
Downloading your comics from Comixology/ReadDCEntertainment

Dec 14th, 2013
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  1. Requirements:
  2. Firefox
  3. *nix Terminal (I recommend Cygwin for Windows)
  4. Notepad++
  5. Optionally Total Commander for bulk renaming of files.
  7. 1. Open Firefox
  8. 2. Open the comicviewer on comixology/readdcentertainment for the comic you want in Firefox.
  9. 3. Clear your cache in Firefox, otherwise you'll have a bad time trying to find the comic pages you want.
  10. 4. Refresh the comicviewer page _once_!
  11. 5. Goto the adress "about:cache?device=memory" in Firefox
  12. 6. You should now see a bunch of URLs at the top on the about:cache page that start with something along the lines of https://fastreader.***etcetera***.
  13. 7. Right-click and save all of those files (One per comic-page), if you screw up, delete those files you downloaded and clear your cache again.
  14. Make sure you do not download the same file twice, firefox will _not_ prompt you about it.
  15. 8. Optionally rename the file to something easy to remember, ex. 001.hex, 002.hex, 003.hex, etc.
  16. 9. In Notepad++ make a new file, paste this:
  18. if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
  19. echo 'Run script as ./hexconv ext'
  20. exit 0
  21. fi
  23. for file in *.$1
  24. do
  25. filename=$(basename $file)
  26. extension="${filename##*.}"
  27. filename="${filename%.*}"
  29. sed -n '/00000000:/,$p' $file | sed '1s/^.....//' | head -n -3 | awk '{print $2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" "$7" "$8" "$9" "$10" "$11" "$12" "$13" "$14" "$15" "$16" "$17}' | xxd -p -r > $filename.jpg
  30. done
  32. 10. Go to Edit->EOL-Converting->Convert to UNIX
  33. 11. Save the file as hexconv (no extension) in the folder where all your unprocessed files are.
  34. 12. Open your terminal and navigate to where you saved your *.hex/*.whatever files.
  35. 13. Enter the command ./hexconv and what your files extensions is, like this: ./hexconv hex/txt/whatever (ex ./hexconv txt)
  36. 14. You now have a folder with *.jpg files, these are your comic-pages, but probably not in order.
  37. 15. Return to your comicviewer page and compare your converted comic-pages with the ones in the comicviewer, rename accordingly.
  38. 15b. If you want, you can just rename the files to the order you want, then use Total Commanders Bulk-renamer tool to add the name of the comic and the page-numbering.
  39. 16. After renaming the *.jpg files to your pleasure, add the files to a zip-archive and rename the extension to .cbr.
  40. 17. You're done! Good Luck!
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