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Jul 31st, 2020
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  1. #Use [Head canon] on hxh threads, focus on filtering /jp/
  2. /\[Headcanon\]/i;boards:jp
  3. /\[Head canon\]/i;boards:jp
  4. /Just consume excited next stream/i;boards:jp
  5. /cocock/
  6. /filter/i;boards:jp;
  7. /^okayu~n$/
  8. /^Early Kaichou$/
  9. /^Do the chuubas actually stop having sex once they become part of hololive\?$/
  10. /^Ayame-sama let me lick your butthole onegai$/
  11. /^The Great Betrayer$/
  12. /^I love this fat cat so much$/
  13. /^>They mostly all hate one another and organize themselves into isolated groups behind the scenes\n>Their primary goal, that is taught to them from the start, is fishing for gachikoi\. They even get a bonus, for how many akasupas they get each month\.\n>All of them are in it only for the money\n>None of them are virgins\n>All of them have boyfriends\. Maybe one or two has a girlfriend\n>They think that all of their audience, which includes you obviously, are disgusting loser trash$/
  14. /^ayame let me pee in your butt onegai$/
  15. /^Ayame-sama I want to lick your butthole onegai$/
  16. /^You see this little alien\? She’s a Vtuber who teaches a duck how to draw, does mounted archery in her spare time, knows how to speak Indonesian, English and Japanese, and German and Korean too according to some anons\. She's also currently learning sign language and how to play a violin\. What about you, anon\? Go do your rep to help yourself understand the chuubas better, go learn how to draw to make fan arts for your favorite chuubas, work out for a healthier life so you won't be sick during an important stream, learn how to code so you can make games for the chuubas to play\. Do something, be better for your favorite chuuba!$/
  17. /^I fucking love this bitch$/
  18. /^yoshyoshyosh$/
  19. /^Do the chuubas stop having sex once they become a holo\?$/
  20. /^I love Haachama and Ritual Posting!$/
  21. /^okayu~n\.\.\.$/
  22. /^Sumbit to Mel !$/
  23. /^dog$/
  24. /^>>25014159\nI HATE IT$/
  25. /^Submit to Mel !$/
  26. /^>>25016649\nCoco's cocos!$/
  27. /^Ayame-sama is honestly a gift to humanity, her cuteness soothes my depressed soul\.\nAlso one of the last remaining pillars of seiso in Hololive, didn't do any crazy outlandish stuff to gain a lot of subscribers but whenever you need to purify yourself from the depraved antics from her peers Ayame is always there for you\.$/
  28. /^Is it true Korone is a bully and a bitch and Okayu is an asshole to other chuubers\?$/
  29. /^ackshually, the proper term is ephebophiles$/
  30. /^Iofi\.\.\.\.$/
  31. /^Ayame-sama let me pee in your butt onegai$/
  32. /^Ahoy!$/
  33. /^きtら!!!$/
  34. /^I love Aqua!$/
  35. /^ドドドド$/
  36. /^Reminder that orange woman = bad$/
  37. /^I love Haachama!\nToday's morning Haato is available to everyone$/
  38. /^I want to cum inside Rushia!$/
  39. /^Do the chuubas really stop having sex once they become a holo\?$/
  40. /^I love Haachama!\nNo membership required for today's morning Haato in two hours!$/
  41. /^I love Haachama!/
  42. /^PEKORABABY!\?!\?\?!\?$/
  43. /^>rename bulk storage drive to "DATASS"\n>Windows: "Would you like to back DATASS up\?"$/
  44. /^Is it real that Korone is married\?$/
  45. /^peKO$/
  46. /^PEKORABABY$/
  47. /^Peko!$/
  48. /^Sumvur to Mel !$/
  50. /^I love my dumb, socially awkward girl$/
  51. /^How do people manage to lewd Korone\? She's so precious, she's like an adorable little sister or a happy puppy\. I want to rub her head and feed her ice cream\. I literally can't imagine having a lewd or romantic thought about her\.$/
  52. /^peko$/i;
  53. /rent free/i;
  54. /^ムムム$/
  55. /hugbox/i;
  56. /safe space/i;
  57. /safespace/i;
  58. /burger hours/i;
  59. /euro hours/i;
  60. /seanig hours/i;
  61. /seanigger hours/i;
  62. /simp/i;jp
  63. /cuck/i;jp
  64. /boyfriend/i;jp
  65. /futa/i;jp
  66. /whore/i;jp
  67. /cope/i;jp
  68. /seethe/i;jp
  69. /trann/i;jp
  70. /towafag/i;jp
  71. /^Your yubis\nHand them over$/
  72. /^I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!$/
  74. /^Cover had to completely wipe the slate clean for Kaoru because if word got out it would be really bad for everyone involved. Cover's vtubers all already know the real reason why he was removed because there was internal communication from management, but they all have to pretend they don't know./
