
FEF6, Chronology of Troian Empire/Overseasland

Jun 24th, 2016
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  3. Troian Era:
  5. 0, or Year of Hope (YH): Troy Lionheart, a young knight, amasses an army in the city of Dia and vows to unite the world under his banner.
  6. 1-11: Troy Lionheart conquers cities and lands embroiled in poverty and in-fighting, quickly expanding his rule. Few days after conquest of the city of Mer (today Mirr), he proclaims himself the Emperor.
  7. 11-30: Massive eradication of monsters and magically transformed people begins under leadership of Troy Lionheart. Thanks to this twenty years' crusade, monsters are rarely found in inhabited regions nowadays.
  8. 10: First humans settle on southern island that appeared during Magic Wars; in less than 20 years, several thriving cities appear on it (later they are united into Duchy of Sud).
  9. 16: The literary work 'The Dangers of Free Magic' of Priestess Lachesis becomes the foundation for a ban on freely-taught magic. Within thirty years, most of public magic schools are closed, and the priviledge of using magic is left for the nobility and priests.
  10. 26: Emperor Troy Lionheart turns part of the Empire into the Duchy of Mireos, giving it to his second eldest son, Mireos. In next few years, he further divides the Empire into Duchies for the remaining eleven of his children, except his heir, Leon.
  11. 38: Emperor Troy Lionheart dies of old age. Beginning of the Succession Wars.
  12. 38-43: Succession Wars: Eight of Troy Lionheart's children die as others subjugate and divide their lands.
  13. 42: Massacre of Pluma; Baroness Pluma is killed, along with most of the city's population. After Succession Wars, Pluma Barony is dissolved and absorbed by Empire.
  14. 43: After subjugating his remaining siblings - Prince Mireos, Prince Sud and Princess Valkira - and forcing them to swear loyalty, the Crown Prince Leon crowns himself as Troy II, starting a tradition of the Emperors renaming themselves after the late founder of the dynasty.
  15. 50: Rebellion of Sud the Younger: Disasterous rebellion that leaves most of the southern island ravaged by war. Duchy of Kretos is founded on the ruins of Duchy Sud.
  16. 58-65: The Seven Years of Fire: Abnormally high temperatures noted across the world; spontaneous forest and crop fires plague the known lands, especially in the southern regions.
  17. 66: Crown Prince Archibald becomes Troy III.
  18. 68: The Great Flood: After an earthquake and enormous tidal waves occuring, most of the land in the north is submerged, separating County of Mireos from rest of the Empire. The only piece of land that wasn't submerged is called today as 'The Dead Island', the name came from the fact that the ground is too salty to provide life.
  19. 71: Troy III proclaims that the lands in the south, between Gesselring County and Troian Empire are forever unfit for settlement. First use of the name 'The Magic Wasteland' in written documents.
  20. 80-100: "Temple of the Dragon" slowly becomes dominant religion of the Troian Empire, and by the end of the year 100, it officially becomes the only cult in the Empire, and it's headquarters are in Dia, the City of Scholars.
  21. 84: "One Day Revolt" in the County of Stava. Count Stavos II dies from the blade of his own aide; the County is dissolved by Troy III and absorbed into the Troian Empire.
  22. 104: Troy III dies after falling from a horse; his ten years old son, Crown Prince Alexander, becomes Troy IV.
  23. 110-113: Rebellion of Duke Eren; his army of mages and paladins conquer lands from Eren to Stavenvalt. After the Second Siege of Stavenvalt, army of Troy IV slowly pushed the rebels back to Eren, where they are defeated. Duke Eren is beheaded by the Emperor Troy IV himself; the Duchy is dissolved and absorbed by the Empire. County of Mireos is now the only land where direct descendants of Troy Lionheart are rulers.
  24. 113-164: "Fifty Years' Peace"; five decades of moderate peace and prosperity in the Empire and it's affiliated lands. Sciences and culture flourish; people entertain themselves in theatres and operas, and scholars build prototype steam engines and other mechanical marvels. Unfortunately, later during that time, Troy V becomes an example of debauchery and greed, and was known to possess at least forty six concubines at the peak of his harem's size. His traits of greed for power, women and wealth were ingrained into future Emperors, who became less concerned about the Empire and more about themselves.
  25. 116-120: 'The Crimson Affairs of Twelve Siblings', a romanticized epic about Succession Wars, is written by historian Duriss Jorinn. The epic, numbering one thousand five hundred fifty one pages, and with a cast of over three hundred different, detailed characters, ranging from simple officers and adventurers to the children of Troy Lionheart themselves, quickly becomes the the bestselling book amongst the populace, and is still read by many even today.
  26. 141: This year's Imperial Census puts the population of Troian Empire and it's affiliaties at 2 millions, first time since the end of Magic Wars. Later that year, Troy IV dies of old age and Crown Prince Gustav becomes Troy V.
