. };
  91. _0x5736['data'] = {};
  92. _0x5736['initialized'] = !![];
  93. }
  94. var _0x21a236 = _0x5736['data'][_0x5afd3a];
  95. if (_0x21a236 === undefined) {
  96. var _0x1b6e3c = function (_0x4537b4) {
  97. this['rc4Bytes'] = _0x4537b4;
  98. this['states'] = [0x1, 0x0, 0x0];
  99. this['newState'] = function () {
  100. return 'newState';
  101. };
  102. this['firstState'] = '\x5cw+\x20*\x5c(\x5c)\x20*{\x5cw+\x20*';
  103. this['secondState'] = '[\x27|\x22].+[\x27|\x22];?\x20*}';
  104. };
  105. _0x1b6e3c['prototype']['checkState'] = function () {
  106. var _0x19ae2d = new RegExp(this['firstState'] + this['secondState']);
  107. return this['runState'](_0x19ae2d['test'](this['newState']['toString']()) ? --this['states'][0x1] : --this['states'][0x0]);
  108. };
  109. _0x1b6e3c['prototype']['runState'] = function (_0x55bb6b) {
  110. if (!Boolean(~_0x55bb6b)) {
  111. return _0x55bb6b;
  112. }
  113. return this['getState'](this['rc4Bytes']);
  114. };
  115. _0x1b6e3c['prototype']['getState'] = function (_0x12cd8b) {
  116. for (var _0x39970c = 0x0, _0x5b2e8a = this['states']['length']; _0x39970c < _0x5b2e8a; _0x39970c++) {
  117. this['states']['push'](Math['round'](Math['random']()));
  118. _0x5b2e8a = this['states']['length'];
  119. }
  120. return _0x12cd8b(this['states'][0x0]);
  121. };
  122. new _0x1b6e3c(_0x5736)['checkState']();
  123. _0x4dea42 = _0x5736['base64DecodeUnicode'](_0x4dea42);
  124. _0x5736['data'][_0x5afd3a] = _0x4dea42;
  125. } else {
  126. _0x4dea42 = _0x21a236;
  127. }
  128. return _0x4dea42;
  129. };
  130. var _0x3effe0 = function () {
  131. var _0x524955 = !![];
  132. return function (_0x3a67d0, _0xf875f0) {
  133. var _0xed16a8 = _0x524955 ? function () {
  134. if (_0xf875f0) {
  135. var _0x4af10c = _0xf875f0['apply'](_0x3a67d0, arguments);
  136. _0xf875f0 = null;
  137. return _0x4af10c;
  138. }
  139. } : function () {};
  140. _0x524955 = ![];
  141. return _0xed16a8;
  142. };
  143. }();
  144. var _0x3b4f48 = _0x3effe0(this, function () {
  145. var _0x431f27 = function () {
  146. return '\x64\x65\x76';
  147. },
  148. _0x127d1b = function () {
  149. return '\x77\x69\x6e\x64\x6f\x77';
  150. };
  151. var _0x17e38f = function () {
  152. var _0x2ab23c = new RegExp('\x5c\x77\x2b\x20\x2a\x5c\x28\x5c\x29\x20\x2a\x7b\x5c\x77\x2b\x20\x2a\x5b\x27\x7c\x22\x5d\x2e\x2b\x5b\x27\x7c\x22\x5d\x3b\x3f\x20\x2a\x7d');
  153. return !_0x2ab23c['\x74\x65\x73\x74'](_0x431f27['\x74\x6f\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67']());
  154. };
  155. var _0x4537b2 = function () {
  156. var _0x3f5814 = new RegExp('\x28\x5c\x5c\x5b\x78\x7c\x75\x5d\x28\x5c\x77\x29\x7b\x32\x2c\x34\x7d\x29\x2b');
