
Lendis' Proper Creation I

Dec 4th, 2020
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  1. The materials are brought over and the first thing Nena does is starts to handle the processing of the Eitur Venom Gland. Rolling backwards off the preparing table she sticks the landing then pulls out some larger raw materials.
  3. "Alright! I'll deal with the gland first! Processing everything to make into components for the weapon is my first task. After that I can worry about integration and assembly. The gland will take a month or so to finish processing." Heating up some glass and mixing in very finely ground carbon dust and orichalcum powder she puts it into the furnace on in a container then starts to heat it up. Using both her magma magic to make sure the materials are mix and her metal magic to make sure that the orichalcum is arranged in a very particular pattern within the material.
  5. The structure for the orichalcum powder is similar to a hexagonal lattice with each line of power being separated with the smallest of gaps. This will allow for runesto be placed on the outside and still transfer a very large amount of mana and processes into the glass without the runes corroding away or being at risk of being in a highly modified environment.
  7. The carbon also provides an element feature that she will be tapping into later with runes. Finally with the material heated and organized to her liking she then starts to blow and shape the glass into a long tube then let's it cool properly hardening it's structure slowly and using the tension that is created from it to enhance the glass's strength and bond.
  9. Onward and forward to making the top and bottom. This was rather easy since she already had a myrthril, nysheek, tyrium blend prepared. She knew she was going to be handling poisons and this was something that would work great for that. Forming it into a top with a few ventilation holes and the bottom into a stand with mana crystal sockets she fitted them to the glass container.
  11. The glass now would be written on with several runes. The bottom layer controlling the acid to base ratio within the container sensing the inside with a detection rune Nena made it so that it would be automated. As well as a few fail safes incase the base got to high for the gland.
  13. The next set of runes was actually a trigger to cut the gland and force it into a new shape over time. This was to slowly shape it into what she wanted while keeping it still beating and alive as it was. Helping this even further a rune was placed to use healing herbs and the healing property of water to regenerate cells in the new shape she wanted.
  15. The final set of runes would be ones she had to trigger. It would use a sample of crystal that she had to impart the structure onto the gland. Which would allow the gland to be used as a more hard formed material in the final product and have it be much more workable. The inside of the crystalline form would still be beating. Since the gland could live without any bodily functions outside it's own it's survivability was immense and could be supported with a mana flow. That would improve the final weapon greatly.
  17. Happy with it she used water magic to wrap up the gland and put it into the container. The second she put on the lid and supplied the magic crystal power sources the glad was cut slightly and twisted. The water equaled out and then it sat there for several moments before it happened again.
  19. "First part done!"
  20. (Nena Denalia)
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. His eyes watch over her task with the gland. Just spectating from distance. Having a chair float over and rested underneath him. So he could sit there and watch her for whatever she aims to do during this endeavor. He feels bad that he isn't helping her with the creation at all. However he doesn't have a clue about how to go about this procedure. At least he took the time out of his life to procure all the object he needed. He only hopes soon his wish comes to fruition.
  25. "Alright! --So I'd assume this will take quite a while to make the whole weapon. Which is fine. --If you do happen to need any help, love. Let me know! Otherwise I'll just stick around and watch you work your magick."
  26. (Kirk Argyris)
  27. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. "Yep, so this part will take about a month or so to fully form. I can work on a few more pieces today! Let's see..." Both thinking about the help that he had offered and which piece to work on next she looked over everything carefully.
  31. The scale would be a great place to go from here. Especially, because she had a method of processing it that would take a long time to set. Picking up the scale with a tong she then moved it into a very large mortal and pestle. Handing Kirk the pestle. "Can you grind this up for me? I need to get it into powder before I keep working with it. If you can do that while I provide a flow of water and suppression to the fire with my fire and water magic respectively that would be great! If I don't constantly do that then it will explode and burn us~" She made a chilling rune. One of the most common use runes then flowed a large amount of water onto it and into the bowl. The second that the water entered the bowl there was a hissing sound. She made the line of water connect back up to the cooling rune making a cooling system. Then with her other hand she made sure to suppress the fire the was leaking out of the scale.
  33. This provided a good work space for Kirk to grind the scale up in. "Alright! Ready when you are." She smiled warmly at him.
  34. (Nena Denalia)
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. Kirk's brow rose up a tad. As he takes hold of the mortar and pestle. Looking down at the scale within. Nodding not long afterwards. Hoping the thing doesn't explode as that would be quite unfortunate.
  39. "I just need to grind it? Thats not too hard. --Let me know when your ready"
  41. He said awaiting her call. Grinding once she has everything set up. Solely focused on that alone. Letting her cool and keep the scale relaxed. Until it eventually was ground into a dust. His hands absolutely froze over, much like the dust of the Red God himself. --Once it was finished he settled the mortar on the table. Shaking his freezing hands.
  43. "Nena can you warm my hands up some... I literally can't feel them."
  45. The man asked while awaiting her assistance. Just before letting her continue on with her task. Unsure of the direction she plans to go with it!
  46. (Kirk Argyris)
  47. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. Working the water taking away the finely ground dust as it was ground up to prevent further sparks and ignition as well as just to not really worry about it. Else she would have had to focus on making sure she didn't pick up any as she went, and that just wasn't worth it.
  51. Kirk did a great job and when it was all finished the dust that was still in the bowl was added to with the dust that was in the water. Moving all the dust into a portion of the water then breaking that off into the bowl. Then heating lightly to evaporate the water. Likely the scale was for more mineral than anything else. It's structure wouldn't be broken water so easily, but it did form back together nicely.
  53. Looking to Kirk she smiled warmly holding his hands in hers and heating them up. "Sure~" Giving them a heated kiss she made sure they were alright before returning to the powder tamping it down in a metal container. The sides of the container started to glow red with the heat. Though this served to fuse the dust back together. At this point it was a small round red disk.
  55. "Alrighty! That part is done as well. Though it'll need time under a weight and circulating air before it's ready to use. Otherwise it may crack!" She moved the disk into a vented area she had and activated it two air runes starting a circulation.
  57. "I think that'll be it for now~"
  58. (Nena Denalia)
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