

Jan 28th, 2014
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  1. Options:
  2. czas: 2
  3. tag: &7[&4&lBasic&6&lPlay&7]
  4. tags: &7[&4&lAdmin&6&lChat&7]
  5. author: &3Frikos
  6. Variables:
  7. {czat.pisz} = true
  8. {czat.spam.%player%} = false
  9. {ranga.%player%} = false
  10. Command /czat [<text>]:
  11. trigger:
  12. If argument is not set:
  13. player has permissions "czat.pomoc":
  14. message "&a========== {@tag} &a=========="
  15. message "&d/czat &6- &bglowne komendy"
  16. message "&d/czat on/off &6- &bwlacza/wylacza czat"
  17. message "&d/czat czysc &6- &bczysci czat"
  18. message "&cAutorem skryptu jest {@author}"
  19. message "&a========== {@tag} &a=========="
  20. else:
  21. message "{@tag} &cNie masz uprawnien!"
  22. stop
  23. If argument is "on":
  24. If player doesn't have permissions "czat.on":
  25. Send "{@tag} &bNie masz uprawnien!"
  26. stop trigger
  27. If {czat.pisz} is true:
  28. Send "{@tag} &bCzat jest juz wlaczony"
  29. stop trigger
  30. Else:
  31. set {czat.pisz} to true
  32. Send "{@tag} &aCzat zostal wlaczony przez &c» &4&l%player%" to all players
  33. loop all players:
  34. execute console command "playsound random.door_open %loop-player%"
  35. stop trigger
  36. If argument is "off":
  37. If player doesn't have permissions "":
  38. Send "{@tag} &aNie masz uprawnien!"
  39. stop trigger
  40. If {czat.pisz} is false:
  41. Send "{@tag} &aChat jest juz wylaczony!"
  42. stop trigger
  43. Else:
  44. set {czat.pisz} to false
  45. send "{@tag} &aCzat zostal wylaczony przez &c» &4&l%player%" to all players
  46. loop all players:
  47. execute console command "playsound random.door_close %loop-player%"
  48. stop trigger
  49. If argument is "czysc":
  50. If player doesn't have permissions "czat.czysc":
  51. send "{@tag} &cNie masz uprawnien!"
  52. stop trigger
  53. else:
  54. Loop 100 times:
  55. Send "" to all players
  56. Send "{@tag} &aCzat wyczyszczony przez &c» &4&l%player%" to all players
  57. loop all players:
  58. execute console command "playsound %loop-player%"
  59. stop trigger
  60. If argument is not "on" or "off" or "czysc" or "pomoc" or "autor":
  61. If player doesn't have permissions "czat.pomoc":
  62. Send "&8{@tag} &bNie masz uprawnien!"
  63. stop trigger
  64. Send "{@tag} &cNieprawidlowa komenda. Wpisz &c/czat pomoc&b."
  65. stop trigger
  67. On chat:
  68. If {czat.pisz} is false:
  69. If player doesn't have permission "czat.pisz":
  70. Send "{@tag} &bChat jest wylaczony!"
  71. cancel event
  72. else:
  73. cancel event
  74. broadcast "&7[&a%{poziom.%player%}%&7] %display name of player%&7: %message%"
  75. if {czat.pisz} is true:
  76. if player has permissions "pisz.admin":
  77. cancel event
  78. broadcast "&7[&a%{poziom.%player%}%&7] %display name of player%&7: %message%"
  79. if {czat.pisz} is true:
  80. if {czat.spam.%player%} is false:
  81. if player doesn't have permission "czat.spam":
  82. set {czat.spam.%player%} to true
  83. cancel event
  84. send "{@tag} &cWiadomosc mozesz wysylac co &f{@czas} sekund!"
  85. wait {@czas} second
  86. set {czat.spam.%player%} to false
  87. stop
  88. on join:
  89. set join message to "&b%name of player% &edolaczyl do gry"
  90. on quit:
  91. set leave message to "&b%name of player% &eopuscil gre"
  92. Command /bc [<text>]:
  93. trigger:
  94. If argument is not set:
  95. send "{@tag} &cBlad ! Poprawne uzycie &6/bc <wiadmosc>!"
  96. stop trigger
  97. If arg is set:
  98. broadcast "{@tag} &a%arg 1%"
  99. stop trigger
  100. Command /say [<text>]:
  101. trigger:
  102. If argument is not set:
  103. send "{@tag} &cBlad ! Poprawne uzycie &6/say <wiadmosc>!"
  104. stop trigger
  105. If arg is set:
  106. broadcast "&7[&4&lServer&7] &a%arg 1%"
  107. stop trigger
  108. command /rank [<text>] [<text>]:
  109. trigger:
  110. if player has permission "nadaj.range":
  111. arg 1 is set:
  112. execute console command "/pex user %arg 1% group set %arg 2%"
  113. broadcast "{@tag} &cGracz &6%arg 1% &cawansowal na &4%arg 2%&c!!"
  114. broadcast "&b&lGratulujemy! :)"
  115. else:
  116. send "{@tag} &cBlad ! Wpisz &6/rank [gracz] [ranga]"
  117. else:
  118. send "{@tag} &cNie mozesz tego dokonac!"
  119. command /ac [<text>]:
  120. permission:
  121. trigger:
  122. arg is set:
  123. loop all players:
  124. loop-player has permission ""
  125. send "{@tags} &4%display name of player%&7: &6%arg%" to loop-player
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