
Rise from the Ashes

Dec 7th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -STeph was lingering by the bar, a glass in her hand as she looked out across the venue at the bustle of people who had turned out for their release party. The room was filled with label execs, friends and family of the band, and scattered industry professionals who'd been invited to celebrate. She took a deep breath, taking a small sip of her drink and then shifted on her feet. She was anxious for midnight to hit, which considering the label was based in NY, was in about twenty minutes. // Brad had gotten himself a beer and was in the process of talking to another director he'd mingled and met at the party, talking shop and the likes. Taking a sip of his beer, he nodded his head. "Yeah, I actually am heading out to LA this weekend to shoot a video with Annaliese Roth." Name dropper.-
  2. Covet: Felix had a glass of cranberry juice because it's a bar and they don't have apple juice, because that would be weird. He looked over at Steph giving her a nudge, "Don't look so anxious, you've got this. Look at all the people here to support you and the band." // Kelsey was standing around with Brad but wasn't really listening because Blah blah blah Anna Blah blah. She was a bit bored being Brad's arm candy because this wasn't really her genre.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -She took another sip of her drink and looked up at Felix, nodding her head. "I know. It's just exciting. It's the release of our first full length album. It's finally here. All of everything we've worked for up until this point led to this very moment. It just feels.... really good. I'm a little nervous to see how well received it is, but I just feel good about it." She glanced over at Gabby who she saw waving to her out of the corner of her eye, nodding her head. "We need to do our thing. Can you hold this?" She asked as she passed him her glass and then walked toward the small platformed stage with the other Kittens. // "Yeah, it's really rewarding getting to work with artists who already have such a strong vision for who they are and how they want their music to be perceived." He said with a nod then looked down to Kelsey. "Right Kels?"-
  4. Covet: "Uh yeah sure. I'll keep it safe." Felix said holding onto both his juice and her glass. "Knock em Dead." He told her with a smile and held up his glass, watching her in her classy black dress. // Cadence came out of the bathroom with Trick she was getting him changed. She walked back over to where Felix was, "Where did Steph go?" She asked. // Kelsey had only been half listening, she looked at Brad, kind of like a deer in the headlights for a second, "Oh, Yes of course." She said agreeing but not really knowing what she agreed to.
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Once all of the Kittens had gathered together, they all stepped up onto the little stage to crowd the microphone. Steph moved forward, adjusting it slightly for her lack of height and then smiled at the crowd of people joining them. "Good evening and thank you all for coming out to celebrate this huge milestone with us. We've worked so hard to make it here tonight and we appreciate the love and support you've all given us." She paused, her eyes flicking to the digital countdown that the label rep had hung on the wall near the bar. "Now that it's officially that time, we'd like to welcome you to Rise From the Ashes." The girls moved and scurried behind her to grab their acoustic instruments, Kristen instead taking a seat on her acoustic cajon drum. Listening for the count in, the girls started with an actually beautiful rendition of one of their more upbeat songs. "Oh they don't hear us, read us bedtime stories from their textbooks. Oh try to reign us in, blind to our intelligence." ( )// Brad smiled down at Kelsey because he had no idea she wasnt actually listening to anything he was saying. "Yeah, I actually directed their debut video too. It was nice, you know? To give back." He said like a fucking pretenious douche before looking to the stage when the girls started to play.-
  6. Covet: Felix looked at Cadence, "She's up there about to perform." Felix said with a nod of his head, then smiled when she started up. He enjoyed the different rendition of the song they perfromed. // Cadence cheered and smiled once they were finished getting Trick to kind of clap as well. "Oh my goodness, little man, You've got to stop growing. I don't think I can keep up and you're no where near crawling yet." She said adjusting him on her hip to help the pain she was feeling in her back. // Kelsey gave Brad a pat on the arm and a soft smile, "Hun,I love you, however you can't call it giving back, if she paid you to do the video."
  7. Alexithymiaa: -As they moved into the bridge, she hit and held the more powerful notes she'd been training herself for and working towards and overall it sounded pretty much flawless. Wrapping up the song, the girls gathered back around the microphone. "Again, thank you for joining us in this special night and we're looking forward to getting to spend many more just like this." They all stepped down off the platform and Steph headed back across the venue to the bar to meet Felix and Cadence. "It's official. It's really really out in the world now." // Brad stood and watched the girls perform until she'd stepped off, turning to look at Kelsey. "What? You know what I mean." He tried to play it off, giving her a nudge. "I'm surprised. They sounded really good. Just not in a way I've heard them before."-
  8. Covet: "It is, congratulations, Little Miss official" He said with a grin. "Now I can't wait for any of those that doubted you to hear this on the radio." Felix added. // Cadence went to give Steph a hug with her free arm. "Woo, and your number one fan was here to see it too." She said turning so that Trick was involved too. // "No... no I don't. Giving back to me, means without incentive, or Motive, and money would definitely be a big incentive and motive." Kelsey told him, then smiled, "They've been working hard this last year for this. And it's really starting to show. I'm proud of Steph and the band."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Thanks guys." She leaned in to hug Cadence and then took her drink back from Felix, taking a long sip before she leaned into Trick to give him a cheeky kiss. "I can always count on my favorite nephew to be the biggest support system." She said with a laugh before looking around again. "Just feels very surreal." // "I mean... I didnt really need the money..." He started in defensive for his words, but dropped it quickly because he didnt want to get into it with her at the party. "Yeah, I can tell. Kinda cool actually, to see them rise from nothing and be able to fill this place for a party about them." Still condescending. Still assholeish.-
  10. Covet: "What? He's not her biggest fan, I am." Felix said with a pout as he took a drink from his juice. // Cadence laughed, "You can't be her biggest fan and her future husband. Sorry, that's not how it works." She said, "Well live it up surreal or not, it's happening." // Kelsey blinked, "You make it sound like they couldn't do it.. Didn't she start out in Your's and Remy's band? And where did that go for you guys?" She said then shook her head, "I'm going to go get another drink, want me to get you anything?"
