
Kiran and Lous #420praiseit

Jun 7th, 2019
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  1. [8:22 PM] Lous of ASStora: Lous would be making his dedications to the Lord God by standing upon a vantage point and raising his arms up towards the dim sun. Or he is attempting to jump off of the cliff and save the Voidspawn the effort. Either or! What is at least impressive is how still he is able to hold the position.
  2. [8:23 PM] Kiran: It's all the yoga.
  3. [8:25 PM] Kiran: will have left a conversation with Leon with a faint smile on his face, fading further as he glances back toward the city. He spends a fraction of a second looking worried before returning to his usual expression of indiscriminate attentiveness - on this occasion pointed directly at you.
  4. [8:25 PM] Kiran: "Lous?"
  5. [8:26 PM] Lous of ASStora: "O Lord God, you speak to me once again! You sound a lot more... soft-spoken."
  6. [8:27 PM] Kiran: "Uh. Behind you, it's- it's Kiran."
  7. [8:27 PM] Lous of ASStora: Lous shall pivot around on the spot, still maintaining his posture of prayer.
  8. [8:28 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Ah, Kiran! Yes, that makes leagues more sense."
  9. [8:28 PM] Lous of ASStora: "How are you faring, my lad?"
  10. [8:28 PM] Kiran: "I'm ready as I can be, so I've mostly been trying to think about what comes next, I guess."
  11. [8:29 PM] Kiran: "How go your... observations?"
  12. [8:29 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Sun's looking a little bit brighter as of late."
  13. [8:30 PM] Lous of ASStora: "A sign of things to come, I say!"
  14. [8:30 PM] Kiran: "I hope so. I sometimes envy you your connection to your god."
  15. [8:31 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Is that so?"
  16. [8:33 PM] Kiran: "It's more the confidence that you seem to have. The... surety, I guess, in everything you do. Is it reassurance in knowing there's something greater on your side? Faith?"
  17. [8:35 PM] Lous of ASStora: "I would not quite put it like that. It is not as if the Lord God himself is shoulder to shoulder with me, sword in hand."
  18. [8:35 PM] Kiran: "It seems that way, sometimes."
  19. [8:36 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Hah! You flatter me, Kiran, you really do!"
  20. [8:36 PM] Lous of ASStora: "It is the history of the Lord God that bolsters my spirit. You know of it, yes?"
  21. [8:37 PM] Kiran: shakes his head.
  22. [8:37 PM] Kiran: "I never made the study of religion a priority. It's something of a regret, recently."
  23. [8:37 PM] Kiran: smiles slightly.
  24. [8:38 PM] Lous of ASStora: Lous shall lower his arms down from grasping towards the sky. Instead, Lous shall relax his posture and lower himself down to the ground, sitting upon it in a casual manner.
  25. [8:38 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Sit with me!"
  26. [8:38 PM] Kiran: approaches closer and rests himself down in the snow.
  27. [8:39 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Religion is a wonderful thing. Too many in these modern times do not respect it enough."
  28. [8:39 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Perhaps that is why you all wear such flimsy armour..."
  29. [8:40 PM] Kiran: "Does Brolaire consider it good to wear heavier armour?"
  30. [8:40 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Well, it looks nice."
  31. [8:40 PM] Kiran: tilts his head, nodding slightly.
  32. [8:41 PM] Kiran: "I won't disagree."
  33. [8:41 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Finally, some appreciation of actual armour from the younger generation!"
  34. [8:42 PM] Kiran: "I appreciate all armour. I've been considering changing mine."
  35. [8:42 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Is that so? In what way?"
  36. [8:43 PM] Kiran: "Something sturdier would be nice. I've been contemplating adamantine, or other materials. I can dodge attacks well enough, so I'm not worried about sacrificing a little flexibility."
  37. [8:44 PM] Lous of ASStora: Lous shall knock a gauntleted fist against his breastplate with a metallic clang.
  38. [8:44 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Wonderful thing, adamantine. Really helps ward off the blows - you need a lot of it to be effective though."
  39. [8:45 PM] Kiran: "Agreed. Seems like a tough material to work with when we spend most of our time on the road, though."
  40. [8:46 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Certainly is one thing to consider. We do travel quite a lot, and we shall be continuing to do so for the foreseeable future."
  41. [8:47 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Perhaps you can wear adamantine plate when we are nice and settled, eh? Hah!"
  42. [8:48 PM] Kiran: "Some day in the future, if I ever start exercising using weights and can support the armour itself..."
  43. [8:49 PM] Kiran: "At any rate - you had mentioned the history of Brolaire?"
  44. [8:49 PM] Kiran: "I am curious."
  45. [8:49 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Aye, certainly!"
  46. [8:50 PM] Lous of ASStora: "There are a few completely undisputed facts about the Lord God, that even his detractors in Heaven would not deny."