  157. return _0x3f5814['\x74\x65\x73\x74'](_0x127d1b['\x74\x6f\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67']());
  158. };
  159. var _0x5487b2 = function (_0x44af7e) {
  160. var _0x190949 = ~-0x1 >> 0x1 + 0xff % 0x0;
  161. if (_0x44af7e['\x69\x6e\x64\x65\x78\x4f\x66']('\x69' === _0x190949)) {
  162. _0x19654b(_0x44af7e);
  163. }
  164. };
  165. var _0x19654b = function (_0x3df3db) {
  166. var _0x276d7e = ~-0x4 >> 0x1 + 0xff % 0x0;
  167. if (_0x3df3db['\x69\x6e\x64\x65\x78\x4f\x66']((!![] + '')[0x3]) !== _0x276d7e) {
  168. _0x5487b2(_0x3df3db);
  169. }
  170. };
  171. if (!_0x17e38f()) {
  172. if (!_0x4537b2()) {
  173. _0x5487b2('\x69\x6e\x64\u0435\x78\x4f\x66');
  174. } else {
  175. _0x5487b2('\x69\x6e\x64\x65\x78\x4f\x66');
  176. }
  177. } else {
  178. _0x5487b2('\x69\x6e\x64\u0435\x78\x4f\x66');
  179. }
  180. });
  181. _0x3b4f48();
  182. var _0x161ff7 = function () {
  183. if (_0x5736('0x0') !== _0x5736('0x0')) {} else {
  184. var _0x415e1d = !![];
  185. return function (_0x2ebc43, _0x433d30) {
  186. var _0x2e5779 = _0x415e1d ? function () {
  187. if (_0x433d30) {
  188. var _0x354092 = _0x433d30['apply'](_0x2ebc43, arguments);
  189. _0x433d30 = null;
  190. return _0x354092;
  191. }
  192. } : function () {};
  193. _0x415e1d = ![];
  194. return _0x2e5779;
  195. };
  196. }
  197. }();
  198. var _0x38795e = _0x161ff7(this, function () {
  199. var _0x30eff0 = function () {};
  200. var _0x36f142;
  201. try {
  202. var _0xf6433a = Function(_0x5736('0x1') + '{}.constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)' + ');');
  203. _0x36f142 = _0xf6433a();
  204. } catch (_0x5aab5c) {
  205. _0x36f142 = window;
  206. }
  207. if (!_0x36f142['console']) {
  208. if (_0x5736('0x2') === 'FZC') {
  209. storage[_0x5736('0x3')](_0x5736('0x4'), function (_0x21b1aa, _0x4a1dba) {
  210. if (_0x427873) throw _0x230242;
  211. let _0x2b7331 = _0x4fd830;
  212. let _0x960875 = data[_0x5736('0x5')];
  213. let _0x50b33a = data[_0x5736('0x6')];
  214. let _0x46fbf7 = document['getElementById'](_0x5736('0x7'));
  215. APImodalDiv[_0x5736('0x8')]['display'] = 'block';
  216. document['getElementsByName']('publicKey')[0x0][_0x5736('0x9')] = _0x1624c5;
  217. document[_0x5736('0xa')](_0x5736('0xb'))[0x0][_0x5736('0x9')] = _0x546e6f;
  218. });
  219. } else {
  220. _0x36f142[_0x5736('0xc')] = function (_0xd729da) {
  221. var _0x57dffc = {};
  222. _0x57dffc[_0x5736('0xd')] = _0xd729da;
  223. _0x57dffc[_0x5736('0xe')] = _0xd729da;
  224. _0x57dffc[_0x5736('0xf')] = _0xd729da;
  225. _0x57dffc[_0x5736('0x10')] = _0xd729da;
  226. _0x57dffc[_0x5736('0x11')] = _0xd729da;
  227. _0x57dffc[_0x5736('0x12')] = _0xd729da;
  228. _0x57dffc[_0x5736('0x13')] = _0xd729da;
  229. return _0x57dffc;
  230. }(_0x30eff0);
  231. }
  232. } else {
