
Ocean of Lavender

Dec 29th, 2013
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  1. >You woke up when the sun rose, striking you through the window and hitting you in the eye.
  2. >A grunt came from you, and you rolled over to try and go to sleep again.
  3. "Good morning to you too, Celestia."
  4. >It was a weekend, you didn't have to be up, dammit!
  5. >Twilight was likely still asleep too, she didn't have any pressing duties today and had stayed up late last night...
  6. >In fact, you were asleep long before she was.
  7. >"Morning, Anon!"
  8. >"Morning, Anon~!"
  9. >"Morning, Anon!"
  10. >"Good Morning, Anonymous."
  11. >Hold on, wait a minute.
  12. >You slowly cracked your eyes open to a sea of purple.
  13. >Five Twilights, either in bed snuggling into your chest and back, or standing on the floor near you.
  14. >You could only groan.
  15. "Wh-Twilight, what did you do this time...?"
  16. >The one burying her head into your chest flushed with embarrassment.
  17. >"Well, uh..."
  18. >"She missed with a spell, hit herself instead of you, and here we are!" Another replied with a giggle, far too energetic for how early it was.
  19. >This Twilight's mane was disheveled, like she had permanent bedhead.
  20. >"Yeah, here we are!" A third repeated, looking around the room with a hint of wonder.
  21. "Twilight...what kind of spell...?"
  22. >"A cloning spell!" The overtly-happy Twilight chirped. "She's a naughty pony, she wanted more of you~!"
  23. "Really now."
  24. >You finally sat up and looked around.
  25. >One was doing her damnedest to avoid eye contact, rubbing her arm with a hoof as she continued laying on your chest.
  26. >You assumed this one was the real one.
  27. >The bubbly one was bouncing around the room excitedly.
  28. >A third Twilight was looking directly at you with an amorous and almost commanding expression.
  29. >Another was avoiding eye contact with you, and only you.
  30. >The curious one was keeping close to your back while looking around.
  31. "...Twilight, how long does this spell effect last?" You asked, knowing some of her spells weren't permanent.
  32. >As much as you loved the mare, trying to love five radically different Twilights was a little much.
  33. >You also couldn't let four more virtually identical alicorns wander the streets.
  34. >That would be a nightmare for the entire country.
  35. >"Six hours..." she replied, still not making eye contact.
  36. >Good, it was temporary.
  37. "How long since the spell?"
  38. >"Four."
  39. "Okay, another question: Why are they acting like, well..."
  40. >You gestured around the room.
  41. "This?"
  42. >"They take various aspects of myself, concentrate it tenfold, and make that their main trait."
  43. >"A similar thing would have happened to you if the spell hadn't backfired."
  44. >Indeed, the four clones had slightly different cutie marks.
  45. >A little off-color on one, missing a star point on another, missing one of the little white stars on the third, and the fourth was missing the large underlying white star.
  46. "Interesting, though..."
  47. >You grinned devilishly.
  48. "You sure this wasn't a late birthday gift instead?"
  49. >The real Twilight blushed, *hard*.
  50. >"It...might have been..."
  51. "Well, I love it." You smiled, pulling all five in for a hug.
  52. >Bubbly Twi giggled, the others blushed and snuggled deeper into your hold.
  53. >They all felt and smelled like her, as far as you could tell.
  54. >You could get used to this, especially now that you knew it was a short-lived thing.
  55. >A hoof went into your pajama pants after a few seconds, fishing around for something.
  56. >The Twilight in question 'ooo'ed when she found your member, quickly withdrawing.
  57. >You arched an eyebrow, grinning.
  58. "That's how it's gonna be, huh?" You said, low and amorous.
  59. >"Wait, Anon, I've never done something like this before..." Your Twilight said nervously.
  60. "Done what, Twilight?"
  61. >"G-group sex..."
  62. >Arching an eyebrow, you thought for a moment...
  63. >Then laughed like a madman, which caused her to look at you.