  47. [8:50 PM] Lous of ASStora: "One is that the Lord God was once a man, just like any other. The second is that the Lord God does possess a divine spark."
  48. [8:51 PM] Kiran: "I didn't realise that people could ascend to godhood. I just thought that the gods... were."
  49. [8:51 PM] Lous of ASStora: "That is where it gets interesting, and where the disagreements come in. How does a man just like any other get a divine spark?"
  50. [8:52 PM] Kiran: "Won from another god in a bet, like in some folk tale?"
  51. [8:53 PM] Lous of ASStora: "That is what some heathens claim. Stolen divinity, the god that should not be."
  52. [8:53 PM] Kiran: "I see. I presume nobody understands where divine sparks come from."
  53. [8:54 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Nobody. Perhaps the Empyreal Lords have some notion of the matter, but they had long abandoned their grounding in reality to even reach that possibility."
  54. [8:55 PM] Kiran: "It sounds like an interesting field of study."
  55. [8:55 PM] Lous of ASStora: "So therein lies the Brolairean answer to the question of how a man just like an other can get a divine spark. Nobody can name a single reason why he could not."
  56. [8:56 PM] Kiran: "Ah. When the world asks why, the Brolaireans answer 'why not?'?"
  57. [8:56 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Precisely! You paid more attention to religion than you thought."
  58. [8:57 PM] Lous of ASStora: "We live in a world of magic and mysteries yet undeciphered. There is no such thing as impossible."
  59. [8:57 PM] Kiran: "I shall add it to my list of things to discover when I retire."
  60. [8:59 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Many a person has tried. Perhaps it is better not to. Perhaps it is. Why should it stop you either way?"
  61. [9:01 PM] Kiran: "It may be the case that people have learned and chosen not to tell people. I wonder."
  62. [9:01 PM] Kiran: smiles to himself.
  63. [9:02 PM] Kiran: "All knowledge, discoveries, creations that improve the world are sacred. If it has potential to help the world, I should pursue it."
  64. [9:03 PM] Kiran: shrugs.
  65. [9:03 PM] Kiran: "Which... I mentioned the future, and your- your confidence. I've been thinking about what comes after the fight, and I know that I am going to have to bring so many people together."
  66. [9:04 PM] Kiran: "I'm- I'm not good at people like you are. How do I learn to be better? I don't know of any books that might help, and I don't think I can bake for everyone..."
  67. [9:05 PM] Lous of ASStora: "What does it mean for you to be better, Kiran?"
  68. [9:05 PM] Kiran: frowns, looking down at the ground.
  69. [9:07 PM] Kiran: "I know what I think, and I can see how people are feeling. But I can't... I can't connect the two. I went to visit Johnathan, the child whose father died, and I tried to reassure him, and relate to him, but I couldn't."
  70. [9:08 PM] Kiran: "The only thing I knew how to talk about was swords. It's- I like talking about swords, and making things. But it's not enough, and sometimes it's so frustrating not to know how to talk about things."
  71. [9:09 PM] Kiran: "But you and Blake are really good at knowing how to talk about things. I've been paying attention, and trying to learn, but I'm still a little lost."
  72. [9:09 PM] Kiran: shrugs slightly, shoulders a touch down.
  73. [9:11 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Knowing how to approach people is not something you could ever learn from a book, that much is for sure."
  74. [9:11 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Could you learn it from observing people? Somewhat, somewhat."
  75. [9:12 PM] Lous of ASStora: "The best way, in my personal opinion? Experience. And simply getting older does not constitute as experience."
  76. [9:13 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Every person is different on a depth that we do not really comprehend. But when you walk with them? Talk with them? Eat alongside them, work alongside them - and listen to them. You get an inkling."
  77. [9:14 PM] Kiran: nods.
  78. [9:14 PM] Lous of ASStora: "The more people that you do that with, the more people you understand. And the more you understand people."
  79. [9:15 PM] Lous of ASStora: "That is where empathy springs from. When you somewhat understand what someone is experiencing."
  80. [9:16 PM] Kiran: "I see. I guess I need to spend less time in the workshop."
  81. [9:16 PM] Lous of ASStora: "You want to be at the forefront of rebuilding your world, don't you?"
  82. [9:17 PM] Kiran: "I don't believe that anyone else will be better-placed than I to coordinate the work that will be needed."
  83. [9:18 PM] Kiran: "It will be the greatest work ever undertaken. Rebuilding an entire world."
  84. [9:19 PM] Kiran: "I have never been visited by Essati, but I believe that if she would smile on any of our doings here, it would be that. I need to be part of it - for everyone, and for her."
  85. [9:20 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Noble work. Truly noble."
  86. [9:21 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Here is advice from one old man to you. Do not rebuild that world for them. Rebuild it with them."
