
Commie - Chapter 1

Jan 1st, 2013
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  1. This was a battlefield in the truest sense of the word.
  3. Molded by alchemists, constructed with intricate magic formulas, homunculi were
  4. creatures made purely for battle; created to destroy, created to die. They were brought into
  5. the world as adults, born outside natural reproduction. Their physical defects were many,
  6. shortening their lifespan to a mere two months. Though given their even further shorter life
  7. on the battlefield, it wouldn't have mattered if it was two months or two weeks.
  9. They wielded gigantic halberds, carrying with them massive destruction to the land
  10. around them.
  12. Golems, on the other hand, were Doll Servants, constructed by kabbalah magic in
  13. order to carry out the will of their master. Where homunculi were human-shaped in
  14. appearance, golems were figures of stone and bronze, not resembling a person at all.
  16. Fewer in number, they could withstand any attack, crush enemies beneath their
  17. massive frames, and pulverize their foes beneath massive fists of stone.
  19. Both homunculi and golems were endowed with such strength that most average
  20. magi posed them no threat. However, in terms of sheer numbers, the opposing side held an
  21. overwhelming advantage against both.
  23. Dragon Tooth Warriors were created by the Red Servants for their own amusement,
  24. seeming to have no limit to their numbers. They were born from the fangs of dragons, teeth
  25. sowed like seeds into soil. The Prana contained within those seeds, combined with the
  26. earth's knowledge, gave rise to a crude, rank-and-file army.
  28. Their strength was no match for the homunculi or golems, both made purely for war,
  29. but they numbered many, seemingly without limits. They poured forth like a fog with no
  30. end in sight. They would not cease till they were smashed into dust. They carried with them
  31. swords and axes of bone harder than steel, and with them they swarmed and smashed
  32. through the golems and cut down the homunculi to pieces.
  34. Calling it gruesome would be inadequate. Golems, Dragon Tooth Warriors, and
  35. homunculi were never endowed with more than the simplest of thoughts or the slightest of
  36. emotions. Their assaults continued until they perished, not once laying down their arms so
  37. long as their enemies still lived.
  39. Once the flames spread, the soil became their ammunition. The injured were tended
  40. to with healing magic, once more able to return to the battlefield.
  42. They went, they fought. They went, they perished. Expenditure was their sole
  43. purpose. They were simply pawns, never more than statistics. Indeed, the direction of the
  44. war was not in their hands.
  46. Occasionally, explosions would occur on the field. Peerless warriors, stronger than a
  47. thousand men, decimated hordes of soldiers with a single wave of their weapon. These
  48. were not pawns, but perhaps queens. It was they who decided the war's outcome.
  49. Tenacious yet quick of wit, these heroic incarnations shone through like flashes of light.
  51. One such violent tremor tore through the air, mowing down the surrounding Dragon
  52. Tooth Warriors and golems. They were so smashed to bits that nothing was left but trash.
  54. This left a strange void in the midst of the battlefield that no one would dare fill. The
  55. homunculi, golems, and even the mindless Dragon Tooth Warriors alike understood. That
  56. void was an inescapable death trap. And if they drew close, they would die a brutal,
  57. needless death.
  59. Only those called Servants, the chosen ones, possessed the right to fill that void.
  61. And now, two Sabers sought to fill it.
  63. On one side, a silver Saber, short in build, clad in thick body armor like a mass of
  64. metal stood. This warrior wielded a magnificently ornate silver sword, yet their face was
  65. completely obscured by a helmet, making it impossible to determine their gender or race.
  67. The other was a tall young man who had an unusual air about him. While he held his
  68. sword much like his opponent, it boasted such splendor and enormity that any observer
  69. would not believe it to be made by human hands. A blue gem encrusted on the hilt stood
  70. out the most.
  72. The colors of the swords were silver and gold respectively, and despite varying in
  73. shape and material, they both boasted the same radiant mettle befit of a hero's hands.
  74. Regardless, this battle was absurd at its very core. The age of swords had long since passed.
  75. Firearms ruled now as the weapons of war.
  77. Should they not be complete laughing stocks in the eyes of a gunner, if not as
  78. savages, then as walking anachronisms?
  80. No, perhaps that would be even more absurd.
  82. "En garde, Black Saber."
  84. At the silver one's call, the gold one responded,
  86. "Come, Rot Saber."
