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wahid akali top con bruiser

a guest
Apr 24th, 2019
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  2. Precision: Conqueror - Triumph - Tenacity/Bloodline - Coup/Cutdown
  3. Domination: Sudden impact/taste of blood - Ravenous hunter
  4. Adaptive DMG x2
  5. Armour Stat
  6. unless the enemy is strictly ap dmg
  7. say corki for example, no idea why corki would be top tho lmao
  8. or vlad
  9. Starter items:
  10. • Long sword + 3x Health pots(easy lanes in which u are able to harass the enemies easily / have high kill pressure)
  11. • Dorans shield + 1x Health Pot(Harder matchups in which you get poked and you need the healing to survive)
  12. Early Purchases:
  13. • Dark Seal + Health pots / Refillable(for the AP/Healing)
  14. • Double long sword/Double Amp Tome(Pure stats)
  15. the pure stats is nice to have and its cheaper than investing another 1k for item actives which are about 150 dmg total
  16. I complete Cutlass if i can because the slow is very useful when ur chasing. if u cant afford then finish the revolver
  17. the extra burst can come in handy
  18. after completing hextech gunblade, you can do 2 things
  19. buy boots or get phage
  20. Mid game items:
  21. After purchasing phage + Boots(Mercs/Tabis or Sorc if they are all squishies)
  22. get sheen
  23. try not to buy stinger as the attack speed is pretty worthless
  24. if ur on around 900g and you are looking to buy steraks, get a pickaxe instead as the AD is much more valuable than the attack speed
  25. if your not looking to get Steraks but instead maw, purchase some long swords to get warhammer/hexdrinker
  26. after completing triforce/ you should look into buying either the following
  27. • Maw of Malmortius(for high AP DMG)
  28. • Sterak's Gage(for mixed DMG/Burst)
  29. • Zhonya's Hourglass(when enemy has high AD DMG + when you need to buy time for your team to do things)
  30. • Guardian Angel(when enemy has high AD DMG + when you need to buy time for your team to do things)
  31. You should be able to figure out what you want to build by looking at the enemy comp
  32. If the enemies have high AP threats
  33. you can skip some of these items and instead get
  34. • Abyssal Mask(maybe if your own team has high ap dmg)
  35. • Adaptive Helm(for champs like Vlad/Heim etc)
  36. • Spirit Visage(if you have soraka or a redemption on your team)
  37. If the enemies have high AD threats
  38. go for
  39. • Deadmans Plate(for extra burst/mobility)
  40. • Randuin's Omen(for high crit comps e.g Yasuo/Ashe/Kindred/Blitz/Maokai)
  41. • Gargoyle Stoneplate(if your team has follow up so you can buy some time for them)
  42. If you have fallen behind with low chances of coming back BUT you have a fed ADC with an "ardent" support
  43. you can buy the following
  44. • Locket of the Iron Solari(if enemy has high burst or AOE such as karthus ult)
  45. • Zeke's convergence(when you have an on-hit adc or enemy has someone with no dashes such as Darius)
  46. • Knight's Vow(enemy has highish AD DMG)
  47. • Redemption(if your support hasn't purchased it for some reason)
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