  87. [9:24 PM] Kiran: "Yes... I've spoken with Adalet at some length also. We won't be rebuilding it as it was - but rather as it could be. You're right. There are so many people whose world this is, who haven't had a place in it in thousands of years..."
  88. [9:25 PM] Kiran: "The Kriendyh. The Tarans. Everyone else who's still alive."
  89. [9:25 PM] Kiran: "Bringing them together... keeping them together - the thought of it terrifies me."
  90. [9:25 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Good! It should do!"
  91. [9:26 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Fear is good. There can be no bravery without fear."
  92. [9:26 PM] Lous of ASStora: "And what are you, Kiran?"
  93. [9:26 PM] Kiran: snorts.
  94. [9:27 PM] Kiran: "A brave boy."
  95. [9:27 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Damn. Right."
  96. [9:27 PM] Kiran: shakes his head, smiling to himself.
  97. [9:28 PM] Kiran: "Thank you. I think that I needed to hear all of this."
  98. [9:28 PM] Lous of ASStora: "That's what I'm here for."
  99. [9:29 PM] Kiran: squints up at the sun.
  100. [9:29 PM] Kiran: "... May I join you in your observations? I'd- like to learn more."
  101. [9:30 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Of course you may, Kiran!"
  102. [9:30 PM] Kiran: "How do we do it?"
  103. [9:30 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Right. Up onto your feet, my boy."
  104. [9:31 PM] Lous of ASStora: Lous is going to clatter around like a kitchen caught in a hurricane, as he pushes his heavily armoured, bulky form up onto his own two feet.
  105. [9:31 PM] Kiran: hops up to his feet - without such clattering.
  106. [9:32 PM] Kiran: grins at him.
  107. [9:32 PM] Kiran: "Light armour."
  108. [9:32 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Bloody young 'uns..."
  109. [9:32 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Right. Turn to face towards the sun."
  110. [9:33 PM] Kiran: turns around.
  111. [9:33 PM] Lous of ASStora: "That's it. Rise up onto your tiptoes, as much as you can comfortably manage."
  112. [9:35 PM] Kiran: displays excellent balance, rising up to his tiptoes like a dancer.
  113. [9:35 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Excellent!"
  114. [9:35 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Now. The sun. Pretty far away, isn't it?"
  115. [9:36 PM] Kiran: "My knowledge of astron- wait, yes."
  116. [9:37 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Doesn't matter. Upon that sun is every person that you love and care about."
  117. [9:37 PM] Lous of ASStora: "So what do we do? We raise up our arms and try to give the sun a big, wide hug. Going to need a wide spread to encompass everyone you love and care about."
  118. [9:38 PM] Kiran: stares up at it.
  119. [9:39 PM] Kiran: "The afterlife isn't something that I've thought much about as a follower of Mother Essati."
  120. [9:39 PM] Kiran: smiles slightly, and raises his arms.
  121. [9:40 PM] Kiran: "But it seems as good a place as any for them to be."
  122. [9:40 PM] Lous of ASStora: "They are the lights of your life, after all."
  123. [9:40 PM] Lous of ASStora: "So go on and show it to them. Stretch further!"
  124. [9:41 PM] Kiran: raises his arms higher, stretching skyward - smile becoming mingled with sadness.
  125. [9:42 PM] Lous of ASStora: "That's it. Thaaat's it."
  126. [9:42 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Focus. Do you feel the warmth?"
  127. [9:43 PM] Kiran: "I do."
  128. [9:43 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Mmm. That's them. Nobody ever truly leaves us."
  129. [9:44 PM] Kiran: "We keep remembering them."
  130. [9:45 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Yes. And every dawn, they continue to light up our lives."
  131. [9:46 PM] Kiran: "How long do we stay like this?"
  132. [9:46 PM] Lous of ASStora: "As long as you need to."
  133. [9:47 PM] Kiran: chuckles.
  134. [9:47 PM] Kiran: "If only."
  135. [9:48 PM] Kiran: keeps looking up for a few moments, before relaxing down onto his heels.
  136. [9:48 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Perfect."
  137. [9:49 PM] Kiran: "If it's alright with you, I would like to join you again doing this."
  138. [9:50 PM] Lous of ASStora: "By all means. I welcome whatever company I receive."
  139. [9:52 PM] Kiran: "Thank you. I think- I think it'll help. If you ever want to join me in my work, you're welcome to too."
  140. [9:53 PM] Lous of ASStora: "You know what? I just might."
  141. [9:53 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Someone needs to make sure you're actually eating, after all."
  142. [9:53 PM] Kiran: chuckles.
  143. [9:54 PM] Kiran: "Thank you."
  144. [9:54 PM] Kiran: "Well. I suppose I'd better prepare to keep moving."
  145. [9:55 PM] Lous of ASStora: "Aye. Onwards we go!"
  146. [9:56 PM] Kiran: glances up at the son once again, smiling to himself, before walking back toward where his gear was laid.
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