
Roxas vs Chain day 3

Nov 2nd, 2013
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  1. [22:43] * Chain|Homework gets up from the ground
  2. [22:45] <Chain|Homework> you can't kill me.
  3. [22:46] * RoxasXIIILK stands there staring
  4. [22:47] <Chain|Homework> if you had wanted to kill me, I'm sure you would've done it a while ago
  5. [22:48] <Chain|Homework> but I do wonder, why did you give me the choice to stop editing or die?
  6. [22:48] <Chain|Homework> you want to avoid bloodshed on your hands? or is there another reason?
  7. [22:49] <RoxasXIIILK> Hm. You think I want to avoid bloodshed?
  8. [22:49] * RoxasXIIILK smirks with madness
  9. [22:49] <RoxasXIIILK> you're mistaken
  10. [22:50] * RoxasXIIILK lifts of hand levitating Chain off the ground
  11. [22:51] <Chain|Homework> and you think I'll allow that?
  12. [22:51] * Chain|Homework teleports behind Roxas
  13. [22:52] <Chain|Homework> Roxas, this is your last chance. Stop what you're doing, or I will stop you.
  14. [22:52] <Chain|Homework> I can make you your own wiki, where you can do what you want
  15. [22:52] * RoxasXIIILK smirks and stabs Chain in the abdomen with a knife
  16. [22:52] <RoxasXIIILK> You forget
  17. [22:52] <RoxasXIIILK> I'm not roxas
  18. [22:52] <RoxasXIIILK> I killed him
  19. [22:52] <RoxasXIIILK> long age
  20. [22:53] <Chain|Homework> *breathing deeply* then, what is your name?
  21. [22:53] * RoxasXIIILK smiles
  22. [22:53] <RoxasXIIILK> that's not something you need to know
  23. [22:54] <Chain|Homework> Fine then, don't be offended when I call you Roxas
  24. [22:54] <RoxasXIIILK> all you need to know is what you'll say to your making once you meet him
  25. [22:54] * Chain|Homework absorbs the blade
  26. [22:54] * Chain|Homework kicks Roxas' head
  27. [22:54] * RoxasXIIILK has a blade to chains throat
  28. [22:55] * Chain|Homework makes that one noise that anime characters make when they're weak and mad "gh" is the best I can describe it
  29. [22:55] * RoxasXIIILK is suddenly behind Chain with a knife to neck
  30. [22:55] <RoxasXIIILK> now then
  31. [22:56] <RoxasXIIILK> any last words?
  32. [22:56] <Chain|Homework> yeah, a few
  33. [22:56] <Chain|Homework> 10 percent.
  34. [22:56] <RoxasXIIILK> and don't do the cliche thing and say something and try to escape
  35. [22:57] <RoxasXIIILK> that's been done way too many times and i simply wont let it happen
  36. [22:57] <Chain|Homework> nope, just "10 percent" and "nice ribbon"
  37. [22:57] * Chain|Homework rips a ribbon off of Roxas' arm
  38. [22:58] <Chain|Homework> so was this the thing keeping you from getting hurt by the elements?
  39. [22:58] <RoxasXIIILK> haha you fool
  40. [22:58] <RoxasXIIILK> what part of "I cant be hurt by your insignificant attacks" don't you comprehend?
  41. [22:59] <RoxasXIIILK> now then
  42. [22:59] <RoxasXIIILK> DIE!
  43. [22:59] * RoxasXIIILK lunges at chain with knife
  44. [22:59] * Chain|Homework smiles
  45. [23:00] <Chain|Homework> bring it
  46. [23:01] <RoxasXIIILK> <suddenly the mystery figure is scorched by a bright been of light>
  47. [23:01] <RoxasXIIILK> <figure goes flying into a building>
  48. [23:01] <Chain|Homework> wha? who?
  49. [23:02] * Chain|Homework looks around
  50. [23:02] <Chain|Homework> oh wait.. or is it me?
  51. [23:02] * RoxasXIIILK from the dust appears the real Roxas
  52. [23:02] <RoxasXIIILK> Alright, who's been hijacking my identity!
  53. [23:03] * Chain|Homework walks to you
  54. [23:03] <RoxasXIIILK> <Mystery Figure> Arrrgg you damn pain *struggling to get up*
  55. [23:03] <RoxasXIIILK> I don't think that imitation body will last you for too much longer
  56. [23:03] * RoxasXIIILK looks at Chain
  57. [23:03] <RoxasXIIILK> Hey Chain
  58. [23:04] <Chain|Homework> It's about time you showed up
  59. [23:05] <RoxasXIIILK> (nope the other is a puppet)
  60. [23:05] <RoxasXIIILK> So what lies has this impostor been spreading?
  61. [23:05] <Chain|Homework> here, take this *hands Roxas a twilight shard*
  62. [23:06] <Chain|Homework> basically, he's just a big asshole and has been trying to destroy the wiki
  63. [23:07] <Chain|Homework> and he said that you were dead
  64. [23:07] <RoxasXIIILK> Hmm did he now
  65. [23:07] <Chain|Homework> I thought he'd stole your body
  66. [23:08] * RoxasXIIILK looks over at figure
  67. [23:08] <Chain|Homework> until I realized he was using his left hand to fight
  68. [23:08] * RoxasXIIILK is suddenly in front of it
  69. [23:08] * Chain|Homework is suddenly behind it
  70. [23:08] * RoxasXIIILK tears off its arm in a blink of an eye
  71. [23:09] <RoxasXIIILK> <Mystery Figure> *screams in agony*
  72. [23:09] <Chain|Homework> Roxas!
