Guest User


a guest
Jun 5th, 2016
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  1. Currency:
  2. Type: Vault
  3. Permission-mode:
  4. Enable: false
  5. Permission: advancedabilities.command
  6. Message: '&4Sorry&c, &4You no have permission&c!'
  7. Join:
  8. Enable: true
  9. Message:
  10. - '&6-------------------------------------'
  11. - '&7Hello &e%player%&7, check your abilities with &e/abilities&7'
  12. - '&7And check your stats with &e/abilities stats&7!'
  13. - '&6-------------------------------------'
  14. BuyPermission:
  15. Message: '&4You don''t have permission for buy %ability%&c!'
  16. Command:
  17. Message: '&4Command work only lobby&c!'
  18. DisableWorlds:
  19. - world1
  20. - world2
  21. - world3
  22. MultiWorld:
  23. Disable:
  24. - world1
  25. - world2
  26. - world3
  27. Message: '&4Sorry&c, &4Abilities no enable in this world&c!'
  28. Lang:
  29. Permission: '&c(&4&l!&c) You do not have permission&4.'
  30. MySQL:
  31. Enable: false
  32. Hostname: 'localhost'
  33. Username: 'root'
  34. Password: ''
  35. Port: 3306
  36. Database: 'YourDataBase'
  37. Chat:
  38. Enable: false
  39. Message: '&6Your %ability% &6to been activated'
  40. Animations:
  41. Vampire:
  42. Enable: true
  43. Sound: ''
  44. Effect: true
  45. Chance:
  46. Enable: false
  47. Message: '&6You were lucky and give you &e%chance% &6more hearth'
  48. LegendarySwords:
  49. Enable: true
  50. Sound: ''
  51. Protection:
  52. Enable: true
  53. Effect: true
  54. Chat: false
  55. Sound: ''
  56. TripleArrow:
  57. Effect: true
  58. Sound: ''
  59. RemoveArrowOnFall: 25 #Time in ticks, 20 ticks = 1 seconds
  60. Particles: true
  61. ParticleType: STEP_SOUND
  62. TimePerParticles: 25
  63. Adrenaline:
  64. SpeedTime: 100
  65. Level: 2
  66. MiningLuck:
  67. EnableNaturalDrop: true
  68. MaterialName: '&nExtra mineral'
  69. AntiSilkTouch: true
  70. DropType: MATERIAL
  71. FeatherWeight:
  72. Enable: true
  73. Woodchopping:
  74. Enable: true
  75. MaterialName: '&nExtra log'
  76. MyWolf:
  77. NameTag: '&c&k||&r &6&l%player% Wolf &7&lLvl %level% &c&k||&r'
  78. DespawnTime: true
  79. Messages:
  80. LegendarySwords: false
  81. Vampire: false
  82. Protection: false
  83. TripleArrow: false
  84. MiningLuck: false
  85. Woodchopping: false
  86. Adrenaline: false
  87. FeatherWeight: false
  88. FireResitance: false
  89. ExplosionResitance: false
  90. Stats-Without-Level: '&7No level'
  91. Stats:
  92. - '&6---------------------------------------'
  93. - '&a%player% &7abilities stats:'
  94. - ' '
  95. - 'LegendarySword: %LegendarySwords_Progress% &8| &7Level: %LegendarySwords_Level%'
  96. - 'Vampire: %Vampire_Progress% &8| &7Level: %Vampire_Level%'
  97. - 'Protection: %Protection_Progress% &8| &7Level: %Protection_Level%'
  98. - 'TripleArrow: %TripleArrow_Progress% &8| &7Level: %TripleArrow_Level%'
  99. - 'MiningLuck: %MiningLuck_Progress% &8| &7Level: %MiningLuck_Level%'
  100. - 'Woodchopping: %Woodchopping_Progress% &8| &7Level: %Woodchopping_Level%'
  101. - 'Adrenaline: %Adrenaline_Progress% &8| &7Level: %Adrenaline_Level%'
  102. - 'FeatherWeight: %FeatherWeight_Progress% &8| &7Level: %FeatherWeight_Level%'
  103. - 'FireResistance: %FireResistance_Progress% &8| &7Level: %FireResistance_Level%'
  104. - 'ExplosionResistance: %ExplosionResistance_Progress% &8| &7Level: %ExplosionResistance_Level%'
  105. - 'AntiPoison: %AntiPoison_Progress% &8| &7Level: %AntiPoison_Level%'
  106. - 'AntiBadMagic: %AntiBadMagic_Progress% &8| &7Level: %AntiBadMagic_Level%'
  107. - 'MyWolf: %MyWolf_Progress% &8| &7Level: %MyWolf_Level%'
  108. - ' '
  109. - '&6---------------------------------------'
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