
ATE Ent (Idol)

Dec 6th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. USERNAME: @GlisteningHobi
  2. FACE CLAIM: Kim Hanbin (backup: Mino)
  4. NAME: Lee Myungjoon
  5. NICKNAME(S): Joonie
  6. BIRTHDATE: 26th November 1995
  8. BIRTHPLACE: London, England
  9. HOMETOWN: London, England
  10. LANGUAGES: Korean + English + Spanish (he did it for his A-levels in the UK)
  12. HEIGHT: 177cm
  13. WEIGHT: 68kg
  15. BACKGROUND: Myungjoon has always had a passion for the arts, especially dance. He has always loved it as he was inspired by the likes of Michael Jackson, Jeffrey Daniels and many more dancers and performers. He always knew he wanted to perform for people when he grew up though this was not something that his parents would want to hear as they were very traditional and wanted him to aim for something more "prestigious" such as a doctor or lawyer. When Myungjoon was 18 and he had just finished his A-levels, he finally told his parents about his dream to become an idol. Though his parents were reluctant to support him, they decided to go through with it in the end under the condition that if he didn't 27th birthday (it was a random age they picked) then he would have to give up and find something new to pursue.
  18. 1 Cold & Intimidating = Myungjoon comes across as someone who is cold and mean, this is because he is not one to smile often (but when he does, it is the cutest thing ever). Even people who are close with him still tend to feel a bit intimidated by him. He tends not to warm up to people easily and but once you get past his cold exterior, he is the biggest goofball.
  19. 2 Observant & Sharp = he is extremely observant and notices EVERYTHING. He finds people easy to read, he uses this to his advantage as he can always tell if someone is upset, angry or lying to him. He is very good at eavesdropping and even when you don’t expect it, he is probably listening. He tends to notice things that most people miss or overlook and can apply this to a bigger picture.
  20. 3 Intelligent & Cunning = he is very intelligent and knows how to easily problem solve. An example of his intelligence comes from his A-level results in which he achieved 3 A*s and an A. He often uses his intelligence to manipulate people into doing stuff for him and getting his own way though.
  21. 4 Friendly & Gentle = despite him appearing mean and cold, he can be friendly and nice. This would be most likely when he is around kids. He can be a pleasant person to be around when he is close with you but if he doesn’t know you then you would probably think he is a cold person which wouldn't be completely false.
  22. 5 Quiet & Introverted = he is not one to be loud and outgoing. He tends to be quite quiet and reserved. His quietness and tendency to zone out of present conversations makes him seem unapproachable. He is just generally a very thoughtful person and that is why he is usually quiet. When he does speak, he usually says some very deep and meaningful things, the type of things that really get you thinking. Though he can have his loud and outgoing moments.
  23. 6 Charismatic & Charming = he is known to be very attractive in a brooding type of way as he is usually always deep in thought. He is naturally quite suave and charming as it was how people around him acted and how he was brought up. He is also a very deep thinker and having a deep conversation with him would be amazing. He sheds light on different perspectives of life for you.
  24. 7 Tense & Uptight = can come across as tense and uptight but that’s because he is constantly under a lot of pressure to outperform himself. He puts way too much pressure on himself to prove to his parents that his decision to pursue the idol life was worth it because he doesn't want to disappoint them. He is very mature and knows how to behave in different environments. He knows how to conduct himself in an appropriate manner wherever he is and if he doesn't get his way, he will understand and just move on instead of throwing tantrums.
  27. 1 Cooking
  28. 2 Producing music
  29. 3 Being shirtless
  30. 4 Interesting museums
  31. 5 Free samples
  32. 6 Rain
  33. 7 Going out during the night time / night time adventures
  36. 1 Cheese (lactose intolerant)
  37. 2 Nuts (allergic)
  38. 3 Clowns
  39. 4 Heights
  40. 5 Bad hygiene
  41. 6 Inspirational quotes
  42. 7 Being too hot
  44. TRIVIA:
  45. 1 He always keeps his receipts
  46. 2 He is acrophobic (fear of heights) and also has coulrophobia (fear of clowns)
  47. 3 He is a huge fan of all times of skinship and is just generally a very touchy person
  48. 4 He has a younger brother and sister, who are twins
  49. 5 Despite his cold demeanour, he loves kids and has a whole different personality when around them. You would think he was a different person with how differently he acts
  50. 6 He is afraid of heights. One time he was on a rollercoaster and he looked down and started wailing, then he passed out
  51. 7 Myungjoon grew up in and got his education in the UK. For his A-Levels he did, Spanish, Philosophy, Psychology and History. He got 3 A*'s and an A in Philosophy.
  52. 8 He has a few tattoos but wants to get a lot more
  53. 9 His dream pet is a Royal Python and he would name it either Monty, Percy, Gucci or Godzilla (Zilla for short)
  55. GROUP OR SOLO: Group
  58. Rap — 3 / 10
  59. Dance — 10 / 10
  60. Vocal — 7 / 10
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