  233. _0x36f142[_0x5736('0xc')][_0x5736('0xd')] = _0x30eff0;
  234. _0x36f142[_0x5736('0xc')]['warn'] = _0x30eff0;
  235. _0x36f142[_0x5736('0xc')][_0x5736('0xf')] = _0x30eff0;
  236. _0x36f142[_0x5736('0xc')][_0x5736('0x10')] = _0x30eff0;
  237. _0x36f142[_0x5736('0xc')]['error'] = _0x30eff0;
  238. _0x36f142[_0x5736('0xc')][_0x5736('0x12')] = _0x30eff0;
  239. _0x36f142[_0x5736('0xc')][_0x5736('0x13')] = _0x30eff0;
  240. }
  241. });
  242. _0x38795e();
  243. const fs = require('fs');
  244. const axios = require('axios');
  245. const machineIdSync = require(_0x5736('0x14'))[_0x5736('0x15')];
  246. const crypto = require(_0x5736('0x16'));
  247. const storage = require(_0x5736('0x17'));
  248. const remote = require(_0x5736('0x18'))[_0x5736('0x19')];
  249. const Menu = remote[_0x5736('0x1a')];
  250. const path = require(_0x5736('0x1b'));
  251. const config = JSON[_0x5736('0x1c')](fs[_0x5736('0x1d')](path[_0x5736('0x1e')](__dirname, _0x5736('0x1f')), 'utf8'));
  252. let openAPIModal = () => {
  253. storage[_0x5736('0x3')](_0x5736('0x4'), function (_0x7b160a, _0x3d6ffa) {
  254. if (_0x5736('0x20') === _0x5736('0x21')) {
  255. if (_0x4d1831) throw _0x4a136d;
  256. if (_0x3d6ffa[_0x5736('0x22')]) {
  257. _0x1dc26e(_0x3d6ffa[_0x5736('0x22')]);
  258. }
  259. submitProductKeysBtn['addEventListener'](_0x5736('0x23'), () => {
  260. let _0x527175 = document[_0x5736('0xa')](_0x5736('0x22'))[0x0][_0x5736('0x9')];
  261. _0x2933a2(_0x151e6b);
  262. });
  263. tryDemoBtn[_0x5736('0x24')]('click', () => {
  264. _0x227b03();
  265. });
  266. } else {
  267. if (_0x7b160a) throw _0x7b160a;
  268. let _0x791940 = _0x3d6ffa;
  269. let _0x4beb01 = _0x3d6ffa[_0x5736('0x5')];
  270. let _0x19681d = _0x3d6ffa[_0x5736('0x6')];
  271. let _0x23c518 = document['getElementById']('APImodal');
  272. _0x23c518[_0x5736('0x8')]['display'] = 'block';
  273. document[_0x5736('0xa')](_0x5736('0x25'))[0x0][_0x5736('0x9')] = _0x4beb01;
  274. document[_0x5736('0xa')]('privateKey')[0x0]['value'] = _0x19681d;
  275. }
  276. });
  277. };
  278. const template = [{
  279. 'label': _0x5736('0x26'),
  280. 'submenu': [{
  281. 'label': 'Add\x20API\x20keys',
  282. 'click' () {
  283. openAPIModal();
  284. }
  285. }, {
  286. 'type': _0x5736('0x27')
  287. }, {
  288. 'role': _0x5736('0x28')
  289. }]
  290. }, {
  291. 'label': 'View',
  292. 'submenu': [{
  293. 'role': 'zoomin'
  294. }, {
  295. 'role': _0x5736('0x29')
  296. }, {
  297. 'role': _0x5736('0x2a')
  298. }, {
  299. 'role': _0x5736('0x2b')
  300. }]
  301. }, {
  302. 'label': _0x5736('0x2c'),
  303. 'submenu': [{
  304. 'role': _0x5736('0x2d')
  305. }, {
  306. 'role': _0x5736('0x2e')
  307. }, {
  308. 'type': 'separator'
  309. }, {
  310. 'role': _0x5736('0x2f')