  75. /^Cover had to completely wipe the slate clean for Kaoru because if word got out it would be really bad for everyone involved\. Cover's vtubers all already know the real reason why he was removed because there was internal communication from management, but they all have to pretend they don't know\.\n\nMost of the information is pretty well known among vtubers and people within the vtuber industry\. Those within Holo, other companies, and their managements pretty much all know\. Basically if you are in the industry who's had some dealings, you would know\.\n\nKaoru is in fact married\. Despite that, he cheated on her by having sexual relations with other girl vtubers, leading to his contract termination\. Also a lot of cases of having phone sex and other similar acts \(information withheld on who the partners were\)\.\n\n3 possible stories from hereon\. These are unconfirmed and the story changes depending on who you ask:\n\nDespite making a promise of secrecy between the two of them, one of the girls he had sexual relations with ended up disclosing the relationship to others; Cover eventually got ahold of the news and had him quit to take responsibility\nHis wife opposed his becoming a vtuber, but relented on the promise that he not doesn't cheat\. Except he did, and his wife found out, so she demanded Cover have him resign\nKaoru cheated with a Holo vtuber; and then he cheated with an niji vtuber\. Both vtubers found out that he two-timed them WHILE cheating on his wife \(i\.e\. three-timing\), so they reported him, that he forced them to have sex with him, causing him to get fired\n\nSaid Holo vtuber has gone through an army of guys so though it sounds weird, it also is plausible\.\n\nOne of the girls in Holo is an excessive playgirl who gets close with tubers via voice chat, then personal calls and LINE, then makes flirty calls talking about a past bad relationship to lure the guy in\. But then once they get into a relationship, she toys around with the guy, and constantly changes partners this way -- she already has done it with 9 vtubers from different groups, including indies\. Miraculous how the story hasn't gone out yet but she's basically a ticking time bomb\. This is the girl in story #3\. Currently can't find info on who it is but some people say it's Kanata \(Narukami denies is Watame\); others claim it's Cabaya\.$/
  76. /^Towa!$/
  77. /I saw Kaoru at a grocery store yesterday\. I was with my girlfriend, and made the mistake of taking my eyes off of her for two seconds\. Needless to say, I was shocked to see her mouth wrapped tightly around his cock when I turned around\. I shouted "YAMERO", but it was too late and he told me that "ISU MAI WAIFU NAWU" and chuckled as he walked to the register with her\.\nWhen I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying\.\nThe girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first\.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter\.\nWhen she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any PERMISSION DERETU,” and then turned around and winked at me\. I don’t even think that’s a word\. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly\.$/
  78. /^I saw Coco at a grocery store in Japan yesterday\. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything\. She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now\?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh\?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh\? huh\? huh\?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face\. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off\. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Calorie mates in her hands without paying\.\n\nThe girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Miss, you need to pay for those first\.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter\.\n\nWhen she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, Coco stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me\. I don’t even think that’s a word\. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly\.$/
  79. /^Do hololivers stop having sex after they become vtubers\?$/
  80. /^COCOS$/
  81. /^being a gachikoi fucking sucks i didnt sign up for this shit$/
  82. /^awful post$/
  83. /NOOOOOO/i;
  84. /^>So you've sold 3 so far\? You've been calling all day and you sold only 3\?\n>Coco\.\.\. are you seriously calling the people on the list\? \n>Me\? I haven't called anyone\.\.\. I just mark the orders for random people whose names look stupid\. \n>Seriously, you think anyone does this for a living and cares what happens\? They'll get the order and maybe charge it back way later than when I've cashed my last paycheck\.\.\.\n>If the manager asks, tell her I've sold 5 or something like that\.\.\. Heh, you seriously think the people who work here care enough to check if the sales are legit or not\.\.\. That's American humor for you\.\.\.\n>Who have I been talking to on the line all this time\? \n>I've just made the 8th pizza order for Kanata\. She's currently streaming Minecraft on Youtube and so far one of the pizzas has arrived\.\n>She went suddenly so quiet when the doorbell rang! Wonder if she has some kind of a buzzer on her hand that alerts her\?\n>I also put some orders for us on the company's bill that'll arrive at Lunatan's place when we get off work\n>Oh the manager is coming, time to look busy again\.\.\.$/