  88. In the next instant, the Red Saber leapt forward with a roar like that of a lion's. The
  89. leap shook the earth, its speed breaking the sound barrier. This was an effect of Red Saber's
  90. Prana Burst; by expelling the Prana stored within their weapon and body, the Saber can
  91. shoot forth like a bullet. Such power enabled Red Saber to swing a sword so unfitting of
  92. their physique.
  94. The leap itself caused a sonic boom, blowing away the remains of the golems and
  95. Dragon Tooth Warriors. Even the strongest land weapon of the modern era, the battle tank,
  96. would be demolished in the wake of its sheer speed and destructive power.
  98. In some ways, it could be said that both Sabers had strength on par with demons.
  100. With a war cry as ferocious as a dragon's, the Black Saber stepped forward, golden
  101. sword in hand. He charged at the enemy with an awesome speed, bringing his broadsword
  102. down without a moment's hesitation.
  104. If the silver Saber's suicidal charge could be compared to a bullet, then the golden
  105. Saber's was like a high-speed guillotine. Metal clashed with metal, bringing with it
  106. incredible amounts of destruction to their surroundings.
  108. "Heh. Your strike is too simple, Black Saber!"
  110. "Ugh!"
  112. Sparks flew as both steel and spirit clashed. They bore neither sympathy nor hatred;
  113. only powerful wills that rejected each other's existence, and the rapture that came with
  114. battling a powerful opponent. Their blades had already crossed ten times. Ever since this
  115. war had begun, the thrill of battle crossed Red Saber's face in the form of a grin many
  116. times.
  118. The two of them didn't quite exist in the world in the usual sense. They were
  119. incarnations of legendary, superhuman figures whose names were carved in history. These
  120. heroes lived on in the hearts of man, their names kept alive long beyond their deaths. They
  121. were known as the Heroic Spirits, Servants, bound to the present world, and these two
  122. were the shadows of those heroes.
  124. Their swords clashed for the thirteenth time, and the world stood still. Their
  125. weapons were not destroyed and their bodies were not blown away. Instead they struck an
  126. artistic balance, swords locked together. They drew close to each other. At first glance,
  127. Black Saber might have had the advantage in physique. The difference between the two
  128. was like that of a child and an adult.
  130. But it was the golden Saber yielding to the silver's force.
  132. This was an effect of Red Saber's Prana Burst once more. This time though, it was
  133. not expelled to charge forward, but instead it coursed through their veins, strengthening
  134. their muscles. At that moment, the Red Saber was a cannon with a lit fuse, ready to fire at
  135. any moment.
  137. "Graaaagh!"
  139. The silver Saber let out a spirited roar, whose encroaching foot sunk deeper into the
  140. earth. This was the power of the Red Saber.
  142. The Black Saber was unable to endure, blown away. But a hero is a hero. He leaped
  143. backwards instead of tumbling clumsily. He did not fall to his knees or even bat an eye.
  145. The Red Saber poised the blade at their enemy, stifling a sneer, oozing so much
  146. arrogance it could be seen through the silver helmet.
  148. "And you call yourself a Saber, the strongest of all classes? How disappointing. I
  149. guess that's all an imitation can manage."
  151. The Black Saber fell silent. It was as the Red Saber said. He was only the imitation of
  152. a heroic spirit. He would prove no match for the Red Saber, a true Heroic Spirit.
  154. Even then, backing down was not an option. In order to save his friends who had
  155. fallen before him, he needed to fight regardless of his feelings on the matter.
  157. "Sword..." Black Saber decided to choose the best method for the enemy at hand,
  158. "be filled!"
  160. Without even the slightest change in his indifferent facial expression, despite the
  161. fear for approaching death, Black Saber beckoned. From the large sword carried above the
  162. top of his head, orange light began to encase the blade, then expel outward.
  164. "Releasing Noble Phantasm..." Red Saber murmured, as if to growl, "ha, all right!"
  166. There was no impatience in their voice. Noble Phantasms were the Servants'
  167. ultimate weapons, activated by chanting its True Name.
  169. Some Noble Phantasms simply have devastating, destructive force. One has a
  170. property that will always pierce through enemies if thrown, and although not a weapon
  171. itself, one is the hardest shield, protecting against projectile weapons. The number of Noble
  172. Phantasms is equal only to the number of legends there are.
  174. Much like Black Saber, Red must also have their own.
  176. "Well, I have my master's permission. I'll use my own Noble Phantasm against you!"