  27. 159: Troy V dies from exhaustion and cardiac arrest during one of his week-long feasts in his harem. His son, Eric, takes the throne (becoming Troy VI) and in his first edict he immediatelly bans possession of harems by aristocrats.
  28. 164: City of Lires rebels against young Emperor Troy VI. The brutal subjugation is avoided thanks to the efforts of Pegasus General, Lain Syra; City of Lires and surrounding lands become her domain known as 'Barony of Syra'.
  29. 166-168: The Crimson Plague; terrible plague spreads in the known lands, its sympthoms being high fever, voice-garbling dry cough and vivid hallucinations. The heaviest casualties are in the lands between cities of Syra and Dia (up to thirty thousand dead), whilst Duchy of Kretos records less than 250 dead from this plague.
  30. ~170: Around this year, the last historical documents from the Age Before Wars are seen in public. It is assumed that some records of the ancient times are still kept in private libraries or Imperial archives in the city of Troi.
  31. 172-174: Baron Reinhard Arikas and Count Wulf Gesselring incite a revolt in their lands, trying to topple Emperor Troy VI. His general, Garaz, defeats the rebels and executes their leaders after the three-day siege of Gemera. Emperor Troy VI forms a County out of the subjugated lands and gives it to General Garaz, proclaiming him a Count.
  32. 179: Troy VI dies without a son and without a will, leaving the problem of succession to his two daughters. Meek and shy Masalla agrees to pass the throne to the younger but more ambitious Helra. Helra proclaims herself as Empress.
  33. 179-187: Reforms of Empress Helra; Empress Helra standarizes the measurement system, enforces united currency in every known land and lifts the ban on magic teaching for the military, allowing first squads and batallions of mages since Magic Wars to form under one person's rule.
  34. 185-186: Count Garaz and Duke Kretos V have few arguments over sea trade and piracy, and the two rulers slowly turn hostile to each other, to the point of a war; Garaz's army lands on Kretos and conquers some of the eastern coast, until intervention of Empress Helra. The war ends, albeit Garaz retains the conquered lands, much to Kretos V's chagrin.
  35. 190: Setine Prison Settlement founded in Vinland; in next three decades, it becomes Free Port Setine.
  36. 191-193: The Purge of Blue: Empress Helra decides to get rid of corrupt and abusive nobles and officials from all ranks and classes within the mainland Empire; up to 12 thousand people fall victim to this purge, many of which are executed or forced to commit suicide, mostly for corruption and/or treason of some kind - the 'lucky' few are exiled to Setine Prison.
  37. 190-200: Poverty and cruelty towards commoners becomes everyday occurence in the Kretos Duchy.
  38. 192: Count Riemond, younger brother of Duke Michalis, rebels and splits Mireos Duchy. Thanks to large contributions sent to Empress Helra, he remains in the power of the conquered land.
  39. 203-208: Numerous assasination attempts against Empress Helra;
  40. 206-208: Yellow Glove Rebellion; a group of particularily orthodox monks of the Dragon Cult seize control of Dia Castle and surrounding lands, demanding that control of the Empire be turned to the 'Voice of the Dragon', Archbishop Magallis. Supported by local populace, the Yellow Glove Army, named after characteristic golden-thread gloves their wore, was quite successful at repelling the Imperial army before Empress Helra began to threaten and execute the supporting citizenry. City of Dia fell after a week-long siege, and every Yellow Glove member was executed, putting the rebellion to its end.
  41. ~210: Rumors emerge that Duke Kretos V is dabbling in the long forbidden art of dark magic and necromancy to keep himself alive.
  42. 212: Empress Helra dies; her only son, Yurgen, takes the crown and becomes Troy VII. He quickly proves to be cruel, greedy and selfish ruler, the worst since Troy V.
  43. 216: The Birthday Massacre: Emperor Troy VII, on his twentieth birthday, orders a unit of drunken soldiers to shoot from crossbows at the crowd of peasants that gathered in the courtyard of the Troy Castle to celebrate; more than four hundred die during the shooting and at least another one hundred during the stampede that occured when the panicked crowd began to escape the castle. Emperor Troy VII was reportedly enjoying the 'performance' of his subjects.
  44. 217: Royal Concubine Elizabeth gives birth to Crown Prince Ephraim. Few weeks later, the Prince drowns in a bath tub; foul play suspected and several maids are executed, but the perpetrator(s) of this crime weren't found.
  45. 220-222: Autonomy movements grow strong in Duchy of Mireos, and rumors say that even the high levels of aristocracy support breaking away from the Empire. Several small peasant uprisings start and are brutally queled during those two years in the mainland Empire.
  46. 222: Imperial Civil War; in the end, Troy VII is overthrown and young Grifen is installed as Empress. She quickly becomes a well-liked figure amongst the citizenry.
