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Aug 17th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. #---- Command Spy Options ----#
  4. cs-gui-mode: true #true = When executing the command without arguments, instead of appearing text in the chat, a GUI will appear. | False = Text will appear in the chat with the options.
  5. cs-gui-mode true-Gui Name: §8Command Spy options.# Only put anything here if you set the cs-gui-mode: true
  7. cs-command: cs
  8. cs-aliases: commandspy, cspy, commands
  9. cs-prefix: §8[§5§lMythic&d&lMC§8]
  10. cs-name-color: §d
  11. cs-doublepoints-color: §c
  12. cs-command-color: §b
  14. cs-no-send-command: "login" or "password"
  16. #---- Permissions Options ----#
  18. permission: commandspy.use
  19. per-mess: §cNo permission.
  21. #---- Help Command Message ----#
  22. line: §8§m---------------------------
  25. command /{@cs-command} [<text>]:
  26. aliases: {@cs-aliases}
  27. permission: {@permission}
  28. permission message: {@per-mess}
  29. trigger:
  30. if arg 1 is not set:
  31. if {@cs-gui-mode} = true:
  32. sender = player
  33. open chest with 3 rows named "{@cs-gui-mode true-Gui Name}" to player
  34. wait a tick
  35. set {_n} to 0
  36. loop 27 times:
  37. format a gui slot {_n} of player with air to do nothing
  38. add 1 to {_n}
  39. set {_yes} to LIGHT GREEN WOOL named "&a&lENABLE"
  40. set line 2 of lore of {_yes} to "&7Click here to set enable"
  41. set line 3 of lore of {_yes} to "&7your command spy mode."
  42. format a gui slot 11 of player with {_yes} to run:
  43. player command "/cs on"
  44. set {_no} to RED WOOL named "&c&lDISABLE"
  45. set line 2 of lore of {_no} to "&7Click here to set disable"
  46. set line 3 of lore of {_no} to "&7your command spy mode."
  47. format a gui slot 15 of player with {_no} to run:
  48. player command "/cs off"
  49. format a gui slot 22 of player with barrier named "&4Close." to close
  50. stop
  51. else if {@cs-gui-mode} = false:
  52. send "{@line}" to player
  53. send "&f" to player
  54. send "&b&l/cs on&f&o Set CommandSpy to Enable" to player
  55. send "&c&l/cs off&f&o Set CommandSpy to Disable" to player
  56. send "&f" to player
  57. send "{@line}" to player
  58. if arg 1 is set:
  59. if arg 1 is "on" or "enable":
  60. set {cs::%player%} to true
  61. send "{@cs-prefix}&f You have now put CommandSpy to &aEnable" to player
  62. if arg 1 is "off" or "disable":
  63. set {cs::%player%} to false
  64. send "{@cs-prefix}&f You have now put CommandSpy to &cDisable" to player
  65. if arg 1 is not "off" or "disable" or "enable" or "on":
  66. send "{@line}" to player
  67. send "&f" to player
  68. send "&b&l/cs on&f&o Set CommandSpy to Enable" to player
  69. send "&c&l/cs off&f&o Set CommandSpy to Disable" to player
  70. send "&f" to player
  71. send "{@line}" to player
  72. stop
  74. on command:
  75. if command is not {@cs-no-send-command}:
  76. loop all players:
  77. if {cs::%loop-player%} is true:
  78. send "{@cs-prefix} {@cs-name-color}%sender%{@cs-doublepoints-color}:{@cs-command-color} /%full command%" to loop-player
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