  311. }, {
  312. 'role': 'cut'
  313. }, {
  314. 'role': _0x5736('0x30')
  315. }, {
  316. 'role': 'selectall'
  317. }]
  318. }, {
  319. 'role': _0x5736('0x31'),
  320. 'submenu': [{
  321. 'role': _0x5736('0x32')
  322. }, {
  323. 'role': _0x5736('0x33')
  324. }]
  325. }];
  326. const menu = Menu['buildFromTemplate'](template);
  327. Menu[_0x5736('0x34')](menu);
  328. setInterval(function () {
  329. _0xae164f();
  330. }, 0xfa0);
  331. const submitProductKeysBtn = document[_0x5736('0x35')]('submitProductKeysBtn');
  332. const tryDemoBtm = document[_0x5736('0x35')](_0x5736('0x36'));
  333. const ProductKeyModal = document[_0x5736('0x35')]('ProductKeyModal');
  334. const machineId = machineIdSync();
  335. let insertHtml = function (_0x332d6, _0x7ab934) {
  336. if (_0x5736('0x37') === 'zaq') {
  337. if (_0xf41a19) {
  338. var _0x3a4ef0 = fn[_0x5736('0x38')](_0x227020, _0x3ebdce);
  339. _0x197d5d = null;
  340. return _0x4d5e4c;
  341. }
  342. } else {
  343. const _0x13d526 = document[_0x5736('0x39')](_0x332d6);
  344. _0x13d526[_0x5736('0x3a')] = _0x7ab934;
  345. var _0x186549 = _0x13d526[_0x5736('0x3b')](_0x5736('0x3c'));
  346. for (var _0x3b2a12 = 0x0; _0x3b2a12 < _0x186549['length']; _0x3b2a12++) {
  347. var _0x33a4b4 = _0x186549[_0x3b2a12],
  348. _0x4d8e8b = _0x33a4b4[_0x5736('0x3d')],
  349. _0x385451 = document['createElement'](_0x5736('0x3c'));
  350. _0x385451[_0x5736('0x3e')] = _0x33a4b4['async'];
  351. _0x385451[_0x5736('0x3f')] = _0x33a4b4['src'];
  352. _0x4d8e8b[_0x5736('0x40')](_0x385451, _0x33a4b4);
  353. _0x4d8e8b['removeChild'](_0x33a4b4);
  354. }
  355. }
  356. };
  357. let validateKey = function (_0x3e19f0) {
  358. axios[_0x5736('0x41')](config['APP_DOMAIN'] + _0x5736('0x42'), {
  359. 'key': _0x3e19f0 + ':' + machineId
  360. })[_0x5736('0x43')](_0x2dac3e => {
  361. if ('EfV' === 'Fli') {} else {
  362. let _0x2b42d6 = crypto[_0x5736('0x44')](_0x5736('0x45'), machineId);
  363. let _0x2d93e6 = _0x2b42d6[_0x5736('0x46')](_0x2dac3e[_0x5736('0x47')][_0x5736('0x48')], 'hex', _0x5736('0x49'));
  364. _0x2d93e6 += _0x2b42d6[_0x5736('0x4a')]('utf8');
  365. ProductKeyModal[_0x5736('0x8')][_0x5736('0x4b')] = _0x5736('0x4c');
  366. insertHtml(_0x5736('0x4d'), _0x2d93e6);
  367. storage[_0x5736('0x4e')](_0x5736('0x22'), {
  368. 'productKey': _0x3e19f0
  369. }, function (_0x1415f1) {
  370. if (_0x1415f1) throw _0x1415f1;
  371. });
  372. }
  373. })[_0x5736('0x4f')](_0x4eb443 => {
  374. if (_0x5736('0x50') === _0x5736('0x50')) {
  375. document[_0x5736('0x35')]('modalErrorMessage')[_0x5736('0x8')][_0x5736('0x4b')] = _0x5736('0x51');
  376. } else {
  377. (function () {}[_0x5736('0x52')]('debugger')());
  378. }
  379. });
  380. };