  64. >"What, is it common on Earth...?"
  65. "No, no, not that." You said. "Well, yeah. We do have a word for it, but that's not what I'm laughing about."
  66. >"What then?"
  67. "Sounds like someone needs it bad, if you jumped right to that conclusion."
  68. >Flushing horribly, the mare stammered for a little while before you hushed her with a kiss.
  69. >You stroked her mane.
  70. "Relax. I won't let anything happen to you that you don't want to happen, okay?"
  71. >The five mares nodded, some more excited than others...but all still excited to some degree regardless.
  72. >You pulled the bubbly one up, turned her, and lifted her tail up.
  73. >She giggled as you did it.
  74. >"Me first~?"
  75. "Ever see it from this angle?" You chuckled.
  76. >The other four turned into horned tomatoes, ears down and back.
  77. >"N-no..." They all replied slowly.
  78. >One of them was drooling.
  79. >Perhaps Twilight's concentrated vanity?
  80. >"A-am I really that...tiny?" Your real mare asked with hints of lust and timidity.
  81. "The term is 'tight', Twi."
  82. >You inserted a finger, and Bubbly giggle-moaned.
  83. "And yes."
  84. >The other four had various reactions, but one thing was certain:
  85. >Each and every one was watching closely, and judging by the heavy breathing...aroused.
  86. >"Fingers fingers fingers, oh why can't ponies have fingers~!" Bubbly cried, before you pulled out.
  87. >Your Twilight took a few steps forward.
  88. >"This experiment." She said, more to herself than anything.
  89. >You gave her a teasing swat on the flank, which caused her to stumble forward and bury her muzzle into what was essentially her own slit.
  90. >She then put her hooves on Bubbly's hips to keep the clone still, lapping at the juices slowly.
  91. >Bashful and Curious were watching this with intent...while Confident was giving Twi's flicking tail some interesting looks.
  92. >Little Anon stood to attention, and quick.
  93. "I never took you for a lesbian, Twilight." You said with a cheeky smile.
  94. >You saw her shoulders jerk in shock, Bubbly loudly moaning and covering all of Twi's face in marecum.
  95. >"" Twi said, pulling away.
  96. >Her mouth was dripping from what was essentially her own cum, and Bubbly had collapsed to get her breath back.
  97. >You were enjoying the show, and so were the other three.
  98. "So, how do you taste?" You asked teasingly.
  99. >Twi took a tentative lick of her lips and cheek, her longer tongue lapping up the errant juices.
  100. >"L-like blueberries, like you told me..."
  101. >The furious blush was omnipresent, the only thing that changed was the degree.
  102. >She stepped up to the hesitant clone, then pushed her over.
  103. >"Ready or not, here I come..." Twi stated lustfully, eyes half-lidded as if she were in a trance.
  104. >Twi began licking the second clone, looking back occasionally to make sure you were watching.
  105. >Bashful's eyes widened, before closing and letting it happen.
  106. >Confident made her move, grabbing Twi's flank and licking her in turn.
  107. >Twi jerked in shock again, feeling her own long tongue burying deep.
  108. >Incredible sight, watching three incarnations of your mares deep in a love-session.
  109. >Curious, meanwhile, was walking near Bubbly.
  110. >Her tail was lifted, and she squeaked when you grabbed her and pulled her over.
  111. >"Oooh, am I gonna have sex now?" She asked in a tone a student would use to ask a teacher.
  112. >You didn't verbally reply, instead only teasing the mare's entrance with the head of your cock.
  113. >"B-big..."
  114. >Twi pulled away from her fun, stepping over to you.
  115. >"Anon..."
  116. "Hmm?"
  117. >" this spell backfire. I think I'll keep it as-is." Twi smiled softly, blushing like a fool.
  118. "If that's what you want." You said, voice carefully level as another tri-colored tail swished in your vision.
  119. >Bubbly had maneuvered to you, and was currently giving you a blowjob as Curious was grinding on your shaft.