  73. [23:09] <RoxasXIIILK> <there is no blood only machine parts>
  74. [23:09] <RoxasXIIILK> like I said
  75. [23:09] <RoxasXIIILK> an imitation
  76. [23:09] <Chain|Homework> so he hijacked a bot? cool.
  77. [23:09] <RoxasXIIILK> No
  78. [23:09] <RoxasXIIILK> he created one
  79. [23:10] * Chain|Homework bends down to see the shoulder
  80. [23:10] <Chain|Homework> but then how did he not get noticed by the other bots?
  81. [23:10] <RoxasXIIILK> When I zapped it I knocked out a lot of its primary functions
  82. [23:10] <RoxasXIIILK> it was that good
  83. [23:11] <Chain|Homework> apparently so.
  84. [23:11] <Chain|Homework> so then, who created it?
  85. [23:13] <RoxasXIIILK> I'm not really sure
  86. [23:13] <RoxasXIIILK> I was locked up somewhere for a while
  87. [23:13] <RoxasXIIILK> I got out and found my way here
  88. [23:13] <RoxasXIIILK> And here I am
  89. [23:13] <Chain|Homework> damn
  90. [23:14] * Chain|Homework turns over the bot
  91. [23:14] * Chain|Homework opens the back hatch
  92. [23:14] <RoxasXIIILK> Well anyway, I should properly destroy this thing before it can cause anymore trouble
  93. [23:15] <Chain|Homework> wait a sec
  94. [23:16] <RoxasXIIILK> What?
  95. [23:16] <Chain|Homework> this is the work of a professional
  96. [23:16] <Chain|Homework> and professionals take precautionary steps
  97. [23:16] <RoxasXIIILK> Yes I know that which is why I'm going to go take care of it)
  98. [23:16] * Chain|Homework inserts a blizzard stone into the bot, freezing it
  99. [23:17] <Chain|Homework> if I were a mastermind and I thought that my bot would get destroyed in the middle of a town...
  100. [23:17] * RoxasXIIILK grabs the hair and throws it over his shoulder
  101. [23:17] <RoxasXIIILK> well regardless its useless now
  102. [23:17] <Chain|Homework> GGAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
  103. [23:18] <RoxasXIIILK> I'll go destroy it now
  104. [23:18] <Chain|Homework> BE CAREFUL!
  105. [23:18] <Chain|Homework> NONONONONONONONO!!!
  106. [23:18] * RoxasXIIILK stares at
  107. [23:18] <RoxasXIIILK> what is it now?
  108. [23:18] <Chain|Homework> you said the bot had a primary function
  109. [23:19] <Chain|Homework> thus, it has a fail-safe
  110. [23:19] <Chain|Homework> it has a bomb
  111. [23:19] <Chain|Homework> so we have to be VERY careful
  112. [23:19] <RoxasXIIILK> what? no i said its primary functions were damaged when I fried it
  113. [23:19] <Chain|Homework> right, but what about it's secondary functions?
  114. [23:19] <RoxasXIIILK> jees you take me for some kind of idiot or something
  115. [23:20] <Chain|Homework> well gee, mindlessly throwing a bomb...
  116. [23:20] * RoxasXIIILK sighs
  117. [23:20] <Chain|Homework> thank goodness I froze it
  118. [23:20] <RoxasXIIILK> must I tear off its chest cavity just so you can see how ridiculous you're being?
  119. [23:21] <Chain|Homework> fine go ahead.
  120. [23:21] * RoxasXIIILK tears of chest of machine
  121. [23:21] <RoxasXIIILK> SEE?! NOTHING!
  122. [23:22] <RoxasXIIILK> just an empty cavity
  123. [23:22] <Chain|Homework> that doesn't make sense...
  124. [23:22] <Chain|Homework> why wouldn't he install a fail-safe?
  125. [23:22] <Chain|Homework> unless... he did...
  126. [23:22] <Chain|Homework> and we're just missing something
  127. [23:23] <RoxasXIIILK> its an advanced machine. it had way more features like keeping a low profile and control everything behind the scenes
  128. [23:23] <RoxasXIIILK> if it had a bomb it'd be useless for that sort of mission
  129. [23:23] <Chain|Homework> yes but evil masterminds always plan for that type of thing
  130. [23:23] <RoxasXIIILK> You're over thinking this
  131. [23:24] <RoxasXIIILK> just let it go
  132. [23:24] <RoxasXIIILK> I have the situation under control
  133. [23:24] <Chain|Homework> you're probably right
  134. [23:24] * Chain|Homework sighs
  135. [23:24] <Chain|Homework> now to put this town back together
  136. [23:24] <RoxasXIIILK> Now I'm going to go get rid of this thing
  137. [23:24] <Chain|Homework> have fun
  138. [23:24] <RoxasXIIILK> clean this place up would you?
  139. [23:25] <Chain|Homework> already planned on it
  140. [23:25] <RoxasXIIILK> We're supposed to protect it not destroy
  141. [23:25] <RoxasXIIILK> it
  142. [23:25] * RoxasXIIILK starts to walk away
  143. [23:26] * Chain|Homework mumbles
  144. [23:26] <RoxasXIIILK> WHAT WAS THAT?!
  145. [23:28] * Chain|Homework pulls out power stone and energy shard and starts repairing the city
  146. [23:28] <Chain|Homework> I SAID HAVE A GOOD TIME!
  147. [23:28] * RoxasXIIILK walks away
  148. [23:29] <RoxasXIIILK> <As Roxas walks away he smiles and eyes glow red>
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