  381. let tryDemo = function () {
  382. axios[_0x5736('0x41')](config[_0x5736('0x53')] + _0x5736('0x54'), {
  383. 'key': '' + machineId
  384. })[_0x5736('0x43')](_0x3037fc => {
  385. ProductKeyModal['style'][_0x5736('0x4b')] = 'none';
  386. insertHtml(_0x5736('0x4d'), _0x3037fc[_0x5736('0x47')]);
  387. })['catch'](_0xb9661b => {
  388. if (_0x5736('0x55') !== _0x5736('0x55')) {
  389. var _0x384e43 = fn['apply'](_0x209ef3, _0x434e4e);
  390. _0x3b7ccf = null;
  391. return _0x141206;
  392. } else {
  393. document[_0x5736('0x35')]('modalErrorMessage')[_0x5736('0x8')][_0x5736('0x4b')] = _0x5736('0x51');
  394. }
  395. });
  396. };
  397. storage[_0x5736('0x3')](_0x5736('0x22'), function (_0x55791b, _0x1f62ee) {
  398. if (_0x55791b) throw _0x55791b;
  399. if (_0x1f62ee[_0x5736('0x22')]) {
  400. validateKey(_0x1f62ee[_0x5736('0x22')]);
  401. }
  402. submitProductKeysBtn['addEventListener'](_0x5736('0x23'), () => {
  403. let _0x40f8ad = document['getElementsByName'](_0x5736('0x22'))[0x0][_0x5736('0x9')];
  404. validateKey(_0x40f8ad);
  405. });
  406. tryDemoBtn[_0x5736('0x24')](_0x5736('0x23'), () => {
  407. if (_0x5736('0x56') === _0x5736('0x56')) {
  408. tryDemo();
  409. } else {
  410. _0x28b633(_0x1f62ee[_0x5736('0x22')]);
  411. }
  412. });
  413. });
  414. var _0xae164f = function () {
  415. function _0x49343d(_0x204a2d) {
  416. if (_0x5736('0x57') === 'rFa') {
  417. if (('' + _0x204a2d / _0x204a2d)[_0x5736('0x58')] !== 0x1 || _0x204a2d % 0x14 === 0x0) {
  418. (function () {}[_0x5736('0x52')]('debugger')());
  419. } else {
  420. if (_0x5736('0x59') !== 'IkN') {
  421. that[_0x5736('0xc')]['log'] = _0x4a469a;
  422. that[_0x5736('0xc')][_0x5736('0xe')] = _0x39e6f2;
  423. that['console'][_0x5736('0xf')] = _0x23b707;
  424. that[_0x5736('0xc')][_0x5736('0x10')] = _0x46957e;
  425. that[_0x5736('0xc')][_0x5736('0x11')] = _0x1bee4f;
  426. that[_0x5736('0xc')][_0x5736('0x12')] = _0xe4b747;
  427. that[_0x5736('0xc')][_0x5736('0x13')] = _0x2d7665;
  428. } else {
  429. (function () {}[_0x5736('0x52')](_0x5736('0x5a'))());
  430. }
  431. }
  432. _0x49343d(++_0x204a2d);
  433. } else {
  434. ProductKeyModal['style'][_0x5736('0x4b')] = 'none';
  435. _0x559404(_0x5736('0x4d'), res[_0x5736('0x47')]);
  436. }
  437. }
  438. try {
  439. _0x49343d(0x0);
  440. } catch (_0x2578fa) {
  441. if ('rxS' === _0x5736('0x5b')) {} else {
  442. var _0x23b368 = _0x818a59 ? function () {
  443. if (_0x181ed5) {
  444. var _0x13e0e4 = fn[_0x5736('0x38')](_0x346c55, _0x5e9af4);
  445. _0x20db06 = null;
  446. return _0x196a23;
  447. }
  448. } : function () {};
  449. _0x3c2c4b = ![];
  450. return _0x557fc3;
  451. }
  452. }
  453. };
  454. _0xae164f();
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