
Zach prepares for the coming fight

Sep 27th, 2015
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  1. kaiserA> ===============start===============
  2. <jaczac> I pull out another book and open it up.
  3. <jaczac> ((wait where is dice?))
  4. * `DICE ( has joined
  5. <jaczac> roll 1d20 luck
  6. <`DICE> jaczac rolled 1d20 luck [ 1d20=3 ]{3}
  7. <kaiserA> You take a look at a book, and find that it depicts the proper usage of scissors for curring grass
  8. <kaiserA> It's titled "The Chilenan way"
  9. <jaczac> I frown. Better than the king killing one I guess.
  10. <jaczac> ((lol))
  11. <jaczac> Another book(, another roll)).
  12. <jaczac> roll 1d20
  13. <`DICE> jaczac rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=10 ]{10}
  14. * Cass ( has joined
  15. <jaczac> shit wait no
  16. <jaczac> i forgot the ysummoned me
  17. <kaiserA> You take a book and read the first page, it appears to specify the proper way to build a trebuchet
  18. <jaczac> im standing in the palace
  19. <jaczac> and they gave me alchemical water
  20. <jaczac> and im talking about a ruby
  21. <kaiserA> yes
  22. <kaiserA> you are looking at his books right now
  23. <jaczac> oh ok
  24. <jaczac> "Huh. I'll save this one."
  25. <kaiserA> Lord Michael appears to be ignoring the fact you are browsing his books
  26. <jaczac> I write down the code.
  27. <kaiserA> "Very wel, just give it back at some point"
  28. <jaczac> "Oh, sorry milord. But you know, knowledge is power."
  29. <jaczac> I pull out another book.
  30. <jaczac> roll 1d20
  31. <`DICE> jaczac rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=14 ]{14}
  32. <kaiserA> "Ignorance is a bliss"
  33. <jaczac> I frown a bit to myself at hearing that, but move on.
  34. <kaiserA> You take a look at the book, it appears to talk about the characteristics of gold and it's symbolic properties
  35. <jaczac> Its interesting certainly, but I can't waste time. I scribble the code down and move on.
  36. <jaczac> roll 1d20
  37. <`DICE> jaczac rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=8 ]{8}
  38. <jaczac> I seem to be doing alot of moving on honestly
  39. <kaiserA> describe your "moving on"
  40. <jaczac> I read another book.
  41. <jaczac> What a nerd
  42. <kaiserA> You take a look at the book, it's title "A trip through Placade" It's a poem book about the travels of Horse Asto.
  43. <jaczac> I chuckle a bit and dont even write down the code.
  44. <jaczac> Again. I cross my fingers this time. Lord Michael has some crazy books.
  45. <jaczac> roll 1d20
  46. <`DICE> jaczac rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=14 ]{14}
  47. <kaiserA> You take a book called "100 years of solitude" It's about the tirps of a lost man in a jungle
  48. <jaczac> I read further.
  49. <kaiserA> The book appears to be about a couple of married cousins, you stop reading disgusted by this act of unholyness
  50. <jaczac> ((i wouldnt be disgusted. just wierded out, i come from a court thats basically england))
  51. <jaczac> ((so incest is probably commonplace in the royal levels, and id see it))
  52. <jaczac> I put it back quickly.
  53. <kaiserA> ((they are peasants))
  54. <jaczac> And take another.
  55. <jaczac> ((fair))
  56. <jaczac> roll 1d20
  57. <`DICE> jaczac rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=2 ]{2}
  58. <kaiserA> You find a book titled "How to loose weight in less than 10 days" It appears to be God awful
  59. * Cass ( has left
  60. <jaczac> Eugh.
  61. <jaczac> Forget that. There's famine going on, why is this here?
  62. <jaczac> roll 1d20
  63. <`DICE> jaczac rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=2 ]{2}
  64. <jaczac> ((ffs))
  65. <kaiserA> You find a book titled "Twilight"
  66. <jaczac> I look at the back.
  67. <jaczac> And put it back quietly.
  68. <jaczac> What the fuck Michael.
  69. <jaczac> roll 1d20
  70. <`DICE> jaczac rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=8 ]{8}
  71. <kaiserA> You find a book depicting the findings of a man called Marco Polo and his trips though a mistic land far away
  72. <jaczac> Interesting, but irrelevant. I write down the code and file it with the Gold book.
  73. <jaczac> roll 1d20
  74. <`DICE> jaczac rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=7 ]{7}
  75. <kaiserA> You find a book called "Propper usage of chairs, how do they work?"
  76. <jaczac> I roll my eyes.
  77. <jaczac> I put it back.
  78. <jaczac> "Milord Michael?"
  79. <kaiserA> "yes sire?"
  80. <jaczac> "Where would I find the oldest book in this library?"
  81. <kaiserA> The oldes book I have happens to be downstaird, safe, why do you ask?"
  82. <jaczac> "Such a tome would likely be more useful than some of these pieces."
  83. <jaczac> I glance at the smut books.
  84. <kaiserA> "Well, if you think you can handle advanced runics, and post merlinian divination, then follow me"
  85. <kaiserA> Lord Michael stands up and walks towards a room with a staircase behind thick iron bars
  86. <jaczac> "How similar is post merlinian to pre-merlinian?"
  87. <jaczac> "I can do runes and runics, but I only studied pre merlinian in school"
  88. <kaiserA> "not at all, Merlin introduced concepts like ani deterministic cemantics into it, that changed the entire paradigm"
  89. <jaczac> "This will be interesting then."
  90. <kaiserA> "The main concept to understand is taking fate as a living being, moving on it's own will and having the ability to change itself upon it's past"
  91. <kaiserA> Lord michael grabs a big golden key and opens the lock, making a loud SHINK sounds as it opens
  92. <kaiserA> You take a walk along a dark baerly light hallway, the walls filled with scribbling you can baerly understand
  93. <kaiserA> eventually you reach onto a big circular room, with a chandelier hanging from the ceiling with blue flames on the candles
  94. <jaczac> I puzzle about how Merlin's works transcended reality as well.
  95. <jaczac> I mean we were in a game right?
  96. <kaiserA> "There it is, the complete works of Merlin the great, first edition non the less" He says as he points towards a pillar with a light beam ascending from it
  97. <jaczac> "Damn."
  98. <jaczac> "May I?"
  99. <kaiserA> "I don't understand your obsession with calling reality a game"
  100. <jaczac> ((that was introspection))
  101. <kaiserA> "You need to make a promise"
  102. <jaczac> "Of course."
  103. <kaiserA> "You need to make an oath you shall never use this knowlidge for vile pourposes, and keep in the light your heart"
  104. <jaczac> "Never my lord."
  105. <jaczac> "I will always work for the good of Life and Light."
  106. <kaiserA> "For the darkest night shall come and your souls shall not give up, I Lord Michael of Anetolia grant you the knowlidge you'll need" He says as lights dance arround his body, hitting you in the chest. You feel a light spark remain in you, but it doesn't seem to disturb you in any way
  107. <jaczac> I walk up to the book and open it.
  108. <jaczac> "Thank you Lord Michael."
  109. <kaiserA> You open the book, as a light beam blasts from it, you see reality itself, unveiling before your very eyes, time dancing on it's plane as it twists, your vissions are suddenly interrupted as Lord Michael closes the book
  110. <kaiserA> "You see, too much exposure can be harmful"
  111. <jaczac> "Apparently so."
  112. <jaczac> "How do I read it?"
  113. <kaiserA> "When the moon rises, and the birds sleep in the song of the queen2
  114. <kaiserA> "For if you aren't ready the mother beast will consume your very being"
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