  178. As the Red Saber took their stance, silver sword in hand, the heavy helmet obscuring
  179. their face broke in two, fusing onto the armor into one piece.
  181. Their eyes met. The Black Saber's eyebrows rose slightly in a bit of surprise. Most
  182. surprising was that the Red Saber's face was that of a girl. Normally, Servants were
  183. summoned in the state of their heyday, so most would take the form of the age where they
  184. were most active such as the twenties or thirties. This Red Saber, however, could not have
  185. been past twenty, very evidently too young.
  187. Despite having the face of a beautiful girl, her atrocities could not be concealed, or
  188. at the very least she wasn't trying to hide it. Deep down in her gaze towards the Black
  189. Saber, her eyes reflected a mixture of pleasure and cruelty.
  191. "Why did you take your helmet off?"
  193. She answered back in an irritated voice to Black Saber's question:
  195. "I can't activate my Noble Phantasm without taking my helmet off, that's all. Do you
  196. really have the strength to be caught up in such a trivial matter?"
  198. In that instant, blood covered the area centered around Red Saber. Even the blade of
  199. the sword was coated in a blood-like aura, and it started to transform with a strange noise.
  201. This was, of course, not the original shape of the Noble Phantasm. With its
  202. overflowing hatred, the once pure and renowned sword was transformed into a sinister,
  203. wicked sword better suited to a warlock.
  205. "The time has come for you to be punished. You'll meet an end suited for an
  206. imitation, Black Saber!"
  208. The Red Saber raised her deformed sword. To anyone watching, it would be
  209. apparent that this was a deathblow.
  211. "Here I come," Black Saber, much like before, tried to face her head-on without
  212. hesitation. Whether his chances of success were high or not, he couldn't have cared less.
  214. This is something I must do.
  216. Black Saber understood it as such. He wasn't risking his life, since he didn't have a
  217. life to risk in the first place.
  219. The orange light and the blood aura swelled up instantaneously. The atmosphere
  220. around them swirled and screamed, letting the surrounding area know that two Noble
  221. Phantasms were fully released.
  223. The renowned, legendary swords roared, living out their fantastical dreams to be
  224. owned by such heroes, killing their enemies, and piercing through evil.
  226. They clutched their swords in their hands, defining themselves as Servant, Saber,
  227. and by the enemy before them who was to be defeated.
  229. "Clarent..." The Red Saber grew fierce.
  231. "Balβ€”" The Black Saber roared.
  233. "...Blood Arthur!"
  235. "β€”mung!"
  237. Red lightning rushed in and collided with the twilight. These were two torrent-like
  238. sparks, aimed purely to destroy, and here they were trying to devour one another.
  240. This scene would normally be impossible in the history that humans had created.
  241. Here were the deadly Noble Phantasms of two heroes, born of different periods, active in
  242. different lands. And they were clashing with each other.
  244. Light filled the atmosphere, annihilating everything it touched. The golems and
  245. Dragon Tooth Warriors immediately surrounding the two were caught up within, vanishing
  246. into dust.
  248. A gasp was let out by those watching the solemn scene. The space filled with red
  249. and orange, as if foretelling the end of days.
  251. But with all things, there is an end. The previously overbearing light slowly softened,
  252. fading out like dust from before a windowpane.
  254. The land that surrounded them was in a terrible state.
  256. If you were to imagine a butterfly with its wings spread outward, a similar shape
  257. would be seen here, now engraved on the ground. The explosion's mark could nearly be
  258. seen from space.
  260. But who would believe that this explosive marking was made from the slash of a
  261. sword? On this day for certain, a new legend was born.
  263. The nigh-impossible collision of the legendary holy sword and unbelievably wicked
  264. sword has salted the earth.
  266. The determining factor in such a match was neither skills nor power nor which Noble
  267. Phantasm was superior. The Black Saber's Noble Phantasm was the one that shot out a
  268. twilight wave; it formed a semi-circle shape emanating from where he stood.
  270. On the other hand, the Red Saber had shot out the red lightning from the tip of her
  271. blade. The match would be decided by the characteristics of their Noble Phantasms, and
  272. the distance between the two of them. If Black Saber was only a few meters closer, the end
  273. results would have been much different.