  120. >Just the way she moved her tongue...
  121. >You were sure she had to have been violating a law or two of physics.
  122. >This was absolute torture.
  123. >Twi grinned.
  124. >"I kept this for lonely days, but..."
  125. >Her horn lit up, and some rustling under the bed was heard.
  126. >A small cylindrical thing came up, and floated near her crotch.
  127. "What's that?" You asked, slightly wary.
  128. >"You'll...see, Anon." Twilight said, breath suddenly husky.
  129. >"This little...toy..."
  130. >Twilight's blush dialed up tenfold.
  131. >"Has two settings...personal, and partner."
  132. >Her magic pushed a tiny button, and it let out a tiny beep.
  133. >Carefully, Twilight guided it to herself.
  134. >"I-I've never used the partner setting..."
  135. >You arched an eyebrow.
  136. >""
  137. >She lowered the purple toy to herself, letting it contact her skin.
  138. >The mare hissed in pleasure as it fused to her, another small beep letting her know it was ready.
  139. >"I can think of anything I want that's used, and it'll grow." Twilight explained with a heavy blush.
  140. >"It's attached to my nervous system now, so what it feels...I feel."
  141. >You blinked.
  142. "'ve given yourself a cock."
  143. >The mare nodded silently, bright red tinge in place.
  144. >"If...if I want."
  145. >Curious was first to come near, and she was first 'victim' too.
  146. >It grew a human penis (that looked suspiciously like your own) in a flash and Twi forced Curious' head down on it.
  147. >"Mmmmmmh, so this is what it's like..." She said quietly, eyes closed.
  148. "Feels good, doesn't it?" You asked, chuckling.
  149. >She only could silently nod, before a soft moan made its way out of her throat.
  150. >You smiled, running your fingers through Twi's mane.
  151. >Curious, for her part, sucked like a champ.
  152. >Confident had Bashful loudly moaning and yelling, a fresh wave of marecum staining the sheets.
  153. >Oddly enough, the more assertive Twilight affixed you with a glare when you came near, breaking off to go eat out the real Twilight.
  154. >Oh, now you got it.
  155. >Confident Lesbian Twilight.
  156. >Twilight screamed as two different sensations overtook her, and you grinned.
  157. >Such a fun mare, always doing experiments.
  158. >This was one of her best, next to the double-dick miss-spell she cast on you a month ago.
  159. >Thinking about it, these 'miss-spells' were happening way too often to be accidental...
  160. >Bubbly was still trying to re-lock her lips on the head of your dick, but you were moving too much.
  161. >Good thing she saw this as a game, giggling as you moved.
  162. "Hey girls...ready?"
  163. >Bubbly nodded with an eager grin, Bashful looked away with a small embarrassed smile.
  164. >You pushed Bubbly's mouth back onto your throbbing member, and stuck a few fingers into Bashful's tight cunt.
  165. >Bashful's cunt tightened around your fingers, and she came in what couldn't have been more than ten seconds.
  166. "Wow, really?" You asked with an amused grin. "That won't do at all."
  167. >Twilight was on her back, to your left, throatily groaning...until she grabbed Curious by the back of the head and pulled down.
  168. >"AHHHH! AH, AH, AH, Ah, ah..." Twilight screamed as each powerful pulse of a new type of orgasm tore through her
  169. >Curious' eyes widened, before she began...drinking something?
  170. >Twilight's hooves fell limply to the side as Confident pulled the other clone off to the side.
  171. >"Lick me out, and I might reward you..." The clone stated in a sultry tone, hoof circling her twin's cunt gently.
  172. >"That intense..." Twi breathlessly said...cum definitely dripping from Curious' mouth as the copy did what Confident commanded.
  173. "Uh, Twilight..."
  174. >She waved you off.
  175. >"I spent...quite a few bits on this. It's special."
  176. >You shrugged, then plunged your other hand's fingers into Bubbly.