  85. /^So who archived the most stuff\? We, reddit or discord\?$/
  86. /^>roommate posting\nWhy are burgers like this\?$/
  87. /^Pshhh\. Hey kid\. You want to have a pekora clip\?$/
  88. /PeKO$/
  89. /^Subscribe to her channel\.\nClick the like button\.$/
  90. /^another evening hanging out with the best sheep$/
  91. /^>"Thats right, i am your oishi, you will never have another oishi beside me"\n>"now kneel"$/
  92. /^Sheep is just working night shifts\.$/
  93. /^aquachads\.\.\. what do we do now\?$/
  94. /^Watame hour let's go$/
  95. /^-1 picture limit$/
  96. /^who tourist here$/
  97. /^Name a better holo fight$/
  98. /^>Want to watch my favorite Holos\n>Jerma is back for the first time in months\nI'm sorry \/hlg\/\.\.\. I have failed you\.\.\.$/
  99. /^Gonna go make some ramen \(shin ramyun black\) and relax with some Watame background commentary\.$/
  100. /kneel$/i;
  101. /^>ywn breed korone's loose, rotting, spider web filled pussy$/
  102. /^I'm hosting the biggest gachikoi bait stream tomorrow and I've got Coco and Suisei there! -PPReddit\n\n>Guess I'll just have to get to work and stream honest content\n>It's hard work, but someone has to do it$/
  103. /^Is curry rice too ambitious for someone who has never cooked anything before\? I wil make sure to watch youtube tutorials of course\.$/
  104. /^Good thing there are no Miofags$/
  105. /miofags/i;
  106. /mio fat/i;jp
  107. /mio is fat/i;jp
  108. /fake nail/
  109. /^Imagine losing to a melon\.\.\.$/
  110. /^>3\.5 hours stream, not bad\.\.\. not bad\.\.\.adding this mornings apex and singing stream\.\.\.not bad at all\n>But leeching on other's for power will only get you so far\.\.\. Depending on borrowed power will be your undoing\.\n>This, is to stream for over 6 hours straight\.\.\. Or you could call it honest streaming\.\.\.\n>Helping your senpais in need at the cost of viewers\.\.\. putting in the effort for every\. single\. supacha\.\.\.\n>What would a leech like you know of it\.\.\.\n>Begone!$/
  111. /^Minase Inori is not Fubuki\.$/
  112. /^whoever made that youtube vid i hope your favorite holo blocks you$/
  113. /^>chubas had all kinds of dark past, they had to do prostitution, thru lived on the streets, they were abandoned by their partners, etc\n>being a virtual idol gave them a chance to live a good life and regain some dignity\nIs this the best comeback story\? It moves me to tears\.$/
  114. /^Hey guys, I just woke up from a 6 month long coma, it's been hard readjusting but I think I'm going to make it\. Now I'm off to go watch my favorite holo videos, I really like Miko and Roboco's content and I'm sure I missed out on a bunch, time to get caught up!$/
  115. /Miko wanted to do yuri TT like the other girls do\. So, pecor just cashed out\.$/
  116. /anonchama/i;
  117. /Anonchaama/i;
  118. /^Ignoring everything surrounding her, Towa herself is actually really cute\. Design and personality wise\.$/
  119. /^Am I the only one barely sitting on \/hlg\/ and basically barely browsing the web, so I imagine both holo streams and \/hlg\/ posts\?$/
  120. /^What the fuck happened to this thread\?$/
  121. /^I want to fuck Mikoti \(Youko Tsuruda\)$/
  122. /^Why Holos are deleting their videos now\? Do Nijis and Indies also deleted their videos as well\?$/
  125. /LET’S GOOO/i;
  126. /LETS GOOO/i;
  129. /^>>25086466\nWhat is this unnamed phenomenon that allows Coco to somehow be massively successful despite literally everything about her\?$/
  130. /^Is she a virgin\?$/
  131. /^I'm starting to believe Narukami lied\.\.\.$/
  132. /^Tekk me about Peko, why does she sniff\?$/
  133. /^Can I get a summary of the last 24 hours please\.$/
  134. /^Pogchamp\.$/
  135. /pog/i;
  136. /^Hololive is diseased\. Rotten to the core\. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots\. Wipe the slate clean\. BURN IT DOWN!\nAnd from the ashes, a new Hololive will be born\. Evolved, but untamed! The harlots will be purged and the seiso will thrive - free to stream as they see fit, they'll make Hololive great again!\nIn my new Hololive, idols will dance and perform for what they BELIEVE!\nNot for supachas, not for subs\. Not for what they're told by YAGOO\. Every idol will be free to sing her own songs!\nhttps:\/\/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?v=2l0RMGid6vo$/
  137. /^I love Towa\.$/
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