
Sylums L̶o̶g̶ Rambling

Nov 29th, 2015
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  1. Entry 1
  2. So, uh. My name is Sylum. An experiment made from Xenon and who is now locked up in an advance cell thanks to some..Poor choices. I'm making a mental log that no one would be able to see of read so I wont go insane. If I can go insane. I'm not really sure, I'm not a normal human or human at all. I'm a straight Jacket with an energy body. I'm not sure how I work. I dont think anyone is.
  4. Entry 2
  5. I never gave much thought to what I am, or who I am considering I just was made one day and had a name slapped onto me. Its a good name, Sylum. Not the most imaginative by any means. but what else would you call a living jacket. Bob? MadnessMonger? Actually, speaking of Mongers, I suppose Hatemonger is the closes thing to me, hes red. Emotion based, if insanity is an emotion. I doubt it is, or that me and monger would sit down and talk. I barley know the guy and chances are he'd just attack or laugh me off. Whether it'd be Guffy telling him to or not. Mcguffy, one of the few people I know, and by know I mean seen everyone in awhile. I think fought too, memories are really really fuzzy about that. A lot of them are, like how I was made, or the train. Back to Guffy...Well I'm not sure what else to say. I never knew him that well. Or anyone thinking about it...
  7. Entry 3
  8. I dont know if I'm doing this right, should I wait a long is a day? 24 hours, 60 minutes in a hour...I'd have to keep track of time. With no starting point...Maybe I should just keep doing what I have been doing.
  10. Entry 4
  11. Friends. I dont think I ever had any technically. Wells knew me, Bud I guess owns me, Fucking 5. No one actually stayed and talked with me, no one hanged out. We just ran into each other then a villain attacked. Of course its not like I've had anything to talk about. No job, no family. People dont seem to care about a talking coat, but who can blame them. When there are people like Eri, bud or That Haze fellow. I'm just a coat with claws.
  13. Entry 5
  14. I wonder if this place is taping me. I've been speaking out loud, maybe I can get the tapes if I'm ever let go...Hahaha...ha
  16. Entry 6
  17. I guess the closes person I've been to is Lock. Of course what are the chances he'd care about me after what I did, opening the Meatverse, or was it called the CancerVerse. Whichever, we had to do. Something. Again can't remember it well, or the following months afterwords. Just that I messed up and he hates me...I think, last time I saw him he punched me in the face so. Good chance he still does. God listen to me ramble about how pathetic I am. Good think no one can hear or read this.
  19. Entry 7
  20. I am pathetic, nothing but a worthless coat, I brought the MeatVerse here, froze when Technowizard had a bomb And had a plan that would probably set it off. I ran when I should of faced what I did. Now I'm locked in some maximum security prison who knows how far from Xenon. What would I do even if I get out of here. Go to Bud? Have lunch with Hatemonger. No. I'll be alone and rot, in here or out there.
  22. Entry 8
  23. Actually I've been thinking this place is just that Meri fellows closet. Fitting since I'm a coat, jacket...I can even decide which I am.
  25. Entry 9
  26. I'm nothing, a sack of energy that can't do anything right and just makes constant mistakes. Lock, Bud, Wells, Cadence...Cadence...She probably moved on, who would care about me. Who would be lovers with a killer. The families. God I thought if I turned myself in and faced what I've done I would get over it but No. Now the guilt is worse then ever. Everything I've done. I nearly killed Chloran, Sylock. I should stay here for the rest of my life, even if that is forever. I'll stop thinking eventually...
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