  275. The match had been decided. One Servant was lying on the ground, the other down
  276. on one knee. The kneeled Red Saber stood, shaking with shame.
  278. "You! How can you be alive?!" She glared down at him, fierce killing intent in her
  279. eyes.
  281. A Servant's Noble Phantasm was not only their ultimate weapon, but also a
  282. manifestation of their pride itself. Because one must release their True Name, not killing
  283. the opponent is considered a disgrace to their honor. To Red Saber, her Noble Phantasm
  284. bore the name of the King of Knights, her father; more than pride, this was also some kind
  285. of grudge for her.
  287. Thus, to her, the fact that Black Saber still lived was unacceptable. So long as he held
  288. his sword in his hand, he was a target of her loathing. If he were to raise his head and
  289. attempt to stand, not even a hundred slashes of her blade would be enough to make up for
  290. such a slight.
  292. Even as the pain racked his body, it did not hinder his desire to fight. Knowing that
  293. she had just used such a powerful Noble Phantasm, an enormous amount of Prana must
  294. have been spent. However, her master was quite distinguished, so it made sense that she
  295. still had the strength to move after using such a powerful Noble Phantasm.
  297. "Don't you dare move, Black Saber. I'm going to kill you. No one but me can kill
  298. you!"
  300. I'll cut off his head and stab him right in his heart. This is the right granted only to
  301. me.
  303. Red Saber took the first step forward.
  305. At least I'm still alive. Though perhaps life is all I have at this point.
  307. His heart beat a strong rhythm. The magic circuits in his body grew excited,
  308. desperately clinging to remaining a Saber. However, all the Prana he had stored in his body
  309. dissipated with the strike earlier. He no longer had what it took if he wanted to continue
  310. being a Saber.
  312. The armor covering his body began to disappear, as if it was becoming frayed.
  313. Simultaneously, the golden broadsword he carried, the Saber's symbol, dematerialized.
  315. In this instant, the Black Saber vanished from the world.
  317. Just then, the overwhelming amount of pain caught up to his consciousness and the
  318. man who once was a Saber jumped up. He threw up blood, shedding tears due to the pain
  319. of getting his nerves cut and the pressure of his flesh being torn apart, the impact of getting
  320. his bones crushed. Try as he might, he could not suppress his screams any longer, letting
  321. out a groan.
  323. After a time, the pain began to fade, but no longer could he even swing a sword.
  324. Given that he lost his power as a Saber, it would be impossible for him to break through. He
  325. still had two Command Seals at his disposal, but he could not find his voice. It's not that he
  326. lacked the courage, but the physical pain instinctively sounded the alarm. A certain interval
  327. of time needed to pass before he could transform, and his body would not endure a
  328. consecutive transformation.
  330. The Red Saber, meanwhile, had taken up a murderous desire and approached him.
  331. At this point, he had no options. Miracles would not happen. No, perhaps even with a
  332. miracle, this was the furthest he could come.
  334. He accepted his fate with regret.
  336. There wasn't much of a reason to fear death. In his case, it was merely dissipating.
  337. He could find no attachment or regret either. If he could find one, perhaps it would be the
  338. fact he could not protect what he was trying to.
  340. Even then, it wasn't much regret.
  342. It's not that he desired it, or that he would have asked for help. It's just that it was
  343. the first time the thought crossed his mind, the first time he made such a decision. He
  344. thought: I should cherish it.
  346. There was no regret for the outcome itself. The only thing left was to await death. As
  347. it approached, time was stretched out like melted candy. Unconsciously, he wished for it to
  348. hurry up and be done with. The slower time passed, the more he pondered the answer to
  349. the forbidden question:
  351. Ah... For what, exactly, was I alive?
  353. There was no answer. Rather, he wished there wasn't one. He absolutely did not
  354. want to accept the answer that he was created to be used.
  356. Yes, it was his destiny to die idly here. There was nothing left to do, nothing left to
  357. achieve.
  359. "It's shameful to me that I couldn't finish you off with that strike. Even so, I can't let
  360. you go."
  362. The eyes of the impassive warrior, the Red Saber, glare at me. Even as an amateur, I
  363. understand well that the sword she holds is aimed at my neck.
  365. "Now, Black Saber. Die."
  367. Her words were indifferent, her sword swing was swift. My vision was starting to be
  368. painted in white...
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