  177. >You had both mares moaning and squirming on you, trying to get those 'magical' fingers of yours deeper.
  178. >Bubbly broke off her blowjob to kiss you, and Bashful made her move.
  179. >Bashful's tongue began lapping at Bubbly, and the messy-maned mare nearly bit your tongue off when she reacted with a hiss of pleasure.
  180. >This ended when Twilight herself stood on all four shaky hooves, marched around Bashful's flank, and mounted her.
  181. >"W-wait, I'm still a vi-"
  182. >"No, you're not." Twilight said with finality, pushing her clone's head into the pillow. "You're me, you're not a virgin."
  183. >Twi looked at you lovingly.
  184. >"Not since him."
  185. >Twilight shoved her hips forward, and the eyes of both mares immediately rolled back.
  186. >"Oh sweet Celestia...Anon, this is amaziiiiiiiing..."
  187. >You chuckled.
  188. "I know."
  189. >You grabbed Bubbly and picked the small pony up.
  190. >"Oh, finally~! I get my well earned prize~!"
  191. >You nibbled her neck, impaling her quivering cunt on your dick.
  192. >The mare came instantly, drool slowly coasting down her cheek as she just completely lost control.
  193. >Her walls tugged at your prick, pulling in seed that wasn't there yet.
  194. >Twilight had meanwhile sped up with her thrusts, both mares moaning in the same octave.
  195. >Twilight and Bubbly locked lips, kissing deeply as both Twilights quickly got closer to finishing again.
  196. >"I-it's going in~!" Twi suddenly ground out.
  197. >Bashful moaned as Twilight screamed again, the wild bucking of both hips letting you know that a certain womb was being filled.
  198. >Bubbly was riding you like there wouldn't be a tomorrow, and you gently tugged on her mane.
  199. >You then gripped her flanks, burying yourself into her as you prepared to unload a wave of cum inside her.
  200. >Or that was the plan, anyway.
  201. >As you were getting ready to finish, each clone simply vanished in a puff of pink smoke.
  202. >You groaned in disappointment, slightly shocking yourself.
  203. >You couldn't lie: You were enjoying it.
  204. >Twilight overbalanced, falling over with a short yelp and a giggle.
  205. >She then reached between her thighs and pressed a button, the toy falling off with another beep.
  206. >"That...was...uhnnn..." The mare groaned happily, rolling over onto her back.
  207. >She cried out in pleasure when her pussy was parted for your unsatisfied length ten seconds later.
  208. "Oh Twilight..." You cooed, grinning. "I haven't finished with you yet..."
  209. >Twilight merely squirmed into a comfortable position, a soft smile gracing her features.
  210. >"C'mon lover, give it to me..." The lavender beauty whispered into your ear.
  211. >Her soft voice sent a comfortable chill down your spine.
  212. "I intend to..." You replied with equal softness, the atmosphere taking a sudden turn from carnal and fun to loving and kind.
  213. >Her back hooves wrapped around your hips, trapping you...though it wasn't an effective trap if you didn't plan on trying to get out.
  214. >"I-I-I ne-need..." The mare stuttered, gripping onto your shoulders.
  215. "I'm here, Twi." You said as you thrust deep into her eagerly waiting depths.
  216. >Your teeth pressed into her neck.
  217. >"I ne-need you..."
  218. >You groaned softly as you finally, finally released, pressing your forehead against hers.
  219. >Her breath hitched in her throat as she took it, gripping tight onto you.
  220. >Your eyelids fluttered, this was...far more intense than usual.
  221. >Twilight's eyes had rolled back as she softly purred into your neck.
  222. >Her body relaxed, completely at ease.
  223. >The two of you laid like this for the next two hours, content.
  224. "That's a...good spell."
  225. >" I said, I'm keeping it."
  226. "Good."
  227. >Both of you fell into an exhausted sleep, holding the other close.
  228. >The best part?
  229. >It wasn't even 10AM yet.
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