

Dec 26th, 2016
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  1. @realDonaldTrump #nuclear #nukes #nuke #radioactive #nopenopenope
  3. Welcome to the nuclear race, the Radioactive mutated wunderkind known only as Trumpericans, those who are without recourse, respite, rest, or peace! those who would follow a super tanned freak of hunchbacked rage into the world of hissy fitts, thin skinned over prompted rebuttles, and things that make no god damned sense! Welcome to the rage people, I hope you're ready, because life is going to glow in the dark like a demoncaly discharged pile of crap wearing a pile of wet hay.
  5. And i know what you're thinking, andn o fucks will be given, all fucks have been sold and I have no more to give, and to be honest, I love raging against a tiny handed squinty owl dropping of a man. A man who surrounds himself with yes men! Or is he the Yes Man to them? the world may never know, and I'm not one for great philosphical debate on the patience and worthiness of a disgruntled cheeto in a cheap suit and more scabs peeling away than a road rash victim. Or any of the Road Rash games for that matter.
  7. the truthiness is Donald, that I don't like you. I don't hate you, YET, but that's mainly due to the fact that you haven't set us a blaze in green glowing beauty, and I think that's where you're going to take us. you love the Hulk so much you're accelerating us to the day where we are ALL going to be a bunch of green rage monster who have trouble maintaining a pair of pants for absolutely obvious reasons. And yes, I'm quite aware that where i live is alligned the way they are, and I still don't care.
  9. donald, I DARE call you out, because you prove unworthy, more and more each day, of the office title of "Guy that hands out staples, at Staples." this is a quick post, not because i want to keep going, believe me, I have a whole host of things I want to rage about, but mostly because, I've already stated everything I actually want to state, and i have the balls to absolutely state it.
  11. Lastly, what gives me the right to critisize, to complain about, to mock, insult, inquire, and wise crack about you? Especially when people from other countries question my audacity at such a thing? Why, it's because I'm following your example, exaggerating the exaggeratable, and giving no fucks about it. I'd much rather be writing a scathing review of your hotels burgers, hatfully prepped with tiny, untrained hands, or your lack of foresight into the truth fan, the fake shit you've been casting is heading towards the back of it, and your standing in front of it!
  13. Take care to stand REALLY close to it when you practice your Vader voice, cause when the bombs drop from WW3, that's the only one you'll really need to use.
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