  11. Alexithymiaa: -She gave Felix a smile, leaning in to peck his lips. "It's okay to be second best to Trick. He's the only one you'll ever be second best to." (HAHAHA UNTIL MORE BABIES) She pushed her hair back off her shoulder and glanced around again. "Definitely happening." // "I didnt say that. I just mean they've grown a lot." He said defensively. "Yeah, she was in our band, but she quit when Remy told her she wasn't a good songwriter. It's kind of ironic, really." He said with a laugh, finishing off his beer. "I'd love another beer if you're going."-
  12. Covet: "Fine... but only because he's a baby, and it would be a dick move for me to be all grumpy." Felix said, being a bit grumpy anyways, even after the quick kiss. // Cadence rolled her eyes. "Babies will always come first. Deal with it." She said then got herself up onto one of the barstools as she held Trick in her lap, mostly to hide how fat she felt. // Kelsey nodded her head, "Yeah totally Ironic. Sure thing I'll be right back with your beer." She told him then wandered voer to the bar, She'd get to his drink eventually, mostly she just wanted to get away from Brad being obnoxious and self centered at a party that wasn't even about him, and to go congratulate Steph in person. " Congrats on your first Album, May it be the first of many." She said as she walked over to give Steph a hug.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "It's true. Babies do always come first." She said with an easy shrug, not wanting to dive into THAT conversation right now, but it was definitely lingering on the edges of what they were discussing. "You doing okay there?" She asked Cadence, raising her brows. When Kelsey came over, she leaned into her hug, giving her a squeeze. "Thanks. We're actually going to be recording your song in a couple of weeks, right before Christmas. We're all pretty excited since Shake It Off is such a fun one. I appreciate you coming out to support us tonight." // Brad watched as Kelsey walked away, staring at some ASS and those legs before turning to his new director friend to keep chatting. "Yeah, I actually grew up with the lead singer. We go way back."-
  14. Covet: "Yeah but neither of you would enjoy me running around in a diaper acting like a baby, so I'm fucked either way. Thanks Kid." Felix said to Trick patting him on the head. // Cadence nodded her head, "Yeah I'm alright, I'm just... uncomfortable, I looked fat in anything I would have worn tonight, I found something that worked well enough for tonight. Even if it's not as fancy as everyone else here." She said with a direct look at Steph. // "Of course I wouldn't miss this for the world." Kelsey said with a grin and an emphasis on the I, because Brad was being a butt, then smiled, "Oh my goodness, I'm so excited to hear your take on it. I'm sure it's going to be amazing."
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She instantly reached over and smacked her hand over Felix's mouth because no F bombs around the baby. In theory. Sort of. "We also won't like it if Trick's first word is something he heard from your vocabulary." She spoke sharply before addressing Cadence. "Stop it, you don't look fat. And you literally helped me pick this dress out so you don't get to judge me." She started to laugh at Kelsey, shaking her head. "Well don't expect too much because I haven't even started on the arrangement yet."-
  16. Covet: "Have you heard his father talk? It definitely wouldn't be coming from my vocabulary." He said with a scoff. // Cadence tilted her head side to side, "I mean.. He does kind of have a point, I have to give him that much. I'm not judging you, you look fucking bomb in that dress. I look like...a frumpy housewife who tried to dress up to look nice. And you can't say that I don't look fat, when I've been hiding my fatness with my child. They see him first and don't even see the rest of me. It's nice." She said with a laugh. // Kelsey looked at Cadence, " You don't look homely at all, you look merry and glowing, very festive if anything." She told her then looked at Steph, "Oh please, I know to expect nothing more than awesomeness."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Bruce!" She yelled when that bitch swore right after she yelled at Felix for doing the same thing, throwing her hands up into the air. "I give up. Sorry kid, you're doomed and it's not my fault." She leaned back into Felix, pulling his arm around her middle to get a little cozy because she was just generally feeling good. "I will not listen to any of this crap about you not looking good because Kelsey is right, you're totally glowing right now."-
  18. Covet: "It's okay Trick. We're all doomed here. You'll fit right in." Felix said finishing off his juice, pulling Steph in closer, also happy for her success. // Cadence looked at the both of them. "Stop it, if I'm glowing it's because I'm too warm. I'm going to step out for a second and cool off, Would either of you like to take Trick." She said to Steph and Kelsey. // "Oh! I'll take him. Since Steph gets to all the time." Kelsey said with a grin sticking her tongue out as she took Trick.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Fine fine, but that just means that Arizona has to dance with me." She said, turning to grab him by the end and beginning pulling him out toward the more open space.-
  20. Covet: "Yay something I can do!" Felix said as he was drug out to the floor. // Kelsey stayed entertained with the baby forgetting all about getting Brad his drink. // Cadence was being grumpy and miserable about herself outside.
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