
Contra Hard Corps level patch codes

Oct 14th, 2020
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  1. Some have minor graphical issues, others have the player hidden behind the level.
  3. FFFA48:0000: test level
  4. FFFA48:0001: works
  5. FFFA48:0002: crashes moments after starting
  6. FFFA48:0003: works
  7. FFFA48:0004: works VR Zone
  8. FFFA48:0005: works: CS
  9. FFFA48:0006: works
  10. FFFA48:0007: softlock
  11. FFFA48:0008: works
  12. FFFA48:0009: works
  13. FFFA48:000a: works
  14. FFFA48:000b: works CS
  15. FFFA48:000c: works
  16. FFFA48:000d: softlock
  17. FFFA48:000e: works
  18. FFFA48:000f: works
  19. FFFA48:0010: works
  20. FFFA48:0011: works
  21. FFFA48:0012: works
  22. FFFA48:0013: works
  23. FFFA48:0014: works
  24. FFFA48:0015: works
  25. FFFA48:0016: works
  26. FFFA48:0017: works
  27. FFFA48:0018: works
  28. FFFA48:0019: works
  29. FFFA48:001a: works
  30. FFFA48:001b: works
  31. FFFA48:001c: softlock
  32. FFFA48:001d: works (rockets joe)
  33. FFFA48:001e: works (rocket)
  34. FFFA48:001f: works
  35. FFFA48:0020: works
  36. FFFA48:0021: works
  37. FFFA48:0022: works
  38. FFFA48:0023: works
  39. FFFA48:0024: works
  40. FFFA48:0025: works
  41. FFFA48:0026: works CS
  42. FFFA48:0027: works CS
  43. FFFA48:0028: works
  44. FFFA48:0029: softlock
  45. FFFA48:002a: works
  46. FFFA48:002b: softlock
  47. FFFA48:002c: works
  48. FFFA48:002d: works CS
  49. FFFA48:002e: works
  50. FFFA48:002f: works
  51. FFFA48:0030: works CS
  52. FFFA48:0031: works CS
  53. FFFA48:0032: works CS
  54. FFFA48:0033: works CS
  55. FFFA48:0034: End CS Bad
  56. FFFA48:0035: End CS base destroyed
  57. FFFA48:0036: End CS bike credits
  58. FFFA48:0037: End CS after rocket, Police Jet
  59. FFFA48:0038: End CS after rocket fall
  60. FFFA48:0039: End CS after rocket Jet credits
  61. FFFA48:003a: Good Job!
  62. FFFA48:003b: Boss escape
  63. FFFA48:003c: Boss escape credits
  64. FFFA48:003d: Join
  65. FFFA48:003e: Space station destroyed CS
  66. FFFA48:003f: Space station destroyed credits
  67. FFFA48:0040: Space station destroyed char statue
  68. FFFA48:0041: CS dino
  69. FFFA48:0042: CS dino 2/credits
  70. FFFA48:0043: CS Laugh
  71. FFFA48:0044: works
  72. FFFA48:0045: works
  73. FFFA48:0046: works
  74. FFFA48:0047: test level
  75. FFFA48:0048: test level
  76. FFFA48:0049: test level
  77. FFFA48:004a: test level
  78. FFFA48:004b: test level
  79. FFFA48:004c: test level
  80. FFFA48:004d: test level
  81. FFFA48:004e: test level
  82. FFFA48:004f: test level
  83. FFFA48:0050+: Crash with black screen
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