  47. 223-230: Seven Years of War: Numerous territories rebel against the new Empress, but Troian Empire prevails and its enemies weaken or are destroyed.
  48. 232: First Council Session hosted in city of Troi; the Council becomes advisory body to Troian Emperors and Empresses for next century.
  49. 244: Last of slaves on Kretos freed; slavery fully abolished.
  50. 260: Empress Grifen abdicates in favor of her son Marik, who becomes Emperor Marik I.
  51. 276: Emperor Marik I abdicates due to health problems (he dies a year later); his daughter Sheila becomes Empress Sheila I.
  52. 289-296: Very hot summers and cold winters seven years in a row devastate the food production in the Empire, causing riots and discontent. Tax reforms of Empress Sheila and her Council are met with even more opposition; Empress Sheila, convinced by her grandmother, abdicates. Her son, Arius, replaces her and immediatelly spends a large portion of Imperial funds on buying food from abroad, gaining citizens' praise.
  53. 299: A strange ship with foreigners speaking an alien language is stranded on the Isle of Port Eastway. Majority of the foreigners die in a skirmish that occurs when Imperial soldiers try to capture them; the remaining few are sent to Troi for interrogation.
  54. 315: Emperor Arius abdicates due to old age; his son Julius ascends the throne.
  55. 322: Group of three ships arrives in Pluma; Troian-Reich contact formally established, the few of captives from 299 acting as translators (they're later allowed to return home).
  56. 327: Marvels of Reich's Geomancy allow Magical Wasteland to be purified and its swamps dried; furthermore, the Crater Lake is plugged but the ground instead turns into swampland. Isle of Mireos and Mainland Empire finally connected via land bridge, first time since the Flood of 68.
  57. 329: Tentacle Grape Plague: the population of parasitic vine known as Tentacle Grape booms, destroying crops around the Archipelago; Imperial Treasury goes into debt while purchasing foodstuffs from the Reich. Emperor Julius abdicates after pressure from the Council, his son Yonax takes on name of Troy VIII.
  58. 333: Numerous conflicts between the Council and Troy VIII end in his forced abdication; the Council installs his more easily manipulated younger brother, Fezz, on the throne.
  59. 335: Emperor Fezz, guided by his sisters, imprisons and/or assasinates all of the Council members, and later in the year dissolves the Council altogether.
  60. 336: Emperor Fezz disappears early in the spring, only leaving a letter of abdication (which historians believe was forged). This sparks the succession crisis known as 'War of Three Queens'.
  61. 336-342: War of Three Queens: each of Fezz's sisters claims the Throne. Helra II is backed by the Reich, Sheila II by the Western Republic while Agenia controls the Mainland Empire. This bloody war leaves all three dead, along with most of their children, disrupting the line of succession so hard that Helra's youngest son, Matias, becomes Emperor Matias, quickly gaining the nickname "The Unlikely" due to the origins of his ascension.
  62. ~350 onwards: Relations with the Reich worsen as the debts from Tentacle Grape Plague and the War of Three Queens remain unpaid.
  63. 357: Little Ship affair; a small passenger ship, carrying delegates from the Reich, either crashes or is deliberately steered onto the rocky waters near The Traitors; Emperor Matias refuses to apologize to the Reich; in turn, Reich agents stir the nobles of the Empire against the Emperor.
  64. 359: Belmonte Revolt: the powerful Belmonte family rebels against Emperor Matias. A civil war that takes six months sees 40.000 people dead and Imperial military severely crippled. Emperor's popularity suffers and the rioting in Troi forces him to abdicate; Imperial advisors, bribed or otherwise influenced by the Reich, install his cousin Daen as Troy IX.
  65. 361-362: The Reich Invasion; flotillas of the Reich Navy attack several ports in Eastern Empire. Troian Navy suffers several decisive defeats. In 362, strategically important cities of Dia and Plumma are captured by the Reich after prolonged sieges.
  66. 362, 20th July: Troy IX is forced to abdicate by Reich envoys after the city of Troi is besieged for three months and its large population riots due to food shortages. In the next two months, the Reich takes over most of the Troian Empire, then announces its dissolution and creation of Overseasland, a province of the Reich.
  67. 362-372: During this period, the Reich-occupied Overseasland battles the Garazian City-States, Free Western Republic and Principality of Setine, slowly but surely subduing it and incorporating its territories into Overseasland.
  68. 373: The port city of Pluma is renamed Blumhart and becomes the official seat of Reich's Governor-General and the capital of all of the Overseasland.
  69. 378: The city of Dia rebels against the Reich occupants; in response, Governor-General Ainshoff sends the Overseasland Guardian Force against it. City of Dia disappears from the map as a result of the brutal retaliatory attack.
  70. 385: TODAY
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